259263 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLlRK %�59�s3 CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTr'�r; COU IL RESOLUTI -GENERAL FORM C MMI58�IONE f DATE JUZY 13� 1972 Z�IHEf�;AS: The North Dale Booster Club, holders of License No. 2019 for Bingo (26 Pds.) expiring February 4, 1�72, at 529 4Jabasha Street, used only 11 periods and then had to discontinue the operation at 529 Z�labasha Street, and �r�R�;AS: They request permission to use the remaining 15 periods at the new location, 733 Pierce Butler Road, beginning July 11, 1972, therefore, be it EsESOLVED: That permission is granted to the North Dale Booster Club to conduct Bingo ga,mes for 15 periods, beginning July 11, 1972, and expiring October 17, 1972� which is Tuesday evenings, between the hours of 7:30 and 11:30 P.M. Initial xpplication (Transfer Location� Informally approved by Council July 13, 1972 � �� �� COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Hunt - �� JUL 1719� tler Konopatzk7 '"':,��; �. lson Levine � pprov } 9— �_ vine MereditH �'�, `'=---, _�n Favor �� � 4 redith Ted�— � Ma or S afka Mt�e. Plesident� Butler � Y A gainst T d'esco Mr. Pres$dent, McCarty PUBLISHED JUL 2 2 1��2 ��