259278 OR161NAL f0 CITY CLERK ��Y�L/I�,� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LUTIO NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Leonard W. Levine � COM M I SSI O�LE ATF WHEREAS, Mr. Bernard Sweet, President of North Central Airlines and a resident of the City of St. Paul, has distinguished himself f or outstanding achievement in corporate aviati.on management and substantial increases in air carrier service by North Central Airlines to the Milwaukee County area; and WHEREA5, Mr. Bernard Sweet will be awarded the "Aerospace Man of the Year" f or 1972 at the Milwaukee County .Internati.onal A.ir Age Exposition f or his disti.nction ar�d commitment to the aviati.on industry; and WHEREA5, North Central A.irlines is a Minnesota home-based airlines that is a valuable commercial asset to our community and is continually demonstrating a modern and progressive willingness to maintain the highest standards of service, safety, professional excellence, and environmental concern in its operation under the;direction of Mr. Bernard Sweet; so, theref ore, , � _ B� IT I�:ESOL��D, t.�.a� .t1ze Ci� Eo�.�.cii on bela.�.lf of its members and on beha.lf of th�,citizens of�the-�i�y°o-f St. Paul he�eby tttrough this - -�--�` resoluti.on expresses its appreciation and recognition of Mr. Bernard Sweet's continued efforts and outstat�.ding achievement. JUL i 8 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Hurit ays �,'� � JUL 19 1972 ler Konopatzkl v"�-'�� Approve 19� lson Levine ; vine Mereditfl ? �n Favor redit�prafka � edesco (l Mayor rafk�m�� P1��dentL Butle� v Against e esco Mr. Pr id nt, McCarty PUSLI�HED JUL 2 � ���� � ORIGINAL,TO CITY CL[RK 259��f� CITY OF ST. PAUL �u"c�� NO " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LUTIO�1 .NERAL FORM PRESENTED Y Leonard W. Levine ��.�,?�� 1 COMMISSI�ER l� "'` _��ATF ��� WHEREAS, Mr. Bernard Sweet, President of North Central Airlines and a resident of the City of St. Paul, has distinguished himself f or outstanding achievement in corporate aviation management and substantial increases in air carrier service by North Central Airlines to the Milwaukee Cou.nty area; and WHEREAS, Mr. Bernard Sweet will be awarded the "Aerospace Man of the Year" f or 1972 at the Milwaukee County International Air Age Exposition f or his distinction and commitment to the avi.ation industry; and WHEREAS, North Central Airlines is a Miruzesota home-based airlines that is a valuable commercial asset to our community and is conti.nually demonstrating a modern and progressive willingness to maintain the highest standards of service, safety, professional excellence, and environmental concern in its operation under the direction of Mr. Bernard Sweet; so, theref ore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council on behalf of its members and on behalf of the citzzens of the City of St, Paul hereby through this resolution expresses its appreciation and recogniti.on of Mr. Bernard Sweet's conti.nued efforts and outstanding achievement. JUL 181972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays u er �� . ��,r:.�.. JUL 19 197� rlson ��8�� � ° � Approverl 19� vine R . .. --., S ����j� ��� __In Favor eredith R�� '� � Mayor � ..� �" rafka T�� _ ' Against Te esco ��� Mr. Pr sid t, McCarty