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. � � __ R _ . ��9;� .�. �' . . .� ' -�,I�ERMEDIARY ORDER ���IL FILE N0. � ___ By File No. � 17621-s In the Matter of __ _ - - _ _ ._ ... ,�__ _�_,-__�___.--------.. _. —_ , F G Improving BURNS AVF.Nl�E frnrn ;,.t�� ' ' t �.� '��zel St:reet extended, SL';3�?RRAN ApENUE from Wh�.te rc�a� 1vE-�`-�� t:t. . � r,treet e;:tended, and the BUF2NS AV�?��;8- � � SU�3URBAN AVENL'E CONNFCTT���rI !� � �� ��� `- ' "-�!�9�R) bv openin�, widenin�; ��nd i ' extending Sc11(j SrTE'c't5 ri� �s c. i 't':. ;'l i.�r'i'. "�V 8CqL11C1T1b easPments �OY St1 E'Ct �Ilc� highway purposes on, t�v�-� , �����1 •�<��- � �o� locaing described lands : A11 those par.ts of. I.�ot '6�, ';�;I c,c�i• '"�, � � � . . ''i ' �1 s ��ic>. 5 ,Lot 2, Block 1 , Cl app- Thomssen Battle Cree'c �e��,t , ��n,� ;�,?-!� 1,�2 af thc SOUtt147PSt 1/', :,r ', Section 35, Township 29 N,,:�'-li ';:-;r � "�' '.��' . 7.ving wi_thi.n an Fi0 fc>o� w��dF ���;t�rip of land, the cente�- 1.in��_� ,��f .,.��= •' ' � c ,_ ;'��d �s f.ollows: Reginnin�; ;3Y tt,e� DO1Tlt Of lI1teTSE'CCIC�11 of i��C' r ;"a' �'�" i.i7c' ?�T�Tt�"I�4eSr 1��+ Cl� SE'Ctl(?tl 'J� jr,`q;`_ II ,. � ship 28 Nortt�, Range 2? Iti�e�t , >>��.!:1, , ;,�r. i�� f_:�et Sotith o£ and nara] le1 t� the �� North ]_ine of. s:3id. Ser.�ti��n ?.: ri : ��, � cr.e°!''..' al.on� said l.ast descrihc��': n�::'all�l � line a distance ot 98i?,r5 r�et- ,_.� � ���� �i�� : t�i��•�ce� N�rth�aesterl y al�n�; a c.ur.ve �� � � to the right tangent to 1ast: �'E���� - � �_ir� c,�vin� a radi.t�s of 300 ,fP�C r�nc.}� a � • central angle of 50 de;-;-�et�:. , ;; ' : 'r.: ��� ?h l .��} leet; then�� Northweste�ly along a straight line tanf;ent r; ' ' :� ,-���:�, � cl-�st<�nce of 7.90. �6 f:eet ; ti,r�nr•.rr - _Northwesterlv alon�_ a curv,, t�, +-,;, ;'; „�,�,�it to the �ast desc,.-ibecl � 2nE:� },a�aing: �i YdC�1llS Of ��� {8C� �il(1 c1 CFTiYi"t�. +. . n • �`{c �� +�t:.�t°.�?S � a C�1St�]"tCf� Q'f �Fi� . 52(� f�'�.}� ' � AA .r�1CLlCP. Westerly alQll� 3 SL?"'�37+,rY: 1 ! � 'lr. ;'�? S11(� CtIYVt' 3�� f•'.E'L CjiSt?RC *1(? c=�1 ,, + � ann t�aralle]_ to tl,e South i.i_n� ��f '- i� �, '"�, T��wnsh�F� ?..9 North, ltar�;e 2? 'ti, .r;t , t�,� +, - ,: � � -,� ., �� �,.�,�-�- �ne West l.ine of t:;ie S�,ut}�we't i ;:, _" ;" ,,�tir>i� ,..�, Tc,�anst�ip .%A Tlorth, anuc .,,_ , and there te.r.minar_;np�, ?xc��pt �,;i,�,t-; ,�; t�-����ts ; aJ.so that par.* ef the Sc,uth ' /� of the Southwest 1/!� �f Ser.rion "+r -,,�,��in ?9 :ti��srth, �:�ns=,e 22 W��st, tria �� �_1<;r � in shape lyi.ng Northea�te-rly of t�,� ,,,r�*�?°or� descr. itae<s 80 foat: w�d? G�:.r�, ��f � � , , . . . ��n ����r ,,,,..F_� , r � _= 7�nd, sotith of the South l i_ne �f ,�.+�I�i.trz�a�l ;ave.r,t,e n�l_�zc a J_in.e �, . - �nd parallel with the South i.irie c` 'a;�� ,`:� e,tion 35, ai�d Northweste�-1.� nt ;a i i_nF� ciesrribed as f�ll��os : ��e�i_nni_n� ,at �3 �7;�:in� c�z� t:l,a s�i�� SoiitY� 1 ine ot c„b,_�ri;,zn � � Avenue 200 feet di_stant T�1est c?f the ?���-r.t?iwe�>t cn�-ner c�, ^lock ?�, Scenl.c '" ' :� f � � No. 5; thence Sauthwesterl.y .,7 or.s� �; st- �;� t :i i_nc.� .3t an anf;]c �f 55 c?-��re�,s , 'f��; . minutes with sai.d Sout�h ].ine o'' ,Su��t.�i�,-+:i Av�=n��.� t� the N�rtheasterly ? in�� �,` ;I�c said hereto%ore descri_heci �,(? ��'oc�t. wi<'e �:t.-�.� ��f. land, and tht-re t�rmi.n,at:i_n �< .�isc> ' easements i.n the land necessa��y f���r �) <�n�,� , c,�t� �r�d f��lJs, incl��di.n� r'_�rht ��{ r.em.�v�l of lateral support froc, s�ihj�ct 1.r,��ds or rem.ii.ncle=- the7-eo_�, ;�c�asi��,',�:"j },� 2XCdV3t].OriS t.hereof OT C.O[1St1"t.;tCi lflt': ,:�i �7.i1t7;';; "i11 t�te <Ji"�lt�1Tl�', :3IlCj ;nAV'.Sl%; ��r �j??1�p` >,V' _ � IiUE? 111C� cill}?UY'}J�II l�VEi1t1E' �7'O!11 j+�tl1 r(' 'iC'?l" (=�1'C?il�lE. t0 �tiit�.l ,��rYF?Er,. . �..�.� ��i.,�,:r unv i_n�? _ - -- ---- --_..� _.�.,.... _ ___ __ .. �: a _-adius of 300 feet anc� a cez,i r; � ,.,, . ��.� n' ;0 dPgrees , a distanc� c�f' 2�,1 , �'� ff�et; thence Westerl.y alon�; a sL-�,_��nt 1 'n:� r at,<_rF�nt to sai�? curve 35� feet d:st�.nt n�>r_ti� i,f and narailel to the Soiit�i :! i�,�� �f ��r�� ; ��n ">�, ToF7n.ship 29 North, Rar,s;e '?7_ ;.�'F�st, tc the West l ine of tite Southwc �;+;� 1 !' ;���ction 35, To�mshi� ?.9 North, ;;�n�;P ?2 1•1est , �r,d there rerminati.n�, excc,pt �=.-;i -ti ,�= streetc. ; also that part of the Sc�ut�� ' /2 :�f the Southwest 1/!+ of ;ect�.ion 35 , '^,,can.sh:.p 29 North, R�?nge 22 �tite�[ , tri_:�nr�u.7rir in shape lyi.ng Northeast'.erl.v �f thf� r�c��-er_ofc�re described 80 fe�ot: w:�de str i p c�f ' 1�nd, south of the S�utl, 1_:�.ne of St�hu�-bari Avei��ze beintr a line ??0 f�FL N��-th �;� ��� '�• i _ and parall.el with the ;>outh i.�_ne c�f :�aid ,,ect.i.on 3�, and Northwesterl.y c�f a ] i_ne described as f�l.l.ows : T;egiz�ni_ri� �t a n�int �n the s�ii.cl Soi�ttl 1in� of Sut:>uri::�r ��venue 200 feet di_stant �+?est r�f tt�e ?�'^rtiiw�st corner af B1_ock 2�, Sceni_c � ; ls � Na. 5; tnence South�aesterl.y �1 cjnf� a „>t z�ai�;iit i f_ne :-�t an annl�-_ of_ 55 def;rec s , �(? . minutes with said South l.ine cf Suhur:}.-�n Aventie to the ��c,rtheasterl.y line cf the said heretufore desc;.ibed S,� foot widF: :;tri.r ,.�f l.and, an.d there. terminai�it ;; <;Jso easements in the l.a.nc� necessaa-y for �,?c7n�s , �A�t�; and f i.l.ls, including -r�s;ht �>f r.�nioval of I.ateral support from stibject 7a�,id:, or remainder thereof, ocr.asi.oneci i�v 2XCc1V3t:1.Oi1S thereof OY' COt1S�t:tlCtlnl?. (�� :i1,0�?�'S lTl ��lE'. s.?i"<�CIlTi� 8T1C� i�c1VIRf- ��r 5!!Ii1S� riVF>- , nue and Suhurban Avenue fr.om tdhite ?���ar !�ven�.ze to R;�th Street. ' � � , � . �. . � .. . .. � � �.,y-.. . - . . .. .. � . . � � � � .. . 1. . . ..�`� ' i - . � . . . _ . . . . • ' . � ._ ,., �.r,. � ' ~ ;. . - C4�JNQL FILE NO , . * ��N�'�IVIEDI�RY ORDER . a ... . . , � - � . . By _ FiTe`No � iTa21..s In the Mat�kr o#' ' , - _ . . . � _ _ _�.�. _ _ _ _ -- --- � , f ' ` Iniproving �;URNS AVENIIE fr�rn ',��tl� � *�������_�?: t�� l��aze7. Sfreet extended, SUi�??RRAN �� t'�VENLE fron� <�1l�i.tt� �3eai- ��rFr.��� << '. rtA-eet extended, and the BURNS AvrNtiF.- SUPL'RBAN AV.F,NUE CONNF;CT��:���i ��,it�v �r��i� �:� .: �'-0�!+�SR) hy opening, widEni.ng and ' P`�t211C�]_R� SFi1C� .�r"TPf�.S t.i� �. �it'; � ^�' '�?Pi. }1V �C��L11Y1T1� �"dSPTiIP.RtS �OT SYYPP_t �tlC� i hi�hw�y nur�oses� on, r,v�,,_ , ; ,! .��• -�, r!,�� r".�17.owin�; described lands : �11 those par.ts of Lo4 :'6 ,?oc�� -�`, � 1i .� N�. S,I,ot ?, Block 1 , Cl�pp- � � Thomssen P�attle Crec,': ' -�,:L , � ��.,? � �����t1� 1./� of the Southwest 7_/4 of ' � � S�ct.ion 35, Tc�wns}�zip ?c� �oLth , � �r,;�� '_ _ ��r•,t: , l.ying withi_n an 80 foot w;de strip o� land, Che r_ente,- 1�in��� c,fi 'ai �•� ;_r-�_h���d as foll_ows: �ieginnin�r, at� tlie - n�,int �f ;_ntersecti�r, �::r r?�� � r:r.. , _r , „� th�, �T^rThwest 1�!+ of Sectic�n "', Ti:�•m- ; ship 2f� Ncrth, P.?z�s;e �.`' F�E.��t:. , ••�i t! '�.: 1C� f��et Sc�uth of and pai�allel to the '. '`�?Yt}l 11T1P_. nf Sai.(� �E'C'.�'1<:yrl ^r.: t' � ` t'r' �-i:'_r�_* '3]_OTl� S$1Cl 1.�St C�E?SCTl.bE?,'? p3'.'d11P1 I . . ,. . � ! 1�ne a ciist��tnce nf 9�'� . ��=� t� ,:.� � r�'- ; th�nce ;�or.thwesterl.y alon� a c.urve � � � to �.i�e ri�ht tan�ent fi, ' r.,�>t c?.. - ` � l i.nt�� i,avin�; r� radius ��f 300 feet acc? a , ^.entral an�le of 5�� d<� � � �:�.; , ., � , �� �,� �ti1 .f;0 f�et; thence No,�tl�west�e�7y ' � .��l��nt a str��i�;h� ?;.i,e ug;c��lt ��. �r�i•����, r� :� ��*ance of 19Q. ;6 feet ; L}�,e�nc.e NOTt:lWf'St:t:�"',�_VL <Ii.ORC, :1 ^UYV,• ±t� ?" i• ,"la;� �..'i^i�� r:Q r�lE? 1c1St r�C.SCT'L�)E`C1 �I_llt� i1�1`J"L?if? . � , � a ;•�(7i11S Of �3�1� 1=E?P`.. �i11t1 Fi rf�tli,,.. ; r `;.' ,,f ,n Cjt.'. '" r' , ; q F? !Jr ^FiI , °� fF>pt ; g: e,�s a di..�t�.nc � ' ' ' sn: curvP 3>0 f�et dis � . 1'.1"I�RC< i�1E'fitPl"�.�' 1f_!)T1A; 1 �;�:'" �.S?'�f. ' C.�• � (a�;E'Ttt-, ! (l Cj . � �.f311f. 2tlY�Il �i' ' ��T1G p3Y�11P � tt� �i�F' �;t)l,rl, I '��E', :'� `"�''•,' iC)Tl �`r � ';'r�tiM]'1S�ll� 79 NOTr)1. �:;�I'oP_ � 'T � I =� .vE'.9r ti' . , _ „ . - . � �}l.°_ �v(�St 1.1_IIE' S)f t''1�' �=��U.��1G.i(?F.;t � /I� :��� �;�iC.�l(711 �"?9 in[JTlStll� 29 �OL't�l� ;�1II��E' 7`� i.i�7g��- > j , • � �na thc��-e ter.minar:�.np_, t �;e.F�pt ��.;1 ;ti ,�-,, stree.ts ; ^',^o khat par_*. r.f the S�ittlr ; j? < i ^. � 1�' 1:�1E �,Gll��l�a'C�S� �+��{� Of `.QCf•l 011 , � t I7�i�1'�"ti �� �?(72"�t1� I���'tloE? r�7 Wt?S� � tl"1'1F1�;L�il<dr � � � :.Tl St1c1PE �V1T]� �i1rt�1E`Zu�'2i�-V ��f i t.� h� . C.tC?�(�T'C ,r�r �,CL'Jt?G'�7 �� lt�f.)r tti�iC�A Srr t (`'� �. � ` � 'i .� � Yi .' � '.il���i�r�:tlr ��?PT1UP_ �)c 1.Tt�? �i � lIlE' �'n 2'P��� j,;OYi�"� ��,F � �_;2tj� e011ttl Of �11t �i�l'A�.�1 1 Li12 r)�; „ ' i anci par�?1e1. wi_ti�i t�-ti�;�. ;f>t�th lin� ��` .,�, �t� ;ect.i.on 3i, and Northwester�.y ��f �. l i_ne � � 4�f]SCY1�?('C� AS fOZlOWS ; _t.4*1 �[1)..Ti�; ,a� 1 �t:.l.il�' C)]1 tl�.� S�?1(� Sf)tlt}? 1.1*12 'O� CUf�t�Y}`<�^?'i � � � I vvest: �,f� tl�e '�;.^ tnT.�est cn,-Tter of. �il.cac.k 20, Sceni.�: ri : ; t:> � Av�nue ?OQ f.ee* di.stant r' . �iC�. �?: �IIE?[1CP ;?011t'i1WE:Fi�('C�.`:' �^.�.(�ll�? . :'�t "%ilrstif: ii_T?E' 3t �11 BTlrt',�E' (2� ;) C�E'4�7"e(.'.S� f7�i � _ � mi.nutes u�ith s�i.d S<�lt�:h )_ine c?� 5ui,tir,, :n /yv��t�,�� t:� the NartheastE�rly �.ine �,� ;��e j ��1C� itE'7"C�OI_�?1P (jE'Sf°.;"1�)E?CI Cl�� �i=OC1Y ;�i.(i!? .-^.t.L'i.�i ±�f �.c[E1C1. eiilt� ��1t'T@ �E?YST'i111:1r�T!s:r ; !'�) `;�. � :I " � ��ase�nent.s i.n the I�nd necessa�°v f�r �=. < n�<; , c���t.�; acl 1 f�17.s, ir.cliidin�� r;<;k-�t. �,i ! r.em�v-^1 u£ later�1_ ;,t��port frc�rn subjE��.t l.�n�i:, c��: remai.nde� thereof, �,crasi.�nec� hv �i CXC3Vfit.1.0I1S �:�'IfPHO� (�T' COTlStYIICtlOt?. Of 5��..il��i�4 11] ��lEt ,f?Tc1�IT2}7 €iTl(� ��V21�4' fl `;tiY116� 'riV"^ � � � , , i L1UP. ;�i:C� �lll)�12"}>�il �VC'T11IP fI�07T1 �^1}ll_tC' 'n;'%!1" [�\VQ_'11i1i.` t= i Itilt:il SrTf.'Ft: . � - ,. ...---- - - _ ,. . ,.t + .. � ., .,. � �. ,.F ;f'i r:� bl �'��� �} (� S��'[ZCP (J1' �4� I , tr-�,« � : .a�«� �f 30o f�-.��� �.,« �� _�: ,�t � � : , . .� - . . i. �_ . -��, _; <, � � t.?tence Weste;-l.y a1en� a ��zr� ���rl�7t � 'r-�_ �nt' ' ' , � � • ;., *.o r;a��? curv�_° 3,�1 f�et� <�lst<int: ;�o ti, . � 3TlCi T)3T'-�� �.P]. t!� tfl�' ;;,�lli.l ' ; .. ? re;" .`, i`,r.,� j , '1'r„v�%1'1�il1� 29 ;�?OTt'�l. }�..'3CI�;E'_ �.� T F"'r� �i:' ', ' i'[lP_ ��2�� �.Lt1E �Df ��?e :'til1����GTi r* !�� , '�lO1� ��J� ��'C7�:ai1S}1�1�5 79 T!VOZ't�l� -„',Cttir. ?� .q�- . � j � � BRCt r}t('.1"P t 2Yi717.I1��S"?.�^� � 'l-.fib?(?� l ��i �j ' .;C:Y�:��Y,_s' ; r1�E:Q C��73t PBYt O� �'!1n �'iGLl��(l � �� � � af Y_?te Snut��aest l�!� c�f et:i_<�n "i • , '"��� ��.����in :'.� �:clrt:'rt, �.;�n�� �2 �ti�est , f.ri � �F;i�,lr,r � � ,� • 1 ' n, „- { �,�+- --1 . �f r- �. ;,: �t- ,, .-� r 7c'.. 1 e ' R� f ,n ,; st_: c� �il S�ld�f'_ _y1ri� ��t ._ C.12c..�A E?i , 5 ._ 'i .0 �:) x. Cj. "'l ) C! t_. t: �n-_C�(' , ? ' <; i j r � ' ' �A��+F?'ilU(' i)i'l.T�.�* ,1 � 1D.P ��Q j"f'E't iVnT`�1' �`� �� � ar.d, South oE ttie .:�ut}; z7E= ,�f ,����,�,�an - ,_. a..,c� nar.�l��l �d1t}1 t?:e :.�uth I i.r.e. ,�` ,:7 �+ ;`;<>ct�. i_c?r� >; , ��n�i Northwc,te�-1}* �i: a� l i.nE� c3escritaeci as follows : �ey�i�:i�it?�; �t ^ �,c,i_t�t �.��� t},� .G:;i�i �oizt?! 7 in� of �t�l,,,r�;,,n � Aven:,�� ''OQ f.eet r�i.sta,nt� ;�t�st c,f ihe 1•.'r�rt ,;•:.r�?;,t c<�7-r�nr of P,1nc�: ?�, Scen^c ' 1�, TTo. 5; t'nenc� Sot�tt�wertE>.t-1y �7;>r.,< �, r;t: �it;���. 1 '_:�ti� ;jr an an�?,, �1� 55 �?^�;1"ec�s , ��, *ninr�tes with said Sc�u�:h ? ine �f 5izni,�-,�.°�rG ;��,T� it�?�-� t a r.,he `d�rt'te,�astert.y i in� �,, ` t.i,Ft (•,:1(� �lE'1'('.x:��OY(� C�c^.;�Clii,:)E'(1 .`�,fl t-t10!' �di.l''E : {".1"L}� i�f �1iTl(1� .=11�.{j t}l.�'1"E? t.r?PPll.il:i�''_I�':?� ;,; cr, � �1S(�TnE?T1t.S l.Il t�18 �_.311(j !�.('CF4�?;;3z'V i��7` y;.! r� "r; ,, �.i1Y;-; 3t1C� f! �..� R� IiaC�llCjl.Xlt* C' �r�li, !)j �_, j l"2TTt(7V%11 •�lf Ic1tE'Tc17. S11F?f?nT't �� 7.? :=l]i)1£'C't �211A�:; <1`�' 4Fn,1:11.T1C�£!i" rtlE']'('Ot'� t�CC?S.,('�l"1(�,j 'll' E'XC3Va�LOriS F}lE'.Tf'U� C)T C'nf1Sr1'�1Ctlt?t�.- t?i . �.rl��, :.I1 2'{1�' Cr"iAf�1C1�' <7T1C� D��VJTIf! (t� ;'� "i:� �,V"_ � � n.�ae ,-,n<i Suburban Aven�ie� from ��Jhi t'e �',,,��.r Av�t�!.ie to Rut':-i St.r�et . � . , ' � �. 2592�26 L1T1" �p 4 '�Yi ` r�r .. s ' ~�lii�:::l:::�:�'i ' -� i �J, �c RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Courf House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commi ss ioner P�1ay �4, 1�;72 Honorable Rosalie Butler Commissioner of Finance -' 113 City Hall Re: P-0=+�5R BuRPvS AVEP�NE-SUBURSAN AVENUE - � �dYlite Bear Ave. to Ruth St. Dear Madam: Transmitted herewith is a preliminary estimate of the costs and financing to acquire ri�ht-of-way for BURNS AVENUE - SUBURBAN AVEiWE from White Bear Ave. to Ruth St. , under Prela.minary Order C. F. No. 256301 approved November 10, 1Q71, and Ordinance 15037, C. F. No. 257212 approved March 6, 1972. ESTINIATED COSTS Total Estimated Acquisition Gosts $90,000.00 ' ESTIMATED FINAPdCING Estimated Property Assessments $32,500.00 Municipal State Aid - 1972 57,5��•00 TOTAL $90,000.00 The total estimated amount recoverable by assessment is $32,500.00, based on the following estimated assessment rates: Estimated Rate per Assessable Foot �g.50. E��,.,4�,, ��. ��, :,�, u� a - . - �. � . f; #3� '`�ic�. ,.�.;�k-t:._.:;. . �� y<_ 3�� , a ' ;�S , ��_ "`�, Z �/'� """",- ;_. - �:�;�',:.�;� '' ' „ - 2 - � May 24, 1972 � ° _ Please amend the Intermecliar�,� Order to read, "Improve Burns Avenue and Suburban Avenue by openin,_r, �idenin�, and extending, . . .etc. ". Y s ve , Roger M. Conway, � CLT�RJM�mp Commissioner of Public Works cc: C. J. Schleck C• .L. Thompson J. Wm. Donovan J. Schwartz eF � . " , "� ' F v . �. � • __. _ . .. ._-- __ _- ---- ---- _-- ----- - --- __ _-_- ----�--L--�� �-_ _--- - - � _ - - _ _1�D i - - - -.� ---- - - __- - - G�' - ✓ �!-,-.� ��. �-���-.�'�� _ _ _ �--� - - -- � , -- _ - - . . _ ��� -�-� _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - --- -- -- --___----- -__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _- - - -------------------- .�'.�,� ��� _ _ . . - � _ _. � _ __ _. .. ..._ .... . _ _. .. _. . . A_ _. _ _ " _ _ '. _ `����"'f/✓. � ._ �.,4� .._ . . .�������7����� . ._.- . -. .. - -- � - �- - � - -_ . . . _. � -- - -- - . _ . ._ � . . .�vv' . . . .. . . . . _ _ ._. . .__.. Ju1.y 12, 1972 Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor I3uildir�g D�:&r Sir 2 , The City Gbuncil toda�r reecinded Intermed�.ary Order 2g9226� adopted Jua,y 7� 1q72� is� �he mQt'ter ot' improvitig BURl9'S AVE. trom Ruth St. to Hazel 3t. .�xtet�dedr SUBt1RBAN AVE. f�om '�thite Bear Ave. ta Ha�el St. �xtetaded� eend tY� 8t�'tNS AVk�UE-SUBURBAI�T AV�� G'�CTIQN (City Pra�eet P-0495R), under P.4. 256�Q1� appxov�d Nov. 10�, 1971. V�ry truly youre� City Cla rk MS�ng ,Tuly 12, 1g72 Han. Ruby Hucit Qlairwoman! Publ3�c Work� Cormmittee 316 City Hall � Dear Nia.dam: The City Council today resc�.aded Intermediary Order 25�226� adap'teci Ju1Y 7, 1�72,� in thE matter af iutpx�ovix�g 8t�i'S A'VE. from Ruth St. to Ha.zel. St, t�ended�, StTl3URBA�T AVE. �om Wh ite He�.x Ave. ta Aaz�+e], St. eac't��ded and fi.tte HV�S AVII�1tJE-SU.BURBAN' AVENtJE C41'�tECTT4N (City Pro�ect P-fi495:R), wn.der A.O. 2 56301� approved Mov. �.0� 197)-. _.._._ , .. Very truly youra� � Cifiy Clerk MS/n� J�Y �, Z972 De t. pf Public Works 23� City Nall ° Geritlemen: The Gity Counc�.]. tod&y re�acinded Intermediary Order 2�9226� adopted July 7� 1972� iri the m�tter a�' improvin� BG�iNS AVE. f5rom Ruth St. to Haze�. St. extended� BUBUtZB�AN AVE. from White Bear Av�. to Ha.ze1 St. extended' and th� BURNS AV'EN[1E-SUBURBAI�T AVEN�JE (70NNECTION (Ci�y Fro�ect P-Q4�5R), �der P.O. 2y6301 approved Nov. io,i97i. Very truly youraa City Qerk r�s/�g July 12, x972 Dept. of Finance 113 City Ha�.l Gentlemen; The City Council today reecinded Intermediary Order 259226� �adopted July 7� 1972! in the matter o�' imprpv3ng �S AVE. :Prom Ruth St. to Hazel St. extendecis SUBURBAN AVE. from White Bsar Ave. to Hazel St. e�tended, and the BUI�iS AVEI6UE-3UBURBAN AVENiJE CONNECTTON (City Pro��et P-C�+95R), under p.o. 2g63o� e,pprovBa Nov. �,o, i971. very truil,y yours, City Clerk ��� ,�,.,'a�-r r�.:,y a tiF. .,�,,.,��.o. . . ; r L+�+C�*�e��4 �, r �t�a� b'. ----"^"""�!� . , .,. i ;k �,� .. ,.� . .. _ n.�i. � . � . ,, 4s . ..�iusa.�w....r. .......Ww..�.+.+ow.... _ ��.�...,........ - ��43 � 1 �s��t �. ��.... � . . .. � ' � -. d 5� t i r ' � . �j 4 n Y 1 � j�t i r + s, n' �� :f j .��4ay . • , . , , � � T �i� e� r f P��� , . . � . . . " . . � � � � f � ,. . 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