259251 ORIOIPY/1L TO CITY CLBRK ����7�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I R UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��I� I ►TU�.�7 1O� 1972 CONfMI5510NE ATF ��1HEREAS, the City Council ot the City of Saint Paul is informed by the Oepartment of Parks, Rec�eafiion and Public Buildings that the vacant and open buitdingts) located at: 601-3 Carroll in the City ofi Saint Pau! are a proximate haiard to the public heaith, weltare and safety; and WHEREAS, the ias# known record owners of said property are: Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wiley 5406 Milart Street, Houston, Texas and said owners have tailed to secure the sams agalnst e�try by unauthortzed persons in vio{ation ot Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and said vacant and open building(s) have been found and dete�mined by the Councit of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a manace to the public health, weifa�e and safety and a pubiic nuisance which must be immediateiy abated to prevent loss of � ife or property; now, therefore be it RESOIYED, that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public 8uildings is authorized and directed to immediatety secure said buildings by the use of contract labor under cantract No. �398- pending proceedings under the Hazardous i3ui Idings Act; and be it L 7525 FURTHER RES�LVEO, that the expense of securing such buiidings be paid from fund No. 0979-269, Surrwnary Abatement, end that the Corporation Counsel be directed to take appropriate action to reimburse said fund by action against the owner ot said property. Estimated cost: $480. 90 CO CILMEN Adopted by the Council �'' 1 2 �9— Yeas Nays �II�� xunt UL 13 197� �a� Konopatski 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith n Sprafka U Mayor A gainst , Tedesco FOR A : Dd�-�d��.ri�- Madam President Butler Asst. Cit Attorney PUBLISHED JUL 15 �972 �� � ' ; -� � 1C I T Y O F �A1 l�t:"�- PA��.t ,�"������ �� �� '� �� ita) o� Minnesota � , e� �t- , � , „ �: . , �« � p *+ � i �j +� � "* �,a� , � , � � �� . .v . �; : � �,,,'t3� � : � - � ^" -- aJSw .��.' ' �,�. , �., .� � �� � �-,x,'; F � . z�;. . �� � , �� � �= � � ,,. ,� � ��� t���. f ���_,�.�I � �,. .. - -"x'��� X� �; 'f. _'-q' ,� ..��,w .r, � ��.� Mv- w. ,=,".- .. , . � L - '_ 4 u �� �'f, +�`�'�r�' �,�,�v.'. �:� ��'�� ,.' e � ��� BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 July 11 , 1972 RECEIVED J U L 1 1 1972 MAYOR'S OFFICE The Honorabte i�9ayor Lawrence Cohen Room 347 City Court House Sa i nt Pau I, t��i i nnesota 55 I 02 i�layor Cohen: The Bureau of Pub1lc Buiidings requests the transmittal of fihe attached Surnmary Abatement resolution to the City Council for securing the described vacant buiiding. Yours ruly, /�j��%6���-�%` Frank A. Staftenson Supervisor-Nousing Co e FAS/Ih b5