259200 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK _ ����oo CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. Lzc�rrs� con�T2�r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM C�MMI95DClVE ATF JUZV 6� 1972 � RESOLVr�D: �That Application M 708 for Clas:� C2-Restaurant and Ci�arette Licenses at 651 Selby Avenue, made by Prentice Hamilton, be and tl�e same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the r�ire Prevention Division of the Bureau of �'ire Protection because a representative of the Fire Prevention. Division was unable to gain er.try to the building to make an inspection as required and that the license fee posted for tne licenses be and the s�,me is hereby forfeited to c over the period tihe applicant operat�d on said applic�,tion and the processing of the sa,me. Dr;NIAL (No refund� JUL 6 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas � Naya Butler JV L ? 197� ���� KONOPATZKI �j Approved— 19_ Levine '_�n Favor Meredith 1 Sprafka v Mayor Tedesco A Sainst MAD�M �. President, �BUTL�t TUBLISHED JUL 15 1972 °�� o�.�,�,���,� 259240 �� - - � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��UNpI NO �sr co�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM G�OMM�ISS QNER ^A�JI�1�Y 6• 1�2 RESOLY�t That Applioation M 708 for Clsss C2•R�ataurant aad Cigar�t� f+ioense� at 651 S�lby �ienn�, mad� by Pr�nfiioe Hadlto�� be end th� � ar� hu-tby d�ni�d upan reoommendati.on o! th� Fi� Preventio� Dividoa af the Hureaa o! F'ire Proteotion b�aans� a r�pr�sent�►tivs of the Fi.sy Preva�tion Division Was unable to aain sntry to the building to make an inepectio� as r�qairsd and thst the 11o�nse tp posted for the'�liaenses b� aad th� .ae� i� hsreby lori�ited to o a�►er th� p�riod the applicaat opera't�d e�n �aid appliaetian and th� proc�s�is� ot th� sa�. DfaiIAL (l�o retund) D",v � �� COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Coun�� `�u L � 19� 9_ Yeas � Nays Butler � ��pA� Approv� 19— �°� Tn Favar Meredith Sprafka �� Tedesco �St �D�A�S 'E'. President, �DU17+FR �� �►- - � CITY OF BAINT PAUL . > .:., Capital of Minnesota � � � elJe aHt�ne�tt o �ub�ic �a et p � ADMINI6TRATION Tenth and Minneeota Streets FIRE PROTSCl10N POI.ICE HEALTH .�U�uF''�'{ l• (ilh�Fir.D1 �yy� 1(�Lt�I�i�3�4`��E�s. . ►�i i ieenee Inepector 3une 27� 1y72 Mr. srertice Hamilton b51 aglby Avenuc� St. ���sul. A>inn���:ot�, 55io4 �eas :;irs ltiis letter is in r��'erenee to ��our per.din� applic�tion for Cla�a� C2-�:e�:r�ure3n't and Ci�mrette lic�nses at 651 ael�y Avenue. A�oau�m a reDre�eritativw of tt�e t�ir«� �'rev�n�inn Division he�.c� b�on una.bld tc� gain �ntry to th� buildin�; to m�►.ku �n �.naJ�yc�ticm� � e, ro�olution will be prac��n�e�d to th�^ C1fi,; c;ounoil on 'i'hured.e3y� July 6� 1972, de�yinN your epplia�tian :or thes�s licen�ec� ��t ihie �ddrees. 7fie City CounQil me�te in the Cour:cil 4h.�mber6 on the third floar of the City J3a11 �r.d Court i:ausc �t 10:00 n.A�. on that date. It you desire to be hea.r3 in this �t*er� you or your rayr�s�ntative r�ey be �;r.�e�rat at this m�:etinE�z an �hat d�ts and at that time. It �ach �ation s�torializ�r�� yc;a woeald h�ve to discontinue thies busfne�e at this addre+es erid would �alsa torfeit the licGns� f�e post�d :or ttie lic�nseg. Wery tr+.,2y ourn, � ,. �- Li-:�ne� in3��c�:or �: 708 cc s Pr�ntice �:az�i2ton 586 }�Iolly �+vonue, Apt. 7`, vs. :?himc�k, :^'ire 14'e�rsh�l �/ .nire Pr;..ven�tion T�ivirsion i+.ttr?: T'Lr, �� T, �zetke P,ear Si •: Inasmuch as t��e rejecti�>n is from � ur oi.vi:ic� -it is a,ivi: t,le th�:t you •.lso re � re. er t aa; ±}_i. meetir.g, should t1�e Council desire a.c:7ition��.l irfor.m^tion. �O auiy 6, i972 Mr. l�rentice Hsmilton 6�1 a:3+elby Ave. St�. Paul, Mir�z1. Dear Sir: �at the Council m�ating held tnday, your appli�ation for Cla�s C2-Restauraqt e►tzd Cigarette Liasn�e� at 651 �slby Ave. was denied. Very truly yours� City Cl.erk n�