259182 ORIGINAI/;TO CITY CLBRK � ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. '"' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE < — "' UNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund weekly compensation of �80.00 be paid Edi-t�. Moore while she is temporarily totally disabled by reason of injuri�s she received on June 8, 1972, while employed by the Depa rtment of Public Works, and that �256.00 in partial settlement, to and incl�.ding June 30, 1972, is now due and payable. f �t, C AttomeY JU L 5 1972 . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naye �UL 6197� u er Hunt Konopatzki Approve� 19— son �evine " L ine MereditFi �n Favor M edith Sprafka Tedesco ,1 Mayor S ka Mme. PresidentL But� � Against T de co Mr. Pres' en , McCarty " R i'�i? �� PUBLISHED �UL � DYlLICA,`'ji TO lRIN'RR . ����. ` � 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - , " COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM _ PR6ENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER �AT� RSSOLVID, that out ot the wor�mea's Co�p�nsation Ac�unt of the a�aeral Fund weeYly oomp�n,ratioa of �80«00 be �,td Edith l�ore Mhile sh� io te�porarily �atally dirabl�d lyy r�aon oi ia�nri�$ . �hs reoeiv� on June 8, 1972, xhile e'ployed by tbe Drpart�e�tto�i �y�Pnblio worts, aad thst �256.00 in partisl settleaen�, to s� iaalnding Jnne 30, 1972� is noa due and paysble. � JUL 51972 COUNCII.m:EN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeaa Nays t�er Hunt ''�'•'~ JUl. E'j �gj� �n Konopatrl3 ``'_-. Approv� 19_ Levine � L vine MereditFi Tn Favor edith Sprafka ^ p � Tedesco U �� Mme. PreSident�� Aaninat e sco Mr. Pr ide t, McCaxty �� ,