259279 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK CI 1 1 OF ST. � �92'�9
� PAUL F�"c�� NO.
COMMISSIONE A� �TLl3.�� O� �.�-7 2
�+IWEREAS, the Ctty Council ofi the City ot Saint Paul Is info�med by the
Oepartment ot Parks, Recreation and Pubiic Buildings that the vacant and open
building(s) located at;
787 Selby
�n the City of Saint Paul are a proximate hazard to the pubtic heaith,
welfare and safety; and
WHEREAS, the last known record owners of said property are:
Mr. Richard Denny
2572 Dellwood Avenue N.
and sajd owners have failed to secure #he same against entry by unauthorized
persons In violation of Section i92. 18 of the Saint Paui Legistative Code,
and said vacant and open butidingts) have been found and determined by the
Councll of fihe City ot Saint Paui to constitute a menace to the public health,
welfare and safety and a pub� ic nuisance which must be immediately abated to
prevent loss of iife o� property; now, therefore be it
.... ,
RESOI.VED, that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buiidings �'� .
fs authorized and directed to immedtately secure said buildings by the use of
contract labor under contract No. L���ending p�oceedi�gs under the Haz�rdous
Eiuitdings Act; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of securtng such buiidings be paid ,
from Fund No. 0979-269, Summary Abatemant, and that the Corporation Counsel
be directed to take approprlate action to reimburse said fund by action
against the owner of sald property.
Estimated Cost: $114.50
JU L 18 1972
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas �� xa xunt JU L 19 197�
�}�� Konopatski Approve 19—
Levine �n Favor
Sprafka Maqor
-- �ir:-i'reeric}er�,-�efa��
Madam President Butler
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212
� J'uly 10� 1972
The Honorable i�ayor Lawrence Cohen
Room 347
City Court House
Saint Paul, t�9innesota 55102
ivlayor Cohen:
The Bureau of Public k3uildings requests the transmittal
of the attached Summary Abatement resoiution to the City
Council tor securing the described vacant building.
Your truly,
�/����� /y�
ank A. Staftenson
upervisor-Housing C de