259834 ORI¢INAL TO CITY CL6RK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL H uNC�� HO. �598�4 . .. . OFF OF THE CITY CLERK �,,� COUN LI�TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the actio.n of the Saint Paul Boaxd of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Buildin� and Fire Prevention Codes pertainin� to the folla�w:ing listed praperty and as shawn by the official Yninutes of said Boaxd of Appeals, dated September 13, 1.972, a capy of which, marked "EXHIBIT "A", is attached hereto and ma.de a part hereof by reference: Case No. Property Appellant 62-72-P 365 Edmund Doria7.d Esboldt by Ati.ke Genelin 6�+-72-B 270 No. Kent Adkins-Jackels Assoc., Inc. Ma.rtin Luther King by Center Roger Sjobeck 65-72-P 77 B Street Wayne Erickson f� OCT 6 197?� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 9— Yeas Naya utl r Hunt OC•� 8 �972 ax on Konopatzki Approve _-19— Levine L ne Meredith _�n Favor M edith �' Tedesco Maqor S �a Mme. President, Butlel' � Againgt T d sco Mr. Pres e t, McCarty FOR A VE pUBLISHED OCT 141972 Asst. �ity Attorney �� � � r� 9�13�7� �. . Meeting No. 77 � � `�59�:�4 r. r�rnrrES oF T� r��rz� ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, September 13, 1972 Room 210, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar Street Members Present: Arthur Tieso ' James Voigt Norma Sommerdorf Raymond Grov�e Estyr Peake Members Absent: Donald Wozniak Mitchell Kamtn Agencies Present: Building Departme.nt; Sam Blue, Fra,nk Sta,ffenson, Glenn Erickson, Art Pream, Others Pxesent: Mike Genelin, Roger S3obeck, Keaton Nichols, Bla.ke Davis, Wayne Erickson, John Sauro, Pt�yllis Kaxsoff, Mary Osi , Mr. Collins, Steve 1lseda, 2Ck� Minutes oP the August 9, 1972 meeting were approv�ed as corrected. 62-72-P 365 Edmund Aonald Esboldt by Mike Genelin SUBJECT The appellacrt is requesting a waiver of Sectio.n 5�+.13, Article 7 oP Housin� Code to allaw for illegal bedroam arrangement on the second floor. APP�ARANCES Mike Genel3n ✓ PROCEEDINGS Two second floor bedroaans are arranged such that a.ccess to one bedroom can be had only by going through another. Mr. Genelin is representing Mr. Esboldt, a client under a fedexal home rehabilitation loan and grant program. The � � in applieation, praperty is a single fami.ly residence. As per sketch providedJ entrance to ; one bedroom must be made by approa.ch through another bedroom. Existing wal.l " between two bedrooms is a bearing partition. Mrs. Sommerdor�' �'elt that exter- na.11y, this wa.s one of the most care�a.Zly caxed for pieces of property in the area. ACTION Motion by Somanerdorf to grant a waiv�er of Section 5�+.13, Article 7 of the St. Paul Legislative Code to allow bedroom arrangement on second floor of the abov�e-described property to remain as conetructed. Seconded by Voigt. TIiE VOTE Ayes: Tieso, Voigt, Sommerdorf, Grov+e, Pea.ke. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried f`ive (5) to zero (0). 64-72-B 270 No. Kent Adkins-Jackels, Assoc. Martin Luther King Ce.nter by Roger W. S�obeck SU&TECT Appeal concerns wa].1 thiekness in regaxd to unsupported height�thickness ratio. APP�A]3ANCES Roger W. S�obeck PROCEEDINGS The St. Pa.ul Build3ng Code in effect until Jul�y l, 1972 sta.tes, "w�.11s o� hollaw maso.nry units sha.11. be supported at right angles to the wa.].1 faee at interva.ls .not exceeding 1$ times the nominal wall thickness." Some of the w�.11.s of the buildin� exceed this ratio but are we�l within the allcywa.ble ratio of 36 times the thickness of the Uniform Buildi.ng Code. These walls were designed prior to July 1, 1972, on the basis of the Uniform Building Code rather than the St. Paul Bu3.lding Code. These walls axe non-bearing. ACTION Motion by Voigt to gra.nt the a,ppea.l. to allaw walls to exist as constructed to conform to the Uni.form Building Code. Seconded by Grov�e. TI� VOTE Ayes: Tieso, Voigt, Soannerdorf, Grov�e, Peake. Nayes: none. Ab�tentions: none. Mation carx�ied f`.t.ve (5) to zero (0). -2- 61-72-B 330 E. Sixth Street Salad Reac�y Products by Keaton Nichols SUBJECT Salad Reac'�y Products was displa,ced by HRA and is occupying the above property, pending the constructio.n of a new facility. Use of second floor space for storage of produce depends upon utilization of a non-licensed elevator. APPEARANCES Keaton Nichols PROC�,'EDINGS Salad Ready is awaiting construction of a new facility a.nd is using the above- described property temporarily. The appellant ha.s secured an 18-month lease with the State of Minnesota for the property. Mr. Nichols wa.s una.wa.re that he couldn't use the elevator. Nichols inte.nds to use it to haul fall produce to a second floor cooler. He would like a temporary permit to use the elevator as little as possible. He stated that if he is not able to use the elevator, it will cost him $2,000 - $3,000. Mr. Art Pream, City Elevator Inspector, stated that Pabst Meats used the building previously and was given a provisiona.l certification during the tixne they were phasing out their business. Appaxe.ntly, due to lack of informa,tion, Sa1ad Ready was una.ware that the building they are now leasing was vri.thout a certified elevator. The elevator was installed prior to 1920. Mr. Pream described it as being D.C. p�w�ered (with no overspeed gov�ernor) and having a vrooden girder superstructure which is extensively deteriorated. Supporting beams show signs of cracking. Salad Reac�y has spent $24,000 to cosnply with Health Department regulations. Pream stated that even if the elevator were not u�ed, there is a possibility that it would col.lapse and cause possible injury. At this t�, Salad Ready's praposed .new facility is not under construction. Mr. Nichols has a 30-day option to renew the lease after its expiration. Pream suggested tha.t a chute be i.nstalled inside the elevator shaft and merchandise be brought in through a second floor window. Mr. Blue stated that the elevator condition was pointed out before a lease agreement was secured. ACTION Motion by Tieso to det�,y the appeal. Seconded by Peake. ' TF� VOTE Ayes: Tieso, Voigt, Sommerdorf, Grove, Peake. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0). 63-72-H �68 M3.nnehaha B�lake Davis SUBJECT Mr. Davis is asking for an e�cte.nsion of t3.me to cw�rplete repairs listed in a survey letter dated August 8, 1972 from the Hou�ing Code Bureau. _�� . , . • . AP]?EARANCES � ��,c17C�+�� Blake Davis PROCEED2NGS The property under appeal is a duplex. Mr. Davis stated that he has i.n xnind to do everything, but the major items will require more time. He has co.ntacted an electxician a.nd will carrunence work as soon as a contract is secured. By virtue of his i.nterest in the property, he can't afford to have the repairs done and must do them himself on a part-ti.me basis. Mr. Davis feels the items axe not of a dangerous nature. He is the fee owner of the property. Mr. Davis stated he had "done many things" to the prorperty. Mr. Staffenson stated the property was surveyed on the basis of a complaint. At this point, the intent of the Bureau is condemnation. Mr. Staffenso.n proceeded to show approximately 10 slides which displayed the general condi- tion of the property. The following photos were seen: #1, attic - light through cracks and hole in roof; #2, rotted porch post; #3, sewer drain wi.th no cover (access for rats); �+, window stops and sil7.s mi.ssi�g; �j, dead bird and bird wa,ste ma,terial in a�tic; �/b, rotting cornice; �`j, chimney; �f$, rotted steps; �9, exter.nal wi.ri� tapped to a multi-face outlet running washer, dryer and ref`rigerator; and 10, multi-flising. First report tar�s dated Septemoer 8, 1972. Progress report showed no sign of repair as, of Septeraber 7, 1972. Mr. Davis doesn't feel ar�ything is dangeraus except wiring. He feels the pro�perty is very liveable and that vacation will not speed up work. ACTION Motion by Voigt to der�y the appeal. Seconded by So�erdor�. THE VOTE Ayes: Tieso, Voigt, So�nmerdorf, Peake. Nayes: none. Abstentions: Grove. Motio.n earried four (4) to one (ID). 65-72-P 77 B. Street Wayne Erickson SiTB�TEG'T Appeal is made for permission to erect a gaxage at the above-described property, ttiat is unattached and situa.ted partially in front of the house. APP�ARANCES Wayne Erickson PROCEEDTNGS ` Mr. Erickson sees no objection to the proposed construction by his neighbors. I� the �axage were attached to the home, such constraction wauld be perxni.tted. -1+- . , � . . ACTION . Motion by Sorarnerdorf to grant the appeal to allow construct3on of a gaxage situated partiall,y ahead of the front line of the house. Seconded by Grove. TI� VO'I'E I�yes: Tieso, Voigt, Sommerdorf, Grove, Peake. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion caxried five (5) to zero (0). 53-72-P 256-260 Charles John Sauro SUBJECT Continued f`rom August 9, 1972 meeting. The Boaxd is awaiting a letter of confirmation f`rom the Thomas-Dale I�tA Office as to whether or not they will acquire the prarperty. APPEARANCES Mrs. Sauro, Phyllis Kaxsoff, Mary Osiecki, Mr. Collins (a tenant from the buildi.ng) PROCEEDINGS As indicated in his application for appeal, Mr. Sauro stated at a previous meeting of the Boa.rd that he would gladly repair all items, howev+er, the Thomas-Dale HIZA had agreed to take the praperty. Mrs. Sauro stated tha.t the nature and acape of these itenas would create a tremendous cost. Mr. Tieso stated that the Board must have a defin3.te commitment from Mr. Sauro. His wife stated that she had been led to believe that the praperty was to be presented for acquisition. Mr. Ti�so read the above-mentioned letter f�om Mary Osiecki to Mr. Ikeda, dated September 12, i972. The letter stated that, "the Housing Authority" has no plans at this time or in the foreseeable f�ture, nor have ar�y flznds been allocated to attempt acquisition oP Mr. Sauro's building at 256-260 Charles. PY�yllis Karsoff f`rom T,egal Assistance represented several tenants from 256-260 Chaxles. She stated that her clients were aw�.re that if a building were condemned, relocation assistance woul.d be available. She stated that the conditions in the apartment are extremely poor and in the case of one tenant, Mr. Collins, there was no electricity to his unit. The tena.nt wanted to know the status of what is happe.ning. Mrs. Sauro stated that Mr. Collins will not pay rent; this is the reason for their shutting off his electricity. ACTION Motion by Voigt that appeal be denied. Seconded by Peake. THE VOTE Ayes: T3.eao, Voi�t, Sommerdorf, Grove, Peake. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion ca,rried fivo (5) to zero (0). _5_ o��.,�,n,�.R,� 259�� _4 • b CtTY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBENT6D tY COMMISSIONEat DA*� '�ii��� � te� � � 1'i�i��N �� �'Orii �! ii@'�iOY O� �!! �51� �l D�iTd !� �iil/ i9d �'�� � � �6, �6 ar� ?i� Pr�s�wnctie�n Ced�s rl�aititns to th! i+�11dMi1�g list�d pare� i�d Y /hatlt b� th! dlioiil �imtM i1�' p►i.a Do��cd et �, dat�d D�b�or 1.3, 19?'2, a copy o!' trhi.Ch, maYkacl "E�ffiffiT "A", is a� �+sto an�d a�e a part � bir ret�: . C.��...s�,l�• p`���, �J� 6�-T�-P 363 ]�u�nd Do�1+d �be�dt � 1►�Ot G�ntlin 64�7�-B 2't0 Fo. be�tt A�d]ciils-ds�it�ls Assac., Inc. Martin La�rr lCipg by t�ts�r �o�r �oU�t�lt 6g-72-P ?? 8 � Yayns Ersetson � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�t �� s �l�g— Y� B„�' HuNa� OCT 6 1972 ar n Konopatzki Appr�v� 19_ e Levine Meredith Favor s T� e� � T d � Mme. President, Butler 'nat Mr. d McCarty ��