259830 OR16iaN�TO�TY CLBRK � � • �. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� �5y�30 ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON E ATF RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231 .05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December n�,Q 1 , 1970) pertaining to regulations for the adjusting of sewer service G����'" charges, and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Works and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of full or partial diversion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanita ry Sewer System, the below listed firms have justifiable reason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied in accordance with Resolution, Council File No. 251415, approved December 4, 1970, and be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners shall bill the following accounts the minimum sewer service charge applicable in each case: Knappen Molasses 2255 Chiids Road 2" ROCK 20080098 (45-415) Industrial Molasses Co. 2175 Childs Road �45G�5� FORM /��P ' V�'D: ( Vy Lactos Laboratori es, 1 nc. Ass t �y �+t rrey, 2225 Childs Road 1�" TRID 5363590 (45-415) Park Nurseries 1200 St. Clair Ave. 2" TRI 7643385 (19-406) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays utle C on Approved 19� L i e Hunt � Konopatzki �n Favor eredi Levine Sprafka M�redith � Mayor �. A gainst Tedesco T� . President, McCa Mme. President, Butler �O ORt�k�To E,�«�K � � 2.598`��1 - CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON ER DATF PAGE 2 Dey Bros. Greenhouses Washington Field 1215 N. Dale St. 197 W. Lawson l�" W.D. 715133 1�" AM 712178$ (30-410) (39-413) Holm � Olson Greenhouses Chevron Asphait Co. • 159 Duke St. 220g Childs Road 2" GAM 814660 3" HER C. 46g8770 (12-404) (45-415) Posey-Miller Sanitary Ice 1727 Old Hudson Road 603 N. Prior Ave. 1�" GAM 1024646 Well #626 (45-415) 6" SPARLING 58166 (31-410) Pearson Candy Co. 2140 W. Seventh Street 2" ROCK 20080051 (13-404) Central Stadium 1134 Concordia 3" HER C. 2669359 (23-408) Humboldt Field 31 E. Sidney 1" AM 676915 �21�+-316) Murray Field 1475 Brompton St 3" HER C. 4051673 (27-409) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Q(=7 -r'+ 1Q7�19— Yeas Nays utle --� - O CT 6 1972 C on pprove 19� L i Hunt �n Favor eredi Konopatzki Levine U Mayor Sprafka Meredith Tedeaco �ra#� A Sainat . President, McCa T�� Mme. President, Butler � PIJBLISHED OCT �. 41972 �� �����'�`�°"`��`. c�r,r oF s�r. PAUL couNC�� No �5983� ._� .. , ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fl`� COUNCIL RESOLUTIOIV--GENERAL FORM PR85��lf CAMMISSIONER �AT� It�S01.YED, That punwnt to S�ctlon Z;i.OS of ths Saint Paui Leq t s tat i w Cods, (ss a�a+dad by Ordt nane�s No. 1�662, a�rowd O��b�r 1, 1970) p�rtainin9 to nq�lstians for ths ad�ustin9 of s�+ar s�rvics cha��ss, and apon ths n�o�ndattca of th� Dspirt�a�t ot Pubtie Yorks and approval of th� eoard of Matar Co�is:lonsn, th� Caaici t of ths Ctt�► of Saint Paul do�s !»nby csrtify that b�aus� of fn11 or partiai diwrston of th�tr totsl Kat�r consu�ptton frow th� Cit�r of Saint Psal's Ss�itary S�+ar Syst�w, th� b�low tlst�d ttnis haw Jwttfiabl• roason for appllcation of an adJa�tMnt to th�ir sw+rr s�rvies char9ss u lavi�d in ac�rdancs Nith l�ssolution, Counafl Fit• No. 251�15. �I�p��d � Dse��r 4, 1970. and be 1 t F'UItTH�R RESCLW!ED, That ths 8osrd of Mat�r Cc�issionsn �hatl bi t l tM fot la+tn� 'accow+ts th� winiw� sw+sr s�rvl�s charg� appl tcabl• tn u� cas�: Knq�psn 1b1 us�s Y25S Ch 11 ds 11�o�d 2" tEOCK Y0080098 (45-�15) Industrtal Mol�s�s Co. Z1 TS p+i 1 ds I�oad 2" 6A� �k5-�15� V�r Lactos Laborstori�s, Inc. ZZ25 Ch 11 ds R�oad 1}" TRID 53b3590 i�►5-�i 5) �ark Nurs�rl�s 1200 St. Clatr Ave. 2" TRI 6433a5 (19-�06� COUNCILMEN Adopted.by the Conncil 19— Yeas Nays utl . C on Approv� 19� Hunt 1 Konopatzki ir Favor eredi Levine �� sprafka Meredith Sprafka ro��nAti Tedesco Tedesco . President, McC Mme. President, Butler �� DU}LICATt TO MtIN7e1t ,. .�, � � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. � ,� � . OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G�IERAL FORM PRB�IT�6Y COMMISSIONEQ ^AT� PAREE 2 � pw �ros. an�rihous�s Nasfit�ton Fisld l�iS N. oate St. �97 �• �+�+�� t��� w.o. 715i33 1}" �w �12178s (30-�10) �39-413� Nol w s O1 sa� arw�l►ous�s Ch�vron Asphs i t Co. 159 � St. 2Y09 Chil�s Ibad Z" �M1 81y660 3" H�R C. 4698��0 , ��Z-�04) (4S-41S� Poshr-N111�r SaAt tary� lu 1727 01d Nudson Ro�d 60; N. Prior Ava. 1�" �AM lOZ�6ti6 bt�i l f626 tks-k15) 6�� sP��.�NC 58t66 i31-410) P�arson Candp W. 2140 M. Ssv�tl� Str�st 2" ROCK 20080051 (13';04) C�ntrai Stadiuw i 13�► CvnaoMia ��� HER C. z669359 t23-4o!) Hu■iwldt Fi�ld ;1 E. si�► 1" AM 6�691 S (41�-316� Murra�r Fisld 1475 ero�pton st �' HER C. �0516�� (27-4a9) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�anc;� � 5 '�97��9_ � Y� rraqs OCT 6197_2 utl _ . -- C on APP�vt�c1 19� Hunt Konopatzki s Tr Favor eredi Levine Sprafka Meredith � �y� � A�uinat Tedesco �� . President, Mc Mme. President, Butler, ��