259841 � ORIGIlML TO CITY CL6RK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ������. y FILE NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GEN L FORM PRESENTED BY �' COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Civic Center Authority in the award for furnishing and delivering PORTABLE BASKETBALL FLOOR AND STEEL STORAGE TRUCKS to the City of Saint Paul, Civic Center Authority to Championship Sports Floors, Incorporated as follows: ITEM REQUISITION N0. 3154 1. 1- Portable Basketball Floor, DiNatale, 60' x 112' per plans and specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$17,000.00 REQUISITION N0. 3155 2. 15- Steel Storage trucks for Portable Basketball Floor, DiNatale, as per specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150.00 $ 2,250.00 Total amount of contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19,250.00 Terms: Net - 30 Days at unit prices bid, in accordance with the specifications on Formal Bid No. 5169, the award being made to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications. The Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to draft the proper form of contract. The proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid No. 5169 Req'n Nos. 3154 � 3155 ���� ��g�`' `�'��� ��-�--c �'7�z-0 Code: 6000-739 i o ...Gc- �-'o'�' .r._� Civic Center Authority Resolution CCA 502 APPROVED: AS TO FORM APPROVED: THE PURCHASING COMMITTEE r � CORPORATION CO SEL INISTRATIV ASST. T MAYOR � I ACTING DEPT. HEAD - FINANCE EPUTY PUR AG � COUNCILMEN Adopted by t C ci ' �_ Yeas Nays � Butler � �� � Hunt Approve� 19` Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka U Mayor A gainst �t��S°atzki � President, D� 9/27/72/Cotroneo/jk Quslis,��� OCT 14 1972 � �����'����R Cl�lf �F ST. PAUL �,,,,c,� ND 2598�1 ^ ` p� •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESEMED blf COMMISSIONEe DA� RESOLVED, That the Cauncil hereby concurs in the action of the Civic Center Authority in the award for furnishing and delivering PORTABLE BASKETBALL FLOOR AND STEEL STORAGF TRUCKS to the City of Saint Paul, Civic Center Authority to Championship Sports Floors, Incorporated as follc�s: ITEM �UIS IT IQN NO� 3r 154 1. 1- Portable Basketball Floor, DiNatale, 60' x 112' per plans and specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$17,000.00 RE4�UISITION N0. 3155 2. 15- Steel Storage trucks for Portable Basketball Floor, ' DiNatale, as per sgacifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150.00 $ 2,250.00 Total amount of contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19,250.00 Terms: Net - 30 Days at unit prices bid, in accordaace with the specifications on Formal Bid No. 5169, the award being msde to the laweat responsible bidder meeting specifications. The Corporation Counsel i8 hereby directed to draft the proper form of contract. The proper City officials are hereby auChorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid No. 5169 � Req'n Nos. 3154 & 3155 / Code: 6000-739 To ..Cw ✓ ' -K �-o'j"�-�'��'"� t"� '7 5�'z-O T..� , Civic Center Authority Reeolution CCA 502 APPRWED: AS TO FORM APPROVED: THE PURCHASING COMMITTEE CORPORATION COUNSEL ADMINISTRATIVE A5ST. TU MAYOR ACTING DEPT. HEAD • FINANCB COUNCILMEN oP Y e L��,,,,� ' 19_ Y4 Yeae Nays - Butler Approo� O CT ,0 �19— � a�t Le�e Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �y� t Tedeaco Kono atz i � President� 9/27/72/Cotroneo/jk ��