259823 ORI61NAaT0 CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� �598�3 � � FILE N� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �zc�rs� cor�TT�r.:� COUN I ESOLUT IV� ERAL FORM PRESENTED BT OCtOb2r 5, 1972 COMMISSIONE ATF Rr;SOLV+' : That application for Sunday On Sale Liquor license made by the followin� applicant who is �, holder of an On Sale Liquor license at the address shown, be a.nd the same is hereby gran.ted an.d in compliance �;ith C. F. No. 235531, Ordinance No. 13755, which amends Chapter No. 308.00 of the St. �aul Legislative Code a.nd Ordinances. �;. D. M., Inc. 499 �'�abasha Street Appn. 3870 Renewal COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � � �7�9— Yeas Nays But r Hunt `�� O CT 6 1972 ax son Konopatzki Approve 19� Levine �- e ne Meredith S Tn Favor edith � Sp afka T�� a Mayor ,Iylme. President, Butl�f Against Te sco Mr. Presi , McCarty � .� FORM l�'�'�'O�-1� �ity �t3ornej�' PUBLISHED OCT 141972 � DYlLICA�,�.R,� � � 2�9823 , � cinr oF sr. PAUL ��M��� No - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -�r.ic�s� Ca��r� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P��� Oatober 5. 197� COMMISSIONER �A*� Rb50LYr�t That 4ppliaation for S�u�day �a Sal� Liquor lioeas� sad� by th� following appiicant �,rho is s holder of an Oa Sal• Liquor liaens� at the 4ddr��• eho�m� b� and th� saee ir hereby grant�d end in co�plianoe with C. F. No. 235531, Ord3,nance No. 13755� w�ah eaend� Chapter No. 308.00 oY the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinanoea. E. D. M.� Inc. 499 wabasha Street Appn. 387Q R�newal vcr � ���— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc>> Yeas Nays O CT G 19TZ Butle Hunt �'�' arl n Konopatzki = Approv� 19�. L ' e Levine M edith Meredith �Tn Favor Sp T� C� Mayor T de o Mme. Presid�t�t, But1e�F-A��st Mr. Pres dent, McCaxty ��