02-54Council File # �a-� S Green Sheet g � f Op 92 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to : Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) has provided funding 2 through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Drug Elimination 3 Program to the Division of Pazks and Recreation for the McDonough Recreauon Center Teen 4 Council and Youth Activi6es program since 1993; and 5 WHEREAS, the PHA grant funding from the Drug Elimination Program, includ'mg 6 funding for this project, will expire on December 31, 2001, and the McDonough Recreauon 7 Center Teen Council and Youth Activities Program faces reductions due to a lack of funding; 8 and 9 WHEREAS, the PHA has applied for and was awarded a 2002 Drug Eliminauon 10 Program Grant which includes funding for the Teen Council and Youth Activiues Program at ll McDonough Recreation Center; and 12 WHEREAS, as a result of this grant award, the Division of Parks and Recreauon is 13 eligible to receive $47,800 in federal grant funding for operating a Teen Council and Youth 14 Activities Program in the McDonough Recreation Center community; and 15 WHEREAS, upon project approval the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formal 16 contract with the Public Housing Agency of Saint Paul for the specific purpose of 17 implementing a Teen Council and Youth Activities Program at McDonough Recreation 18 Center; and 19 20 21 22 23 � WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and WHEREAS, Council file 277520, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Polices; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget: P �� i a � z . �S � tt o�°� Z 25 Division of Parks and Recreation 26 McDonough Teen Council Program C�urent Amended 6�. - S� 27 Financing plan BudEet C es Bud�et 28 325-23102-3400 State D'uect Grants in Aid 0 47,800 47,800 29 325 All Other Financing 6.692.764 0 6.692.764 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 � 46 41 42 43 44 45 TOTALS Division of Parks and Recreation McDonough Teen Council Program Spending Plan 325-23102-0219 Fees - Other Pro Service 325-23102-0283 Rental - Vehicles 325-23102-0299 Other Miscellaneous Ser 325-23102-0357 Recrearion/Athletic All Other Spending TOTAL 6,692,764 47,800 6,740,564 C�rrent Bud¢et 75,000 30,000 37,000 180,000 6,370.764 Chan¢es 31,856 1,677 5,622 8,645 0 Amended Bud¢et 106,856 31,677 42,622 188,645 6370,764 6,692,764 47,800 6,740,564 1�IOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper city officials to enter into the necessary agreements to accept and expend the $47,800 Housing and Urban Development, Drug Elnnination Program grant funding available through the Public Housing Agency, approves these changes to the 2002 budget and intends to auffiorize any unspent grant monies to be re-appropriated in 2003 to avoid a lapse in service delivery, the total not to exceed the above budget. 1"4�„� 2 aF 2. ���� Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Blakey _ ,/ Bostrom ,� Col eman � Harris y Ldntzy _ V Reiter � Q I a I Adopted by Council: Date S�� OD �. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Mayor: ' f A.i Reques ed by: Div' on of Park a By: �"""' fR / !/ Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: s �i u�►. ar�•�� Form Approved by Cit At mey By: %i���-� (�--�,� Approv�fl ]�y Mayor for Counc� � /1 �� �����f �`��� ��� � Parks and Recreation LOMAGT PEIiSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'fE) January i 6, 2001 Suggested sponsor: Councilmember Reiter DATEINRIATED December GREEN SHEET 24, 2001 ��T a�-S N0.110092 z��°� INIi1AL/DATE IGN NUMBEqFO fl0Ui1NG OR�ER 1 �EPARiMENT DIRECTOR� 3 crrvnrroaru� Z FlNANCIAL SERVICES DIR.� 4 MAVOP �OR ASSI5iANn INIiIAVDATE 5 c�rr couNCa � CITY CLERK 6 FlNANGIALSERV/ACCTG 7 _Rossberg - 300 CHA�_ 70TAL 4 OF SIGNANRE PAGES � CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANIiE) ACT10N REQUESTED: Signatures authorizing a budget amendment which will allow Parks and Recreation to accept $47,800 in funding from the Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program for use in providing youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center in 2002. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Peject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE dVILSERVICE GOMMISSION A STAFF INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha[, When, Where. Whyi: Fxplain all ye3 answen on separMe sM1eet and attach ro green shee[. PENSONAL SEIMCE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: L Has this persoNfirm ever worksd under a conVaci fo� [his tleparbneni? YES NO 2. Haz this person/tirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this personRirm a targeted vendoR YES NO The Public Housing Agency's award of $47,800 to the Division of Parks and Recreation to provide youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center during 2002 requires an amendment to the Division ot Parks and Recreation budget. ADVANTAGES�IF APPROVED: This budget amendment will allow McDonough Recreation Center to provide a range of worthwhile activities d �� 2002 to at risk youth who frequeM the facility. Q ����1�' , DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF N0T APPflOVED � Without this necessary budget amendment, the Division of Parks and Recreation will lose the opportunity to provide worthwhile activities for the at risk youth who frequent McDonough Recreation CenYer during 2002. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � 47.HOO COST/FEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONEI YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Saint Paul Public Housin4 Apencv ACi1VRV NUMBEH 237 02 FINANCIAL INFOPMATION: (EXPL4IN) 547,800 in graM funds to be added to Division of Parks and Recreation budqet. �� �� � � rt � + � ' Council File # �a-� S Green Sheet g � f Op 92 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to : Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) has provided funding 2 through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Drug Elimination 3 Program to the Division of Pazks and Recreation for the McDonough Recreauon Center Teen 4 Council and Youth Activi6es program since 1993; and 5 WHEREAS, the PHA grant funding from the Drug Elimination Program, includ'mg 6 funding for this project, will expire on December 31, 2001, and the McDonough Recreauon 7 Center Teen Council and Youth Activities Program faces reductions due to a lack of funding; 8 and 9 WHEREAS, the PHA has applied for and was awarded a 2002 Drug Eliminauon 10 Program Grant which includes funding for the Teen Council and Youth Activiues Program at ll McDonough Recreation Center; and 12 WHEREAS, as a result of this grant award, the Division of Parks and Recreauon is 13 eligible to receive $47,800 in federal grant funding for operating a Teen Council and Youth 14 Activities Program in the McDonough Recreation Center community; and 15 WHEREAS, upon project approval the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formal 16 contract with the Public Housing Agency of Saint Paul for the specific purpose of 17 implementing a Teen Council and Youth Activities Program at McDonough Recreation 18 Center; and 19 20 21 22 23 � WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and WHEREAS, Council file 277520, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Polices; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget: P �� i a � z . �S � tt o�°� Z 25 Division of Parks and Recreation 26 McDonough Teen Council Program C�urent Amended 6�. - S� 27 Financing plan BudEet C es Bud�et 28 325-23102-3400 State D'uect Grants in Aid 0 47,800 47,800 29 325 All Other Financing 6.692.764 0 6.692.764 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 � 46 41 42 43 44 45 TOTALS Division of Parks and Recreation McDonough Teen Council Program Spending Plan 325-23102-0219 Fees - Other Pro Service 325-23102-0283 Rental - Vehicles 325-23102-0299 Other Miscellaneous Ser 325-23102-0357 Recrearion/Athletic All Other Spending TOTAL 6,692,764 47,800 6,740,564 C�rrent Bud¢et 75,000 30,000 37,000 180,000 6,370.764 Chan¢es 31,856 1,677 5,622 8,645 0 Amended Bud¢et 106,856 31,677 42,622 188,645 6370,764 6,692,764 47,800 6,740,564 1�IOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper city officials to enter into the necessary agreements to accept and expend the $47,800 Housing and Urban Development, Drug Elnnination Program grant funding available through the Public Housing Agency, approves these changes to the 2002 budget and intends to auffiorize any unspent grant monies to be re-appropriated in 2003 to avoid a lapse in service delivery, the total not to exceed the above budget. 1"4�„� 2 aF 2. ���� Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Blakey _ ,/ Bostrom ,� Col eman � Harris y Ldntzy _ V Reiter � Q I a I Adopted by Council: Date S�� OD �. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Mayor: ' f A.i Reques ed by: Div' on of Park a By: �"""' fR / !/ Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: s �i u�►. ar�•�� Form Approved by Cit At mey By: %i���-� (�--�,� Approv�fl ]�y Mayor for Counc� � /1 �� �����f �`��� ��� � Parks and Recreation LOMAGT PEIiSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'fE) January i 6, 2001 Suggested sponsor: Councilmember Reiter DATEINRIATED December GREEN SHEET 24, 2001 ��T a�-S N0.110092 z��°� INIi1AL/DATE IGN NUMBEqFO fl0Ui1NG OR�ER 1 �EPARiMENT DIRECTOR� 3 crrvnrroaru� Z FlNANCIAL SERVICES DIR.� 4 MAVOP �OR ASSI5iANn INIiIAVDATE 5 c�rr couNCa � CITY CLERK 6 FlNANGIALSERV/ACCTG 7 _Rossberg - 300 CHA�_ 70TAL 4 OF SIGNANRE PAGES � CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANIiE) ACT10N REQUESTED: Signatures authorizing a budget amendment which will allow Parks and Recreation to accept $47,800 in funding from the Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program for use in providing youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center in 2002. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Peject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE dVILSERVICE GOMMISSION A STAFF INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha[, When, Where. Whyi: Fxplain all ye3 answen on separMe sM1eet and attach ro green shee[. PENSONAL SEIMCE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: L Has this persoNfirm ever worksd under a conVaci fo� [his tleparbneni? YES NO 2. Haz this person/tirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this personRirm a targeted vendoR YES NO The Public Housing Agency's award of $47,800 to the Division of Parks and Recreation to provide youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center during 2002 requires an amendment to the Division ot Parks and Recreation budget. ADVANTAGES�IF APPROVED: This budget amendment will allow McDonough Recreation Center to provide a range of worthwhile activities d �� 2002 to at risk youth who frequeM the facility. Q ����1�' , DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF N0T APPflOVED � Without this necessary budget amendment, the Division of Parks and Recreation will lose the opportunity to provide worthwhile activities for the at risk youth who frequent McDonough Recreation CenYer during 2002. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � 47.HOO COST/FEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONEI YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Saint Paul Public Housin4 Apencv ACi1VRV NUMBEH 237 02 FINANCIAL INFOPMATION: (EXPL4IN) 547,800 in graM funds to be added to Division of Parks and Recreation budqet. �� �� � � rt � + � '