259858 R . - ' ___.-.�_ .. _- _. _ .. ��O�i��iQl� � . - � ORDINANCE 259��� . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ����� AN ORDINANCT SETTLI�G THE CLATM OF MEL�IN L. BIIRTON AGATI+IST THE CITY OF SAI� PAUL THE C�UbTCIL �F gHE CITY OF SAZI�I"f PAtT� DDES �RDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers ar� hereby authorized and dir�cted to pap out of the Tort Liability Fund OU35-42U, to Melnin L. Burton, the sum of �393.71, in full settlement of his claim of damage: sustained on or about �uly 29, 1972, as more particul�rl� set out in a comiaunication to the City Council on August 15, 1972. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, for all damages sustained i� th� manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance �hall take effect and be in force thirtp days after its passage, �ppronal and publication. C� Yeas unci en Nays Passed by the Councit ��T �'6 1972 tle -H�- (- C 1 n Konopatzki '° Tn Favor Le ne �p Levine Q M ith Meredith � Against S r a �� Sprafka 0�T ,a �972 Mr. esid t (McCarty) Ted sco o�: tteat• � e. P ' ent, Butle� ' ity Clerk yor �� J Form approved Corpor�,�ion Counsel By RUBLISHED NOV 41972 n.�.e.�.r� . _ . � ORDINANCE 2598�� cou�� N�No _ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �S2 Z 6 1� a��CE SETTLI� ?H� CI.iII![ C1F MZLYIZ L. StAlS� �I�B? THE CITY t'� 8� Pl►iA+ THE COt�CZL C!' ?BS CI'i't O! $�II�! !1►ttL D0�8 4�flilt: �eetion 1. �!hat t'6t p�topar Cit� ot�ic�rs are h�r�bp suthori�ad snd disyct�d to pay out of ths Tort Liability F�d 4�35-420, to lielvfti L. Bart,oa, 'thi �um of �393.71, ia fuli s�ttisa�ent of his clai' o! da�ag�a�� s�stained on or about duly Z9, 1972, as �or� particalarly set out in a co�nmuaicatiori to t2►� City Comneil an �uqus t 15. 1972. S�etion 2. lhat ssid sm� aball bs p�id to tri� naid claimaAt npon hia execution aad deli�rery ot a r�lea�s ia �nll to the City. in a form to b� appraved by th� City l�ittoraep, for sll daa�agrs austained in the naru��r aforessid. � 8�tion 3. T�at this oraiaanez� sball take •ft�et aad b� in fc�rce thirty <laya t�tter its pu�sgre. :ppaco�►al aad publi�a�tion. . Yeas ' en N�ye Paesed by t2� Counci� �CT �� '�l/� Bn .� � Konopatzki � Tr Favor Levine Mlereditti �-AB�;"et ' �prafka Mr. ent (McCsrF�y) tedesco ��o�, 0 CT 2 � 1972 Atteet: ,�Ilme. Presiden#, ButN�t' City Clerk _ Mayor �� ��� �E�, Form a�pro�ed Coi►por�ion Couneel B�+ / � �� lst T � 2r.d � . � 3rd _��� Adopted (�� �'�'C� Yeas Nays T.iU�IT'"_� �. KONOPATZKI ��`, � ��z� �8,fi8 NlEREDITH SPRAFKA �/ TEDESCO Mme PRESIDENT (BUTLER)