259256 ,��� +ORIGIN%1L TO CITY CLBRK 2�925�
RESOLVED, Tha.t pursuant to the authority contained in
Minnesota Statutes, Section 161.36, the Council of the City of
Saint Paul does hereby designate the Commissioner of Highways of
the State of Minnesota to act as agent on beha.lf of the City of
Saint Paul, a subdivision of the State of Minnesota, for the purpose
of receiving Federal Aid Funds (TOPICS) to construct and improve
Ma.ryland Avenue from 190 feet east of Jackson
Street to Interstate 35E,
all in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the
Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Commissioner, a
copy of which Agreement is attached hereto.
t. ity A� rney
�1lL 12 t9►72
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
�� xunt L 13 1972
�� Konopatzki prove 9—
Levine Favor
Sprafka � �ayor
Mis President, �aQ�:b� But 1 e r
���' JUL 15 �y12 � .��
, � .
� ,
� . . , ,
� Fa� 30747 (5-�a> -
. � xa�z�s �,R��.�z ��925b
MIIVi7�S0�A �rLPI's1:TilEidT Oi� i3�GITi1AYS
This Agreement ma3a and entered into by and between the City �
�of �4� ��u1 hereinaiter re£erred to as the "City"�
��y� and� ��Y Z�PP����xd , Commissioner of �3ghoaays of the S�ate
of riinnesota, hereinafte� referred to a� the "Cornmissioner", �:ITPI�SSETH:
FIH�R�AS, plans and specifications have been prepared for the improve-
ment of portiuns of City Stree�s-�}XX,.'X�C:Cd� in the City of St. Paul
, which said plans an�l specifications will be on file in the
Departnent of Hi�hi��ays, St. Paul, T�Iin�:esota 55101, and are kno�m and desiUna�ed
in tli� records and files in tiie Depariment of Hight•�ays as Tratfic Operations
lrogr�m to I�iprovP Ca}�acity and Safe�ty�, and
tiiHE�3AS, Fed�ratw��d Funds (Top?_cs) have been made available by the
federal governmenc for �the �.zc:provement of portions of said City Streets-�a�g�
rR�e�+s slio�an in s�id p lans, and
t?HERE�S, the Commissioner of Public Roads, actin� through appropriate
a;ents and deaartments, has a.pproved sazd plans �nd specifications and has
caused to be set- up and designa�ed as Federal-Aid :rojects, the construction of
said projects, in accordance with said plans and specifications.
- 1 -
- That pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivision 1 throu�h 6, T•iinnesota
1969 '
Statutes , the Ci.ty ��� of �� ?�t�, does hereby appoint
the Co�nissioner it�s agene:
(a) To accepti and receive all recleral Funds made available for said
Federal-Aid Pxojec�s.
(b) To contract pursuant to ia�� for the improvement of portions cf
said City Streets-�?.��t?�C3�',�C��i.n the City�l,��of �t. Paul . . �
Fage N�. 1 .
.. : _ . _- _ ._ _ _ __. � . ..
�� Form 30747 (5-70) �
Countq State-A3.d Hi�hEY,� Na. 31t� asa�ryla.nd Rvenu� �rom 190 feet EESe�t
City Streer or i�t��.'i����t�
o� Jr�c�tson to Trunk Hi�h���;r 3y � in 5�o Pau], and ideneified in
the records of the Department of Highways as � S.P. G4-(Z2Q-18
an3 3.n the records of the Bureau of iublic Roads as ��" �S ���`G y002�Ofl3�
f rom
City Street ar County Road
to and identified in
the records of the Department of Highways as T.
and in the records of the Bureau of Public :�oads as
City Stre�t; or County Road
ro and identified in
the records of tl�e Je�artment of I:ighcaays as T.
an� i:� the reco�ds of �he Bureau of �ublz.c Roads as
City Street or County Road
�o and identified in
the records of the Department of Higi��•�ays as T.
and in the recorc:s of the Bureau of ?'ublic Roads as
f YG1D
City Street or County P.oad
to and identified in
the records of the Depar�cment of Highways as T.
and in the records o� the Bureau of Public I'.oads as •
City Street or �ounty Road
to and identified in
the records of the Department of Highc•�ays as T. _
and in the records of the �ureau of :ublic Roa3s as
Page No. ll'�
' Form 30747 (5-70;
�11 of the above in accordance with the plans for said project dated
S,P. 64-020-:L8
and labeZed ' on file in the office of
the Commissioner of :�ighway�, the special provisions for said project and the
Department of Hight�ays 8pecifications dated January 1, 197?and alI amendments
tizereof, which said plans, special provisions and specifications are hereby
incorporated by reference and made a part of this �;reement �aith the sar.�e
force and effect as though fully set forth herein.
In the let�in� of said con�ract, it is hereby a�reed that the follow-
in� procedure sha11 be iollowed, Co-wit:
The Contrnissioner of Hi�h�3ays shall cause the advertisements calline
for bids on said �•�orlc to be published in the Construction Bulletin. He shall
also cause advertisements ior bids to be publ�i.s�ed in the officially desi�nated
newspaper of the City �x��3��cahich said local newspaper is hereby designatecl
b� the Cyty to be the Ze�:�l Pa�er published at
St. Paul Said advertisement or call fo� bids shaZ� specify
urchasiag ben'c
thaC sealed proposals or oids will. be received by the City ����ti���d��
of �• �t' Pa� on behalf of the Commissioner of I-Iighway� as agent of
said City a��t�y. Proposals, plans and specifications shall be available for
the inspection of prospective bidders at the o�fice of the bepartment of H�gh���ays,
Purchasing Agent
St. Paul, Idinnesota 55101, and at the offi�e of said City ��X�XI�i�i£�FX�id��
and the advertisement shall so state. The bids received in response to said
adve-rtisements for bids sha11 be opened for and on beha].� of the Co�aissioner of .
High4�ays by a District Engineer of the Department of Hibhways or such other
engineer of the DepartmenC of Hi;hc�ays as may be from time to time selected by
the Coirmissioner. �.fter said bids shall have been opened, eX�
C��������d'r the City �t�z� ot �t• Pa� shall first
consider the same ar.d thereupon txansmit to the Commissioner of Highways all
Pa$e P1o. 2
_ , . ,
� Form 307�7 (5-70)
bids received to�ether with its recommenda�ion that the loc�est bid submitted by
a r�sponsible bidder be accepted or that aIl bids be rejected. Upon receipt
of all said bids, the Commissioner of I:igh���ays shall duly cause all ot said bids
to be tabulated in accordance ��rith law and shall thereupon determine c�lio is t e
lowest resPonsible badder or slzall reject all bids. ��� � p��""
�"„ A '� (� _
�-�d� �
(c) To supervise and have charge of the ConsCruction of saild groject -4,�
��rY �
af�er the same has Ueen let. Ttie City c;�,t,�A� agrees to furnish either its�Vr �
City En;ineer d�����3U�'f�,1i�jK.. '� or such other competent re�istered � �`ra
en�ineer and assign him to the ac�ive'supervision and direction oi the wor2c to ���
be performed under any contract let for the aforesaid project. Said engineer
so assi;ned shaZl act under ehe supervisior� and dl.rection of the Commissioner
of �Ii�h��ays. The Ci�;� cX}�;]��%� further a�ree� to furnisii such other men,
sexvices, supplie� and equipmeni: as shall ba necessary in order to properly
su�ervi.se and carry on said wor!c.
(d) To mal:e such chan�Ps in the plans or tize character of the c•�orlc as
shaZl be reco�anended by the engineer in charge of the ��ork. Zf he cuncurs in
such reco�nendations, the Coimnissioner may enter into �or and on behalf of
the ¢q�4:�� City supplemental aoreements �•�ith the contractor for the performance
of any e�tra crork or work occasioned by any necessary, advanta�eous, or desirable
chan�e in plans or construction.
It is contemplated by the City or County that the Commissioner of
Highways cannot personally investi�ate and pass judgment on the various items .
of extra work and plan changes necessary and desirable durin� the construction
of the pro,ject but that he must de7.e;ate such duties ro enbineers under his
supervision and con�rol that are employed by �he Department of Hi�h���ays. Tile
City o�f���does hereby authorize these en�i.neers, so dele�ated by the
Commi�sioner o� Iiigh�aays, actin� under the general supervision of the
Page IQo. 3
Form 30747 (5-70} �
Cammissioner of Hi�ho�ays to enter into ior and oii behalf of the City or County
the supplemental agreements specified in the preceding paragraph hereof.
(E} The City �.���y hereby authorizes its City
I�i�hc��ay �n�ineer for and on behalf of the City �=� to, from time to
time, durin� the progress of the wortc on said project, request the Commissioner
of :3ighways to furnish for use on said project specifi c engineerin� services
to be performed by skilled employees of the Departmant of High�aays. The
Commissioner may but is not obli�ated to furnish the services so requested.
If the Commissioner of Hibh�•�ays in compliance ��ith such requ�st shall furnish
for the use of the City �t� on said project the services of any Mi.nnesota
Department of Hight�ays emnloyee, then and in that event, the City g�;�
agrees to reimburse the Trunit Hi�hway Funds for Che full cost and expense of
the furnisliin� of- such services incl��ding a7,1 casts and expenses of any k�nd
or nature ��.zatsoever arisi��.� out of, connac�ed ���ith, o: incident�l �o the
furnishin� o£ such services.
, (f) To receive the funds to be paid by the City p��f�t and the
funds to be paid by the United States as Federal-Aid, for said project and to
• pay thPref:.om t•�he:� due any and all sums �hat nay become due the contractor
to whGm the contract is ac��arded, and upon final comp].etion and acceptance of
the worlc, to pay £rom said funds the fi.nal estimate Co said contractor for
said worlc. � .
(�) To do and perfoxzn on behalf of the City all other
. acts and thin�s necessary to cause said project to be completed in a satis-
factory manner. .
(h) To enter into any agreement fox and on behalf of the City
�cx��with the TJnited States or any officer or agent therof that may be
required or necessary for the purpose of procuring Qnd actually causing to
Page P10. 4
rorm so�4� (s-�o>
be paid the Federal-E'.id availa'ul� for said pro�ect and to that end to bind
and coimniC the City ��� in�such a�reemen� to the performance of any and
all tiiin�s required by any �aG� of the United �tates or of any rule or regulation
issued by comnetent federa� authority pertainin� thereto necessary for the
purpose of procuriizo and havin� paid the rederal-Aid available for said project.
(i) To d� and perform on behalf of the City �u�any oCher
and fuxther acts as may be necessary or required under any law of the United
States or of any rule or re�ulaeion issued by proper federal authority in
oxder to cause said project to be completed and to obtain and receive the
rederal-Aid made available therefor.
- 2 -
The Ci�y ��"��i� a�rees that it c��ill from time to tizne, after
t�e execution of these presents to matce such rep�xts, lceep such records an.d
��erfnrm such c�urk in such manner and time as tl:e Coamissioner of Highc•�ays
shall from time ta time request and direcC so as to enable the Commissioner
� as its ager_t to collect for it the rederal-Aid sou;ht.
.. _ 3 _
It is contemplated that the Federal Government wi].1 pay to the
. Commissioner� of Highways as the agent of the �ity �a�q the Federal.-Aid
available to said City � �totvard the �onstruction of said project.
Tt is further contempl.ated that the conCract to be Iet by the Commissioner
� as the anent of the City � � for the construction of said project sha13 .
provide thar the contractor, as the work progresses, shall, from Cime to ti.me,
be paid partial payments designaCed in sa�d contract as partial estimates and
on tha completion and acceptance of said 4�ork be paid a final payment des3.gna�ed
in .said contract as a final-estimate for a31 caorlc performed.
�age Pdo. 5
_. , . - ('
., t. • -
Fctrm 3074•7 (5-70)
The City ��X�3E# agrees to deposit caith the Commissioner nf
Hi.ghways a sum equal to ninery (90) percent of the City o�{��j�c��Q}�share of
tihe entire contract abli�a�ion, to be used in paying �he CiCy or County share
of the partial esCimaees and for advancing the federal share of such estimate
payments. Upon deterraination of the final costs on s'aid contract, t;ie City
Xyi��o�4�3g�(will be requested to deposit the remaining share of their obligation
pursuant to the terms of the contract let for and on behalf of the City �(
��� for the construction of said contract. At regular monthiy intervals
after the contractor shall have started worlc under the contract let by the
Commissioner as agent for the City dC�d(X�iX�C for the construction of said
project, tYie engineer duly assi�ned to and in char�e of said worlc sha1Z pre-
gare ac partial estimate ir. accordance c:riCh the terms of said contract iet �or
saicl project;. T�ie said en�i:�eer i.n char;e of said �•.•ork shall immediately
after preparin� each partial estzmate, transmit Che sazne to the Comm�ssioner
in quintuplicate. Each such partial esti.mate, shall be duly certified by
� t,ze en�ineer in char�e and by the contraceor performing such work. The said
enUineer duly assi�ned to and in charge of said wor:c shall also prepare a �
final esti.mate in accordance t�ith the Cerms of said contract let for said
project. In addition to said faregoin� partial est�nate payments the City �(�(
�4�( a�rees to pay to the Commissioner that arnount which will be sufficient
together with the Federal funds actuaZly allocaed and received to pay the final
estimate after the same has been prepared and submitted to the Commissioner, �
approved by the District �n;ineer .or h3.s assistant. The fore�oing provisions
as to the time and amounts of particular payments shall in no way. Iimit or
qualify the City's N�Xt�d��X�( obli;ation to pay all of the .cost of said project
° not paid by ���ay of faderal funds.
Page No. 6
, I
� � I
. � . � ���
- Form 30747 (5-70) �
t�Then the contractor shall ha�ve completed the work on said project, ,
the City X�CX�k�Y-�( agree� to inspect the same and forth��Jith upon the
completion of said ir.spection advise tlZe Commissioner of Highc��aqs whether
or not the �aorlc performed, should be by the Commissioner of H:i.�hways as its
agent, accepted as bein� performed in a sa�isfacrory manner. In the event
the City X�s�XX�6Ys�E� should, after said inspecCion, recommend to the Commissione,r
of Hi�n���ays tliat I�e should not accept said �rork, then the City��il�� shall
at the time such recomnlendation is made�specify in particulari�$3' the defects
in said ��orlc and the reasons why the o�ork shauld not be accepted. It is
further a�reed that any recor�nendations made by the City�YL�O'4i4��� are not
binding on the Cor,�nissioner of 'rii�hways but that he shali have the right to
determine c�thetl�er or not the ���orlc has been acceptably performed and to accept
�r reject tne worlc performed under any said contract.
- 5 -
T.t is further agreed that the decision of the Carmnissioner of
I-Ii;h��rays on tiie several matters herein set forth shall be �inal, binding
and conclusive on the parties hereto.
- 6 -
100% of the cost of the railroad bridges , and
It is contemplated 4hat �'���r��wst o-f-�ai�-p�.�j�cct i�--t.o--be-
50 .°6 of the cost o.f the remainder of said project is to be
paid from funds made available by the United States by way of Federal-Aid �
and tihat the renainin� S�No is to be made available by the City ?f�(�tf�(�dl�tiZ�(.
• Tf, �or any rea�on, the United States fails to pay any part of the cost or
expense of said project, then and• in that event, the City �aCXX�Y�i( agrees
to pay the sa-ne. The City �XX;G�pJ�X��'X�urther•agrees to pay any and aIl cla3ms
or demands of any kind or nature �•�hatsoever arising out of or incident ta '
th.e performance of �he ��ork under any contract let for said project in the
event that the Federal Goverrnnent does not pay the s�ame, and in all events, �
Fage Y�o. 7
• �� � .
,� �
. agrees to save the State of Minnesota and the Commissioner harmless and
to pay any and all expenses and costs connected with said project �r the
construction thereof which the Federal Government does not pay.
_ � _
That the Commissior�er accepts this said appointment as agent of
the City and agrees to act in accordance herewith.
l�ssistant City Attorney City Cierk
. OF , 1� Head, Depar�ment of Finance
Assistar�t City Attorney �
5tate Aid Engineer Date
By: .
Special Asst. l�ttorney General Commissioner of Highways
� _ Da te Da te
Page No. 8
� ' .
. -r"� S.P. 6��-O2o-tB
' t��rir�. Etis T07G Soo2 (003)
� DATE: June 14, 1972 CITY OF S7. PAUL
t4ARYLAtdD AVE. P-0526A
PRCPARED GY: Richard J. Juelich
• ������
PAGC OilE - QUCSTI011 1/1
I s th i s at oppos i t�es ti��i th an imp) i ed understand i n� sho�•m i n
Sect ion 3, �'a�e 'v, �egi nn i ng ali th the e i�!�th (8th) 1 i ne from
the bottom of the page and further in Section 6, Pa,r�e 7, starting
at the fourth (��th) 1 i re from the: bottom of t}�e page ►��here i t seems
that some �unding fro� Federal Aid (T.O.P. I .C.S.) is indicated and
then sor.�eho��r i t i s ac►c1 i t i ona 1 1 y s tated l:hat shou 1 d funds not be
ava i l ab 1 e f rom the Fecle ra 1 Governr.�ent, tt�e C i ty st:a 1 1 pay expenses
' At�lSIdER: Th i s i s the way i t has to be i f the C i ty wants to take advantage
of Federa) money. Further t1ND must put itself in a position
that should Federal financing b� denied prior to or subsequent
. � to letting of construction contract, that City �•1i11 assume
obliyation. .
PAG�: G;;L- - SGC71G:i 1 (�) - Q�'.:S71Ci� .;'2 � .
SF10J�Ci th i s an,rc��ent refer to or.l y the C i ty? (�.i i references. to
Cour�ty, County �OaGS , etc. , r�ay be cleleted if not nee�ed) .
AtdSl•;EP.: City may edit form agreement to reflect City only.
' PAGE �f 1 A � : "- .
_ PAGE TI/0 - SECTI�tI 1 (b; - (lot-rer half of page) - QUES710td ,'.f3
:�,_ � . .
, Is there any reason why City Cterk is noted as receiving bids? .
tlornal City procedure. . . bids i�ill t�e received by t�e City Purchasing
. Department . . .
P,NS4fER: It is agreed that a�ords City Clerk may be deleted and the words
Pu�chasing Department substituted in lieu thereof.
� r { �
• 't '
_ � �� � _
� .
!s it necessary to clarifyHrho witl be billed for the services
rendcred by thc City �•�hen the City provides a competent registered
engineer and other personncl to supervise and direct the
A1JSl�lEP.: The accepted MHD definition of construction in this instance
includes construction inspection and construction surveying.
� ' �
P11GE FOUR - SECT I Oh� 1 (e) - QUES710t� ,'.•�5
(s this paragraph consistent with paragraahs: a, 5, e, d, f, g, h
and. i , in regard to the first, paragraph of Section 1 on Page 1 ;
(i .e. should it start �•lith To----)? l•tould it be pro�er to start
. 1 (e) as follo�•�s: After deleting the first sentence .
"To furnish as ctirected by the Commissioner of t�ight•rays upor
� request by thc City Engin�er, specific engineering services
to bc perforr�ed F�y sE:i l led e�ployees of the Cepartr.:ent of
tl i,h��ays." .
AIlS1lEi:: It must be remembereci that the agreement under consideration is
. a form type and h��;D indicated that they thought the intent was .
n t�ough the consistancy in the beginning of the
sentence 4ras no�t-i-s. '�d:--�-
PAGE ' FOUP. - SECT I Ot� 1 (h) - QUEST I OiJ ,;'`6
• IloulJ it be more proFer to insert into this section 1 (h) after the
4rord City cn the first line, the fotlo�•:ing: . . .after giving City
. proper� notice and receiving City's approval . . . ,
AF:SI�lER: MND indicated� that it would be highly undesirabie to act as an !
agent and at the same time have to clear witn the City. Further,
the big consicSeration is the awarding of a construction contract,
and this would not be executed by MHD until the City recommended
,. ..
poes .it seem reasonable that the first sentence should be deleted
and in lieu thereof the fol•loa�ing substituted:
� • � ��
. � � .
�� J
:V ,
l.� •
- "Thc City agrees to advance to the Commissioner of High�•�ays
upon receipt cf a request after tt�e said project has been let
a suin equal to niret,� (90) perr_ent of tt�e City share of the
entire contract obiigation, said City sf�are estimated in the
amount of $165 ,G00.00, for the partial • estimates and for
advancing the federal share of such estimated payments."
AtJS41ER: �-1ND was extremely reluctant to spell out amaunts� dates and �
surns due MHD. It was Mr. Fay's contention thaY all the f�cts
in the matter of costs t•�ill be before the City at the time
recommendation of the contract is considered by them. Further� j
there would b� no billing of City until after construction 1
� contract was executed. ��
. i
�,'� . .,
•'� = -
� . - ,
� t� .,
C�� .
. - �
,. ,
PAGE S tY. - Second paragraph of $ECT!OtJ 3 - QUES710N ,�#8
The first and tast sentences of the second paragraph of Section 3
mentions again the Federal shar•e or fihe project. Should this
agreemenfi have a clause stating that it is null and void if the
�ederal share is zero?
AMS4!ER: �o. MHD wili not enter into a construction contract unless
_ Federat funds are use� to assist in financing.
PAGE SEVEN- First sentence of SECTIOW 6 - QUESTION n9 -
'� QUEST I Otd; I s the mean i no of the f i rst se:�tence as fol 1 o�•rs : '7he Ci ty
� of St. Paul ayrees to inspect the pra_ject unon its conpletion and
inform t�ie Cc.r,�issioner o� Hig���•iays pronptly thereafter in the
: matter o�= Ci ty reco:r.:�endat ion of project a�.proval , "
AHSIdFR: Yes. The ser�tence str•ucture :ma>> be some��hat ambiguous, but it
i s arhati has served f��'r;D sat i sfactor i ly i n tne past.
PAGE SEVtr�! - SECTIO�d 6 - QUES7(ON r'�10
Is ifi no�•i agreed that the first three lines of the paragraph should �
read, "It is contemplated that 100% of the cost of the railroad bridges �
and 50% of fhe cost of the remainder of the said project is to be paid
from funds made available by the United States by r�ay of Federal-Aid
- and the remaining portion is to be". . . . . .? •
� ANSIdER• Yes. Rewrite agreement with this change. �
;�i ' �
, �� , .
. PAGE SEVEW - S ECT I Oi3 6 - QUEST t ON #1 1 .
Have questions #1 and #�7 been satisfied fn reference to the last sen-
tence in Section 6?
` � ANSk�ER; Yes. See #1 and �#J answers.
• � t .
; � .
_ _ �. C4� . � - E
- �
w .
Is the attached page sha,��ing proper execvtion form for the City
At�S41CR: Yes, i ncl ude i n rewri tten agreement.
�;_ .
. i
_ •�/ -
. �
_ �.
- .. - -
1 Y
UAIE: � �
'T+�IS _r____. 17f��f �
ASS I STI;I��( C f TY kTTOi;�ttY
ST/�TE AI D E;dG i P.EER , C?ATE '
�- - .
i� :
' . . BY:
. ' r � DATE
Dt�T E � �
, i , .
' (SEAL)
��� ..
� P���,�,n��R,� 259256
RESOLVED, Thst pursvant to the authority contain�ed in
Minnesota Statutes,► Section 161.36, the Co�u�cil of the City of
Saint Paul does hereby d�signnta the Cvmmisaioner of Higl�vay� of
tha Stats of Mi�aaoota to act aa agant on t�half of the City of
Saint Psul, a subdivisioa of tha State of Mi�sota� for thQ purpose
of receiving Fmderal Aid Fuacls (TOPICS) to constru�ct a�d improve
Maryland Av4�u,t from 190 faat ee�st of Jackson
Str�et to Interstate 33E,
ell in accordar�ce with th4 terms and conditlons stt forth in tha
A,gr�rsnt betWasn the City of S�.nt Paul and th� Cammisaiouer, a
copy of which Agreament is attached h�reto.
;lu� 1 a �
COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co»�c� 19_
Yeaa Nays �
� xunt A�� dUl 13 1972 18—
� Konopatski
�°�e Tn Favor
Sprafka Ysyor
Mrg President, � $u,tl�r