02-534ORIGINAL Council File # � 7. � 53y Green Sheet # 101061 RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, NIINNESOTA � Presented Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby appoint, upon request of the City 2 Attorney and for the purpose of preventing an impermissible conflict of interest on the part of the City 3 Attorney, the firm of Jardine Logan & O'Brien, under the direction of attorney Pierre N. Regnier, as 4 special counsel representing St. Paul Police Officer Vincent Martin in the matter of Devonsha Burrell 5 Tho�son v. James R. Halverson, David R. Mueller, Soren M. Mahowald. Roeer N. Leonard, Jason 6 J. Bain, Ronaid K. Townsend, Issac D. Rinehart, Vincent Martin, individually and in their professionai 7 canacity as St. Paul Police Officers and the Citv of St. Paul, et al; and be it 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the compensation to be paid for the services of said special counsel shall 10 be in accordance with the City Attomey Fee Policy established for the appointments of all such special 11 counsei now and in the future, and the total fees to be paid to said special counsel shall be in accord 12 with such policy, will not exceed $145 per how, shall be reasonable and shall take into account the 13 factors listed in Rule 1 S of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Requested by Depariment of. Adopted by Councit: Date _� \� , p0 0'�, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary City Attorney By: � City Attorney �,��N�,� 6/7/02 Manuel J. Cervantes ��\ �� O 1J NU� i0rt ROUTING ORD9t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Approval o£ resolution appointinq Officer Vincent Martin in the case Citv of St. Paul. et al. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMfTTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has mis ce�rm ererworl�d under a cont�aa ro.mie tl�artmenn VES NO Fles this P�eoNfirm a+er been a dty empbyee9 YES NO Oces this PeiaoNfiim P� a sldA no[ nwmalNC�ed bY g�Y �� �Y �P�? YES NO Is tlus pereoMrm a tarpetetl vendoY! . YES � Ttie City is required to defend and indemnify employees for a11 acts occurring within the scope and course of their duties. In order to preserve a11 available de£enses and litigation options, it is necessary to appoint outside counsel to'avoid an impermissible conflict of interest. NANTAGESIFAPPROVED — _.-� -`. �-^— � Avoids conflict of interest £or City Attorney's Office. � ����N `�1.- IFAPPROVED YWVANIAIitJ It NUT AYYKUVtlI , � , I£ not approved, conflict of interest could disqualify�the City Attorney's Office £rom representinq any party. AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S Unknown ���ue suoc�o �cirtc� or�� rES no GREEN SHEET m�u�ro.wroie ❑ arv�nouurr_ ❑ wYMC1Y.aErtu�eFs ❑ MYOR(ORAiLRN �cua a�� u o �•s3y No i010�1 an�wc� ❑ anaa� ❑ AYIYLLf ❑ SIGNATURE) outside counsei for St. Paul Police of Devonsha Burrell Thompson v. souace General Government Accounts- �� GL00109073 Outside Counsel INFORMATION (IXPWM