259203 o���,w��.��,�,a�K c�nr oF sr. �59203
PAUL �uNCi�: N�.
rC.O�MM�IttRONi �n July 6 , 19 7 2
WHERE.AS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is informed by
, the ��1�F�]�� that the vacant and open buildings located at:
Building Department
536 Iiarrison
-in the City of Saint Pav1 axe a pro:cirziate hazard to the public health�
welfare arxd e afety; and
WHEREAS, the la�t known record owners of said property are:
Julia M. Maestas and Mrs. Richard Hanson
�-and said ownera have failed to secure the same against entry by unauthorized
pereons in violation of S�ction 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and
eaid vacant and o�en buildings have been found and determined by the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. to constitute a menace to the public health, welfare
and eafety and a public nuiaance which must be immediately abated to prevent
loea of lifo or property; now, therefore be it
Building De artment �
RE50LVED, that the ����g;g���tg is authorized and directed to
immediatiely aecure said buildinge by the use of contract labor under Contract
� No. T3.9$pending proceedings under the Hazardous Buildin�s Act; and be it
` Q FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of securing such buildings be
paid from Fund No. 0979-269, Summary Abatement, and that the Corporation
v Counsel be directed to tak�e appropriate action to reimburse said fund by
,� .
� action against the owner of said property. Appox� cos:t $8Q.15
dUL ? �972
COUNCIL�N Adopted by the Council 19.—
Yeae _ N�,ys
x��Fx xunt t�UL 10 1972
� Ko�:ap a tski • Approv� 19_...
Levine � Favor
Meredith J ��
8prafka �ey ; t
. Tedesco
Madam� ��d��,�► Butler
PUBLISHED J U L 15 1972 '�`�