259289 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK �59��9 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�TSE COA'R�'tITTEE COU CIL ESOLUTION-GENE L FORM coMM159 ONE prF Jul.y 18, 1972 RF,SOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons a.t the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Merlin, Douglas & James Flatz and Rodger Beasley 1605 Selby Ldy-D.C.Plant Appn M 406 New John Gross 544-50 Smith Gas Sta. Q1'. " 191.g " " !i Gen.Rep.Gar. " " " " " Cigarette " '� " Orville H. Faulkner 880 Payne Beauty Shop " 2741 " Dennis Mayeron 1770 Beechwood Foodstui'f(V.P.) " 2785 " " " Vehicle Peddler 28 " 2786 " Quentin P. Neubauer 1627 4Jhite Bear Gas Sta. 8P. " 2817 " " " Gen.Rep.Gax. " " " Virgil Doerfler 1905 Wilson Swimmin� Pool " 2823 " Greg 0'Lau�hlin 675 Randolph Gas Sta. 3P. " 2918 " Nader Ghermezian c�o St. Paul Hilton 11 E. Kellogg Auctioneer(1 Day) " 2992 " Constancy L. John 11E9 Reaney Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 2999 " John M. rIarlowe 205 E. Congress Mtr.Veh.Dr, " �009 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� �U L 18 197�_ Yeas Nays � Bu er �� ` �� JUL 19 9� lson �Opa�� Ap ve Levine �;,%t� L ine MereditFi `�'.�.���� Favor M edith Sprafka Tedesco ' � or S �a MtL�e. Pxesident,,611t1�1 Againat T sco Mr. Pres dent, McCarty P�S�#1,I�kb�D „��e�r� �