259262 01�61NAL TO CITY CL6RK �59262 - � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. Lzc:�rs� cor�izTT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCI RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM C MM�ISS�IONE� ATF .Tu�.�l��� 1972 RESOLVED: That Applic�,tion M 1528 for Class C2-Restaurant and Ci�arette licenses at 377 University Avenue, made by David Deason, be and the same are hereb;� denied upon recommendation of the Fire Prevention Division of the Bureau of Fire �'iotection because a representative of the Fire Prevention Division was unable to �ain entry to the building to m�ke an inspection as required and that the license fee rosted for the licenses be and the same is hereby forfeited to cover the period the applicant operated on said application and the processing of the same. . � � ., , DENIAL (No refund� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ea,��� JU L 13 197�� Yeas HUNT Nays Butler JVL 'l � � y � ��KONOPATZKI '� P�ne 19— Levine Tn Favor ��� N� � Meredith S� � yor Tedesco A gainst NI��DAM11� President, E�iJQ�E BUTLER PUBttSHEp ��� 2 21��� �� DlrhLIWTi TO rRIN'RR � - �92�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uwa� ND �cr�s� c�n��r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COWNCIL RESOLUTION—GC-�IERAL FORM ���' CAMMISSIOflER r DAT� J�iF��}1�� RF�OLYTD= That ADpl.tcsttiion M 1528 !or Class C2•xeotaurant and Ci�ar�+� a a.o�un at . �7T IIli1T�1"�i� lVbiqf� �a�d� by David D�a�son� b� and tb� iran� ar� h�by a�niM'! apon r�oc�a�ndstio� o! tbe Fire Pr�v�ntion Divisiou of th� Bur�su ot Fl,ro Proteatia� D�aw� a r�piv�entatiw ot the �isy Preva�tion Divi�ion wss unablo te� saia �onfiry to th� bnildiag to oalc� aa i.aeptct3�aa a� r�quir�d and that t�hs lio�n�e =�e Doeted far th� lio�soe b� aad th� saa is her�by Porf�it�d to cawr th� p�riod tho applioeat op�rated on said applioatic�t and tho prooessing of �h� �as�. D��IAI, (No r�fund) , JUL 13 1� � COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co�an� 19_ Yeas Ht�T Nays . Butler � �� �i� J�1CG�OPATZIQ Approva� 19_ �� ir Favor Meredith D Sprafka �� A�nninat . Tedesco l[dD/!M� President, �$ BtTPI�B �� ����� �" July 13, 1972 Mr. David Deason 377 University Ave. St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: At th� Council mee�ing helc3 today, your applications for Class C2- Restaurant and Ciqdrette licenses at 377 University Ave. were denied. Very truly yours, City Clerk ml