259833 OR`�INAI 7'�CITY CLERK �•l�J��2 t� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � ��' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Leonard W. Levine October 6 1972 COMMISSIONE ATF � WHEREAS, the week of October 15 through 21 h.as been designated as National Business Women's Week; and WHEREAS, the purpose of National Business Women's Week is to take special note of the valuable contribution made by women to comrnerce and industry throughout our nation; and WHEREAS, it is fitting that this Council pay special honor to the distinguished contribution of working women throughout the City of St. Paul; so, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council, as an expression of profound gratitude and appreciataon, declare the week of October 15 through 21 St. Pau1 Business Women's Week. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit �CT 6 �9��g_ Yeaa Nays tle Hu,:. 0C1. C rl on Konopatz�ci Approve �. 19� :Levine L ne ;Meredith Tn Favor M edith 9�ffcd Sp fka ►Tedescc� � Mayor �net Pr��f�a�t, sutler Against T co Mr. Pre e , McCarty � PUBLISNtu OCT 141972 �� ' D{l-LICI�Ti�lRIM1�! CITY OF ST. PAUL �E��� NO.��j;���;� OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CAMMI�SSIONEQ Leon�rd W. Levine o�� Octeb�r b� 19?2 W�il�REAS. the week of Octob�r 13 throngh 21 ba� beea d�siQaat�d as National Bnain�r s Womes't W eek; and WHERLAS� th� pnrpote ot Natlontl Busine�� W om�n'a W�ek i� to take rpecial aot� ot t� valnsbl� contribudom naad� b�r wosnen to commsrc� and industry thron�hont our nstloa; and WHEREAS, it i�s 8riia� that t�dr Couacil paY �pedsl hanor to � df�tin�dsh�d coatrib�tios of aorkiag aom�a throa�out t�e Clty► of St. Panis �o. ti�relare, be it RFSOLV]CD, fh�►t this Council� sa sn �spr�s�ioa ot protonad �sslitnd� a�d apprecistion, d�elsr• th� week of October I5 thron�h 21 S� Paul Busi:us� Wom�n�s W��k. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counr3L � 6 �1i9— Yeas Nays Bu Hu�t OCT 6 �972 gOn Konopatzki Apprnved �9� Levine �jn Favor •� Meredith S r � 6 Mayor Tedesco ��t ede co Mme. Pr�si���t, ��tl@ Mr. iden McCarty . ,