259206 L ORIQINIC�TO CITY CLBRK �59206 � . ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNCIL NO. � �� O�FICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ` . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � pTF W�S� Ths Co�nail ef the Ci�y mf Sai� Pam7. l�r its resslation, Cvaneil File �o. 255125� spprov�ed A�gnst 2, 1971, d3rsated t�►a� the prop�r City 8ftie3�1� �►roeesi �vith the aetion neeesaary t� aeqgise iar psrk aite aertain ].eada fos th� eXpe�naioa �f �roa'by �ke - 83.drdes� Fa�t].s Pask, E)pea 3p�,ae Land, Prc�e�� �e� la,�ds b�ing desarib� a� �illc�rs: Pas�eel Nc. 1 - s�at pertion cf 7,c�t 3�� Franlcl3n Stsels*� 3t�d.iv3.aioa mt' bot 2, �eetio� Zl, Te�►ns�.ip 2�, 8a�ng� �3, �Teat o= the 4th P.1[. �ta�e�r Cc�aa��r� �3.�aneaofi�� deseribed aa foll�s z �a�mmtear�3ng at a pcimt oa the He�th lise of �i8. I.c�t 32� 4t an intera��ti0n xith the �m�ttherl�r prolongati�a o! the Weet liae o� Lo� 20, thence s�h- xester�y a].ms�g th� xest line of said I,�t 2t,� exteadad to the sout� li.se of I�t 32; theaee xeat�errly al��g tho Sonth line ot' said S�ot 3�, to the F�st lise of the l�l aaaveyed to tke Ccu�cty et �ae7 '�r l�'raak].ia Steele ax�i A�nie E. 3teelc� his x3.t�, bg �eed dst�cl �ept. �, 1879 ,ou�i iiled Se�t. 3�s 1879 ia 87 mt De�s, oa page 39�; themce mort]�erly along t]`e east lise oP said la�r�d �essritied in 8'� a� Dse�s� �ge 3� ta the n�orth line of aaid i„c�t 32; thenae easterl.r along the ncrth lise o� �id ?,ot 32� � poiat cf ?�e6��n8� bei�g a11 t•hnt pnst of aai� �t 32 ia Fra�Cl.is �teele'a FOR P C3V . 8�bdi,rision o� Lc�t 2, Seation 2]., To�nshi.p 28, 8a�ge 23s �a�aey ��utty, l�ir�es�tai., xhiah lie� tie�ite�ea th� tra� co� to the IInified �t�teffi of Aae�cica� ds set As . ity A rn t't�rth i.n tl�e.t eterta,in decxee t�tad lf�,y �3, 1�8 a,�d fileet for recROrd i.a �l� Deeda' lg�� aai �hat ae�in land cosveytd to the Cottnty o� l�a�ts�r by Fra�nklin Sfietle and �.fe by D�ed dat�d. Se�emb� 4� 1879 a� filed in �7 �eeds, 39�3 s�ab3ect fi.o eaae�nt:,. Parcel Nc�. 2 - S��e� th� i�es� mne �uadred (i1. 1�0) leet thereof ar�d exaept that part taken by the City af 5t. Paw].� bot thirty'-o�e (31)a Frank7.i.n Steel�e*� 3ubdivision of Lot t�r0 (2)' 3eeQtioa txenty-one (�].)� Tort�nship txenty-�igl�t �28�s Rar+B� '��gty-three (23�3 ��ect t.� �a�eats. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� � 19— Yeas NaYg �'�, U��/ Butler `► U Caxlson �, Approved 19— Levine _�xi Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty �� r � ORI�INAL_�CITY CL6RK (1 CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N�,. ' � �' � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ` _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONER DATF -2- W�REAS� �ro iadependent apprai�ala of said landa have 'bee�► receiv�ed �sd the revi�rr appraiser �aa s�'bmitted hi.s report th�re�n, a ccp�r of �►lt3�h i� attached ]�ereto, re�ec�mmme�ndi.ng thd fa�ix market valne of the abovs described propertie� aa follo�rs z Paxcel �o. 1 - $23,�.40 Parcel �o. 2 - $3�F�E�O.AO �i T�EF'0� B$ IT RESDI,YYB�� �t th� Co�cil o�' the C3tg oP 3aint Paul does here'py concvr in the alwve recca�e�ded �air �,rket valt�es and elirects thmt segotiatias: '�e ini�is�ted for pvr�hase of �aid land. JUL 7 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naqa Hunt ;=�� JUL 10 1972 �B tler Konopatzkf � lson Levine prove 19� ine Mereditli , Sprafka �n Favor �l�desco qor S r . aB�►me. President;, Butte� v Against T desco Mr. Pres dent, McCarty ,QUBUgHED �UL 151972 �� ,J. WII�IAM �NOVAN 223-5317 Valuation gineer � ROY E. BR.FDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L a55�� vai�a►�o� e�9�nee� BUREAU OF VALUATIONS �5�2�6 286 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesote 55102 0 To the Cit,�r Council of the City cP Saint Yaul Sub�e�t: Cresby Lake - Hidden F�,].1.� �,a.dies and Gentlemen: I have revie�red and analyzed the apprai�sals aade by I+�r. Ri�hard Parranto and 1�. Cnrtis Nel�on� xeai].tors�� �f the prcperties to '�e aaquired for the aubject pr0�eat� said p�c�perties being de�ignated aa Paraels No. 1 an� 2� being more p�xxtia�larly d�seribed in the reaolution s�b�itted h�re+rith. Upcn su�h revia�r and analysi�� it is my opinion that the fair �e,rket value of sa�id pa�reela is a� lollo�s: Parcel No. 1 - $23�4A(�.4�1 P��rcel No. 2 - $3��(94�.A0 Pareel No. 1 is a tract a! land being 2.6� acres in area located bett��rreen S��h Missi�sippi River �ioulevard arad the A43.:siasippi EiYer ea,stsrly ot' and imee�liat�y �jaaent to the pre�ent Fort 3nelling �ridg�. T'he property ia �acant� un3mprc>ved' and in a wild natural state. I hav� insp�cted the �ub- �ect property and �c�parable sale progertiea. Based on su�ffi inspection� revia�r arid analysis of the appraiaala and �o�aral�le salts ftiirnished there- �rith� I con�tt�rr in and re�c�end the appraise� va,l.ue the:reof �►s aited above. Pareel No. 2 is a tra�ct o� land being 5.91 aeres in area located bet�een Scsuth lkii.ssisffiippi xiver Ba�l.e�rd and the Ai3.ssisaippi Hi�er westerly of and ismedi.ately ad�acent t,c� the prea�nt Fort Snelling Brid.ge. A portien of sa�id property is improved with a single famil.y two-story t�ame dwelling xith de- tached garage; the balanee� is �impro�ttd and in a xild natur�.l state. I l�ave in�pected the a�ject propexty. Based on s�a,ch inspection� reYi�r and analysi� of the appr�i�aala and c�para'ble aale� ftarnish�l. tl�er�ith� I cancvr ia and recc�end t.h� appraised va1.u� th�reot as cited �bove. Bes�eattlil.lJ :�itte.d� �°� � � , V �oy �. Bredai.h].� �r. Assistant Valnation �ngin��r REB:d� 1�i1.e xo. 17595 Rria. . , � Areaj;ode 612 �iTy ' 1�� �Fo- THOMAS J. STEARNS � I : � 223-5121 y - i� �t ARTHUR M. NELSON . � '�� ��_� � � PAUL F. MC CLOSKEY, JR. � R. SCOTT DAVIES �� �J� ^�' PIERRE N. REGNIER DANIEL L. FICKER JOHN C. MC L.AUGHLIN �T__ CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROBERT C. HOENE KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK A. KEITH HANZEL � C�-t F���OI-Ile' TERRY F. SULLIVAN y y LEGAL DEPARTMENT Assistants JEROME J. SEGAL . ROBERT W. MATTSON Speeeel—Pe�+stent 647 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Investigator DANIEI A. KLAS �,�,��� June 30, 1962 The Honorable Lawrence D. eohen Mayor of the City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Dear Mayor Cohen: Re: Crosby Lake - Hidden Falls Park Expansion Enelosed please find letter of Mr. Bredahl together with City Council resolution pertaining to the abc�ve project. HUD guidelines require that the City Council approve appraisals on land to be acquired for open space. If you have any questions concerning this prograin, pleas� contaat either Mr. Bredahl or Mr. Donovan. � t Very � ,ruly �ot� , , � ! J� � J. GAL , �s�si ant ity At�Sbrne . JJS:ja enc. ec: Mr. Bredahl �