259808 S ORI6INIW.TD CtTY CL6RK �5 8n8 ' �_ } CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the issua.nce and sale of general obligation bonds of said city in the par value amount of $3,000,000.00 for the pur- poses contemplated by Cha.pter 881� Laws of Minnesota for 1963, Regular Session, as amended by Cha.pter 499, Laws of Minnesota for 1967, Regular Session, Cha.pter 923, Laws of Minnesota for 1969, Regular Session, and Cha.pter 321, La.ws of Minnesota for 1971, Regular Session; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t the said bonds shall bear the date the first day of the month in which they are sold; that such bonds sha.11 be in the form of serial bonds, a portion of which sha.11 be payable each year after issua.nce, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer period than thirty years, and the Council of the City of Saint Paul sha.11, by its subsequent resolution, fix the de- nomination and form of said bonds, the dates of maturity thereof, and the details and date of sale of the same; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t the Head of the Department of Fina.nce and Ma.na.gement Services is hereby authorized and directed to initiate prepa.ration of the t�ppropriate doeuments looking toward sale of such bonds. FORM P R VED: Asst. 't atto. :.y COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 4 i9T_�_ Yeas � �Tays B tl Hunt • �... C 1 on Konopatzki Approv �T �g��9— Lev e Levine � ���'�'�� Tn Favor �=x;.,;,. Meredith . � "�� Me ,e 'th �#� � � . Sp�afk �`�" Mayor � ,�lme. Pr���icfent, ButIe�ASainat T�desco Mr. Pr�aident, McCarty . PUBLISHkD QCT 7 �97Z �� DUrLIC�T6 7*lRIN'RR ('�c(�('��('� � . CITY OF ST. PAUL cou�< <J+�n �'� t- • - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM �RESHiTC�D EY COMMISSIONER DAT� RBSOLVSD, That fi.� Ct�ncil oi t�e Citq o! Saiut Paul htrs�r authori�es tha issua�cs etnd sa�a o! �aaaral ob�igativn bond� of �aid city in the par valus �a�ot�t a!" �3,040,400.00 for thapur- poa�• cont�p lut,sd bq Chap�,,er 881, Lewa of Minaesota for 1963, Re�u1ar Sess�on, �aa a,max�td b�r t�ap�ar 494, Laws oi� Mi��ota for 1967 Seealon, Chapt�r 923� Laws of Minmeeota for 1969, R�egu�ar��an, and G"�ap�as 321, Lsw� of Mixm�eaaea !or 1971, �►�ular S�ssio�= and b� it FUBTH�It RE�SOLVED, Tbat the said b4ad� ehall b�er the date ths first day 4f tl�a month ia phich tluy ars sold t.1�at su�ch b�os�ds �h�ll be ia tha form of eerial bond�� a portioa� o� �rhicl� sball b� payablt aach y�ar afttr isn�cs, btst s�o�t af �aid bo�n�ds shall s�utn for s 1 a�c period tbaa thirty y�aaars, and tha Cauacil of ttre City oi� saint�� ahall, by ite enbeeq�ent rasolutian, fia th� d�- n�oa�inatian end fom of uid bonds* ths dat�� o€ maturity th�ersof� and ths dttal.ls and dati! of �als of tt� sa�aa� and ba it FURTHBR xBSOLVBD, Tbat th� H�d of ttu D�part�ment of Fiasn�e init��at S�xvicaai ia ht�bq ao�t.boris�l a�ad dis�aatsd ta P�'�PaY'�tian o! the l�proP�riats docv�eaat� loo'ki.�g to�rard �ul� of a�ch bo�dB. , . COITNCII.MEN Adopted by the Connc;� ��'T 4 197f�_ Yesa Nays �' ` ��"ur` OCT 51972 C 1 n �nor,�: Approv�l 18_ �n Levine ' �Tn Favor � ,� Meredith sp �� � A gainst �yor T � �e.. Q�esident, Butler Mr. Pr 'dent, McCarty �� F �