259163 �._ ,� . , . , ,. � �� . � �59153 ' y' FfNAL ORDER �OUNCIL F'ILE Na _ . ~ By � �� In the Matter � . ,._- - �:-�-- — �_ _ - __.� -�>,_..�_ .. �__ ,____._ - .::..�.. . - --"''--,. .. __-._.-----....._- _..�,q�r-Irw..y ..-�'-. '""'�d-.���.�.: Constructing and reconstructing sidewalk and replacing portions with integral curb and sidewalk and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except where it is determined that good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exist: Finance Preliminary Approved Description File No. Order i S9696 258348 April 27, 1972 E. Seventh St. , south side from Earl St. to � Frank St. , S9697 258430 May 3, 1972 St. Peter St. , southeast corner at Fifth St. �— i having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cAnsidered the same; therefore, be it RESQLVED, B� the Couneil of the City of St. Pavl tlu�t ffie precise n�►ture, extent aad kind a�f im- _-_ - -�.. �-4 �p_1.- ..r7...Ilv._flf.0_¢llf.�__�1f3L_/Q...._ ._._. ... .._ . . .. ."` . .. . _...__.. .: ... ._ _.... . ... . . __ ....•...�. . Constructing and reconstructing sidewalk and replacing portions with integral curb ' and sidewalk and by doi�g all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except where it is determined that good and sufficient poured sidewalks � now exist: , Finance Preliminary Approved Description ' File No. Order S9696 258348 April 27, 197?_ iz E. Seventh St. , south side from Earl St. to Frank St. S9b97 258430 May 3, 1972 �3 St. Peter St, , southeast corner at Fifth St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ma�2te.— RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and clirected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city af�'icials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUN29 � CO CI N Adopted by the Counci� Yeas g L E � '.:; CO W Konopatrki � A rov J U N 3 0 19�? LE (�tE Levine p ME ED TH Meredith -� Sprafka _.. S P R F A ,F�S�o Tn Favor McC TOY �• President, Butle� Mayor Aro$lIIet � �� �u� $-�g� ��j��,l9NED -- , � Dist. No. 4 • -i � . r � � S.S. E. 7th. St. - Earl St. to Frank St��p . . �'��:�5- �� %� OFFICE GF THE CONI�IISSIONER OF PUPLIC WURKS �� REPORT TO COMr1ISSI0AIER OF FINANCE �����`� ��. � May�2nd 1� Z2 To the Commissioner of Finance of the Ci�y of Sto Paul> � The Commisszoner of Public Works9 hav�ng had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No,���$ approved ���. 27th. r9� relative to reeonstructin� the sidewa7k and re �F_ac?ng nortions wi,�h integ�-al curb and sidewalk on the sout s��e of E. 7th. St. from ��,rl St. to Frank St. and ,�y oi a17 other work which is nece,�sa and inciden ,al to com�lete said ig�provemPnt. and having investigated the ma�te�s and tt�ings referred to �t�erein9 hereby �eportso 4.90 1. The estimated cost t�e�eof is $� per l.in, fte for stanrlard sidecaal�C S fto 5.85 wide and $�� per Y 3n o f t, f or s tand�x�d s idewallc 6 f.t> w.�d�o , and $1.50 ger sq. ft. for integral curb and sidewalk. 2, A plan, p�ofile or slcetch o£ said impro�rement is here�to s���ached and made a part thereof, 3e Ini�.iafi�ed by the Commi.ssioner ot Pub�ie Wo�1cs � 4> Improvement is asked f or upon petition ��3�5 ��'c� o�� 4 `�� � "1 AY 1972 N „ iVED C mm�ssfoner of Pub�. Worlcs r, �., PT. OF � 's'c-�� F i i;,'�N C E p��,�'' � �'��,r��������, , '" � s� Dist. No. 4 , � . � • . SE. corner of St. Peter St. & Fift'h St. ��+ �� �7 UFFICE GF THE CGPU�IISSIONER OF pUBLIC WGRKS REPORT TO COI�i�lISSIONER OF FINANCE �� h� � g' M� Sth. 19 72 � To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 258430 approved Ma.y 2nd. 19 72 and replace with integral curb and walk relative to reconstructing the sidewalk/on the southeast corner of St. Peter St. and Fifth St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4.90 1. The estimated cost thereof is $�Q per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. 5.85 wide and $�:��Per lin, ft. far standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.� $1.50 per sq. ft. for integ ral curb and sidewalk. 2. A plan, prof,ile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pa,rt thereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition r��.�,;_?�� , .� ; � �� � �` „�� � %�',� ��; , °'� ;�, � .� -��' �. '� - ^� -; _ �_ ' �; � . `,s' Commissioner of Public Works _ A � 'R ,��. 7't_ rc`�'Y���..�., :�,' �: