259848 . � ORi61NAL TO CITY CLERK �J��J��J� � . CIT1( OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. '� " ` ' __ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' . COUN i ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE AiF WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1971, Chapter 33 Extra Session, is charged with the duty of ineeting and negotiating with public employees in appropriate bargaining units and is further charged with providing written agreements evidencing the result of such bargaining; and WHEREAS, by agreement made and entered into the fourth day of August, 1972, the City of Saint Paul has retained the services of a labor relations consultant to advise the City of Saint Paul on labo relations matters and meet and negotiate with publ�c employees on behalf of the City at such times as the City ma.y designate; and WHEREAS, the Ma.yor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul desire to establish through collective bargaining agreements, the rights, responsibilities, procedures and limitations regarding public employment to establish a relationship between the City and its employees which shall protect the rights of the public employee, the City of Saint Paul and the public at large; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul find and determine that such rights, re- sponsibilities and procedures can best be established between the City and its employees in collective bar- gaining sessions; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya x��x Hunt xf��x Konopatzki Approved 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mme•A�C President, �� Butler . � OR(61NAL TO CITY CLERK ��7j��]�( - � ► • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `�'"�' ' � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul: 1. That the Council hereby declares its policy to have designated representatives of the City meet and negotiate with public employees in appropriate bargain- ing units and provide written agreements evidencing the result thereof. 2. That in conformance with the terms and pro- visions of the agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Smythe-Obermeyer and Associates dated the fourth d�.y of August, 1972, Associates are hereby authorized and directed to meet and negotiate with public employees in appropriate bargaining units the terms and conditions of their employment with the City of Saint Paul. 3. That Associates, in coordination wlth the office of the City Attorney, prepare for presentation to the ' Mayor and the City Council written agreements evidencing the results of such negotiation sessions, which agreements ; may include appropriate provisions dealing with wages, w � hours, fringe benefits, working conditions, grievances o �� and the arbitration of disputes. � `� a Y a u d � � � � � O o � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii �CT 11 197�g_ Yeas Nays � xunt Ot;T 12 1y1� ��� Konopat zki Approve 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco ASainst ,,j�e� 11�rX President, �g�� $ut 1 er �UBLISWfD OCT 141972 �� - - . r--�(� � :.�.�.�� �c�i7C�� ....�.e�o.e s�e�e�ee . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICF OF THE CITY COIINCIL CITY HALL AND OOURT HOU�9E WlLLIAM KONOPATZKI SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 MRS. JEAN D. SALMON Councilman P x o iv� B 1 2 / 2 2 3—5 4 7 6 Legislative Aide October 11, 1972 Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul The Ma.nagement and Personnel Committee has conducted preliminary meetings with Messrs. Smythe and Obermeyer, labor consultants retained for the City of Saint Paul by agreement entered into on the fourth day of August, 1972. On September 12, 1972, in a meeting of the Management an d Personnel Committee, Messrs. Smythe and Obermeyer presented an outline memorandu.m of their suggestions for negotiations with public employees through collective bargaining, pur- suant to Laws of Minnesota 1971, Chapter 33, Extra Session. The committee has reviewed that memorandum and finds it is in agreement with the position taken therein. A copy is enclosed for the review of the Council. After review and deliberation, the Management and Personnel Committee held a meeting on October 10, at which time it was determined to request of the City Council th e following authorization: 1. That pursuant to the terms of the above referenced agreement, Smythe-Obermeyer and Associates be authorized by the City Council to enter into negotiations with public employees in appropriate bargaining units to determine the terms and conditions of their employment with the City of Saint Paul. The committee recommends that such negotiation sessions include appropriate provisions in contractual form dealing with wages, hours, fringe benefits, working conditions, grievances and the arbitration of employer-employee disputes. To carry out that function, the committee is submitting to the Council and recommends adoption of the enclosed resolution. .. . � ,_ � • ,�J• ��;�. 2. The committee further recommends that jurisdiction of labor relations matters, subject to the terms of the above referenced agreement and resolution, be transferred from the Council to the Ma.nagement and Personne� Committee with the understanding that the committee would ma.ke preliminary reviews and recommendations on all ma.terials and draft agreements sub- mitted by the labor relations consultants. It is understood that the consultants are not authorized to enter into binding final agreements with employees through their representatives, but that their powers as consultants be limited to submitting draft recommendations and proposals for review by this committee. The committee would then review and submit such proposals and agreements to the City Council for its consideration. 3. To better coordinate the efforts of the City in meeting and negotiating with public employees in appropriate bargaining units, this committee recommends that all requests and demands relating to wages, hours, fringe benefits, working conditions, etc. shall be made to Smythe-Obermeyer and Associates as authorized bargaining agents for the City of Saint Paul. It is, of course, again understood that any agreements reached between the negotiation team and the union bargaining agents be subject to the review and approval of the City �ouncil in accordance with Section 12.09 of the Saint Paul City Charter. Respectfully submitted, ����� � , illiam Ko pa ki Chairman Management & P rsonnel Committee �JK � 't . : . ' . . 2.5984� September 25, 1972 T0: Mayor, City of St. Pau� Chairman, Personnel Committee � FROM: Smythe-Gbermeyer and Associates P.E: Establishment of relationships between the City of St. Paul and organized groups of employees Based on preliminary discussions with representatives of the City Attorney�s Office, Civil Service Commission representatives, certain department he�ds and employee organizations, Smythe-0bermeyer and Associates, as representatives of the City of St. Paul for labar relations purposes, recommend the following actions: l. Implement the wage increases due certain catergories of "ung�raded" employees based on previously stated council policy, subject to: a. Pay Board legal limitations as interpreted and/or appealed. b. Included or excluded certain job positions currently - included in the "Ungraded Classification, Section G." 2. Enter into discussions with employee organizations claiming to represent city employees with the objective of reaching mutually agreeable definitions of appropriate bargaining units. . a. Botential appropriate bargaining units for which an employee � or labor organization claims to be the exclusive representative: (1) Professional (2) Fire (3) Police (4) Operating (tidater Department) (5) Building and physical"plant maintenance - (6) Vehicle and equipment maintenance (7) 5killed trades (8) Public works b. Potential appropriate bargaining units for which no organization currently claims to be the exclusive representative: (1) Para-professional (2) Clerical (3) Attendance and inspectional s 7 . � . - ;� , �.. ,, • -2- 259��� .�� � 3. Request certification by the Bureau of Mediation Services af mutually agreed upon bargaining units between the City and labor or ecnployee organizations. Request bargaining unit hearings by the Bureau in those instances where there is a dispute concerning the structure of a bar�aining unit. �+. Negotiate mutually agreeable labor contracts. . 5. Request the City Attorney's office to: a. Review labor contracts as to their legality in reference to the City Charter, Civil Service regulations, and applicable statutes. b. Determine the legality of certain "fringe" contributions made by the City in behalf of employees to jointly trusteed benef it funds. � . 6. Meet and confer with professional and supervisory personnel if requested. I:O:st 9.25.72 . w �DUlLICJ�tiTj TOfRiN7'tl! ('��(�('�� � _� , , - CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�UNCIL N� ,�� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE��tY . COMMISSIONER DA*F WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, pur�u,ant to Laws - of MiYmesota 1971, Chapter 33 Extra Seasian, is charged with the duty of ineeting mnd n�gotiating with public employses in appropriat�e bargaining units and is further charged with�� providing writt�nn agreementa evidencing the resul.t of swch bargaining; and WHEREAS, by agre�ent msde and entered into the fourth day of August, 1972, th� City of Saint Paul ha.s retained the services of a labor relations consultant to advise the City of Saint Paul on labor relations matters and meet and negotiate with public e�loyees on behalf of the City at such times as the City may designate; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Covncil of the City of Saint Paul desire to establish through collective bargaining agreements, the rights, responsibilities, procedures and limitations regardingpu blic employment to establish a relationship between the City and its employees which shall protect the rights of the public employe+�, the City of Saint Paul and the public at large; and WHEREA3, the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul find and determine that such rights, re- sponsi.bilities axid procedures can best be established between the City and its employees in collective bar- gaining sessions; now, therefore, be it COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays a�g�oc Hui1t �o�c RoYiopatzki Appmved 18� Levine �n Favor � Meredith Sprafka �� AgB,jilgt Tedesco �•�. President,�y �t 1eY �� .o��,�,�.�� 259�4� - �-� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO ` � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`� . '� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBS�!Y COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, by thQ Couacil of tile City of Saint Peoul t 1. T'l�at tha Ccnn�cil hareby declares its policy to have desigaatod rapreaentatives of the City meet aa�d - negotiate with public �p laqses in appropriate bergain- it�g unit� �nd provide wr3tten agreements evide�cing the reauZt thereof. 2. That in caaformance �rith the terms and pro- viaiona of �the agrseaaent b�tweea the Citq of Sai.nt Paul and �nqthe•O�barm�yer and Associatea dated the �ourth d� of Atw,gl�t,sti 1973� Asso�iatas ar� her�by authoriaed at�d direc�ed to me�t �,d n�sgotiate tAith public �ployees in appro�riate� bargain� v�its the t�rms and conditiona af their employment th the City of S#int Paul. 3. That Aasociates, in coordi�atian �l.th the offic4 of the City Attoraey, pr�pare for presentation to tha Mayor and the City Council writtenagr e�te evidencing the reeults of such negotiatioa sassians, �rhich agreemente may include appropriat• provisions dealir�g with wo�ges� haurs, fringe benefita, working canditions, grievances and th� arbitration of di,�pute�. OCT` 11 197?� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc>> 9� Yeas Nays �r Hunt OC'� 1� 1�� � Kanopatzki Appmved 19� Levine � T„ Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka � Tedeaco A8'ainst �e.- !d!. President,]cD6�&�tler ��