259822 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK ?5g��� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO. LIC�TSE COMP�TT-r�i� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY October 5, 1972 COMMISSIONE DATF R�;SOLVED: That Application M 3507 for Class C1-Restauran.t, Tavern, Off Sale Nalt Beverage and Cigarette licenses, made by Geor�e R. Cook, Inc. at 460 St. Feter Street, be and the same is hereby approved. On Saie Liquor �stablishment NEW 5 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �ct 19— Yeas Nays ut�e 0 CT 6 1972 Carl n H�`�'� pprov 19� Konc�;.�.':�;;� ev' e Levine ��n Favor dith Meredith Sp afka �a 1� Mayor �b A gainst � sco I6�1Lne. President, Bufler � Mr. Pres' e t, McCarty FORM APPROVED � � City Attorney Ru6 LISHED OCT 14 �972