259162 .. -� __ _�r.s _ . _ _ . :� , 2591�� _ . �. _. �1t�Al ORDER � �OI7NCIL FILE Na _ _ ` _ gy File No slib! In the Matter a� _.._ .�_ __---_.�___--___._.-,---_ _- -------- _. _ _-- _ _ . __ < --- .__ . _. � `� t� rseo�rtrrat the sidwalk w rotlt •i�as �t Dulnth �tr�st trai ��ab Aww� to ' ia�t i�at� iLr��t � toget.l«r vi .sall areava�s, aoal-hole�e, trapdoors, tnnnels and other undergronnd i facilitie�'��`I�t7 descripticn and provided that all per�it� here�tofore granted by aaid City of St. Panl for the installation and/or atintena�ca� of snch are�s�s, coal•Lolea, �xapdoors, tnnnels and other uuderground facilities of ever� descrip- tion will bn and ti�e sa�e are hereby revoked rinless said araa�ays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other nadergrouad facilities of every deseription are reconatructed by said permitt�e oa or before a date �rhich is 45 days aft�r tbe date vf final approval of this ordar; and that, further, the Department of Pnblic Works, through its Chief F�ngi.neer, ia hereby amthorized aud directed to fill in and reu�ve such areaMays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tnnnels and other undergrarnro�d facilitiea of every description, tLe pemittees of �ich area�►ays, coal-boles, trapdoors, tunnels and other gaderground facilities of e�ery descriltivn fail to recanstruct the.same to the satisfactian of the City Bngineer oa or before tha abave mention�d date ezcept Where good and aufficient p�ur�d sideMalks na�r �xist. pivv�ent to ID�m�cie by the ea�d City i8 -- - _ . . :. . ... . .. .. .. __._._ .. . .. . . . . �.�.- r�coastructins the sids�►alk .� L��,��a.. af �,�y_s.•�„� s.��•,!•_.,,*y_ - ial►t •�� �ts�►�t ' togetbex with all aresirays, coal-bolea, trapdoors, tuanels and otber undersroand i faeilities of everp descriptian and provided that all persits herttofor� graated b� said City af St. Paul for the iustallation and/or �ainteaanee of snch areanays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tumnels and other nndergronad facilities of e�ery deacrip- tion will be and the samee are heratiy re�aked unless said gresvaqs, coal-holes, trapdoors, tanaela and atber nnderground facilities of everp description are ', reconstructed by said peredittee� aa or before a date xhich is 45 aays a�tar th� date of final approval of this osder; and that, fnrthar, the Departaent of Pnblic Works, Chxougb its Ckief Lngineer, is hermby authoriz�d aad directed to fill in and renove sucL areaMays, aoal-boles, trapdoors, tuanels and ot6er �naer�onna facilities of every descriptio�, tbe pernitteea of vhich areava�a, coal-holes, trapdoors, tsanels a�d atber underground faailitiea of every description fail to recanstruct the same to the satisfaction of the Gity Engineer on or beforn the above mentianed date e�ccept Mhere good and safficient poured sidenralks noM eai�t. --_ _--- —_ - A�n,�a�;-�nati�xpon��.pprovat;�he proper-city oH'icials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. , �o�� �N .y� �uN a s �� Adopted by the Counc' Yeas T ER H�ys _ - �'�'� 3 0 �7 , C AY Konopatzki �.� �� �� NE Levine ME EDITI-{�/leredith SP FKq Sprafka � �In Favor T� CO Tedesco . Mc A ` Mayor Y Mme. President, Butler� � Aro8lII6t � ' �1 P�IRLIS�HED .JUL 81972 . Dist. No. 3 .. ' � A� � B.S. Duluth St. - Bush Ave. to E. 7th. St. � �� � y - ` �S . GFFICE GF THE CONI�4ISSIONER OF PUBLIC WGRKS ����,(� REpORT T0 COrgNIISSIONER �F FINANCE J±� �, __ _._�_---.._ _._ '�� � _____ �_ _ _ __..._ Q i. _ _.. � _ ,_.. � to �eoiutr�at tbe sidavalk ri� � 30 �i sl�ek 3 iot• 7 � • ill� asd tt�wri�'• /Wditie�a E; togetti aith all areawa�s, coal•ho , trapdoors, tnmels aad other ndergronnd _ faciliti of aver� descr�ption and p ided that all permit� her�tof e granCed � by aaid C y of St. Panl for the i�stal tion and/or �aintenaacas of snc areaxa�s, ycoal•holes, �rapdoors, tnnnels and other ndergronund facilities �f ever descrip- � tian a�ill b aad ttie sa�e are hereby revok unless said area�►ays, coal- les, � trapdoors, t els and other tmder$round fac lities of every deserirtion e '' reconatructed aaid �ermittee oa or before date vhich is ane �ear afta the a date of final a roval of this ord�r; and that, fnrther, the Hepartmeut of blic � ilorks, through it Chief F�ngineer, is hereby amt rized and directed to fill i.n n aad reaove such are ays, coal-holes, trapdoors, t els and other und�ergron g facilities of every criptioa, tbe pemittees of ch areanays, coal-boles, � trapdoors, tunnels aad her underground facilitias o �ery deacription fail � reconstruct the sa�ne to t aatisfactio�n of tha City 8ng eer on or before tha ---- - � abova menticmed daCe eucept ere good and aufficient pour sidewalka no�v �xist. Street tosetrer with �11 areaways, coa�-n�lc:s, c.rapavv:5, ��..._�-.. and other ur.ce:orou:.d facilit�es or every description, �nd provided that all pern.:its heretofore o:anted by said City of S*_. Paul for the installation and/or maintenance ' of sucti�areacaa�s, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities o= every description wiil be and the sar„e are t�.ereby revolced unless said areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tLnae2s ar.d other underground facilities of ev�ry descr�otion are reconstructed by said per;nittee on or berore a date whicn is 45 days aiter t7e date of finai approval o° tnis order; and that, further, the Departr,.ent of Public Wor:cs, throu�n its Cnief En�ineer, is hereby authorized �nd directed to ::i21 in ar.d rer,�ove such aresways, coai-holes, trapdoors, tunnels uad other underUrounci facilities ol every c�esc:iption, the per:�ittees of wnich areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunaeis and othe: underground facilities of every description �ail to recQnstruct the sar,ie ' to the satisraction or the City Engir.eer on or before the above mentioned date. wiae ana �� per lin. tt. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.� $1.50 per sq. ft. for integral curb and gutter 2. A plan, profile or sketch of 5aid improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of� Public Works X � 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � 3q�5 6 �8 y� �� 4 ,��j o M��(1912 �.� � � �r;VEO � ao '-" �- Co issioner of Public Work �► ,.r oF t;: c�`-' `��'�` C�� `s'�' -�N.�;NC� ��, � �� s��`���'ZZ���v�`'�''�''�