02-53; Council File # Green Sheet # Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA oa- S3 113613 Referred To: Committee:Date: �� 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with the United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations, to 3 participate in an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force from October 1, 2001 through 4 September 30, 2002. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Benanav � Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Hanis � Lantry � Reitei �/ Adopted by Council: Date� Adoptio Cerfified Cou B Approved by 1VI� r. ate: : �`��71�� By: by Mayor ocdeH-fbitaskforce-01-02 � L �PARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INI7IATED Police t2�t9�zoo� GREEN SHEET No. 113613 ON A TPER ON PH NE INITIAfJDATE INRWJDATE Will73mFinney 292-3588 1 oEVamnulnuu�cron_ 4 couxca /�� MUST BE ON COUNCI� AGENDA BY (DATE) yp "S� � � �urxwrrow+Er� �cLErsK V�I ❑FINPNCIFLSERNCESDIR_ ❑FlWINCW.SERV/ALLTG �YAYOR(ORASSIStANi)�_ �HUNFNRIGFrtS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnoN �QUesreu Signatures requested on the attached councIl resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with the United Srates Depariment of Jusrice, Federal Bureau of Investigarions. RECOMMENDATION AppfoV2 (A) of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINC. �UESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrectforthis depariment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES . NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this DersoNflrm possess a skiil not nortna�ly possessetl by aM curreM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person�rtn a targetetl �endoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepa�'dte sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PR06LEM ISSUE, �PPOR7UNITY(WNO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The Saint Paul Police Department will participate in the Organized C7nue Drng Enforcement Task Force with the United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations. The Saim Paul Police Depar[ment will be reunbursed for overtime expenses. ������� DEC 2 2001 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED -7- \� � C CI ! 9 P"�. 4 TLIRIYC The Saint Paul Police Department will continue to participate in the above menrioned federal task force with other federal and local agencies. DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED None DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �2rch CPnfisr The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in tkus federal task force. /� �I1� �J � bO� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $2I-52/montll p0i OfFicei COSLREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UIIltOd S't3Y0S DEF13TtrR0llY Of JllShC6 ACTIVITY NUMBER credit revenue to 04000 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ORGANIZED CRIlIZE DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES $�. - 53 Agreement FOR TFIE USE OF THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIl4IIE AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM Date of Request: 11/27/O1 Federal Tau Ideutification if: - 41-600-5521 Amount Requested: s 9,600.00 of Ofticers Listed• 4 From: 10/O1/O1 Beginning Date of Agreement To: 09/30/02 Endin Date of A ment State or Local Agency Contact Person: Commander Eu�ene Bur Telephone Number: 651/292-3619 Sponsoring Federal Agency(ies): Federal Bureau of Investigation i� Investigation . GL-MNN-081 ABwcY Ino�on I State or I.ocal Agency Nawe and Address`. St. Paul Police Department This agreement is between the above �named State or local law enforcement agency and Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. Ttris agreement shall be effective when signed by an authorized State or local agency o�cial, the sponsoring Federal Agency Special Agent-In- Charge and Ag�ncy OCDETF Coordinator, and the Assistant United States Attorney OCDETF Coordinator. 1. It is agreed that the State or local law enforcement o�cers named on this agreement will assist in Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigations and prosecutions as set forth in the Qrganized Crime Drue Enforcement Task Force. Guidelines, November 1997. 2. The State/local law enforcement agency agrees to provide experienced drug law enforcement officers who are identified in this agreement to work on the specified OCDETF investigation. Any cbange in law enforcement officers assigned must be agreed to by aii approving o�cials. Agreement (Jan. 99), Page 1. oa- s 3 3. O££icers who are not daputized shall possess no law enforcement authority other than that conferred by virtue o£ their position as a co�aissionad officer of their parent agency. 4. Officers who are deputized may possess Federal law enforcament authority as specified by the agency affording the deputation. 5. Any State or local officers assigned to an OCDETF investigation in accordance with this Agreement are not considered Federal employeas and do not take on tha benefits of Federal employment by virtue of their participation in the investigation 6. The OCDETF and the sponsoring Eaderal law enforcament agency(ies) for the approved OCDETF investigation will provida to assigned State/local officer(s) the clerical, operational and administrative support that is mutually agreed to by the parties of this Agreement•., �, The U.S. Department of Justice will reimburse the agency for approved overtime costs and authorized travel and per 8iem expenses for law anforcement officars assigned to the specified OCDETF investigation. The Agency is responsible for paying its employees for their overtime, travel and per diem expenses. To ensure proper and comPlete utilization of OCDETF overtime and expense allocations, reimbursement claims must be submitted monthly on the OCDETF Reimbursement Request Form. Analysis of reimbursement claims by the Task Force may result in a modification of the obligation of funds contained wiChin this Agreement as well as t'he time period covered. The Agency affected by any such modification will be telephonically advised at least (30) days in advance with follow-up confirmation in writing. Overtime payments, in any event, may not, on an annual par person basis, exceed 25% of the current GS-10, Step 1 Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime is performed. The GreaC Lakas Region has set a cap on reimbursements at $821.52 per State/local law enforcement officer/per month. The Statellocal agency is responsible for ensuring that this annual/monthly payment is not exceedad. The field office of the sponsoring Federal agency and the Federal Agency OCDETF Coordinator will also monitor these payments. 8. In no event will costs for the Agreement. the Stata/1oca1 Agency charge any indirect administration or implementation of this 9. The State/local agency shall maintain complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions raquired by the OCDETF to facilitate inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. oa-S3 10. The State/local Agency shall pe�t and have readily available for examination and auditing by representatives of the OCDETF, the sponsoring Federal agency(ies), the U.S. Department o£ Justice, the Comptroller General o£ the United States, and/or any of their duly authorized agents and representatives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. In addition, the agency will maintain all such £oregoing reports and records until all audits and examinations are completed and resolved, or for a period of six (6) years a£ter termination oP this agreement, whichever is sooner. 11. The State/local aqency vill comply with Title VI o£ the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements applicable to OCDETF agreements pursuant to the regulations of the Department of Justice (see, e.g•, 2B C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C and G; 28 C.P.R. 50.3 (1991) issued pursuant ta .Title VZ relating to discrimi.nation on the grounds o£ race, color, sex, age, national origin or handicap. 12. This agreement may be termi.nated by any of the parties by written notice to the other parties thirty (30) days prior to termination. Billing for outstanding obligations shall be received by the OCDETF within thirty (30) days of the termination. This agreement is not a_contract or obligation to commit Federal Punds in the maximum amounts projected. Funding allocations £or the time period set £orth and agreed to herein represent projections only and are based upon consultation between the sponsoring Federal agency and the State or local law enforcement agency. They are, therefore, subject to modification by the OCDETF based upon the progress and needs of the OCDETF investigation. Additionally, resources are contingent on the availability of funds. � Approved Approved By: Approved By: Approved By: Sponsoring or Local Agency Date tant United States � are encumbered for the S zed expenses speci£ied above. OCDETF Coordinator Date ocal Agency overtime costs and Approved By: Director, Executive Of£ice £or OCDETF Date �� ��- � �_ S� � Title Agent in Charge Coordinator uaLe ,. . r a�-s3 ORGA1vIZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES STATE OR �ACAL LAY�!-_��RCEMENC OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO PA��'I,CiP?�TB IN TI� STATE AND LOCAL OVERTaVIE Al�''AU'l'E[ORIZED ERPENSE PROGRAM $tate 0[ L.oCal AgenCy: OCDETF Investigation Numba: `„ : The law enfoi+oanait ot�by, identified OCDETF invat�ii:'� must be agrad to in writing by all agreement, and forwanded to the E \ : V St. Paul Police Department GL—MNN-08 fi�elow ue provided to asaist with the above dif&�tion of the list of !aw enforoana�t officers �es`�o dtia agreemait. made a psrt of this OPfiae 4`or OCDECF. , �r� : : .i. �.� c7 1. Jane Mead Sereeant/S P P D ` 08/29/55 �- 2 Thomas,Quinlan Sergeant/S.P.P.D. 06/05�52 3, Thomas Dunaski 4. Robert Kosloske 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. l0. ([f xklitioml Seraeant/S.P.P.D. OfflceY/S.P.P.D. am to be deputiztld p6oco�py dtis pu�e aul insert in tfa tey�wst.) AgrxmeM (!w. 99), Page 4. 09/20/1944 12/14/1963 ; Council File # Green Sheet # Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA oa- S3 113613 Referred To: Committee:Date: �� 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with the United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations, to 3 participate in an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force from October 1, 2001 through 4 September 30, 2002. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Benanav � Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Hanis � Lantry � Reitei �/ Adopted by Council: Date� Adoptio Cerfified Cou B Approved by 1VI� r. ate: : �`��71�� By: by Mayor ocdeH-fbitaskforce-01-02 � L �PARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INI7IATED Police t2�t9�zoo� GREEN SHEET No. 113613 ON A TPER ON PH NE INITIAfJDATE INRWJDATE Will73mFinney 292-3588 1 oEVamnulnuu�cron_ 4 couxca /�� MUST BE ON COUNCI� AGENDA BY (DATE) yp "S� � � �urxwrrow+Er� �cLErsK V�I ❑FINPNCIFLSERNCESDIR_ ❑FlWINCW.SERV/ALLTG �YAYOR(ORASSIStANi)�_ �HUNFNRIGFrtS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnoN �QUesreu Signatures requested on the attached councIl resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with the United Srates Depariment of Jusrice, Federal Bureau of Investigarions. RECOMMENDATION AppfoV2 (A) of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINC. �UESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrectforthis depariment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES . NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this DersoNflrm possess a skiil not nortna�ly possessetl by aM curreM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person�rtn a targetetl �endoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepa�'dte sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PR06LEM ISSUE, �PPOR7UNITY(WNO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The Saint Paul Police Department will participate in the Organized C7nue Drng Enforcement Task Force with the United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations. The Saim Paul Police Depar[ment will be reunbursed for overtime expenses. ������� DEC 2 2001 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED -7- \� � C CI ! 9 P"�. 4 TLIRIYC The Saint Paul Police Department will continue to participate in the above menrioned federal task force with other federal and local agencies. DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED None DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �2rch CPnfisr The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in tkus federal task force. /� �I1� �J � bO� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $2I-52/montll p0i OfFicei COSLREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UIIltOd S't3Y0S DEF13TtrR0llY Of JllShC6 ACTIVITY NUMBER credit revenue to 04000 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ORGANIZED CRIlIZE DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES $�. - 53 Agreement FOR TFIE USE OF THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIl4IIE AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM Date of Request: 11/27/O1 Federal Tau Ideutification if: - 41-600-5521 Amount Requested: s 9,600.00 of Ofticers Listed• 4 From: 10/O1/O1 Beginning Date of Agreement To: 09/30/02 Endin Date of A ment State or Local Agency Contact Person: Commander Eu�ene Bur Telephone Number: 651/292-3619 Sponsoring Federal Agency(ies): Federal Bureau of Investigation i� Investigation . GL-MNN-081 ABwcY Ino�on I State or I.ocal Agency Nawe and Address`. St. Paul Police Department This agreement is between the above �named State or local law enforcement agency and Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. Ttris agreement shall be effective when signed by an authorized State or local agency o�cial, the sponsoring Federal Agency Special Agent-In- Charge and Ag�ncy OCDETF Coordinator, and the Assistant United States Attorney OCDETF Coordinator. 1. It is agreed that the State or local law enforcement o�cers named on this agreement will assist in Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigations and prosecutions as set forth in the Qrganized Crime Drue Enforcement Task Force. Guidelines, November 1997. 2. The State/local law enforcement agency agrees to provide experienced drug law enforcement officers who are identified in this agreement to work on the specified OCDETF investigation. Any cbange in law enforcement officers assigned must be agreed to by aii approving o�cials. Agreement (Jan. 99), Page 1. oa- s 3 3. O££icers who are not daputized shall possess no law enforcement authority other than that conferred by virtue o£ their position as a co�aissionad officer of their parent agency. 4. Officers who are deputized may possess Federal law enforcament authority as specified by the agency affording the deputation. 5. Any State or local officers assigned to an OCDETF investigation in accordance with this Agreement are not considered Federal employeas and do not take on tha benefits of Federal employment by virtue of their participation in the investigation 6. The OCDETF and the sponsoring Eaderal law enforcament agency(ies) for the approved OCDETF investigation will provida to assigned State/local officer(s) the clerical, operational and administrative support that is mutually agreed to by the parties of this Agreement•., �, The U.S. Department of Justice will reimburse the agency for approved overtime costs and authorized travel and per 8iem expenses for law anforcement officars assigned to the specified OCDETF investigation. The Agency is responsible for paying its employees for their overtime, travel and per diem expenses. To ensure proper and comPlete utilization of OCDETF overtime and expense allocations, reimbursement claims must be submitted monthly on the OCDETF Reimbursement Request Form. Analysis of reimbursement claims by the Task Force may result in a modification of the obligation of funds contained wiChin this Agreement as well as t'he time period covered. The Agency affected by any such modification will be telephonically advised at least (30) days in advance with follow-up confirmation in writing. Overtime payments, in any event, may not, on an annual par person basis, exceed 25% of the current GS-10, Step 1 Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime is performed. The GreaC Lakas Region has set a cap on reimbursements at $821.52 per State/local law enforcement officer/per month. The Statellocal agency is responsible for ensuring that this annual/monthly payment is not exceedad. The field office of the sponsoring Federal agency and the Federal Agency OCDETF Coordinator will also monitor these payments. 8. In no event will costs for the Agreement. the Stata/1oca1 Agency charge any indirect administration or implementation of this 9. The State/local agency shall maintain complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions raquired by the OCDETF to facilitate inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. oa-S3 10. The State/local Agency shall pe�t and have readily available for examination and auditing by representatives of the OCDETF, the sponsoring Federal agency(ies), the U.S. Department o£ Justice, the Comptroller General o£ the United States, and/or any of their duly authorized agents and representatives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. In addition, the agency will maintain all such £oregoing reports and records until all audits and examinations are completed and resolved, or for a period of six (6) years a£ter termination oP this agreement, whichever is sooner. 11. The State/local aqency vill comply with Title VI o£ the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements applicable to OCDETF agreements pursuant to the regulations of the Department of Justice (see, e.g•, 2B C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C and G; 28 C.P.R. 50.3 (1991) issued pursuant ta .Title VZ relating to discrimi.nation on the grounds o£ race, color, sex, age, national origin or handicap. 12. This agreement may be termi.nated by any of the parties by written notice to the other parties thirty (30) days prior to termination. Billing for outstanding obligations shall be received by the OCDETF within thirty (30) days of the termination. This agreement is not a_contract or obligation to commit Federal Punds in the maximum amounts projected. Funding allocations £or the time period set £orth and agreed to herein represent projections only and are based upon consultation between the sponsoring Federal agency and the State or local law enforcement agency. They are, therefore, subject to modification by the OCDETF based upon the progress and needs of the OCDETF investigation. Additionally, resources are contingent on the availability of funds. � Approved Approved By: Approved By: Approved By: Sponsoring or Local Agency Date tant United States � are encumbered for the S zed expenses speci£ied above. OCDETF Coordinator Date ocal Agency overtime costs and Approved By: Director, Executive Of£ice £or OCDETF Date �� ��- � �_ S� � Title Agent in Charge Coordinator uaLe ,. . r a�-s3 ORGA1vIZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES STATE OR �ACAL LAY�!-_��RCEMENC OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO PA��'I,CiP?�TB IN TI� STATE AND LOCAL OVERTaVIE Al�''AU'l'E[ORIZED ERPENSE PROGRAM $tate 0[ L.oCal AgenCy: OCDETF Investigation Numba: `„ : The law enfoi+oanait ot�by, identified OCDETF invat�ii:'� must be agrad to in writing by all agreement, and forwanded to the E \ : V St. Paul Police Department GL—MNN-08 fi�elow ue provided to asaist with the above dif&�tion of the list of !aw enforoana�t officers �es`�o dtia agreemait. made a psrt of this OPfiae 4`or OCDECF. , �r� : : .i. �.� c7 1. Jane Mead Sereeant/S P P D ` 08/29/55 �- 2 Thomas,Quinlan Sergeant/S.P.P.D. 06/05�52 3, Thomas Dunaski 4. Robert Kosloske 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. l0. ([f xklitioml Seraeant/S.P.P.D. OfflceY/S.P.P.D. am to be deputiztld p6oco�py dtis pu�e aul insert in tfa tey�wst.) AgrxmeM (!w. 99), Page 4. 09/20/1944 12/14/1963