259238 r .
+ �59�38
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Re�olution App�oving Asse�sment By—
and Fizing Time af Hearing Thereon File No. 17�t'i.�
In the matter of the asseasment of beaefits, aost sAd ea�peases for i�provin� HAMLnIE
�YIIit1B frc� B�igcmobe 8oad to P.asdol�� Avesns (City Projeat P-�82S) aa follo�ws:
aidea, cc►�stract c�rb, co�struaC :treet, alle� aad dri�ret►a� retnr�s aad constr�ct
store water �raiaaae fa�ilities between �i�hla�d larkwa� am� xandelph eienge; cou•
strnat a mit�iaous overlay wrer the estire linits �f the pro�ect; and d� all other
work xhiah ia aecessary aai iacidestal to ava�lete sai� i�pr�►e�effit,
under Preliminary Order 7139 ,apprnved Ji�nir� 23� �97A ,
Intermediary Order 26�7?lA ,approvec� t�xreh 3, 1978 �
Fina1 Order 248��A ,aPproved ��h 31, 197� ,
The assessment o� bes�fits� �est �� e�nges for and in connection with
the above improvement having been submitte�d to the Council, a,nd the Council having considered same
and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RFS(}LVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be ha,d. on sa.id assessment on the 9th
day of Au,�gt,r 1912 � at th� hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Comrnissioner of Finance `
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, atating in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notiee is directed.
Yeas F � , Nays �UL 11 �
F�4`' T Adopted by the Councit
L��_':�i N c
!: ;�DITH �UL �I�S
:,.,�KA — ovec� _
� i�!CR Tn FaVOr
� Mayor
� 1 2
Form R-2 2M 10-B8 s�� �� ����