259227 .
259�;�~1 �
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File No
In the Matter of ,
constructing and reconstructing sidevalks and by doing a7.1 other work which
is necessary and incidental to caraplete said i.mprovement, except where it is
determined good and su#'ficient poured sidewalks now exist:
Faxrington St. , east side from Burgess St. to Front Ave. and on the west side
of Faxrir�ton St. from Sti.nson Ave. to Front Ave.
' under Preliminary Order 258028 approve�l APril 7, 1972
Intermediarq Order approved ,
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council'
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement to be made by the said City is
' constructing and reconstructing sid.ewalks and by doing all other work which ,=
is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except where it
is determined good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exi"st:
Faxrington St.,�a��side from Bur�ess St. to Front Ave. and on the � side
of Farrington St. framn Stinson Ave. to Front Ave.
J -
and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FUftTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
clirected to prepare plans and specifications for sa,id improvement, and submit same to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed.with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
covxci�x JUL T 1 1972
� Adopted by the Council
Yeas Nays
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Konopa� ?
.-�evtnt� ! . - �
Mer� Tn Favor�
Tedesco /-I Ao.�nst �' U �
M me. Presid�ntt Butlefl —�-�
�.� _ 197 � �,f�;--
pUBLISHED JUL 15 ��--�, 7 // � � �J
�► 31, i�
xon. Roecer c��+�v,
Cae�oissionar ot Rblic Worka.
Desr Sirs
Tba� Ca�acil tod�► a�gax�►ed s Fiasl Or�r f�ror t.l�r cem-
�txvatiau vf sid�e►T.ks C. F. �3$$�i6. Prior to qrprarei o!
the Ora,er, �e sid�cs aat Farringtc�xt St. East sicle fr+cm
Burgeas St, to Fr�tt Av�e., �d on tbe Me�tt eid�e ot Farring�exn
8t. iros Stiasas A�e. to Froa�t A�aaue Nere elaleted iron► t�e
Ox�d�er, wd la.td arer to J�e S, 197�.
, V!!r'y 'CrulY Y�urs s
City Clark
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Dep�rta�en� o:C Finea�ce
I13 �ity Flall.
�utlen�en s
The C�unail today amended an L�te�meedl+�^y Ord�r end
e�et a puDa.ic he�ariz�g for Jtt�y llth� 1972, to aansi.der
t�e rsrsonstruatioa ot side�ra?�� c� Feez*ring�toa �t.,
�+�t �id� from Burgeas to l�iront Av+e. A�D on, ths east
el.de o�' ,P'�rrington fYom S�C�.n�taR tc,� Fxc�t Ave., under
F.0. 2580�$.
Yeryr truly yvura�
Gi.�y q.�srk
Copy tc�: Department of Public Wor��