259789 ' OR161 ,• TO CITY�CLERK 259�7�9 "Z' • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO � 1 . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � NCIL RESOWTION-GENERAL FORM � ;. , � � ,-� PRESENTED BY ,� COMMISSIONE � DATF 'r WHER�AS, examinations for the positions of "Economic Planner III", "Information Systems Specialist" and "Project Coordinator II" are being scheduled, and WI�RE�1S, when the Department of Model Cities was established, all of the positions were exempt from the classified service and the Director of Model Cities and the M�odel Neighborhood Plannin� Council had the authority to fill the positions with the best qualified candidates with or Without being residents of the' City of St. Paul, and WHEREA�, in November, 1970, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development issued City Demonstration Agency Letter Number 11, stating that all I�odel Cities' positions were to be incorporated in the regular Civil 3ervice system and that the positions would carry f'ull public employee rights and benefits, and � ��A�S, aetions to accomplish this goal have been initiated, but in order to bring all of the present staff of the Mpdel Cities Department into the classified service, it will be necessary to waive the residence 0 � y � o requirements for the above positions, and O � Q � W�REAS, it is deemed in the best interests of the City to extend ,,� competition to persons living outside of the City; now therefore, be it N � � COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays � Hunt �� Kronopatzki Approve� 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainst Mme. 9�'. President,�� Butler , `� ���h\�r �� '_ , � .�,��._ w,.,r„_ v `--; . _r-^ �.,., �� �� � � � ��� �� 1' � J � OR161N�TO CJTY CLBRK 259�7R9 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. ` . • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PBESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF RESOLVED, that the residence requirements for admission to the examinations as provided in Section 10 D of the Civil Service Rules only� are hereby waived for the first examinations�for "Economic Planner III", "Information Systems Specialist" and "Project Coordinator II" to be held following the passage of this rssolution. SEP 2 9 �g�2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays �xunt a CT 2 i�72 � �onopatzki Approved 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka U Mayor A gainst Tedesco �e.�. President, �gU,tler �� L`-vr.•"� RNB�.ISHEll ��i� � I�1 L � � v �` �O ��:. ?59f� � TRIPLiCAT6 TO THE COyrTROLL6R � �` ��� � . CITY O'F� SY. PAUL ' FoENCa NO. OFFICE OF �'I��` CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI�N—GENERAL FORM .�._�.- PRESENTED !T DATF COMMISSIONER - �, exeainetions tor the positicns o! "lsaonomic P'lanaer III", "Informatioa� Systeas Specialist" and "Pro3ect Coordinator 2I" are b�ing a�rua,�.�a, �na iTF�REAB, when the Dep�rt�ment at' Model Citiee was eetabliched, all of the poaition� were exempt lroo� the cla�sifi�d service and the Director o! lbdel Cities end the Dbdel Neighborhood Plnnning Council had the authority to Pill the po8lLions rrith the best qualified candidatea Wit►b or Mithout beiug r�sidents o! the City o! St. Peul, aad WHERFAB, in �oveeber, 1970, the U.B. Department o! Hou�ing and Urban Devel,opascr�t issued City Demcn$tration Ageacy Latter Iiumber 11, stating thrat all Model Citiea• po$itions were to be incorporated in the regular Civil Service syatem snd that tha positivns would carry t'ull public employee rights and benePita, and r� �, a�tions to accamplisls this �oal have been initi�+ted, but in order to bring all of the prcaent ataff o� the lbodel Citiea D�partme.t�t into the claseit'ied service, it �ill be neeessary to waive tha residance requirementa for the above positions, and W'H�RTA:, it ia dcemed in the best intareats of the City to extend campetition to persons living outaide of the City; now thsrelore, be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �r Huat �C Kpnap�tzki Approved 19� ax son Levine _,�n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka • A gainst Tedesco �• �r. President,�,� �Ller .�"" r , '�9°� - ' • + , , e � . I � :y � � � � �. • � :�. � 165 no. dale street "� st. paul, minn. 55104 • �,: ,.,, . � 4 4 � � �e Septe�ber 12, 1972 � A . • = - '� . . � - ' d Mayor Lawerence D. Cohen � City of Saint Paul � ' • 3�+7 City Hall - • . �. Saint Paul, Mi.nnesota 55102 . ' Dear Mayor Cohen & City Council Members: � . The Model Neighborhood PZarining Counca.l and the CDA 1}irector turish the nar�es and positions of the followiug persons be ��uaived oY the residence requirements. l. �Ceith Jor.nson - Project Coordinator 2. zToAnne F�iglund - Information Speci�alist - 3. ' I.arry Herrick - Manpower Specialis'c • The Model Neighborhood PZan.�in� Council and CDA Director thiak that the waiver deems necessary for the best interest of- the � o program. • t= ihank you very much for you�� consider�tion. Sin ely yours, . ,- ,• �. , � i�/ � • . 1 ° c.��'L-�.C'i � tt�aCtla2'f � . Cha.irwoman, Persor.ne Comrnittee CC: Rosalie Butler Leor.ard Levir_e • Ruby �sunt Dean Keredith - ' Yictor Tedesco William Konopatzs;:i � Robert Spra:�-.a Rev. Joseph ?ilate Robert 1i.ckman Files • . . � . � BZ:maa f • . � ' 1 . ' � , � + � � `� �r . � � ..f--F-��-�� f�R .. ,. ,� , .:.i - �� �` :� � � f =� �� F� '-� � ' 1� � � "; � F ,_ ,._� - � l �,� — _ �� . »,� � �; �`- ,�..�-.�� �1'1}�' 4:N� �t3.3�;'1` .��x�IU.L OF.L+`ICl�. 01' :I`f-ll: CI'1` 4 C;�I;\C1L U2TY HALi. �\ND COII7tT F�OIik�F.. WILLIAM KONOPATZtCI :�AIN'i` I'AiJL. �II\NL50TA 5.�10� MRS. JEAN D. SALViON Counciir.ian i�fI o ti r c� 2 i •�•_s-s-��c Legislative A:de September 29, 1972 The Management & Personnel Committee of the City C�ouncil met on September 27, 1972 with the Model Neighborhood Planning Council members and staff to discuss the waiving of residence requirements for the following positions: l. Economic Planner III 2. Information Systems Specialist 3. Project Coordinator II A motion was made and carried that the committee accept this waiver, and this waiver only, for these three positions, and that the �1ode1 Cities members and staff make every attempt from now on to hire people fro� within the Model Cities area. < < � _.C.��1,�t�tit�.. / G�--C �,�'`"r.�,.��2-,�,. � , � Chairman, i�lanagement �` .,� tj & Personnel Committ'ee S�t�nber 19, 1972 Mr. Wi113am Kono�pstzki, Chsix�me�n Ma,n��nt and Personnel. Ca�anittee Rooar� 316, C�.ty Ha11. St. Paul, Minn�aota 55142 D�ex Six^: The City Cc�vneil referred to the Manag�nt emd Per�onnel Camo�■nittee �'or con�id�ra�ion �nd recc�mmenc3�tiari a reaolution wafving x�s�idence rec�uixement� for �tnis�ion to the �xamir�- Btion� as pravid�d in the Givil Service Ru].es for "E�onc�ic Planner IIT"� "Informati,on Systeaut Speeis�.ist" and "Pro��ct Coordina,tor II". V�ry truly ya�ars, City Clerk ABO:�mw 1��� �o�arr�ur� ,P.u�aust I�� i�7Z Ta: Hoaorablrs :E�.embera af the Git�r Cr�tm�cil �'rom: John S. Ha{d�z� Dlzector af Personn�i '�'h� �urpas� of tk��a a►tt�ched re�t�l�tion ie to �aaive the e�id�e�ce requiremente for tl�e� e�srr�inatia�� for the Fallowia� p itioa�: """"'�eoaemic �'lsaaor III Inforr�ation 5��tem� :pec iat _..,_..Pro;�ect �caordfnstor II The�+� po�itione ar. in the T7egartmwttt of ol C�tias sa a m preeocttl�r,� � fill�d with non �t. 3�'wul r�sfdents. � W h+�a t�e T�egsxtr�3en►t of h�+�d+�l �it wa� est fieh�l, sll c►t Lhe po,�itioM� we►r�a exempt from tha clsersifled � c�t at�c o T)irector of A�ioae2 Citi�+� aad ths ,+a�odel Ne��hborbood Flane�i� ' h�►d th� authorftr to fili the poe�itiaas wfth th�e b��t q�alifie snditd e wit�h +�� a►ithaut being r�sidents nf the City of Si. F���1. ,tz� �tav�nabar 1�7C�. the U. 5. Depart nt o�' c�r��iag and tlrb�n Davealogment fssuod C. D. ,�� L�ttdr mber 1�. ti�►g ��ut a�i l+�sodel Citiee positioe�s w+�re tp b�e imcor�4rat�rd thw reg�al Civil �ear�*ic+e ��rra�tarr� and thst thm positioss would carr fc�I blie a y�e �i�hts ss�d banetits. � Action� tr� ac plish th�e �;o�► ��r+� he+�x� l�i.tf�:tad �nr] implennente�! �� quie�ly a� fe ibl�. xe� t ca�e of the�e t�aree �ore��rntionre� Fositione, in ard�er tha tae i�cur�be s may particip+�ta in thr �reqafr�d axsmiaatioa, it is t�ecoa�q� tkwt t2a�► � ideace req�tir�rr�ente be e►biv�d. We therefare ne�d �our cv ratia�n approva! to waiva t}�e residenc• ra�quirement�+. i��e��.ctf.tallq r+�h�itter?, .i obn v. ii�idex .i�it�ector ai F�er*ann�t Att. � ��� � "'1�0' � d � l� � � � � � � � �'� -- . � � � � � � ��c �Y �/�� A S i l agu t 15, 97a . _-me,.,.�.. � Hon. L�wrenGe L. Cohez� ' Pv�.ayor, Ci�Y of St. Fa.ul �ooz� 347 City F3a11 ?�e: �te�alutio waiv� residence requiremen or th� �ao�ition� of CO11CI7EZ�C F'lanner iII T formatior� 5yatecns Specisli�t roject Coardinator II D@r$j' .�'ilj': =�#tach�d her�with i� eo to sr with an explanation for it� nece�sity, vvhieh e r��taect ly r e�t th�t you submit to the City �c►uncil for pFroval. Yery truiy qoure, �ahn S. Hai�er I�irectc�r of Fersanne! a`�itt.