259178 3 (� y �;���� O�tIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK r CITY OF ST. PAUL H�E NC�� NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ � , N RES LUTION-GENERAL FORM PR�3ENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WBE�EAS, it ha� ecme tc the atteati�n of the Council of the City of Saiat Panl that in a�e=ou�s inatances owaers, realtors �aud mthers have off�r�d for aale, advertized for sale, a�d sold honse: is the City of S�iat Paul which are a�bst�ndard and not in co�pliaace with the Bnildisg Code of the City af Saint Panl; and �R]3AS, it is tc the benefit of the pnblic aud the welfare of the iahabitants of the City of Saint Panl that complian�e with the Buildinq C�de be furthered; now, therefore, be it RE��LV�D, �hat thae Cit� Development eomaittee examine the feasibility of adopting an ordiaaace reqtiiring that realty withia the City of �aint Paul be in cmmpliaace witM th� City' s Buildiag Code before th� realty caa be offered for sale, advertized far sale, and sold. F VE . Asst. AttorneY �IN 3 0 �972 COUN ILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays "� � JUN 3 0 1972 er H� �''�?���� rlson Konopalzla Approve 19— vine Levine Mereditli n Favor eredithSprafka rafka Tedesco J Mayor N11�e. Pr_esident, Butler, ASainst desco � Mr. Pre�i ent, McCaxty � pUBLISHED JUL 81972 � � ' �� ��9i�� . �.�. �_�__._..__ -- xaa sm ,� .. pJ� '��,`. raee�s�o�B rJ s���6� - CIT�' OF SAINT PAUL OFFICF C!F THE CITY COIINCIL CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE LEONARD W. LEVINE SA.INT PAUL. MINNF..SOTA 55102 Councilman P H O N E 6 1 2 \ 2 2 3-4 4 7 3 February 6, 1973 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: On January 23 the City Council approved a Workable Program application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This program, which is necessary for H. U. D, certification and was reviewed by the City Development Comm;ttee, contains provision for a city-wide program of voluntary code enforcement, The City Development Committee feels that such a comprehensive program would encompass the provisions of C. F. 259178. Accordingly, I am requesting that this matter be removed from Committee and Council consideration, I would appreciate your eliminating this item from the official listing of Committee referrals. Thank you for your attenlaon to this matter. Very truly yours, '"�"""�.a► ► LEONARD W. LEVINE C ouncilman City of St. Paul . �� � � - � � �� aua,yy 3, �972 , Hon. I�eondrd W. Levint Chairmaa City Dev�elop�nt t7ommitt+ee Dear 3ir: Attached is a re�olu�ioa of the CounciZ� C. F. 25917$, requesting t2�e City Development Co�ittee to examiae the feasibility oY aclopting an ordineace requiriag that realty �rithin the City of Saint Pe.ul be in compliance with the City•a Building Code before the realty asn be of�ered for sale� advertised For sale' „ 821d. BOZC�. Very "tru].V Ynuz'e� City Q.erk AO�n6 s ��V��g tLIC�►T[TO!1lINTtR '� CITY' OF ST. PAUL couNa� `� O�FICE OF THE CITY CLERK N� NO� � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM w�at�er COMIdISSIONER DATE N.�: �W1i. i� �ts� caa�s to t1N ai�ir.�►tio� oi tlN �il o! t� �itY of 8a3a� lit�1. tha! in► #�uro�t.► i�tstrsar�� v�tsr s^�alt�or� aad otb�s� hr►� ott�r�d !or oal�. adwstis�i !�s �al�. asd sold ��ar ia t1u� Qitr o! Baixt la�l �At.te� as+� s�taaiard and �ot in ao�liauas �+i�th t� i�iidi�►q �8�s ot tia� �i� o! •aiat lanit a�d 1�. it i• �r � ]r�#it o! t�a� pu�lio a�+i !r� wllasr o! !�r inLabi�aata► oi t�r Qily o! iai�tt la�tl �iat a�►11+uu� rN.tl► th� D�ildinq Cod� I� �t�s�dt a►e�►. tU�r�l�. lr� it �Ii�OLV18. �►t tlut Ci1� �nr�le�wrst �+erwiai�w �pst� t� lia�ile►ilitp o! �erpti� aa o�c+�ia+ase� r�isiN 1�baf s�allY �►ititia t�► @i�y o! i�i�tt ti►xi !� ir a�li�v� witlk ti� eitr'• �aildisq C.bdr► 1�los� t� rialtr vaa L� olt�s+�d �os s�l�. ad�nstis�t f�c �a�.�, and wld. � COITNCTLMEN Adopted by the Co�m�il �N�� �'�9._ � , Yeas Naya � Bu er Hur� `��,:;_`- �1U N 3 0 197� C lson Konopatzl� �'��V� Appmve�L 19— Levine � e MereditH � T*� Favor eredith Sprafka ��r �a Tedesco Mme. President, Butler, Sa�at edeaco Mr. Pr s ent, McCarty �9 3uly' 3, i972 Hon, Leonard W. Levine C9�airnaa.n City Uevelapment (bmnaittee Dear S3.r: Attached is � resolution of the Gouncil� C. F. 259�?$, reque�ting the City Development Cot�mittee t� examine th� feagibility oP e�c�opting an ordinanee requiring that realty �r�.th3.n the City of Saint Paul be in comp7.ie,nce with the City'a Building Code b�fore the realty can tre of�ered for sa1e� adv�rtised far sale, e,xid �old. Very truly yours� City Clerk AO�ng