259856 � ORI�:AL TO CITY CL6RK �)9���l
WHEREAS, Northern Federal Savings and Loan Association has indicated to
the Department of Public Works that is is desirous of installing electrical
heating units for snow melting purposes and three light standards in the
public sidewalk of Wabasha Street between Fifth Street and Sixth Street and
Sixth Street between Wabasha and Cedar, abutting said Association's building
at 386 Wabasha Street, St. Paul , located on Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Block g,
St. Paul Proper, Ramsey County, Minnesota and, further, to construct the
sidewalk and street lights according to plans and specifications satisfactory
to the Department of Public Works ; Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 207 and 208 of the
St. Paul Legislative Code, the Acting Director of Public Works is hereby
authorized to issue to the Northern Federal Savings and Loan Association a
permit to construct the light standards and sidewalk around the Association's
O building at 386 Wabasha Street, and incorporate in said sidewalk construction,
� � electrical heating units for snow removal purposes ; and be it
.,�-3, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the above permission is granted and made expressly
� subject to the following terrns, provisions , and conditions:
� /,.,.�
��� 1 . That said permittee shall , at its own cost, expense, and in accordance
� 0 with all applicable ordinances of the City of St. Paul and statutes of the
•• State of Minnesota, construct and erect said sidewalk and street light standards ,
and maintain and operate said heated sidewalk;
i _
�� 2. That said sidewalk �nd street light construction and installation shall
� be made to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works, in accordance
with the plans and specifications approved by and on file in the Department of
Public Works, marked and identified as Public Works Project No. E-1153, and in
, strict compliance with the City of St. Paul Electrical Code, authorized under
a building permit issued by the Department of Parks , Recreation and Public
Buildings ;
3. That said street light standards shall be constructed under the
inspection and to the satisfaction of the Lighting Bureau, which, upon its
acceptance and approval after a final inspection, shall thereafter operate
and maintain said light standards ;
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19—
Yeas Naqs ��
C on Hunt Approv� 19—
vin Konopatzki
Levine Tn Favor
eredi Meredith
Spra,fka Sprafka ��'�r
Tedesco Tedesco ABainst
Mme. President, Butler
r. President, McCa
PUBLISHED OCT 141972 �°�
. �
����+ ' -2- ,C.cl.7
_. �& t�D
4. That said permittee shall pay the costs for the publication of
this resolution and the publication of all future resolutions retated
he reto;
5. That said permittee shall pay the Department of Public 4lorks '
costs of administration, engineering, and inspection of said work, and
said costs shall be accounted for under said Project No. E-1153;
6. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made
in the streets , sidewalks and boulevards both day and night so as to avoid
all damage or injury to persons or praperty;
7, fhat said permittee, after the inception of said work, shalt
prosecute said work continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said
work to the satisfaction and approval of the Department of Public Works by
no later than December 31 , 1972;
8. That said permittee shall not commence construction of this Project
untit a sidewalk permit is obtained from the Local Improvement Division of
the Department of Public 1Jorks ;
9. That said permittee shall , during the term of this permit , restore
and repair all property, whether put�lic ar private, damaged or which may be
damaged due to the construction of this Project;
10. That said permittee shall , at no cost to the City, repair any damage
. to the etectrical heating unit which may occur during the normal course of
City street maintenance and/or construction; ��
11 . That said permittee shall furnish and deliver to the City of St. Paul
a surety bond in the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) , conditioned
upon the permittee complying with all the terms and conditions of this resolution
and to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of St. Paul from all losses ,
liability, judgments, suits , costs , charges, damages , or expenses that may accrue
to persons or property or the City arising out of or connected with the construc-
tion, presence, maintenance, repair and removal of the heated sidewalk, which
surety bond shall remain in force and effect so long as the heated sidewalk or
any part thereof remains on the public right-of-way of llabasha Street or Sixth
12, That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Puhlic Works , upon
request , all documents of record that are a part of any contract for the construc-
tion of this Project or incidental to its execution including, but not limited to,
addenda, award of contract, sum of contract, "as buitt" plans and tracings;
13. That the Councit reserves the right to order, by resotution ; the removal
of the electrical heating units , or parts thereof, from the public right-of-way,
and in the event the Council exercises such right, the permittee shall , at its
own expense, remove said heating units and restore the public walk to a condition
similar to that of the abutting walk at time of removal , to the satisfaction of
the Department of Pub 1 i c Llorks ;
R , �
+ ,OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �;`7Q��c,
14. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify,
hold harmless and defend the City of St. Paul , its agents, officers and employees
from any and all damages , claims , losses , judgments , suits or expenses arising
out of or occasioned by the performance of the work contemplated by this per-
mission and authority;
15. That said permittee shall not proceed with construction unless and
until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding
insurance and indemnification contained in the City of St. Paul , Department of
Public Ldorks "Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction," dated April 1 ,
1959, Paragraphs A,C,D,E,F,K,L,M,N,O and P of Section numbered 1 .44 of said
specifications as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purpose of this
resolution, the aforesaid paragraphs of Section 1 .4G of said specifications ,
shall be read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the word
"contractor," wherever the same appears in the aforesaid paragraphs of
Section 1 .44. Said paragraphs of Section 1 .44 of the '.'Specifications for
Street and Sewer Construction" of the City of St. Paul is hereby incorporated
herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim.
Proof of comptiance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such
form as the City Attorney of the City of St. Paul may direct and the documents
required by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shall , after submission to the City
Attorney, be filed in the Department of Finance of the City of St. Paul ;
16. That said Rermittee shall submit the required bond and insurance �
documents to the Office Engineer o� the Department of Pub1iE Worl��;
17. That said permittee shall , within the period of fifteen (15) days next
after the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk its written
acceptance of the terms, provisions and conditions of this resolution and its
agreement to be bound by said terms, provisions and conditions thereof, without
limitation, which written instrument of acceptance and agreement shall be in a
form approved by the City Attorney.
OCT i i �Tt
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas xays OCT 12 1972
C son _ Nunt . App 19—
vi Konopatzki � Tn Favor
eredi Levine
Meredith � Mayor
Spr�,fka Sprafka
Tedesco Tedesco ASainst
r. President, McCar Mme. President, Butlec
PIJBLISHED 0 C T 14 1972 °�'�
� 2598��
cuK�ewn ro nntrr�e
,o � , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO
YHEREAS, ibrti�srn Rsd�ral Savin9s and Loan Associatlon has ind�cat�d to
ths Depart�t of rublic Worics that is is dssirous of Instsilt�y •t�ctriul
heatiny units for snav w�lting purposss and thrs� 119ht st+�ndards in th�
publle sids+,ralk of Vabasha Streat b�t�sn Flfth Strest end Sixth Street and
Sixth Stnst betwesn Wabasha and C�da�. abutting said Associ+�tlon's buildtng
at 386 M�asha Stn�t, St. Paut, toeated on Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Biock 9.
St. Ps�! �ropsr. Rawsa�► County, Minnasota and, furthsr, to construet ths
stdrwalk and atreet lights according to plans and specificattons satisfactory
to th� Ds�arbrnt of Public Mork:; Nar, thsnforo. be tt
RESOLYE�, That pursuant to the provistons of Chaptsrs 407 snd 208 of ths
St. Paul I.agislative Cod�, the Acting Dirsctor of Public Nbrks 1: hereby
autho�iud to issw to thr North�rn Red�rst Saviny: s�d Los� Association a
per�it to construct ths ifght standards and sidaMalk around the Association's
buildi�q st 38b lisbasha Strast, and incorporate in said sidswalk constraction,
alsctriul heati�y anTts for snaw re�nav+�l purposes; and bs it
FURTHER RESOLYED� That tl» ibov� parsission is �ra�t�d aAd �nade exprossiy
subJact to the followin� t�n�s, provislons. and oonditions:
1. That ssid �nwitt�� shall , at Its o�m oost� expens�, and in acoo�danu
wtth aii applicable o�dinancss of ths CitY of St. Paul and statutss of the
Stat� of Minnesota, aonstruct ane! ersct said sidawalk snd strs�t lt9ht standards,
and �aintain and opsrat� satd hsated sid�vaiks
2, Thst said sid�+alk u�d str�et li�t oop�t�uction snd instailation shait
b� �ad� to the sat 1 afact ion of the D�psrtn�ent of rub 1 i c �lorks, t n ac.o��dance
Ntth the pl�s and spacifications approved by and on file in the D�psrtes�t of
rubll� Ulorks, aia�d snd identifi�d as Public Works Proj�ct No. E-1153. and in
strtct cowpliancs N�th th� City of St. Paul Etectricai Cod�, aathorTzsd unds�
a buildln9 psn�it isswd by the Departwe�t of Par{cs, �ecroation snd Public
3. That said strost light standards shsll be constructed unda� the
insp�ctioa �d to the satisfactio� of the Liyhting Bure�u, whlch, upon its
acceptancs snd spproval sftsr a finai inspection� shali the�eafter opsrate
and �rsintain said ltght stsndards;
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_
Yeaa Nays
utl Hunt
Appro� �8_
C on Konopatzki
�• Levine
Meredith Tn Favor
�� Sprafka
Sprafka Tedesco ��j ��r
Mme. Presiden ,f��r-�t
. Preaident, McC
o���,�,n,�.�,N,� /���/ C 259 ^
'��. �4-��� W 1 1 OI" �. PAUL ..�uNa� �O - � ��'1
CO�M�WiER �A*�
14. That said perwittee �xpresslr a��ss and unal�rtak�s to fully inde�nify.
hold han�l�ss and dafsnd the Ctty of St. Paul . its a9ents. ofticsrs and �aployees
from aa�y and all da�ages� claims, losses, Jud�ents, suits or expensas arising
out of or occaslon�d b�r the perfon�ance of the work contexnpiated by this par-
�atsslon �d �thority;
15. That said permittee shall not proexed with construction unless and
untit sstd psrmtttee shall have fu11y complied with the provisions ra�a�ding
tnsuranos and indemnificatton contalned in the Ctty of St. i'sul . Depart�nent of
Public Wbrks "Specific�ttons for Str�t and S�v�r Constructton," dated April 1 �
1954. Paragraphs A,C,D,E,F,K,L,M,N,O and P of S�ctton �ared 1.�1�1 of :a1d
specifi utioe�s as arasnd�d� applicabis to contractors. For the purposs of this
resolution, tha aforesaid paragr�hs of Seation 1.44 of ssid sp�cifi uttons,
shali be nad as though the wo�d "pen�itts�" was substituted for the �rd
"cont�sctor," wherever the sa�s appears in tha aforosaid para9raphs of
Section 1.4y. Satd pa�sgraphs of Ssction 1.44 of the "Spscifications for
Strost and Sewer Constructio�" of the Ctty of St. Paul ts hsreby inocrporsted
hsrein by nf�r� as fully and as co�platsiy as if set forth herein verbatim.
Proof of towpltar+c� with provisio�s of the afbressld saction shall be tn such
�or�n ss the C�ty Attor�r of ths City of St. Paul �nay dir�ct a�d the docun�nts
nquirsd by the afonsaid Sactton 1.4� sh�ll , after suba�ission to the Ctty
Atto�y. bs filed in tha D�partment of Fin�ce of the City of St. Paut ;
16. That said pernittt�e shall subniit the requtred bond snd insurance
d�cun�nts to the Otfics Enginaar of the D�part�ent of Public Works;
17. That ssid psn�ittea shsil , within the period of fiftaen (i5j days next
after tha eff�etiws dats of this rosolutioA, fite witfi the City Cierk tts Mrittan
acc�ptana of th� ter�s. provisions snd coaditions of this resolution snd tts
agreMSnt to b� bo�nd by sald term�t, pravtsions and conditions thereof, without
limltatlon. which w�itten instrunent of i�ctaptanc� and agreanent shall bs in a
forai approwd by ths C i ty Attorney.
� �Y � .
Cp�Cg�N Adopted by the Co�mc� 19—
Yeas Naya
.�e OCT 181972
C on APP�°� 19_
v' Konopatzki Tr Favor
e� Levine
M?redith n M�►or
"�p�a Sb!'8fka '✓ p�
Tedesco T=�desco -m �at
. PreBident, MC Mme. Pr�sident, Butfer
october �6, 1972
Northern Federa:l. Savi.ngs & Lo�n Assxiation
39S Wabasha Str�et
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
D�ax S�.r:
We enclsse a copy of Counail File No. 259$�6 granting you
permi�sion ta inatall electrical heeting un�ta Por gnoar
melting purposea and so gorth; alsa a bill 3n the aum of
�35•55 �o cover the coat of publication ot' this rasol.ution.
We call your apecisl attentian to P�aragrrei„ph lI which requires
the filing of a bond in th� amount specified eusd Paragra�h I7
which requixree the filing of your written ecc�ptance oP the
terma, provisiona e�nd cnnditivn� of thia resolution within 15
de►ye af"te� Octob�r 1.�4� 1972 3tt thi� ottiCe� Rt�o�m 3f36' C1ty
Hall. If not so filed, the reaolution b�com�� void.
Very truly your�,
City Clerk
a�.t�a�1�1 ��f ':
4. That satd ���rmt tt��e: s��al l ���.�y tiAe c>�sts f<�� the publ ication of
this rasolutic�» anc ti-�� �ut�llcatiarti of atl �utur� r�solutioras rel�tecl
he rs ta;
�;. That ��ic] permite�e shall pay the D�p�rtmenC nf �ubl �c Works'
cas�ts of ad�ini�tration, sngin�ering, an�� i�ts��ctir�� of r:��i�i �,��rl:,, �ancf
,�Td cests �hal l b� �c,cauntcd fo� under sat-i �'raJect �.car �°°� 1�;;
6. 'fh�t s�id pera�i ttee sha11 �roperly protect al l �xcavatic�n� macle
in the sCr�ets , sE��w�t�a arac� l�c�crl�:vards hoth day ancS night st� a�� t+� �vo�c�
ali damag�. ar injury tc� p�rs�n� ar property;
7. i't��t said p�ra�,i tt�+�, �f�er the inceptton of s�id worSc, sha�t l
prosecut� sald ��;r�r�� �on�t+�ur�usly� with diligence, and fully c���plet� �aid
r,rvrk to ttic s�t 6 s fmct i en a�nd approv�al af th� �epartmant of Puat t c Works b�
no later thsn Dacember 31 , 1g72;
8. 'fha� �aid pr.rmittee shall not c:c�nunance c�nstructia� Uf this �raJecr
s.+r�til a sidewalk p�rmit is obtatned from the local Improvement �1vislor of
the D�pa<°�r�me��t �f F`«t�l i c iJorks�
�, Tt►at s�id permittee shall , durfny th� term of this permit , restQr�:
�nc� r�.p�ir �1i prop�crty, wh�ther public ar prtvat�� da�na�cd o� whicti may h�
danraged dua tc+ th� cc,n�t ruct i on c�f tt�1 s Pro,�ect;
10. �°ha�t s���i �ermi ttNe shal i , at no cost to th� Ci ty, repa!r any dama�e
�o the electrical h�ating unit whieh may occur durinc�; ttte normat eaurse of
Ctty str�et matnt�r��irac�e ars�/or canstructlon;
Il . That s�,id �c��:.rmi�t�e st��3l furnish and dellv�;r �c� ti'�s� Git� �f SC. P��.�
a surety �+or�d In thti <:am��a,c•�� �f T!iirty Tnous�n�! �n1 )ars (53�s�uaa.C�) , �ond3t�oned
upon the p�rrai ttc:e �or�plyi n+� wi�h �11 ttte terms an� cun�t�C tc�ns of thi s r�*so1 utia�n
and to indemnify, d�f�nc4 �;r��1 s�v� taarml�ss the CtCy of St. �aul ffrr.�r:� �11 lasses ,
�i sb i 1 i Ly, Ju�gr.��ent� , s�.t1�s , co�.ts, ���rges , dam�yes , c�r �:x�r:.ngew th�t may ar.erue
*.o �ers�ns or pr��erty c�r �ts� City �ri�ti�sg c�ut a; or c:c�r,r�ct�u ���ith the cc�E�str�c-
C9on, pres�!neey m�intenarre�y re��s�l � �nci r��r�cav�ai of I:F�� 11r�w�� �'s �ie�c,,�a�ii;e whi�.Md
suret�r bond shall r�rnalr°E 3n forc� ��c� .r..�'f�:ct sc; ton�� as= t��� he�C�;d �i�:ewalk a�
aeny part ths�-�of rc��ai n§ an the puhl m c �°1 nht-esf-wa�y nf '�ahash� Str�et nr Slxth
�r4PF.�t; _
02. That said pe�'mi tt�se shral i furr�r�!'� ��tic; a�:��}�rt;�•<::r,t ��f &'�? l e c "ylvr!+s , upor�
request, �11 doCUmen�s of record th�t �rc� � ��r� c�� �,4•v r.e�n�_r7ct f�r the construe-�
�ic�n af tFois ProJe�t c�r lnciri��nt�1 to its �:r�����st��.a��� lt��.li.�<��r���, i�>�;t nat limite.d to,
�dd��d�� �ard of contract, 5J111 �f contr�ct, "'as t,u� lt°+ ���r�►ns Pnc! traei�gs;
13. That �:hfs �rac�nc.:t � re,�sc-rves the right to arder, by r�solutfon, "3��: rem�val
Qf th�* �lc�ctr��.e�F '������t.�r,� u�-:i4:� , c,r �arts thereof, from th� public right-of-waY,
p�nc� in th� �rr�n� t�h� Cc�ua��cid �x.�rclses suth rtght. the p�rmltteC ahall , at tts
own �xpense, r��or�� sa 3 d heat i n� can i+Ls and res��bre th�: ���t�11 c w��l k ec� � cc�n�i i t i e�r�
�'s:nilar to �#��t a�f th� �buxtlnc� walk at time of re�oval , ta the satisf�ctior� �af
Lhe ��epartment P:�� �'c�a1'�� 'n�eark.s;
. - �s� ���,
Saint Paul, Minnesota
October 16, 1972
To tY�e Hanorable, the City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
We, the undersigned, do her�by aceept and agree to
abide by all the terms and conditio�� of Council File ao.
259856, adopted by the Cauneil on October 11, 1972.
Rorthern �'ederal Savings and
Losn Aesociation
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