259826 Orlt'�sl'to Clb Clerk � � - ORDINANCE ��y��6 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY Leonard W. Levi ORDINANCE NO ly��� � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 248 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO THE WATER CODE--STREET SERVICES, AND PRO- VIDING THAT THE WATER DEPARTMENT WILL BEAR THE EXPENSE OF MAINTAINING AND REPAIRING WATER� STREET SERVICE� PIPES SERVING ONE AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER THEREOF. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 248.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby a.mended by deleting the same and inserting the following in lieu and in place thereof: 248.07. Street Services; Ma.intenance and Gua.rantees. a) One and two-family dwelling units: The Water Department will without expense to the owner of one and two-family dwelling units make all necessary repairs and ma.intena.nce to that part of the street service installed by the department. b) Multi-family dwelling� commercial and industrial users: The Water Department will without- expense to the owner of all property served by the depa.rtment (other tha.n one and two-family dwelling units) m�ke al3 necessary repairs to tha.t pa,rt of the street service installed by the department during its reasona.ble life, which, for this purpose, will be considered 30 years for lead, copper pipe, or cast iron pipe. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effec� and b� in force from and after Janua.ry 1, 1973. , a r" Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Council �CT Z� 1� ']� � Hunt ���Konopa.tzki � Tn Favor // Levine 1 Meredith � d Againet Spra,fka Tedesco 0�j $4 1972 Mr.sPresident_(D4� Butler d: At � �� :/ Clerk ay �� it tto��ne�By �q°, Forrn approved � , PUBLI�HED OGT 2 8 1972 " D�S�a P�.t�s . � � M ORDINANCE c COUNCIL HLE NO ��'"��v PRESENTED BY L�ossrd W. L�vin� ORDINANCE NO, /5220 - � At� OBDINANCE Afiffi�1DII�G GBAP"�EB 248 OF T88 Sl1xNT FAITL L�GISLATI�tB COD� P'SBTAYpIl�6 TO THB �TA?88 C'rt?DB--STBBST SE�tDICBS� AND PRO- VIpI�i'G T!!AT THI� WATSB I�PA� i�TIL,I� BBAR 'THB EXP�TS$ AF MAII�ITI1�NIlyG ApD HEPAIRII� i�TA�, S?BEET SE$VICB, PIPES SESi►IPG E�S Ai� Tii�3•FA1+�ILY Di�TBI.I.II� i�TS AT 1+10 ffi�1SE TO T�B O�iNSB T�'H�f)F. T8� �CIL OF TBE CIY7f OF SAIR! PA�IL D�BS ORDAINs Sectioa l. That Sectioa 248,Ol of the Saint Paal Le�.{s�]w�tive Code is herebg aseu�ded bg deleting t1�e sa�e aad faseYti�g tbe follo�ving fa lieu and ia p�.ace tbereof: 248.07. St�e�t Sertric.�s t �i,nte�a�ce aad ,O,_,_,�sra�,nt���. , i �) One an�d t�ro-fa�f ly dwoelli�g �nits s T� Water Depa�,-taent �!ill Nitbo�t e�e to tbe cywt�er of c�e and tw�-fa�ily c�elli�g u�oits esk,e all �ea rt�nise and msintene,nce �o t1�at part of th� street �a�ca �.�talled bq the dep�ert�eent. b} i►lu.lti•famil dwell , cc�ercial and industrfal �erst Z'he t�nter Dep�er�ent �ri� wf thatt expezise to t�e awtzer of al l p�perty serv�ed-by the dspar�t (o#.her than v�t� atad two-f�ily d�elli.n�g t�ai.ts) �a1ce all nec�s�ary r�pafts ta that part of the street service installed by the department duripg ita s�asot�able life, rhicb,for t�tf.a p�ucpos�,�,�rill bt coasidered 3� qears for le8d, copper pipe, or cast iron P�Pe• Sectio�+► 2. Tbis ordfanu�ce slsall tak�e effact a�rd be in fa�cs fr� aed aft,�r JaIIUarp 1, 1973. Yesa Councilmen N�ys Paseed by the Counci� OCT �O 1972 t o �� � Tn Favor Meredith a A�q� sp� Mr. Preei'dent (McCarty) Appmved: �CT �4 �72 Atteat: City Clerk Yayor �� �; Form a��roved Corpor�ion Couneel$F 'lst } �� � 2r.d /� /� 3r3 ���/3 A�?opted �d�,2jS ----�- Yeas ,Nays HUNT KONOPATZKI �t1.7(��i� ✓� r�vz�� . JMEREDITH � J SPRAFKA , � TEDESCO ' N�ne PRESIDENT (BUTLER)