259260 -OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRK , CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENCIL N���,�;� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . CO NCI LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY � COMMISSIONE • ATE RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the actian of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housi.ng, Building, and Fire Preve.ntio.n Codes pertaining to the followi.ng listed property and as shown by the official mi:nutes of said Board of Appeals, dated June 1�+, 1972, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A", is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: Case No. PropertyJ Appellant � • 25-72-B� 2110 E. Orange� Lloyd Maus . 27-72-H �+30 E. Mi.nnehaha Richa.rd J. Foss 28-72-B 1�+09 Osceola John R. Lo.nnee 29-72-B 96�+ Ashland Roger Youngs 30-72-B 1033 Grand Ave.nue Stewart Luc�nan �!� � \�" �./ JUL 12 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya er H�n� �� •u. -. JUL 13 19� C son Konopa� J��'���,,;•�, pprove 19— Le 'ne Levine Favor M dith Mereditli Sprafka � yor S r�.fka Tedesco Against T desco Mme. President, Butler, _OR Mr. Pres ent, McCarty �� psst, ty A'..o;ri=�y PUBLISHEU JUL �l J 19�Z `�� � J �.�I E������� � _ r .r� `-�`� i�':e et_n; '��. �-- . � . • �� :��II�TUTLS QI+' "_'i� 't�-r;;y^_'I'i?G ���� SAIT�?T PAUI, a011�'� OF lz?''?E.��LS 4ledaesc?�.y, �u.ne 1�'-, 1972 Room 210, Bvreau oi Hea1'��, 5;5 Ced?r Stree� ;-���?:�ers Pxesent: Donald U,oznia', Arthur Tieso James Voi;-l; �styr Pe�i�e nio�r��, Sorarnerdor�� :�i,�.�bers 1lbsent: RaSnnond CTr.ove Nlitchell Kami�� �����c'.�s Px•esent: Bureau o� r+;re rxever:-!;:_en, Fx�.n'_c Su�ton ana Dan i,'o�,.�.;;,-�,.,;, . ,�_.. Y Ul,�iC�7..t"1�, �.2�c�,.?"��i.E,'11�j .i'�Y'^,,:')':> �ii3.:C:i°1750!1� uc�.l'A ��_Uf' s?,'1C7. G�_enn E.rickson Ot:^.e^s ?reserz-�: Irving Rosen'o�um, I�toyd. i�;�,us, Bob H:�.nckelman, Trla-i;sor_ Davidson, P�s. .L�,ce, �rt ;��e�.�s, ��1i?_I.iar� Davidson, Richard Foss, ��ohn R. Lor�nec, ?�oger Youngs, Ste��ra?•'� Luc1�snG.n Tne m:inutes of the May 2�+, 1972 meeting �ti*ere approved as ma,iled. ?j-72-�i 7%+2 Ho11y Irvir� Rosenblvxn SU?3J�CT ���`s. Rosenblum is here to presert a f'ta11 report of all repairs which ha,ve been z�ade a,t 7�+2 Holly. �Ie will repor-L- as to wne�her hA has receivec� finar_c_�nt� to rehabilitate the pronerty. AP?£A�ANCES Irving Rosenblum . . �. _ Pr�OCEFD?NGS i��x, Rosenblum stated that he feeJ_s that ever���hin� has been cor.!�leted. �ioo::�qu��s-c witl chan�e the con��rac�t to �, r�ort�;a;e �,nd Rosenblurz ti-,r�:il �a,:�e �;it�e. Fr.an'_� Staffenson presen�ed a l�tter ca�ed June 12, 1y72, ��r'��un �:e sent to t'ne appellant. '�'.nat letter s+a�eci tha�; o.i the 6�k i�crns zr�entioned in the ori�inal survey oi Apri1 _l1, J_;?j 2, only :Cour. items ?!�d_ SOiR? Cr2„Cl�@• �'ae appellant stated that he has re�taced fus�.n�; t�rith ?_0 �mp. �'uses. 1�.�Y'';'_2U_Y' Tieso stated that the electric�.l was s�,i'.l over-fila.sed ancl �zses �:��a�_d a� reducecl to a 15 r.�r�p. r�.t-nr, ,."s. '_;o:�er�����_m cla�.r.iu -c���.� hc; :71^,�i ��7T1° the �'O�_Z.O?'11Y1� �i1:�Y1?'S j i'1P �.1`cLS•Y'n1J".lY'�'C'. :s'^,l l S� CO'1�Y'�°.C"��'Ci. Z,rl':.11 an �1.-L-ex7ninator, rel"used eiectrica_��, c'ior�e ce rE.a�� �a�chT�roxk, re.��_�.rec: T�.-�,�,,,. ^�a.cer, removed all lead pa.in�, repwire�? ��.o�-e _'..:�- :ro�^cl,. �c�d re��.ired b��c'::_ �� -: � �v,�.!•_'� t -L -!- J" �"y .:�r, I r rF. �}^i I l T � yr'vY'l 'I��r � =1� --�-a. ,� �.._ �enson s�a��ea �'�a� ��.�e �L�.:, �.� . _ s... �E_�,.L_.� a<,� t�ra ��. RLN�;��b]_um said '..ne is el��i'��_� _Cor a 3;� rehal-''.�-_i.��.��_on loan ar_d tlia.�:, ':�e , �,� T ;+h i�,:r. Tarver �r�z� ^�. �- .`:�;.. :,; ,�� r, ��� ;; � `, ;_s _. ..... �--- �r__� � T�R. l�� � , ' � , t_ e 1�rope- �;j o :e� �'�'� r.e5iclential ^c„riC3. 1't 'rTOU�_C'L t�.l:e 2�.� ie�,S':,� 'G'`!.�re :7��ni;i7S ZO be Y'('ZOriE�G. "C:" , _ �sic�e�.��,�.al. !�;"�'���ii �on;,i��ued until nex� meetin;. :�T�^. I?�ed� z�,as �s'_ced to check �he ti t.a�u.,; r�_" ,'.•'r. Ros�r�blum's r.eh�,bilitat_on a.pp�ication. '�'ne �oa.rd ��ri]_l request b�r "o:c�.�:.1 le�;,�r �hat a person in ch�rge o" the ap,�lication be �present a�, Tnac �neetin�. _ ?5-72-B 2110 E. Orange Lloyd I��a.us SLr��'CT P���,�. :�'aus is requesting a vaxiance of Sec�ion �+0.00-1 of �he St. Pavl T��isla.�l;ive Code re�arding a proposed garage location. " A�Pr,l�i41-1iiCES :,=!oyd i•✓aus, Bob Hinckelinar_ ��OC�EDTPTGS ?�-x. I�ia.us is proposir� to build an attached gar�e 18' wide i,rith a 10' over'�ewci door. i�ir. I��a,us is askir.� for a vax:a.nce of 2' . � . � I , AC`.L'IOi� � ��io�ion. by Wozniak to gran� a variwnce of Sec�;:i_on �+0.00-1 of the St. "�;,1;�?_ J��:.�,�;:_s�a.�tive Cocle -�a pPrm_'�t ;he c:or.,�tr.t�.c��io?! o:� an z�twe�ed g�r�,;;� 2' r_ea�er �:o t;he side lot proroexi;�T �in� f,'��.ar_ coc:� a�..�.ot�rs, on the cor�dii;,io�� 1.:�^.� a �-rr:��Len statemen+ irom �he wifcc'ced :ze�;;'r�aor. be �:o�•r�rded_ �o �'.�e '�oarcl of Appeals. �L� VOTE ^z%nS: Glozniak, Tl�SO� V01��� p�2,:�ie� SOl'l.t�?2'?"C?OY'7:, T?a�Te�: none. �,as�rn�l,�ons: none. i�"otion cWrried •i�.-��e (j; :,o �ero (0). ��-72-8 1?io�°er. �»��_c._n-; Dwv�.�iUon Co�!��•��;, �Y ,��atson '�wv�c3^��, SU�'.J?�'C^ '.;''_`_:.' .'.'';.V_L('LaOTl C.!�2�c'I.,Yl��f 1S Y'E.'�l?ES�:.:Yl�; <�.. V�.2^�'_c",'t1C'E? O{' ?i1�.E' �..i_�.`�-`� OS �""i.i�t' Ci�q 7, '7^ i" ri �- i 0�� ;lVr ' 1 ('�a. .a � 1_ . 1 :�� �r..ri •���..nc�ard Coc1e fo_ �._�,.va�ors ,�,� o��:, c . -� Ze a�,. �2 ttl ]3�z:i_d' n,�, �� ti,^ l rr .7- �-t,�- �` � r 'i' c l `11 n-�� � N� �• '�n oc:.�) x�ec�air�n;, �l;ha� eo_��_�.,puip�e r,a�e.� ae^peZ•r��r �,��cra d c.u_�n�; �;:,_ _,,, '.n,� ^i OpC?11T1� Si.,21C) f�7E,' Y'2S V ]"1c'l.'.�.L'.c1,�... `I'f'i� C�CU:L�i:?C�,:1';, ?•:i11C:1 vti1F? L�1,V1C�S011 ��_ " ij' =i1'i,GLClS �O vSe dOC'S f10� C_1SC�':`';o Jn �.:4';,F,,� -G��G �ri�!_i,1c� ?JO?�7E;1" C?�''.lit) :1P-.-`,.,„�:'-C�S �;;�.,_'���. Davidson, 'vla�son D�ti�.c?_�on, �%r. �a�e rT�r,a r�Tp,jrs li �repa,rnd_ statemen� zsas read by :�,r.r, tieTi��_i�m Dw�,r.i_d_sor.. A11 .requiremen•cs o" �c^e �i�°e Preven-tion Bureau 1��.�re �een met. A s�r:tr?�1er system has been '.r..s�al�_ed in -L-%!e 'oasemen�. The P'_�reer 3u�_J_din� has r.o� 'n�d an e�e•ra.-�or accident in 35 fears. Art �rea.ms, Ci�y elevator iclspector, stated tha,i, ':,��.e �:��.�.:! �.nd co:�ti:nuous po�re� opera�ion o-r �he eleva':<�r inside door i.s da:�?"�r.ous to 'ootn passen�e-r and oper��or, Trlozni ak felt ;;'_�ac it Tirould be wise for eacYl '���arc. r�erloer to exasnine the e7_ev�,�o�s persor_a1��-. n G+m-�Cr�T Ur?r_�_mously �reed to co�.�irn?e t�e m�,�tex un�i1 Ju:ne 2o so that eac'� i��ard r���_nb�r 'nas the opportunity to e�,asni.ne -�he eleva,tors. .. 27-72-I� ��30 E. Ma_nnehwha R:�cilard J. ro:s S��JI��CT `.P.�e appellant is rec�ues�tin� a variance of Sec-L•ion 5�-.11 01' tlze St. Fa.�a�_ !�°;�_S�.u,G:L'Te Co�e reouirin;; �;,:1? i.YlS"G^ai.�c�.i;1.011 O:�' 8, i1�.riC' �.?,V�,t02�'` �."! � ba��hroom faci.lity. Due to �che rrin�ima7_ �pace availabl.e, r��.jor st.ruci,ur��� I'0.��.�Fj.0O3�1.OriS t�.*ould 'Oe necessax�,,� 1'rJY' �17C J_I�S�'i,�,t�?.Z;iO'C? Oi 8. Zc`].'Jc^.i;0?"Sr. �1:»���A r,c�� �?"'..��i�rr�. cT. }'OSS ?';OCEi��?)IPTCTS �`_':1� 'iJn.'�ti�12^00?11 1S �OC�'�.,v2(�. OT1 'Li1C SE'COi1C'1. :L�O!�Y' O:.' w C_J:!��_C°X. �i"�.e_�p see:;lv � (� b� n� p?�,�sical way to insta7l a ha_�d la.vatnry dv.e �o ;:_�e 1a.c'� o� Np��wc�. � !;T7:Oi ''�-�'.o�:z by Tieso to �xa.nt a vwriance �o �ect�.o�,, SZ,.w� o� t�:�e St. Pau1. '-.r'�--3��3,"i::IVC' Ci00.�' Y'C��,:>li'1� �'1� Y'CC1:.lY'e1^.CYl�, �1;i7;.'.j� � 'YLcLf1C'l. '_G^,'J�i;OY'}r ;rJ(? 11�5 .�.._.]_r'.:?,_ :i_n :�,id ba�}�-room i'acility. Seconded by Pea'..ie. �P z.J jj,�l.L A;res: 4;ozni.ak, Tieso, Voi�'c, Peak�, SoaTzr_�rdo-r:_. Na�res: none. A��s'centi�ns: n�ne. P�4ot_�on caxri�d "ive (5) to zero (�J). ?8-?2-E l�-0� Osceola Joh� F,. Lon�?�e SL�J�;C�' '���r. Lonnee is requestinU a vWri�.n.ce oF Sec+ior_ �;�.0�+-1��, part B of the �'c. �au]_ Ze�is]_ative Code +o en^b?e the con�-cx•uctir�r_ �-�' an 8' fence oiz �ac a11ey side ol a st�rimLn�n�; pool. T'ne anpell�.r-t considexs the �1e,y s�.�>.e to be �a,ngero�as. ntnn-�,�1Rl1NCFS John Lonnee, Mrs. Lonnee 1'ROC�EDINGS � i�ie a.ppellar.t sta,ted �hat a� t'�?is ��im_e the f�nce nas alreac�;T been erected on �he property, . .. :1CT"ON yiosed b,j Tieso to �ra.n�c a v�.ryance to Sec�ion �,.0��-11�, part B o" �he S�c. Pav1 Le�isla�;ive Code to �ei^?l�_�t the corstx^uction of a :fence u' ti�_Jl:. Secor_c�ed by Peake. Ti:'r V0�'� �'�yes: T,�'�zniak, Tieso, Voi�t, �ea::e, So^�1~ierd.ori. ?Tayes: nor.e. .'�bs�entions: none. Motior. carri�:7 :C'ive (5; �^ zero (0). ��;-'12-�3 n5�,� !�s���.a.z=c'. t�o;:�,er ��,�;,,.n::.s -;;�;._T:=;CT �n����°r dwted I�f:�.y 15, �_�?2 :Prom R. �. Su�,ton re`;�,.rca7_n�; ri_re code def�.c E ��c,.�_e^ ;�;� ;o�� .�sYil..arid. I�ru. Youn� is anpealinn; ite�r.a 7., 2 �:, 3 of �L-Yi�.i; 1et�;er, !'�i'�=P��!2FLi�?CES jZO�''ny' vptlri�S TYRC�a`:i�T1TI'TIZS � i.�. ���.:r.-\ . . ^n.e �roper-ty under appeal is bein�; us�d as a home �'or de�_inquent oofs, 1G-1�� ;y ca.rs o�d. NJr. Youn�s is a�•ceim�;,�n� •�o m���e � '�oYne-li;ce a�;mosp'�ere l�r these J�un�;sters on proba�ion. i=e pro7�e��y is licensed a.s a boa.rc?in� ho�:��. 'o�rs are re:Cerxed. to t'nis horae by the C�ur.�� Juveni�e Cour�; Service. There is on� open stair!�ray at �Lhe center ol �he ou�lding. Tl�e second lloor T�eans of e�ress shoui d not �o �throu�lz a bedroom. ��ir. Ycur,gs stated tl�.�„�; he T�r_�_„ z•ri�rdrat�r his req_uest regardin; the installa�Lion o� a fire alarm s;;stem, �� T<r�11 install a ma,nual alar:n_. Y�un;� fe�t �_^_at to replace the oak and �)_ass ue�s�reen �he basement and second �'loor ti:ritn fire ma,terial would destroy the beaut�r of t��?e home-like atmosp}_ere. Second �'_oor Tli�1T:ClOS17S a,re lar�e enou�rh �o p!�ovide adequa-L-e e.��.t ior youn� boys. nCTSON P.otion b� Tu�Jozniaii to yzai_ve cer'cain reau�rei<zen�s co permit tre fo:.lo�rrin..� �l�.xee varia:r_ces: l. th��rd �"loor occubanc;� by ',he o:-mex U+�OVZQPd th��:, he install a means �i' e�ress, 2. i�.sta11�,�ion. ol z�rire �1_�,ss as an a1-�:,erna'�_�re �o in.stallation o�' recom�enc?ed mu.�eria�s bet��Teen 'oa.se.�n.en� and second. f)_oor ' s�ai-rs, 3. that second means of egress be proz�id�d �;hrou�h ��ro separate r.�oms and that a staix��ray �rex�ical ladder also on erec�,�d.. Al� t.^.ree i�Lem_s a.xe granted on the provision �Lha� D4r. Y�un�s inst�ll materi�,l to roxovid� a one �our i'ire ratin; on �he basemen� cloor and ';,:�at �he heme �ecupa.nc�T �� �._r.��ted to seven boys. . . ' , ,._,I�'1n1� A�res: Vloznia].c, Tieso, Voi��, ne<^'�e, Som*�erd.or:�. I�?ayes: none. ^.'�S�GP?Z��O`-�15: r_one. T�iotion carried five (5) ��o zero (0). 30-72-8 1033 CTxwnd. Avenuc� Stej�rar.t Luc'�m<<.n . �� T'7 I F�i^If*1 � . �. ��L. ,�..�•�1 �'�r. Luck�Yv�,n is reauesti� a varie..nce or Sect:i.on �+-.0�-�1.�;-, �art � o_' �'�e � i�"!�. :�)?J.�_ .T�@�1S��a,'�1,1V� C.OGC' ''.:O �@�I7a,i��._C �'f1C CO�°1;���_. 7.CL.:_O'_��. �'Ji �3,T"l ��� 1�?''^E.' i�l.'�:�._':';:l ���_., 'OY'O?�C7.''�tj .�L?1C't �3,!1 �.C�,jra,CE�,.� CCl.(!1C:rC1:.� 'J�O.OG1 L�r 1-'iY'. Z:J.(:lim�.t1 :CC��<^:,Y'C;S '.;;?.�' e�=�U'�iY,f�; conditior_ as a 'r_��a.:c� �;,o liis c:��]_c;rer., ���C�IO�`i '_�'..:?.�n b;� ti��ozna.aL ±a �ra:r_� w va�i^.nce o.� Sect'o:� T.��-!--���, part B �;o e:�al.>1.c: '"'�1�: C7?1S'iiY"L.1C'v:lOil O�' a ience )t l�l 11C-'1��i1�. r`.'��E?COY?.�GG. 'l��T �':LE'ti0. �... i.:l.^ TJOI�, ;jTCS: �''OZ;11.�.1�� "'1eS0� V01.,..'7','G, pE3.rse, S�J2'!�Y'leTC101i. x�TB.JC'S: T?011�. :lbstentions: none. P�iotion ca.rriecl five (5; �f;o zero (0). . � DUrLICATL TO�RIN7tR ,� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F u�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�wr��r COMI�(,(SSIONER" DA� �L�� tibLtr '�i�L! CiO�� �� ! �'��.M a1'IQ �� tl�s aa�icn ot thu Saia� Paul Borurd mt llpp�a7.s a:rd �ri� ib� th� ��6, �1��6, and !'ire Pr�vsatiea� Cod�s perbai.tiing to tht l+all�riag listed prvp�x�ty and a+r shaa� b�;y t.he oiY'�ci�al �OntEes o� sail! Board o! llppa�l�, 4sttd J'ime 14, 197�, a aapy o� Msich, asaic�d �BtT "A", is at�sbsd h�o snd a�d� a parti lrr�o� by nt'er�n�ae: C� D�.• P�" �" Y ., �7.ax�t 23-72-H 2110 =. Ozang� Lteqrd li�u 27•72�-H 430 E. �a2�► Bial�sd J. lbss �-72•�8 1409 Oswala Jo1m H. Lonna� 29�-72�A 96�i Ashland �os ?o�mgs 30-72�►B 1033 t�rand Ar�m�re �s�srt I�wob■an - �u� 1 a��7z COUNCII�N Adopted by the Co�mciL 19— Y� xa,� JUL 13 197.8 utl Hunt � App�v.�rl 19_ 1 n Konopatrid � ' e Levine Favor � �� Mereditli Sprafka n Maypr S � Tedesco (t/ Aroaninat T eaco Mme. President,, Butl� Dsr. Pr d t, McCarty ���