259281 ORIGINAL�CITY CL6RK �Q�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL LUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRE56liTED BY ' COMMISSIONE AT� �13, The eity of :aa,int Panl ae:ting throvgh its Yalnation Snginter has aecured an agreeuest for the� parel�ase oP tha.t certain pro�erty describe�. as fa]1a�r�a: The Southerl�r one hundrtd sev�nty-five (�'].�r 175) feet ot' the �'�rtherly aiu hu�aire8. t1►►enty (N'ly 6�) fe�� of the fles�erly one h�ndred seventy-fiv�e�e (�T�ly 175) f�t oi tlu Westerl,y one- half (�T•ly 2 ci t�t part of Section T�est�r (20)� Tc�mship ttreaty-nine �(29), R�mge T�renty-t�ro (22), particularly desc2ri'bed aa follan�a: Ce��n�ing at th� Nc�rtheaat cerner of th� Weat ane-half (N �) ot' the 8oxt.lf�►�st l�r��r (�fi �) of Sectioa Tne� (20)� theace sronni� Smatlurly 0a the B��t liae oF said West one-�lt (�i �) of So�tthwest quarter (�W �)� �].ewn a�d txesty hundr�dths (11.2�) chains �ore or lesa to a pc�int in �aid lis� iatersected by North line of �ta forty-fi`n a�d fortT-aix (45 & 46)� J. W. Baas' Acre I,ots pro�..�Eed B�ast to �a,at line a� se►icl eigh�y (8�)acre trac�� thence r�aing Y�at on �T�rtherly -' line of asid lota f�rty-2Yva (45) asd Porty-s�c (�i) and pro- � longati�n tl�reoi $ast ar�d.,xWeat rair�e au�#. �ig�tp-aix �r�t�s "` � (9.$6) ebain�� theaee r�ing �orth para].1e1. xith East liae o� se�,iit iiest one-half (�T �y ot' 30ut}�weat qnarter (ST�I �)s elevtn au2d '�` tNentjr �u�udredtka (11.2A) Q�a.ins to 8orth line of said �ighty �. (8�) acr� tract� thence r�nning I�ast os last nauaed linea aine = a�d. eighty-six hvndredths (9.8O ahain� ta pl.�,ae af be�i�aings � ;,i s�je�t tc� the rights ef th� City of St. Pa��.l. !or c�ening m�' ' Axk�right 3treet� accordi�g to �he �nited Ste.tea t�verx�mtent s�rve�r thereof. �� The proptrty ddaaribeel th�rein is neaessary for the Arlirigton- Arkxrigkt Park Site� Pro�eet Bo. 1►13.nn. ASA-113� an�d t�s p�iee a►t xh3.al� the ���Y �Y be p�archa�aed is at tho tcif�l aa�tmt of �23a�0•0�i� � t�3x and reaaana�l�le price acaorciing to the appra�tsal obtain�d. by th� �i�T Valuation Er�gine�r; and �, Tke City Valt�ation S�agineer he�s reac»egd.ed the pure�se o� aaid prc�erty at the price sta�te� abcve� as ev3da�nce� by his r�port auY�itt�c1. herew�ith; no�r� ther�elore� be it COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Naya �� � � ���Yt F�v^� � � Butler Carlson ApprovP� 19� Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty • ' �� ORIGINA{.�(O CITY CL6RK ����� � f CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES6NTED BY' COMMISSIONER ^ATF -2- R�..SObv�B, That pnr�ua,nt to Ordinan�e �o. 15cYT6 , ecra�aai.l Fil� �o. 258107� approv�ed. Apr3.l 27� 1972, the C�ancil of the City of �aiat Paul does here'�y an�horize the purebase of the a'�cv�e deseribed. land, anel be 3t �SALYEH F(l'RT�R, �kat the propex City of'fiaials ase hereby anthorizaci e�ad iireett� to pay to Leonaisd G. aad I,oia S. Coffe�a, reacrd fee aanera, the sUm oi $23,5�•00� s�:id s� to b� pe�id to the afazesaid vend.c>rs i`ro� P� Fand Code 6000-502, (I,-735�) to be rci�rbu�sed i"rv� Frin�. 97°70-�t6U-(�6� npon their i"ar�sishing �viden�e of goad merr�etabl� tit].e in the atoresaid. weadmr�' a�c1 the tatal pa�ent to b� made gpon tesd..er by aaid parties o� agpropriate deeds eor�reying title to said propdrty to the City o�' Sai�t Pau7.. COUNCILMEN Ju` 1 a 19� Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Hun� , ,�`'� . _ JUL 19 1972 ut r �=:.;.;. ` r son Konopatzl� '�4-;Y;„ Approve 19� Levine �-:',` - L ne Mereditti � L�� ,�n Favor � M ithTprafka edesco , ) Y Spr fka Mme. Presiderlt��� v Against Ted co Mr. Preside t, McCaxty �Lt�HfD JUL 2 21972 �� I J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 �aluation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L �5��� n5_'t Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ci1y Hall Seint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � To the Honmrable l�s,yor� Counail President, and Members oP the City Council La,d.ies an� Gentles�en: The Council of' the City of Saint Pa�l per Council File �To. 258107� approved Ap�il 27� 1972, adopted Ordinan�e l�o. 15076 authorizing a.nd directing the acquisition ot' certain lands for the Arlington - .Arkwright Park� Open Spsce �d Pro��ct No. Minn. OSA-113. Purau,ant to s�ch authorization and direction� I� in �r capacity as City Valvation Engineer� have �eeured an agr�sa�nt xith I,eonard G. and Lois S. Coifeen� o�raer� of' one parcel req�ired for the said pro�ect� for purchase o� their land for compensation in the amount o� �23,5oo.(J(3 which in m�r opiriioa ia a �'air �.nd rea�oaable priee. Therefore� it is reco��nded to the Council that it authorize the parchage of this property in lieu o� condea�nation at the price of $�3,5c�.00 e.s negotiated �rith th� afrners. The property herein reea�ende8. tc� b� acqt�ired is �ore partictU.arly described in the resol�tion submitted hercc�,rrith t'or 3ovr aonaideration a�. aetion. Re�pectitial. tted� � �� L�'1J��� --_ ._.,: _ .. ���� J. Williaffi Donovan `'� . Valnation �ngineer JWD:I2EF:dm Parc�l 1�0. 3 Fil� No. 175�3 ce: 8obert Trualeau �iilliam Q. Pattesn �lT}' �� Area Code 612 ��"i��(y y THOMAS J. STEARNS • 223-5121 � Z� �i.� ARTHUR M. NELSON ° y�I� �,�� . PAUL F. MC CLOSKEY, JR. �`�` R. SCOTT DAVIES '��� '�l PIERRE N. REGNIER �. DANIEL L. FICKER � JOHN C. MC LAUGHLIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROBERT C. HOENE KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK A. KEITH HANZEL First Assistant TERRY F. SVLLIVAN LEGAL DEPARTMENT Assistants JEROME J. SEGAL ROBERT W. MATTSON Special Assistant 647 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Investigator � �, � � DANIEL A. KLAS �TLl].�7 C� 1.972 ���� Corporation Counsel The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor of the City of Saint Paul Dear Mayor Cohen: Re: Arlington-Arkwright Park Site Our File G-71-0367 �'he City Council by Ordinance DTo. 15076 previousl�r approved the acquisition of land for the above open space project, and this ordinance requireg that the Council approve the aaquisition of each parcel of land. Enclosed please find resolution approving this purchase. It was prepared by the �aluations �ngineer, William Donovan. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Donovan or inyself. Very y ours, ; JEl� AL As�is a t City Attorney JJS:ja cc: Mr. Donovan �