259273 OR161NA1.TO CtTY CL6RK ��92`�3 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nca NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISStO1PE ATF r RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Pau1 Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Preventian Codes pertai:ning to the following listed property and as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals, dated June 28, 1972, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A", is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: Case No. Property Appellant 33-72-B 1197 Conway Peter Giefer 35-72-B 871 Payne Furniture Minnesota by Steve.n I,ien 37-72-H 699 Dayton Avenue Richard F�i.rlang 26-7�-B Pioneer Building Davidson Campac�y by Watso.n Davidso.n 36-72-B 805 York Avenue Joseph Bennett 5-71-H 97 No. Oxf�rd Donald Windish . dUl. l 4 t�'2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �f utl .,.� � "4"JUl 1 � �� 1 on ��''� PPrnv 19— ��� �� L ne ��� `��`` �, A°� �n Favor ��Q;��„�, M editr�1�1�1`1 `;> S r fka�'� Mayor ed sco�m� • Aga�$FOR R0V D• �� Mr. Pr id t, McCarty ` � Asst. City Attorney � �� �v�i�s�� JUL 2 21�2 ' �; 6;``�/'_r� . `` � . � - a:ee�;in; ��;�. 72 ;� , • � � ' P�:II;tJ':'LS OF 23L'�; 'i�{�x'TI1'��- SAI��;T P":17L �0�RD OF APP��u�LS tiledne�day, June 2�, 1->l2 _/� v� �� Raom 210, I3ureau of' Iiealth, 55j Cedar SLreet ��� "embers Pr�sent: Dor.ald Tlozniak Arth�zr `l'�eso Jaries Voi�t Esty�' 1'ea.��e T�4c:�'aers Absen'�: Rayi:iond Grove i�?itc:�e1.]_ rL�::nin T�orn�, So~ar,:erdorf ��renc:i_es Preseni;: Buildin� L`epartmeti'c, Franli S'caff'e.ison Bureau of H�alth, ?ret:�ry Stxeich O�Lt�ers Preseni:: Pe�e-r Gie1'er, S�:even Lien, i�ia.tson D�,T,ri.dson; r�Ti1�i�;�� _ Da,�ric_son; Donald. ti�iir.dish, Irvin� Rosenbl_u�!, Larry Ta-rvei�., Joseph Benn�tt; John ��rest, �zeve I�teu.a �i'Yzc: i:�im�.tes �f uh;: Jvne ll+, 1a72 r�eeta.n;�; �,�r� ��,pp��o�.Ted as tt;a,il.ed. 33-?2.-� 11�7 Cor;?:Ta?% ter C`n�' PC�. X�L..L e.0 SU�J}�C� Air. Giefer is reques;;i��`; variailce of Sec�Lion �I-0.00-1 of t�ie St, P�,u7_ T,e�;islative Coc:� �t;o eiiable t'ne cons��ruc�Lion of a gara;e ti-:�liich t�ill e:;.i;end � to �he ���est proper-L-y liue. ^lhe ad�iacen�� proper.�t;V� concerned �_s a vacatit; hole. r�Pi';'�la Z�:I`i�ES Pe�;�z• Gieier _ � I'I�OC�'?�,DIT�`�S I��r. . Gie.;'er expla:i_nea tha-t the a,ljacen� pi°operty ��;i',_l ��rol.�z,b�y not be dev e�_oped.. �i1e nei`-t�bor.s �,o the rear o�" i7.is pxope2 ty Tao1zld noj.: ob j ect to ti�c� r�ro�oseci co�.�S'i;Y'UC:j:10n, iir. . G_ie�'er dicl tr.;� 'co purchase �n addi�l;ior���.1. ���_�'C,'. ��E'(,t; Oj' 1�_OJC'2�,��� i:I'O);l 't;11�' T�`?Cl�t (;O?PL21.i��E'E.'. (�i].E?7'E�':1:' S�c'�„'GE'Ci. �:r1C.';y' t�'G't�_LC� no-�; se1_? bec?use s��c� �:, ;:c7,�.e ���u)_d re�aul.t i.n a, mi_sa1.i:;�t�ed :�.ot. ., �. �, � f � �ir`1'I��i'1 + ?:,o�iom b�� Z�;ozn�ial. �;o �r<�:i� a, v�,,riance oi Sec�c��:� 40.CU-1 i,� enable the co���truc�iot� of a. �;ara,`e Z�'i11CI1 ���i_?1 extend to the property line. Seconred Uy Voigt. `lI��, VOTE A�es: �-1ozn_�_a�., Tieso, Voi�;1,, �?ea��e. I�ia;res: none. A��sten�l,?ons: none. l�.otion c�,rried four (��) to zero (0}. �5-72-� , �71 Pa;�ne 1�'usniturc i�iinneso�ta by S�even Lien SUgJ.�CT � The appe�7_ant is proposins� an encloseci loa,ding cioc��. ti•;hich z,*il� extend to the s�aest p.r_oper.ty lir�e, � yr;,J�' I�P1!,I�R�T�: .� _ Steven Lien ,,. p�Or;�t�;�11',�r ?�:-r. Lien is pr�posin�; the consL-ruction o� ai�_ enclose:� _lo?din� doc'_> �s a. 2('_��a.C('.rf!:'.flV :�'o.r ? :ilY^1_1c9.=' l�2"E."�rl'JUS�-;yr G-'"t:1.S�:LTl�� structure. �l''f1C' Clt�r CJCLC'. reqtzi�°es t•hat a t•rw11 T�ri���in chr�e feei, a�� a propert;r line be a "�tir0°}1Gizr z•rai l." I;�. ��en ti•,oul.c' 1.il:�e �La b� allo,�red �o use +�reated ;�:ood I'o�� the fr�;.Tr_ir�. or �t'ne ouildiil�; co�.%ered Zri�7i raet�l on -,.hc outside and plas�.er���oard otl t'.�e insi.de. Ii� �'ec]_s t�1e cos� o�' concre�t� t�,ould be �n-r.phibi.tive. I����r. SL-al�ensor. and 't�s�. �roi�;;-� 5�-e-re in agreernetr't th�-�i, a coticre-i;e i•ra,lt �,-ould cost no more �han i-ir. L=ien' s proposed construction. IiC^1 IO=�T I�.otioiz b>> Svozni_ak to ��°�.n�, w va-ria.rce on �he cor.d�.tio�z �t;ha,t iYle wesi, z��all of �;h.e raim� be cons��ructec�. o� concrete bloc'.� �,nd that t,�ie diver�ioti oi ��r�,te-r and other e i eme,i-c;� be p.rovic!ed. f�:c sn ���; i1o� �;o end.an�er �he raei`;hbors. Se�•orlded b�r Ticuo. 1�T�', �TOJ t', �;jE'S: i'fOZY11,�3.'"�� `l'.L�'.SO� �rO�.�;l:y lE.'F�.1iC. �,?a.;y(.'S: I'.�T1G. ��St".CI1�lOT75: t"LO:1�. i-i���on carr�ed f'oUr (j+) to zero (0). ' • 37-72-H 6�y D.3y���i Ave��tie I;i.clZard_ ��v.rlo:�� SUn�a CT lir. I?url.on� is a���ealin, �.n "Orcler ��� Va.cu:te" da.ued June 23, 1_;'72 iro:r_ -L��e �7U1��U O1 �UD'1C 1�U.1�Q1I7V.. APPs±���i'.A�`?C1''� lilCt"13,Y'Cl �' _1]_O ti� � PROC'�.;?,DI�';GS I`Y'. i'�.1I'=1.0'.1f��' �i,c".,,VCC� ��3.� }i.n C�.;_CL YlQU ?.'E:C:E:i`JC c^.�. �_].�.Cit Os' "!'(:i'��:,l�S ;UY':i.OY' tii t:'YlE.' O''c.'t3Y' "i3O tiB.C<:.'i;E'. �??, vL'.Cl.^. ?j� �;l`j2 �"]e =C'C3C@].�TC�C7_ .., !(,��C'.?_" ��'7:'0;2 ��"t� }31:�Y'C�c:.0 _�_:ia��17� 1 C;?�;? i r,S t;:;i1.C}1 ??lU.S"i, l�E. :i'�?,G� J�`�OY'E.' �17� UlZl�;;t:Ll:�� 1S OCCLIJ�IE'.CL. I>�r. i�;__c1o_��; u��;,t�d �,.�y�c the i-s:,pro�reraea�s cou�d be r�,�.de in 30 d.a;rs. �1�� 't�(' '�:1_if!e +.}=G pY'O�C1""��r r;IB,S 7_:'.Si7�Ct�C)., t'tlei� i�T�S 110 G��C��Y'1C:11�;,r :i ri -t'ile Ult.1_t_C�:1_il�. �j»i'1 S'C1Yl.S��E.'Ci;10� :�'� T':2.5 �Otlt��t i:17�.i; �;�1 11iy'Y'�UTiC'LeC� ElE,'C'l,]'].C�.�_ S�TS�C_;1 Z�TS,; }�U"� ltli3O 6e?"'',r:iC�. �;�'P.f:.i1 'G��i� "t�TO1��Y'�;;r '•72S SU1V�fE'd OT7 SUYl� 2�_� 1c72 a,�. el_ect_ric��l_ insp�ci.io:i �;ws also rn�:d;,, buL duc �o an e.rror, �'iis inspec�ion ��ra,s no':� i�ic-�_aciei� in the cor�d.e;��nat�or: oru.er. . I-s. i�'�z�lotl�:; a.s,�,rec. -L-he uoard tb.at �i?e elec-i;r:ica.:t_ s;Ts�e�n �-��i11 �e in sa:°e tiror;�in,,; ofd_er. A�T I OI'; - i:O�:l.0i1 ��J j'�O?illc^:,5: t,'J ;�'°2:'li, � �(�i_C1�z�� GXGC'T1�7.011 Oil c?�.�i i't�-EI':IS �_1S't;�'��1 1.11 ��[1C, i1��'G10E.' Oi' C0:1�'�i",172 i',i0:1 lYl OL'C'_E�i �O �3,�.�..OW �JCCU:�a.C1CT* Oj' t:2E.' ;j�i O'.i�Y''G;T :3?J��^.�;,l.C'�.. S�C;OY.:iG�� L'� i G��"C. , y J.'�J� 1l U`i y �ijrE.'i: �'iOZYi:L�^„'L, 17_C.'Sp- �rO]_;_;�� C��.'.'i�. T:`;,�ES: il0't1F'. �if�S�C�:l'I;:LOt1S: T10:1E.'. �`'-0'L.l_Oi1 CizT'i1CCL,_"�L1Y' {�L) `t,J ��:CO {C�. 2�-72-3 Pioneer B�ailuzn�; Davicison Coinpany }j�r j�7a-Lson l�.vidson sV���,c�r Con-Linuecz iro� Jun.e i�l, _l_�j2 mye�in�r to e;�a.b'le e��ch �oard, men?,�er to h�ve tl�e opporLun�t�� -L-o exaani:ne '�he ele��rators. � �� �n^TnT,c+ 1..� .,�ui��.t�c.ii`:��..��".,i� Z�a�son Davidson, t�lil�i�z Davidson i?r).;�tii�1?1:`ti�> � 1'%lY'. v'�07_„11c�.:�C S��Fl,li,CC1 ��'t��.'G �?C'_ �1£'.C�. t 1CJ.(�Eri ri7G (,).C''\`B.i.O:C., 1�7 qUF?5�;1.0:1 £:.i1C� l�; Z'7:3,5 his unczersi;a.nd.�.r!; tnat a. acact Ir_an's szri�Lcl: ?�rou?_c± '�e at,tac'.•.�d to -L-ne eleva��or O�E.'lc`i,v1Y1�� 17w:1C�ZC'. i�_'1". �Y'E.'�!'•L ��aGE.'C� t!1^::i, c1., .`.;?iL'i�� �j';1.�.C:�1 ?'TOU�CI �?^OVl(12 3. ceri,��in a.;rount oi sa.i'et;,-, ho�•�cver, tl7ere is an e1c�!ne�raL oi' t�um�t� error 1riVOlVCC'.. '1'�lC L'a,'�riQSOYIS S�,c�.'�eCl. Ui18.'G �:!1n4` 'S�,'GT'C' �1�Ji1'ir; �O ;nY'c:SeY'JG "lirlf: FaC'Si;�le�1C qual.ities ai' 1;he buildin:�; l:�;j i.��stallin�T �Lris pa:c�i,ic;;�a�� el.eva,'ca:r, 1'a�}T fe7_t sa;ie cor_s=iderai�ion �iiou7_ci be r�iven �i;� t'r,c:�ir sazet�r recor.d.. The appe:LLan�(; � c 1 . ,�.' • �' � i'a t' n �' i T rF - c� �(+c� �. �. ' fec1.� �,li:�,t, �_ns�3,.��.w�ion ol mwnaal.]_1 po;.�i� operated „c:�.�uo�s �,ate� t-rov._Ld be prohibi�ive to ez�icien;; o�era�?on. 11CTI0��? i�:`��10`1 1�,�,r ti'�OZ:112.� 'l.0 J;Y'�Yl+t, c�^, +T8,1':Lc,i1CC O�� �it��_E' �_�_�.�-� Ui �'t,�lE �z?�:C,'l1Cu,YJ. uLLT.1'1C�i7.:1"CZ C:O:%E.' lOY' ��C'S✓c,.�01'S Y'G'C7t?-!Y'=L'[l�; 't'lic:L r,oll�?78�}�Z2 ��3.�C_'.`� 72 �OTJ'c'Y' Oy�(r'1"2,'GC.'C�_ Ct�Y'll1% ., . , , . , . . ., . ` �the iirst 10" ol o;�en�rtt; ana -Lhe rest m�nu.a1. Sal�. 1•T��ver is r;ra.�atec -�o a�7_o;.r tr�le poi��e-r operaiioti o� -clle el.evai,or �;ates a� -Ll�e Pior_eer. Blzilcii,z� thxou�;h the en�ire cycle. Seconded b�,r Vai�t. T��L�', V01� A;�es: T�.ozniali, T�.eso, Voi�t, Pe�.l�e. i�I���es: none. Abstentions: noi�e. i�iotio�i ca,rried fou� (�+) to zero (0}, 3'�-72-I3 00> �.'or:: A.rei.u.e Josep�, }3ennet� S'ITPJ];C`J � Tn� a�pel,ant is see'_�lirl` a v�,ri�tirce o� Sectiion 5.02. i,o per�ri� a ceilinY; hei;��t of 7� 1�;;". Coc�e snecii'ies a c1e��r hei�;h-t o�' 7' 6". �:I'Piy�LA''�Cr1S Joscpi� �eiinett P1ti0C�T JI=�7�S P�1-r. Benne-c�c statecl 'chat the proper�;; is an ei��1t �rear old d.up_lex. Tlie proposed u�seinent unit ;�iou7_a l�e occupied b�r hi�?sel.f. The prop��rt; h3.s been rezo:zed. f��o.n P to C re�iaenti^,l :ior �iie 3-plex com=e:.rsion. I•x, F�enr.�tc s�a.i;ecz tclat a1_.l_ o±her i-i;e;��s on t'ie p]_ans hase be�n a,p:�roved b�r th� fsuildi;�; Debari;rne tat. �c��nlcl.; T�:otion b}r Voi�;t ��o r.c:r�,n� a v�,.riarce oi Sec�io�� 5.02 0� tt<� St. Pa,u]_ :Ge�;isl�.Live �;Oli(,' v.7 f'Y1£3,�)_�C° i;ilt� GOtiS'GY'L1C:'1,1011 Oi� ,., C8��-:iYlt�; �:TLt;Cl �l, cl_ea.r '17C1t��1a. O�' `(� ���;� Second,�d U�r Pewrce. • r n+LT� jJ��i�.J . � � ' �lL;%e�: 1�7oz.?-�.^,_ . Tieso, Voi�t; Pea,��, i�a.yes: no71e. ��b��te��t;ions: none. �:�oi,_�_on ca-rri.ed. ��'our (�;) ��o zero (0 j. 5-71.-?-� �7 i�T�. 0�>ford. Don�1d T�Tindis',.� Prior hearir��s: ���, �i 10�(l, �`l, 3�10�71; oi, 5/l0/7� SiJ?3�7?'C i C�ntinved. frorn inee�;int; of iia�� ?0, 1_;7?. APPF�'.R.�^�IvCl�_S llon�lcz i�lindish . P�()GE�,DTi'1�sS !��^, j�i�z_1i�,k �eels t;���, discuss_�on slloulci be _tirnited �Lo the cla.ssiiication o�° tl�e 1����pe?°ty �o ae,.er:�lirie ba�th._ro���n i'aci_lit;;% code -reruirerier�t�. l�i, th�.s `� t�-1�E' �t�C' C1U.1_�_(� � t�, 1.S .�_7.(1CY1�:�°G J:S S, ?°OJ�'.1Tt;� c�1G �;Jc1Y'CilY'_`; f'�,C11_i�;�J. `.Li7G . ave?°a;;e ?`;e ol occts;��.:��,r is t��'..l+�;-. l�� i,���_s �i;�.:,:, the '-io„�e �s occuT�i�cl L-,- jJ i�TO"1��1. �';:i.T1Ci:LS�7 1�:C�':_S 'Gri�L E'�TG11 :!i i;�"?C? S'r'C7L'.1�°Ci I;2,�;:'_i°OC�;'.!S Ss'C�"'� ].11S�J.l_l_GC!: '�'.��.E'.j' T•'OU.�.C'L I"lOti :jE' 1�SE'CA. fi^ Sl.c�i:El'7, �;'�::(i ��1. Y'OU�.^_ CO,`d�. .°S�G:L'T'..'.l�n S'Tv'.1�.Q i)B tii2��jO.Ci� pi'_I' �.�_c:t!'�1.Oii,l� �;,�,�-i;�1�00i,i. iic i:�.E'.a_S �i1;;,i; <�.T1J 1?1�.O-�;i� S�?Ot11C: liP. U_S�C� {':1_].°�`3�i. c^.,tiCi I.O:C(�i;:OSi, �O lif'Z7J 'i,ile l�E'O:[J�C lI1 "G't1E.' i'u'.C1.Z11;'j. ;'l�Y1Cl:i_Sil :i'c',1C:L 'G'tic� }1C C!U,� 8, ��_^.:: :Lt1 ;�:II1CCl. ClC ?I�L}�U�,C�� �1;:tU��E:S 'GJ Ci.1S"Gli1� ��c L�lt OOfIl ��,C7.�1�105 SU 1:'fl�,� :il�ln i.i1='>tl Oil(3 A�.�`50:1 COiI�_CL OCCl���' ��tC' S�!;2l' l��:t't12:�0'Il. 1-tG 1@Z(; 't1P. COiX�Q. i?c?VG G�i`1�,� '.'771�L CI_�t1E iT1 OI1� ff,'�,Y'�S i;:Ln�. i-:T. i'Tj_tiCllatl j':'c.�,:i �'t,.S�>ECI_ 'LO :'�U�- r.iit a s?:etc'.-�ec'� propos<;,1 u-c i;he ne�.�c bo�,x•d ?��eetin,;. 11C1IOi�; ?:oi;�_0:1 i;5. Tieso to �ra�z�, a on°-yew.r e«censiori o:� i,ir._� to co�n�lete bath.ro�~as as per. proposa,�L Z,hich t�*ill :inc7_ude ti�,o a.d_ditional ba�hroom ia.cilities. Seconded 'oy- rea::e. Ti.�, VOTE Ayes: i�7az_���.c.l., Tieso, l,TO:i.�t; Pea?�e. Tv��,�res: nor�e. Absten�f;iUt7s: none. , � i��oL:ion cu��^riea lou-r (4) to zero (0 j. � , y � . . ?_j-'��'-Ai ����_' Iio�7 " If`v�' �� �;o�c:?;;?lutt� . � � Prior 't�ea.ri�s: 6�, j�:l_O�T2; i'l, 0/11;���`(2 � � , ��, �i�'���S�1 I ____�_� J`i'Q � C�:1�1Y111GG. il0?ri pY'`�V1.GU� 7�::�t111`;, �+iC. 2'a.l"V�Y' �Yf_'�CYii, c1, repor� 't0'I'�;[le �7d.i"Q Y'E�'v?l C�.il7�� `L}1G' S i.".�iil?.`> " � :�,. � .: '' 1 � ' 1 t. `l�-1� o� -L-�e pp _ c�,.t'o�.i :1.'o re',��,i��.�i_t�:�ioz:� o�_ ?�o11�r. .��.Pi�.L',.��.�i;:wl�..'�'�� , . I���rin` Rosei�u�u.m, L�.�:r;,� 1��r�-er ,,;,-, r P�;O:,.,��:i.,',G� I�z, j�loznial> s ta�ed tha�t he recei��eci a ca7_l i ro�n a tenan-c wt '7�2 Tiol_1.;�. The C2.�--�2Y' St?1C� t;Ci;3'1; �3, 171eCG Jl p�_c.S'Gf'Y' i18.C1 i�.�1Ci1 �'1"O','ii c�. CC�a.11Y1,_^'� c`a.�_7(?OS�� }1.1.�'Ul(1� r?E,'"l.' l'1��;y'. :kr'. l�YVEI' S��.f.;C'Cl 1:il�,i �°..Yl cp�7J.1.Cc:7_Oi7 Z•1�S i"_"r)_E' iOL' '7Zt� i�rJ.�_�_\!. �''!1C'. <9,1�7��1Cc�;�0:1 �'T%i,S Ei. C0�1'':''C'�5101� O� �u. �7?"E:Z,'10U.;� c,?�i��_1C2,�"t,=t:�[7 �'O"t' 2. (�.li:iC'l'C11i p2.'OUG'1.'L.�" O�' i'Y'. l�OSCYI':��lj??1S. 1�1:.^. �:O£>'�Y]�J�_l"...,'1 �i S El:i_;�1.IJ.ZC� �.'O"t' �-^., T'C't1c'�..i"J �_0311� ��0;:*C'V�2; 1'G Z:OU�_CL �T,�':C' �.i, .L�t].S'i. :��'1VC' 1'10?i''G'fiS "t0 C�E.�,�yit1T'C' ?.1)T:T'O'T8,1 02 CL1S�,�pY'OVv,�_. 1'!i. 13.�'t'�Y' u'��wi,�d i,�"lv.f; 1.i: r!15 O'�1t1"LOtl "�h[: i)U:i..LC%1.ti?' � � �� � c, Z�;ou_d h�,�e �o be -�aca._ed i:' reiaau ,,rox?c �•r�rc to procced. IiCTTOi; 1-:OC,lOi1 ��>r �TCJ?_�;"�: �'i.0 C�P.t�iy'" tilt' c�',',�s'��,�. ��O7' an e�_��nsion Oa: t;i.Tiie. 1�1C 1)11i1.C1.1.i1:; Z�r1_L�_ De t'7�_2+,Cc,iC�F'.G �',S U11:�1"�, lOY' E"1LLt�.l1 �1�?.''J1'Gu,VlOil. ij2C_'.Oi'?C1_C`CL Dj� �°2:'i8. 1?~ 4�vT�? / �l�res: ;�1o�n_a?�, Ti_e�o., �'oi�;t; Pea'�.c:. �`ia�,r�s: :nv?:�.e. Abstentions: no_�e. T����_oi.io�7 c�,rried iou?� (�+) �o zero (0). ; - I o�����n���� 2592�3 . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �►�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM G�OjIM�ON� �ATG R880LVED, thst the CoRmeil l�t�by ratiti�s and sppr�ovsa tl� a�ction oY t2� �sint Paul Board o!' Ap�a►ls a�d Feviw flo� tl�e 8ousing, Huiliding and Fire Prevrntion Cod�s p�rtaial� to t2r tb13.a�i� I�iatad �vps�y and as shaa� bar th� oftiaial simtt�s ot said Board o! A�p�als, dattd J`�m� 26, 1qT2, a ao� os �Ihioh, aat�a E7�T "A", is stta�ehed l�o and �+dt a p�s�E h�t� b� rrlM�a�t s �..�.�• �� � 33-72-s 1197 Ce�anmy P�t�r ai�t�er 35-72-8 871 Payn� lVtsnitnr� ltim�sv4a �'j► 8t�ra� L3�t 37•'Tg-H 699 DMytvo A�aow Riahat�d ?lasla� 26►-72•H FiaoMr Hailding Da�id�a� Ca■ps�r�pr � Wa�aa Davidson 3�7^rH &n Yaa�9c A�nwr Jor�yh D�� 3»?1-H 9? ]�o. Oodba�d Doeald wi»diab �u� 14 ,��2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�anc;� 19— Y� B � r "n�� JUL 1 ? 1972 Konopafizld' `��- Approv�� 18_ C on tevine �';;, L e I�enedrth :=� ;`' Tn Favor redith Te� " �� raflca Mrrr�.��q� � r Aooainat deeco, Mr. i ent, NlcCarty � ��