259787 A
' � 259"1�'�
RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the
estimate of expenses of the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year
of 1973 and of the revenue necessary to meet said expenses, sub-
mitted to the Council by the Ma.yor, to be publi.shed i.n the official
paper of said City, on October �p , 1972.
RESOLVED FURTI�R, That the Council hold public hearing�,
on ' _ October 11, 1972,
in the regular place of ineeting of said Council (the Council
Chamber) in the (3ourt House and City Ha11 at ten o'clock in
the forenoon, at which time a.nd place all resideuts of the
City of Saint Paul desirin� to be heard may be heard in reference
to any of said estimates or ar�y item thereof.
EtESOLVED FURTI�?, That the City Clerk prepare and cause to
be published in the oPficial paper of the City at the same time
said estimates of expenditures are published a notice of public
heari.ngs, which published notice shall immaediately precede said
published estimates of expenditures in said official paper, and
shall expressly call attention and refer thereto.
SEP 2 9 1972
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19—
Yeas Nays
tle Hunt :
Ca on Konopatrki pprove� 0 CT 2 1972 19�
vin Levine
Meredith ��n Favor
eredit Sprafka
Sprafka Tedesco J Mayor
Tedesco Mme. President, �—Againat
r. President, McCart AP r���'t�
r ��
EUBLI3HED ��''�' 6 1972 Asst. City A�tcrnny
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Notice is hereby given that the City Council will hold
public hearings on October 11 1 72
in the regular place of ineeting ot' said Council the Council
Chamber) in the Court House and City Hall Building at 10:00
o'clock i.n the forenoon, in reference to the estimates for
the expenses of the City for the fiscal year of 1973 and of the revenues
necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the Council by the
Mayor, and which immediately follow this notice.
At said times and place, all residents of the City of
, Sa.int Paul desiring to be heaxd may be heard in reference
to any of.said estimates or any item thereof.
Sept�mber 22, 1972 .
City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
�October � , 1g72)
o�,�„�,��,� �- 259'7��'
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AB90LY�D l�3�, �at ttr G'it� Cl�rk pre�l�urf a�d aw�s tA
b� p�flid�d i.a t� olticial pspsr o! � Ci�r at t� qr tia�
said esti�ate� o! exp�aditnr�s are p�li�d a n�tice of pailic
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p�blisl�ad es�iaat�s of espmditar�t ia asid ofliaial pap�r� vtd
small u�re�s� call at�nti�o asd retu� therrbo.
sEP as �s7z
COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Counc;L 19— �
Yeas Naqa
B � Hunt � OCT 2 1972
Car n Konopatzki Appmv� 19�
ine Meredith Favor
e�� Sprafka ��r
Sprafka Tedesco
Mme. President,�8'ainat
. Preaident, McCart
- � f � ,�: �
� � � - �v� ,�
s sosr�
Septemher 29 , 1972
Council Fresident R�salie L. Butier
:�or�orabl.e i`�embers o� the St. Pau1 City Caunci�
C:ity Clerk Harry T°larsz�ll. , Council Ser__retary
Saint P�ul , P�Sinneso�ta
Dear Councilmen and T�ir. ifax�snall :
Z am pleased to present �tc� you , as P•iayor, thP firsfi city bur.i�et
under our new City Cna�rter. This letter simply hi�hlights some
of tiie details �antainer� in the full buc�get messa�e and breakdown
for caa.en�l�.r year� 19 i� �.n th� attachecl docurzierit.
The operati.�.�ns and m�intenance budget tnat �ncludes all de�artmental
spending recommendations , as well as tne sta-tu�t�x�y accounts funded
outside the mill levy lzmitati�n , :is presented to you at
$43 ,32� ,609 , a fi�ure which compares to approximately $41 . 3 million
in the same accounts for 1�72 .
Tatal budget fi�ures , aciding payments for d�k�t and the Saint Paul
share of welfare , are $58 ,'85 ,723 . Since the Water Department
budget i� rlow submi�tte.c3 as a separate and distinct item, comparable
�x�ass figures for 197i wou].d have -tc� he ad_�usted aeGardingly.
Tne buclge� is fur�ded fully within �.vail.able revenues , withaut aaiy
consideration to the apparently imminen� federal revenue—s�Fiaring
funds . T17P message , however, does inelude recommendatians and
suggestions for apprcapriatir�g of the first year's revenue sharing.
ReGagnizing the r_ew form of gavernMent , the bud��t includes
appropriations fox expand�d separat�d legislative and �.dministrativP
br�nci7�s af our o��erata.c�ns . �
Sev�ral appx�opr�iatians I ask you to consx�er �nvalve s:iAgnificant
cnang�s in pro�rams and pr:iorifiies , incl.uding snow removal and street
maintenancP , police , crime cc�ntrol and nrevention , consumer �rc�tection
and affirrnative action.
� r
a � "
• C�uncil President R.asalie L. 3utler September 29 , 1972
Horlorable ��embers of the City Council Paue 2
City Clerk Harry P4arshall , Council Secy.
In addition , �lier.�e are technical anci control changes in tlze budget
also brought about by -the new form of government. A new coding
system was necessary and several �ccounts formerly scattered through
independently , Commissioner-controlled departments have been
cor�solidated inta single activities .
Capital outlay has :�een budge�ed at $464 ,689 tnroughout the departments ,
even though the Charter n� 1on�er requires this tvpe of appropriatian ,
in order to help replace some of the deterioratin� and obs�lete
equipment in our ser�vic� operations .
The City Char�ter alsa requires for the first time , full funding of
accounts that in the past had been run over projected revenue� and .
reimbursed on a delayed b�sis . ihese include the Civic Center and
tree trimming.
I partacularly wa.sh to call your attention to the section of the
message on the Tax Levy , as I feel it points out the problems we fa�e
in tT'�r�na ta hnld down the cost of government ; ar�d the directions we
mus� consider. when determinin� the ali.acation of new resources and
our tntal l.egislati_ve program.
P1.ease fef�l. free to call on me fnr any assis�tance I can provide during
your hearings on tnis bt.�dget , whic�h i know will receive mos� serious
' cerely ,
�y ;
U�c��f� ' • c��_
' 1V
September 29, 1972
' Honorable Members of the
Saint Paul City Council
' I am pleased to submit to you the Mayor's Office recommended budgets for the
City of St. Paul for calendar year 1973. The City Charter requires that the budgets
' shall be a complete financial plan for tihe city to include the following:
1. Annual Operating Budget
2. A five-year Capital Improvements Budget
' 3. City-owned utilities and self-supporting Departments
As this is the first budget prepared since the City Charter became effective
, June 6, 1972, I have included in this document those sections of the charter that are
germane to this budget and the ordinance establishing the budget calendar.
' The only local budgeting limitation in the Charter is contained in Section 10.04.1,
which reads: "The total of proposed expenditurea shall not exceed the total of the
estimated income or financing provisions in each of the budgets." There are, of course,
specific limitations on certain tax levies and the overall tax levy limit established
, by state law.
The highlight figures of this 1973 budget, those which generally attract most
, attention, were arrived at after concerte� deliberative efforts to present recommendations
that both establish priorities for program and service and prqvide as much efficiency
and cost-consciousness as possible,
, But these totals are the surface, beneath which there are questions and problems
of an ever-growing serious nature that together we must face, answer and solve,
' Number one should be the tax-levy situation, which I will detail later in this
' The Operations and Maintenance Budget, those items over which there is the most
direct control, is proposed at $43,328,609.00, For 1972, the comparable portion of the
budget is $41.3 million.
' Within Operation and Maintenance, however, are statutory spending items over
which there is little control, such as Police, Fire and PERA Pensions, Employees Fringe
Benefits, that account for the bulk of the apparent increase.
' Total budget figures, adding payments for city debt and the St. Paul share of
Welfare, are $58,785,723.00 -- but comparability with 1972 must be adjusted to reflect
' that the Water Department budget is no longer included.
' New concepts in programming and budgetary control are recommended in this budget.
These are important not only in continuing to implement the new form of government, but
' to bring about better services, efficiency and economy to our operation.
The authorized personnel for the Legislative body has been funded fully as re-
' quested, and an additional $2,000.00 appropriation for City Council contingencies provided.
' �onorable Members of the °
Saint Paul City Council September 29, 1972
, Provisions have been made for funding personnel in the expanded mayor's office
as authorized by Ordinance 15132 establishing the Executive Branch and required by
the charter in placing administrative decisions and actions with the Mayor.
I am proposing some broad changes in the traditional concept of these areas, with
' an eye toward more meaningful service and long-range effectiveness. An expanded program
of snow activities is a priority item. Funds are provided for quicker plowing and sand-
ing and more snow removal on major streets, as well as better equipment. These former
' several budget funds have been streamlined into just two accounts -- Winter Street Mainten-
ance and Contingency. The maintenance account is for normal snow activities, including
salaries. When abnormal snowstorms or icy streets develop, the contingency account will
' be used for additional personnel necessary, overtime and equipment,
Elimination of the unpopular and ineffective street oiling and sanding program
is recommended, to be replaced by more extensive repair and cleaning and a feasibility
' study of long-range improvements.
To provide this more comprehensive street maintenance, the activities have been
, transferred to a special assessment fund which will balance the cost to the average
homeowner at approximately the same assessment that was paid for oiling and sanding
during 1972.
The take-home squad car program has been judged ineffective, having not demonstrably
' accomplished its intended purpose, and will cease January 1, 1973. The useable vehicles
will be placed into the police patrol fleet and the remainder sold,
, The dollar savings will be placed into police areas considered by modern criminol-
ogists to be the direction in which to place emphasis. These include team policing,
foot patrol and a restructured, community-oriented Juvenile Unit. In addition, administra-
tive reorganization of the Police Department for the first time in 10 years is beginning
' under a new table of organization.
A special, dedicated appropriation o� $128,500.00 has been established for the
, above items.
We begin to budget for some items that will demonstrate pride and interest in
the physical appearance of our city. In addition tp the visual affect expected from
some of the street programs, we propose accelerated tree-planting, both in the regular
' and C.I.B. budgets, a three-year program to paint street-light standards, landscaping,
equipment, maintenance and repair of properties long neglected. While these are "minor"
items considering the total budget, I feel they indicate we are aware of the importance
' of doing small things that are noticeable.
Although there is no longer a Charter requirement for on-going capital outlay
appropriations, this budget provides for $464,689.00 a significant increase over
past-year's averages. However, the decisions made in providing capital outlay funds
' were based on a priority-rating system of the various departments and bureaus that will
be strictly adhered to through a cost-con'trol and accounting system.
, Honorable Members of the vi
Saint Paul City Council September 299 1972
For the first time in several years, the appropriation for library books and
periodicals has been recommended for an increase, of $50,000.00 to a total of $200,000.00,
, Two new programs are designed to offer greater protection of citizens rights:
lo Consumer Protection
' 2, Affirmative Action
On submission date for the budget, the Consumer Protection legislation is still
, being considered by the City Council, This budget appropriates $36,000.00 for the pro-
gram of investigating complaints, initiating its own investigation of deceptive or unfair
trade practices against consumers, conducting hearings and stipulating settlements for
both consumers and business interests.
, Affirmative Action, an arm of the Human Rights Department under authority of the
mayor's office, is budgeted at $40,000.00, The Council has provided $10,000.00 to begin
' implementation the last three months of 1972e Sto Paul city government must actively
seek employment of minorities and handicapped9 but perhaps more important, assist in
their training and advancement and insure that job testing is relevant and meaningful
' to the position,
' To comply with legal interpretation of the Charter, there are included the
following items in a new activity, "Existing Obligations'; to fully �und its various
budgets according to Section 10<04.1 that makes this spending mandatory.
' City's Share of Tree-Trimming $330,000.00
Solid Waste Collection $28,586.00
' Civic Center $126,900.00
Previously, City's Share of tree-trimming was funded on a delayed basis. This
method cannot be used any longer<
� The refuse collection subsidy has been previously noted to the Council as the
funds needed to assist the elderly and poor at the lower, 35-cent collection rate, I
, note, encouragingly9 that the subsidy is substantially lower than originally thought
necessary because of an increase in customers in recent months,
' The Civic Center Authority budget exceeds anticipated revenues and if approved
by the Council, must be balanced through use of city funds. By law the Council can reduce
this account only in amount exceeding Revenuesa
' There are also past year's obligations in each of these accounts that must be
met in the future.
You will note a numbering change from past budgetse This was necessary since
' reorganization of government requires corresponding changes in accounts and coding
and elimination of some accounts that are now obsolete, such as the "commissioners"
' Honorable Members of the vii
Saint Paul City Council September 29, 1972
' Appropriations for four expense titles were previously budgeted in various depart-
mental activities but have now been brought together in a single general government account,
"Department Travel and Education." A schedule of the allocations under each account will
' be maintained and is in the Appendix of the document. Use of these appropriations can be
accomplished only if the department request receives the mayor's approval.
' 204 Travel
251 Dues and Memberships
264 Local Police Training School
, 271 Local Lectures and Workshops
Due to limitation of funds, no provision has been made in this bud�et for salarX
and wa�e adjustments next yeaX. This city obligation should rank with the highest prior-
ities when considering the distribution of federal revenue sharing funds,
, Bond interest and maturities for 1973 will amount to $9,431,022.00 of which
$990,000.00 will be met by the debt fund balance. The tax levy must provide $8,441,022.00
or an increase of $1,743,029.00 over the 1972 levy.
' Calculated in the payment schedule ,iS $300,000.00 for interest on an anticipated
$6 million in Urban Renewal Bonds for 1972 that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
. has indicated are essential.
' Approved jointly by the City Council and Ramsey County Board, the gross Welfare
Department budget is $85,374,383.00. State and federal assistance will provide an
estimated $63,461,322.00. Of Zhe balance of $21,913,061.00, the city's 27'�% share is
$6,026,092.00 or an increase o� $215,434.00 over the 1972 appropriation of $5,810,658.00.
� The Ramsey County share 3� $15,886,969.00e
The Charter no longer requires this self-sustaining budget included in the total
gross budget of the city. I am therefore presenting this budget, as adopted by the
' Water Board, separately at a figure of $79293,728.00.
C, I. B.
' Because of an emergency sewer situation on the St. Paul East Side, the long-range
Capital Improvement Budget (C.I.B. ) will be submitted shortly after the CIB Committee
makes adjustments in its recommendations. This is a $4.5 million bonded program, the
' items in which were priority-rated over several months of study by the committee for
submission to the mayor and subsequent presentation to the City Council.
, The legal deadlines for the regular operating budget do not apply to the CIB
' Honorable Members of the viii
Saint Paul City Council September 29, 1972
' The three sourcea of revenue to finance this budget are:
1. Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes
2, Miscellaneoua Revenue
' 3. Fund Balances
1. Real Eetate and Personal Property Taxes. Property taxes for Operation and
' Maintenance are in accordance with the statutory limit preacribed by the State. The
total levy for Operation and Maintenance, including Outside Limitations is $19,004,496.00
and ie 43.9% of the total revenue for Operation and Maintenance, Since only a 6% in-
' crease is allowed over 1972, according to the state law, it can be seen that the bulk
of the levy increase is caused by atatutory increaees in the costs of debt egrvice,
employee fringe benefits, etc. (Poasible alternatives to thie levy increase will be
diecuesed later.)
, Moet of St. Paul's ehare of welfare costa ia aleo funded outs�de the state levy
limit from property taxes, which in 1973 will require $6,026,092.00 ae the city's
' contribution.
Principal and interest on bonde will amount to $8,441,022.00, also allowed outeide
of all taxing limitationa. (A dedicated fund balance of $990,000.00, primarily money
, earned ae intereet on identifiable bond fund investmenta, will also be applied to debt
' Thue, the total tax levy for 1973 ie calculated at $33,471,610.00.
2. Miscellaneous Revenue. This is eatimated for 1973 at $23,574,713.00 or
' S4.4% of the Operation and Maintenance budget. The major eource at preaent, local
government aid, ie computed at $11,332,153.00, or an increase of $965,052.00 over 1972.
The 8% grose earnings tax paid to the city by Northern Statea Power Company is eetimated
at $5,900,000.00 for an increaee of $775,000.00 over this year. The estimate is based
' on exiating ratee for gas, electricity and ateam.
Because of the previouely mentioned new atreet maintenance recommendation� (see
' appropriatione) it wae neceesary to apply $683,500.00 in Highway Maintenance and Municipal
State Aid Funds to the activitiea contained within the program. '` This leaves $300,000.00
ae a general revenue source.
' There were many other ad�ustmenta, both increases and decreasee, made in the
varioue revenue sourcea caueed by expected factors euch as growth, more activity and
new prog�rama, elimination of old sourcee and more realistic proiectiona.
' 3. Fund Balancee. Two types of theae funds exist, those dedicated and thoae
not dedicated. Funde dedicated for programs financed outside etatutory and Charter
' limite in previous yeara applied in this budget are $449,400.00. Balancee not dedicated
is $300,000.00 and provide us with 1.7% of the operating revenuea.
Taxea Miecellaneoua Balance Total
Operation and Maintenance 19,004,496,00 23,57�,7Y3.00 749,400.00 43,328,609.00
' Debt 8,441,022.00 - 0 - 990,000.00 9,431,022,00
Welfare 6,026,092.00 - 0 - - 0 - 6,026.092.00
TOTAL 33.471.610.00 23.574.713.00 1.739.400.00 58�,785.723.00
' , :
' Honorable Members of the ix
Saint Paul City Council September 29, 1972
At this writing, congressional and presidential action on this popularly titled
program of aid to states and local governments has not been completed, However, all
' information so far leads us to anticipate $4.5 million that could be applied to this
budget if received before the adoption procedure is concluded.
� Several ways in which to apply this money are obvious and, in cooperation with
the City Council, I would recommend priorities in following areas:
' 1. Property tax relief for homeowners, by applying funds to increases in the
levy for welfare, operations within the taxing limit and debt payments -- between $1.5
and $1.7 million.
, 2. Contingency for anticipated salary and wage adjustments, approximately $1.3
million to $1.5 million.
' 3. Old obligations accumulated in recent years that, if inet, will give the city
a more advantageous cash flow position, up to $700,000.00.
, 4. Reserve up to $1 million for new or long-neglected programs or unexpected
Despite the best and most sincere efforts of all concerned, St. Paul faces a pro-
perty tax levy increase of $3,913,369.00, substantially caused by uncontrollable require-
' ments and special, statutory obligations outside of the tax limit. In addition, at this
time it is difficult to determine the affect of the higher levy on the mill rate and
subsequent property tax bills bec.ause of new state laws that revise the methods of comput-
' ing the mill rate and property valuations.
Further complicating the calculations i8 the fisc.al disparties law, that will pro-
bably provide a plus to St. Paul. The new formulas make obsolete old mill rates and
' property values.
According to preliminary estimates, however, it appears that the St. Paul tax rate
, increase necessary for this city budget--operations and maintenance, debt and welfare--
would be about 4.25% of the total rate on St. Paul property, Final statements will be
presented in the adopted budget.
� The increases are as followso
Operation and Maintenance, Within Limit $520,000.00
� Operation and Maintenance, Outside Limit:
Police Relief Association $470,515.00
Firemen's Relief Association 309,151.00
, PERA & Social Security 299,000.00
Health & Welfare 169,030.00
Others - Includes (Tort Liability, Severance Pay,
Unemployment Compensation, State Public Examiner) 187,210.00 1,434,906.00
' Debt 1,743,029.00
Ramsey County Welfare Department 215,434.00
' TOTAL $3,913,369.00
' Honorable Members of the X
Saint Paul City Council September 29, 1972
, Because of budget schedules, the Health and Welfare request is as submitted,
although the Health and Welfare Committee has yet to determine whether it will request
' additional benefits. This request contains an anticipated 15% rate increase that
rec.ently was adjusted to 9.5%.
The alternativesfor decreasing the dollar levy are indeed limited. They include
' basically application of new revenue sources, suc� as Federal Revenue Sharing, or elimin-
ation of services.
, More hope can be seen in obtaining from the Minnesota Legislature a fairer fiscal
policy for cities and legislation that will help control and compounding problems of
these outside levies. It is this area especially in which we must soon concentrate our
' efforts, in cooperation with other units of government, in order that our efforts have an
overall affect of relief to taxpayers.
' Res ec.tfully submitted,
Lawrence D, Cohen
' _ Mayor
' � XV1
City Council
:� City Council Administration 336,361.00
' % City Council Research 42,944.00 379,305.00
Municipal Court 678,238.00
Mayor's Administration 122,883v00
' City Administrator 126a927.00
Budget Director 69,858.00
Federal Programs Administration 76,942.00
' Emergency Preparedness 74,609,00
Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunity 13,014.00
Municipal Publicity Bureau 15,000.00
Mayor's Performing Arts Program 7,500.00
' City Planning 259,687.00
Capital Long Range Planning 13,483.00
Department of Human Rights 147,050.00
� Affirmative Action Program 39,200.00
Civil Service 269,937.00 1,236,090.00
' City Attorney
City Attorney Administration 439,211.00
Codification of Ordinances 5,000.00
Consumer Protection 36,049.00 480,260.00
' City Clerk
City Clerk Records 76,326,00
� Official Publications 75,000,00
Voter Registration 64,168.00
Elections 12,553.00 228,047.00
, Department of Finance and Management Servic.es
Finance and Management Services Administration 41,456,00
Division of Property Management 110,098.00
� Division of Administrative Services 50,000.00
Division of Accounting 384,929.00
Division of Treasury 129,927.00
' Division of Purchasing 259,114,00
Division of Assessments and Valuations 303,412.00
Division of License and Permit Administration 136,590.00 1,415,526.00
' Department of Public Works
Public Works Administration 351,915.00
Division of Design and Engineering 363,192.00
� Division of Operations 3,658,967.00 4,374,074,00
' � A� XV11
' � Department of Community Services
Community Services Administration 160,944.00
Dfvision of Libraries 2,106,895.00
Division of Parks and Recreation 2,436,760.00
t Division of Environmental Protection 1,433,879.00
Division of Housing and Building
Code Enforcement 1,208,467.00 7,346,945.00
' Department of Police
Police Administration 360,560.00
' Police Building Maintenance 212,759.00
Police Uniformed Division 4,954,336.00
Police Detective Division 1,206,762,00
Police Services Division 1,957,773.00
' Police Reorganization Expense 128,500.00 8,820,690.00
Fire Department
' Fire Administration 373,166.00
Fire Station Maintenance 171,434.00
Fire Plans and Training School 599707.00
, Fire Prevention 211,458.00
Fire Fighting 5,970,797.00
Fire Radio Division 5,357.00
Fire Communications 152,438.00
, Fire Hydrants 1,436.00 6,945,793.00
General G�vernment Accounts
' Employees Benefits 8,124,707.00
Public Improvement Contributions 1,093,729.00
Miscellaneous 2,205,205.00 11,423,641.00
General Debt Interest 4,523,272.00
' General Debt Maturities 4,881,OOOe00
Armory Maturities 2;69750.00
TOTAL DEBT 9,431,022.00
' S umma ry
Operation and Maintenance 43,328,609.00
Debt 9,431,022.00
' Ramsey County Welfare Department 6,026,092,00
' —
' XV111
' Detail Amount Sub Totals Totals
' --TAX LEVY - Schedule I - 19 ,004,496.00
Penalties Property Tax 45,000.00
' Special Taxes - State Collected
Bank Excise 150,000.00
' Cigarette Tax 604,000.00
Liquor Tax 508,000.00
Local Government Aid 11,332,153.00 12,594,153.00
, Special Taxes - County Collected
Mortgage Registry 95,000.00
, Special Taxes - City Collected
Drug Store and Mortuary 4,000.00
Gross Earnings 5,900,000.00
, Electric Energy 15,000.00
Hotel-Motel Tax 130,000.00 6,049 ,000.00
Payments in Lieu of Taxes 55,000.00
Licenses and Permits
' Business Licenses 850,000.00
Cigarette Licenses 16,000.00
Dog Licenses 16,000.00
, -Perm�ts - Community Services 400,000.00
" - Finance - Vacations -
--� Streets and Alleys 60,000.00
" - " - Other 22,000.00
' " - Public Works - Use of
_-_. Streets 7 ,000.00 489 ,000.00
Trade and Occupational Licenses
' City Clerk 22,000.00
^Community Services 25,000.00 47 ,000.00 1,418,000.00
Fees , Fines and Bail Forfeits
, Fees - City Clerk - Application to
-- Vacate - 0 -
" - " " - Other 15,000.00
" - Finance - Parking Meters 345,000.00
' e1 _ Conciliation Court 12,000.00
" - Municipal Court 26,000.00
�' " - Police - Parking Lot 3,300.00
' ^� " - " - Bicycle
Registration 22,000.00
� o' - Community Services - Birth
, and Deatfi Certificates 72,000.00
— " - Community Services - Milk
Inspection - 0 -
�' " - Community Services -
' Cert. of Occupancy 70,000.00
� °t - Community Services - Other 28,000.00 593,300.00
Fines and Bail Forfeits 1,300,000.00 1,893,300.00
' Aids and Grants
State Highway Maintenance 80,000.00
� Municipal State Aid 220,000.00 300,000°00
' �
' X1X
, Detail Amount Sub Totals Totals
MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Not Dedicated (cont.)
Charges for Services
' ,,-City Attorney 47,500.00
� City Clerk - Official Publications 8,000.00
�Finance - Div. of Assess. & Val. 64,000.00
' � " - Accounting Division 5,000.00
� Mayor - Civil Service 4,000.00
Finance - Purchasing 92,000.00
' Police - Police Bldg. Maintenance 46,345.00
" - Other 36,000.00
Community Services - Testing
' Laboratory 12,000.00
" " - Parks Ground
Maintenance 4,000.00
" " - Parks and Rec.
' Bldg. Maint. 14,000.00
" " - Parks and Rec.
Vehicle and Equip. 1�Iaint. 15,000.00
' Finance - Building Design 40,000.00
Community Services - Butilding
Inspection (H & R A) 50,715.00 438,560.00
Finance - IeS .D. 625 227,000.00
, " - Water Department 45,000.00 710,560.00
Damage Claim Recoveries
Police 7,500.00
' Fire __ 1,200.00 _ 8,700.00
Public Works - Traffic Operations 1,000.00
" " - Bridges 2,000.00
" " - Lighting Maintenance 20,000.00 23,000.00 31,700.00
' Use of Money and Property
Rents - Public Works - Bridges 1,500.00
� " - " " (Air Pollution) 6,000.00
' +� " - Water Depaztment 9 ,750.00
� Rents and-Commissions - Community
Services 750.00 18,000.00
' i Interest Bank Balances 200,000.00
City's Share - County Receipts 35,000.00
Miscellaneous 60,000.00 313,000.00
�Total Miscellaneous Revenue - Not Dedicated 23,504,713,00
(1972 Contingent Reserve) 300,000,00
Charges for Services
' Community Services - Library 70,000.00
Total Miscellaneous Revenue - Dedicated 70,000,00
Tort Liability 100,000.00
Municipal Publicity Bureau 13,000.00
Health and Welfare 145,000.00
' " " " Retiree 17,400.00
P.E.R.A. and �ocial Sec�rity 160,000.00
' XX
, Detail Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Charter Commission 3,000.00
Community Services - Library 11,000.00
Total General Revenue Fund Balances - Dedicated 449 ,400.00
TAX LEVY - Schedule I 8,441,022.00
TOTAL DEBT 9,431,022.00
TAX LEVY - Schedule I 6,026,092.00
TOTAL FINANCING 58,785,723.00
, Miscellaneous
Tax Revenue and
SUMMARY Levy Fund Balances Total
' Operation and Maintenance 19 ,004,496.00 24,324,113,00 43,328,609>00
Debt 8,441,022.00 990,000.00 9 ,431,022.00
' Ramsey County Welfare Department 6,026,092.00 -- 6,026,092,00
TOTAL FINANCING 33,471,610.00 25,314,113.00 58,785,723.00
' -
� .`�" � XX 1
� �
' Collectible during 1973 Schedule I
' Estimated
Tax Net Tax
Appropriation SYlrinka�e Levy
' Operation and Maintenance
Within Limitation
Chapter 762 - Laws 1971 (2) 11,187,737.00 223,755.00 11,411,492.00
, Tax Levies Outside Limitations
Tax Levy (In Lieu of Monies and
Credits) 182,000.00 3,640.00 185,640.00
' Emergency Preparedness M.S. 12.26,
Subd. 2 74,609 .00 1,492.00 76,101.00
Municipal Publicity Bureau M.S . 465.55 2,000.00 40.00 2,040.00
' Tort Liability M.S . 466.8, Chap. 185,
Laws of 1967 121,048.00 2,421.00 123,469.00
Health and Welfare - City 1,280,336.00 25,607.00 1,305,943.00
" " " - C.H. & C.H. 11,750.00 235.00 11,985.00
, " " " - Retirees 53,483.00 1,070.00 54,553.00
Severance Pay - Chapter 599, Laws 1971 133,707.00 2,674.00 136,381.00
Unemployment Compensation 90,000.00 1,800.00 91,800.00
' Police Relief Association 2,044,996.00 40,900.00 2,085,896.00
Firemen's Relief Association 2,005,603.00 40,112.00 2,045,715.00
Health Relief Association 106,965.00 2,139.00 109,104.00
, P.E.R.A. and Social Security 1,615,000.00 - 0 - 1,615,000.00
State Public Examiner - City 55,000.00 1,100.00 56,100.00
" " " - C.H. & C.H. 150.00 3.00 153.00
' Port Authority - Administration 40,112.00 -802.00 40,914.00
Charter Commission
Total Outside Limitations 7,816,759.00 124,035.00 7,940,794.00
Total Operation and Maintenance 19 ,004,496.00 347,790.00 19 .352,286.00
' Debt
Bond Interest and Redemptions 8_,441,022.00 (1) -- 8,441,022.00
' Ramsey County Welfare Department
Board of Pub ic Welfare
City's 27Z�Share 6,026.092.00 120.522.00 6,146,614.00
' 'Total Tax Levy 33,471,610.00 468,312.00 33,939 ,922.00
' �
(1) Dedicated Reserve in lieu of mandatory 5% as required by M.S . 475.61.
' (2) Chapter 762, Laws of 1971 permits a 55 mill levy; Chapter 31, Article 26, Extra
Session Laws of 1971 established an overall tax levy limit, including the 55
' mills, which was calculated by the State Commissioner of Taxation; the above
levy is in compliance with levy limits.
' .
' Code Appropriations 1
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
00001 Cit� Council Administration
�112 Salaries - Clerical 66,849.00
' 122 " - Exempt-Clerical 102,012.00
131 " - Elected Officials 98,000.00 266,861.00
201 Automobile Allowance 11,900.00
' 202 Telephone 4,900.00
203 Postage 2,800.00
204 Travel 12,000.00
206 Printing and Binding 2,500.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 2,000.00
247 Office Equipment - Rental 5,650.00
251 Dues and Memberships 2,500.00
, 271 Local Lectures and Workshops 1,000.00
275 Duplicating Services 850.00 46,100.00
340 Office Supplies 4,000.00
� i 410 Special Appropriation 14,000.00
I477 Council President Contingent Account 2,000.00 16,000.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 1,100.00
�805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances 2,300.00 3,400.00 336,361.00
00002 City Council Research
' �'l12 Salaries - Clerical 7,386.00 _._.
116 " = Professional 32,043.00 39,429.00
i 201 Automobile Allowance 600.00
� 202 Telephone 500.00
� '; 203 Postage 75.00
I 223 Offic.e Equipment and Furniture Repair T00.00
' 255 Microfilming 100.00
' 275 Duplicating Servic.es 200.00 1,575.00
�;�' ` � 340 Of f ice Suppl ie s 400.00
� 349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 560.00 960.00
' i 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances 980.00 42,944,00
r,j- 379.305.00
' 00050 unicipal Court
�22 Salaries = Exempt-Clerical 441,609.00
� 132 " Judges and Clerk of
, Municipal Court 183,349.00
144 Fees - Psychiatrist 7,300.00 632,458.00
, Code Appropriations 2
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
00050 Municipal Court (cont. )
' 202 Telephone 5,900.00
203 Postage 6,500.00
206 Printing and Binding 5,500.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 1,000.00
242 Data Processing Equipment - Rental 6,200.00
260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip. ) 9,000.00
, 261 Insurance and Bonds Z00.00
275 Duplicating Services 1,200.00
Z80 Tuition Reimbursement 200.00 35,700.00
340 Office Supplies 2,650.00
' 341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 400.00
346 Food (Human and Animal Consumption) 1,000.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 3t730.00 7,780.00
' 606 Capital Outlay - Building-Construction-
Air Conditioning 700.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
' Appliances 1,600.00 678,238.00
' 00100 Mayor's Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 33,667.00
/�117 " - Sub professional 9,299.00
122 " - Exempt-Clerical 30,152.00
� �' 126 " - Exempt-Professional 15,725.00
;� 131 " - Elected Officials 15,200.00 104,043.00
�;�201 Automobile Allowance ' 1,800.00
' �. 202 Telephone 3,540.00
'. 203 Postage 500.00
j 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 300.00
� 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair ' 400.00
' �239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 100.00
„ 275 Duplicating Services 500.00 7,140.00
',,k, 340 Office Supplies 1,200.00
' � 349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 500.00 1,700.00
� 475 Mayor's Contingent Account 8,000.00
476 Council and Legislative Expense 1,500.00 9,500.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 500.00 122,883.00
' 00�05 City Administrator - .
112 Salaries - Cler#.cal 17,187.00
' 126 " - Exempt-Professional 96,500.00 113,687,00
, °
' Code Appropriations 3
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, MAYOR (cont, )
00105 City Administrator (cont.)
' ZO1 Automobile A1lowance 4,500.00
202 Telephone 1,500.00
203 Postage 500.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 500.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 150.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 200.00
' 275 Duplicating Services 500.00 7,850,00
340 Office Supplies 1,500.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 400.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C. ) 300.00 2,200.00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 1,450.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 1,740.00 3,190.00 126,927.00
' _
' 00110 Budget Director
112 Salaries - Clerical 7,778.00
126 " - Exempt-Professional 56,500.00 64,278.00
202 Telephone 750.00
' 203 Postage 200.00
206 Printing and Binding 300.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 150.00
' 269 Misc.. Contractual Services 100.00
275 Duplicating Services 200.00 1,700.00
3�+0 Office Supplies 1,000.00
, 349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 200.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 200.00 1,400.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 1,475.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and , •
' Appliances 1,005.00 2,480.00 69.858.00
, 00115 Federal Programs Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 8,431.00
116 " - Professional 25,081.00
, 122 " - Exempt-Clerical 15,608.00 "
126 " - Exempt-Professional 21,572.00 70,692.00
201 Automobile Allowance 2,550.00
' 202 Telephone 1,200.00
203 Postage 100.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 100.00
t 247 Office Equipment - Rental 1,200.00 5,150.00
340 Office Supplies 500.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 300.00 800.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
' Appliances 300,00 76,942.00
, Code Appropriations 4
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' MAYOR (cont.)
' 00120 Emergency Preparedness
Salaries - Clerical 27,003.00
" - Professional 40,110.00
" - Exempt-Professional 21,546.00 88,659.00
' Telephone 7,774.00
Postage 1,400.00
Travel 2,300.00
' Printing and Binding 1,830.00
Gas, Electricity and Steam 431.00
Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 240.00
' Motor Vehicles - Repair 450.00
Machinery and Equipment - Repair 4,200.00
Laundry 60.00
Building and Office Space - Rental 10,800.00
' Motor Vehicle - Rental 1,200.00
Office Equipment - Rental 1,200.00
Miscellaneous Rentals 3,670.00
, Dues and Memberships 115.00
Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip. ) 800.00
• Insurance and Bonds 570.00
- Misc. Contractual Services 1,250.00
, Local Lectures and Workshops 420.00 38,710.00
Tires and Tubes 400.00
Motor Fuel 330.00
Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies � 100.00
Office Supplies 1,200.00
' Instruction Supplies 750.00
Books, Periodica�s and Newspapers 310.00
Misce Materials (N,O.C. ) 300.00
Photo Supplies 695.00 4,085.00
, Capital Outlay - Building-Architects
and Engineers 1,750.00
Capital Outlay - Building-Construction-
' Electrical 17,500,00
Capital Outlay - F�rniture and
Appli�ances 200.00
' Capital Outlay - Radio 15,000.00 34,450.00
Less: Federal Contribution 66,295.00
Carryover from 1972 Special
' Revenue Fund 25,000,00 91,295.00
461 City Contributidn 74.609.00
00125 Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunity
116 Salaries - Professional 11,014.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 900.00
202 Telephone 500.00
203 Postage 150.00
' 275 Duplicating Services 150.00 1,700.00
340 Office Supplies 300.00 13.014.00
' Code Appropriations 5
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' MAYOR (cont. )
' 00130 Municipal Publicity Bureau
203 Postage 1,004.00
207 Advertising 100.00
269 Misc. Contractual Sexvices 1,000.00 2,100.00
' 340 Office Supplies 2,000,00
370 Photo Supplies 1,000.00 3,000.00
410 Special Appropriation 9,900.00 15,000.00
' � 1 ,
' 00135 Mayor's Performing Arts Program
269 Misc. Contractual Services 7,500000
' 00140 City Planning
112 Salaries - Clerical 34,814.00
' 116 " - Professional 26,109.00
lI7 " - Sub-Professional 48,464.00 109,387.00
201 Automobile Allowance 6,000.00
, 202 Telephone 2,500.00
203 Postage 1,500.00
205 Shipping and Moving 4,000.00
206 Printing and Binding 10,000.00
' 220 Gas, Electxicity �nd Steam 1,000.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 500.00
241 Building and Office Space - Rental 14,000.00
' 250 Blueprinting 10,000.00
260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip. ) 10,000.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 4,000.00
' 275 Duplicating Services 3,000.00 66,500.00
340 Office Supplies 2,500.00
342 Drafting, Blueprinting and
Survey Supplies 1,000.00
' 349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 300.00
370 Photo Supplies 1,000.00 4,800.00
465 Contribution to Special Fund 75,000.00
, 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 1,800.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 2,200.00 4,000.00 259.687,00
00142 Capital Long Range Planning
, 116 Salaries - Professional 12,933.00
203 Postage 300.00
206 Printing and Binding 150.00 450.00
340 Off ice Suppl ies ✓�����y 100.00 13,483.00
' k y
' ` �
' Code Appropriations 6
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, MAYOR (cont. )
' 00150 Department of Human Rights
112 Salaries - Clerical 29,413.00
116 " - Professional 40,326.00
117 " - Sub-Professional 20,193.00
' 12b " - Exempt-Professional 36,423.00
141 Fees - Legal 2,000.00
159 " - Other 1,000.00 129,355.00
, 201 Automobile Allowance 4,200.00
202 Telephone 1,700.00
203 Postage 900.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 800.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 200.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00
275 Duplicating Services 1,000.00
' 280 Tuition Reimbursement 100.00 9,400.00
340 Office Supplies 1,000.00
348 Instruction Supplies 100.00
' 349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 325.00
370 Photo Supplies 50.00 1,475.00
608 Capital Outlay - Office Remodeling 6,000.00
8�1 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 100.00
� 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 720.00 820.00 147,050.00
00151 Affirmative Action Program
112 Salaries - Clerical 3,000.00
, 116 " - Professional 27,000.00 30,000.00
201 Automobile A1lowance 1,200.00
202 Telephone 500.00
, 203 Postage 2,500.00
206 Printing and Binding 1,500.00
207 Advertising 500.00
, 275 Duplicating Services 1,000.00 7,200.00
340 Office Supplies 1,500.00
410 Special Appropriation 500.00 39,200v00
00155 Civil Service
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 116,729.00
116 " - Professional 120,939.00
145 Fees - Personnel 3,000.00
' 174 " - Board Members 6,214.00 246,882.00
201 Automobile Allowance 150.00
202 Telephone 2,670.00
' 203 Postage 3,000.00
206 Printing and Binding 4,050.00
207 Advertising 1,500.00
209 Bus Service 50.00
' 223 Office Ec}uipment and Furniture Repair 300.00
241 Building and Office Space - Rental 1,000.00
255 Microfilming 100.00
' Code Appropriations 7
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, MAYOR (cont.)
00155 Civil Service (cont.)
, 260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip.) 500.00
275 Duplicating Services 500.00
280 Tuition Reimbursement 150.00 13,970.00
' 340 Office Supplies 5,600.00
348 Instruction Supplies 150.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 365.00 6,115.00
� 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 2,770.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 200.00 2,970.00 269.937.00
' Mayor's Administration 122,883.00
City Administrator 126 927000
Budget Director 69 858,00
' Federal Programs Administration 76,942.00
Emergency Preparedness 74,609.00
Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunity 13,014v00
Municipal Publicity Bureau 15,000.00
� Mayor's Performing Arts Program 7,500.00
City Planning 259,687.00
Capital Long Range Planning 13,483,00
, Department of Human Rights 147,050.00
Affirmative Action Program 39,200000
Civil Service 269,937,00
' 1,236.090.00
00200 City Attorney Administration
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 93,546000
126 " - Exempt-Professional 301,617.00
141 Fees - Legal 8,500.00 403,663.00
' 202 Telephone 5,400.00
203 Postage 1,000.00
206 Printing and Binding 1,000.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 500000
247 Office Equipment - Rental 14,OOOv00
275 Duplicating Services 200,00 22,100<00
340 Office Supplies 4,500,00
' 349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 8,100.00 12,600.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 500.00
805 Capital 0utlay - Furniture and
' Appliances 348.00 848.00 439.211.00
, COde Appropriations 8
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' CITY ATTORNEY (cont. )
00205 Codification of Ordinances
' 206 Printing and Binding 5,000,00
' 00210 Consumer Protection
112 Salaries - Clerical 6,427.00
� 126 " - Exempt-Professional 25,344.00 31,771.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 2,500.00
340 Office Supplies 500.00 Y
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 485.00
� 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 793.00 1,278.00 369049,00
� City Attorney Administration 439,211,00
Codification of Ordinances S,OOOo00
Consumer Protection 36,049000
' 480,260,00
i __ _
00250 City Clerk Records
� 112 Salaries - Clerical 53,039.00
122 " - Exempt-Clerical 17,004,00 70,043.00
202 Telephone 710.00
� 203 Postage 550.00
206 Printing and Binding 300.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 240.00
� 255 Microfilming 300,00
275 Duplicating Services 1,500.00 3,600.00
340 Office Supplies 1,000.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 75.00 1,075.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 1,608.00 76,326.00
00255 Official Publications
' 208 Official Publications 75a000,00
� 00260 Voter Registration
112 Salaries - Clerical 53,048.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,500,00
� 202 Telephone 920.00
' Code Appropriations 9
Activity and Expenditures Titl�s Amount Sub Totals Totals
, �ITY CLERK (cont. )
' 00260 Voter Registration (cont. )
260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip, ) 7,500.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 1,000.00 10,920.00
340 Office Supplies 200.00 64,168,00
' 00266 Elections
112 Salaries - Clerical 5,512.00
203 Postage 3,000,00
' 206 Printing and Binding 2,500.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 200.00
255 Microfilming 250.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 1,091.00 7,041.00 12,553.00
City Clerk Records 76,326.00
Official Publications 75,000.00
' Vo�er Registration 64,168,00
Electiong 12,553.00
' Code Appropriations 10
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 01001 Finance and Mgmt. Services Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 8,731.00
126 " - Exempt-Professional 30,000.00 38,731.00
201 Automobile Allowance 850.00
t 202 Telephone 600.00
245 Motor Vehicle - Rental 900.00 2,350.00
340 Office Supplies 300.00
' 349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers - 75.00 375.00 41,456,00
' Division of Property Management
p1A20 Building Design
116 Salaries - Professional 63,920.00
' 117 " - Sub-Professional 20,953.00 84,873.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 300,00
226 Machine and Equipment - Repair 200.00 500.00
' 340 Office Supplies 150.00
342 Draftirtg, Blueprinting and
Survey Supplies 150,00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 100.00 400,00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 595.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 3,730.00 4,325.00 90,098000
� 01�50 Maintenance Coordination
116 Salaries - Professional 18,000.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 850.00
340 Office Supplies 350.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 800,00 1,150.00 20,OOOa00
' Division of Administrative Services
01100 Operation Research
410 Special Appropriation 50.00Oe00
Division of Accounting
' 01150 Accounting and Auditing
112 Salaries - Clerical 92,069.00
116 " - Professional 167,252.00 259,321000
' 201 Automobile Allowance 180.00
202 Telephone 2,600.00
203 Postage 480.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 1,400.00
' 255 Microfilming 300.00
260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip.) 79,800.00
275 Duplicating Services 850.00
' 280 Tuition Reimbursement 100,00 85,710.00
' Code Appropriations 11
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Division of Accounting (cont. )
01150 Accounting and Auditing (cont. )
340 Office Supplies 1,510.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 620.00 2,130,00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 500.00 347,661e00
01160 Debt Service
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 11,758.00
141 Fees - Legal 9,500.00 21,258.00
202 Telephone 150.00 _
203 Postage 150.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 5,500,00
208 Official Publications 360.00
259 Bank Service Charges 6,800.00
' 268 Bond Sale Expense 3,000.00
275 Duplicating Services 25.00 15,985.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 25.00 37,268000
' 384,929000
, Division of Treasury
01200 Finance Cashier
112 Salaries - Clerical 48,045v00
� 201 Automobile Allowance 480.00 _
202 Telephone 600.00
203 Postage 3,500,00
206 Printing and Binding 200.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 450.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 600,00 59830,00
340 Office Supplies 500e00
' 349 Books, Periodic.als and Newspapers 75.00 575.00 54,450,00
01201 Parking Meter Collectors
' 111 Salaries - Attendance and
Inspectional 27,830,00
201 Automobile Allowance 480.00
, 226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 100,00 580.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 350.00 28,760000
01202 Parking Meter Monitors
' 111 Salaries - Attendance and
Inspectional 43,392,00
219 Misco Communication and Transportation 125.00
' 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 1,200.00 1,325.00
322 Motor Fuel 200.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 1,800.00 2,OOO.C10 46,717.00
' 129,927000
01250 Division of Purchasing
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 198,471.00
112 " - Exempt-Clerical 38,498.00 236,969.00
' Code Appropriations 12
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amo�nt Sub Totals Totals
' 01250 Division of Purchasing (cont.)
202 Telephone 3,200.00
203 Postage 8,300.00
206 Printing and Binding 5,000.00
, 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 1,000.00 17,500.00
340 Office Supplies 3,000,00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 175.00 3,175.00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 1,310.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 160.00 1,470.00 259.114.00
01300 Division of Assessments and Valuations
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 97,462.00
116 " - Professional 50,070.00
117 " - Sub-Professional 134,579.00
, 159 Fees - Other 36.00 282,147.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,170e00
202 Telephone 2,600.00
' 203 Postage 4,000.00
206 Printing and Binding 2,300.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 950.00
247 Office Equipment Rental 1,700.00
' 260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip. ) 75.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 500<00
275 Duplicating Services 2,000.00 15,295.00
' 340 Office Supplies 2,300.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 195.00
370 Photo Supplies 400.00 2,895.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 3,075.00 303.412,00
, 01350 Division of License and Permit Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 62,876.00
115 " - Police 50,322,00
' 125 " - Exempt-Police 16,707.00 129,905,00
201 Automobile Allowance 4,100.00
202 Telephone 975.00
203 Postage 550.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair _60v00 5,685.00
340 Office Supplies 200,00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 800000 136,590,00
, Finance and Management Services Administration 41,456,00
Division of Property Management 110,098.00
Division of Administrative Services 50,000.00
Division of Accounting 384,929.00
' Division of Treasury 129,927.00
Division of Purchasing 259, 114,00
, Division of Assessments and Valuations 303,412.00
' Division of License and Permit Administration 136,590.00
' Code Appropriations 13
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
02001 Public Works Administration
, 112 Salaries - Clerical 112 ,774.00
116 " - Professional 90,235.00
117 " - Subprofessional 57 ,189.00
' 126 " - Exempt - Professional 20,897.00
Department Head 30,000.00 311,095.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,400.00
, 202 Telephone • 12 ,000.00
203 Postage 650.00
206 Printing and Binding 500.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 500.00
' 241 Building and Office Space - Rental 7,800.00
250 Blueprinting 2 ,000.00
260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip.) 2,100.00
' 275 Duplicating Services 9 ,000.00
280 Tuition Reimbursement 100.00 36,050.00
340 Office Supplies 1,900,00
, 342 Drafting, Blueprinting and
Survey Supplies 1,500.00
349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 455.00
370 Photo Supplies 250.00 4,105.00
' 805 Capital Qutlay - Furniture and
Appliances 665.00 351,915.00
Division of Design and Engineering
02105 Traffic Design
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 20,692.00
116 " - Professional 34,346.00
117 " - Subprofessional 67,384.00 122,422.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,600.00
` �75-�5u'plicating Services 400.00
280 Tuition �teimbursement 300.00 2 ,300.00
' 340 Office Supplies 300.00
342 Drafting, Blueprinting and
Survey Supplies 400.00
349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 50.00
, 369 Miscellaneous Materials (N.O.C.) 750.00 1,500.00
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 800.00
803 " " - Automotive Equipment 2 ,700.00 3,500v00 129,722.00
' 02110 Survey Unit
116 Salaries - Professional 22,549.00
117 " - Subprofessional 23,186.00 45,735s00
t 02115 Pavin Desi n
g g
116 Salaries - Professional 3,259.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 15,823.00 19 ,082.00 �
280 Tuition Reimbursement 100.00 19 ,182.00
� Code Appropriations 14
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, Division of Design and Engineering (cont.)
02120 Sewer Design
116 Salaries Professional 27,502.00
117 " - Subprofessional 19,169.00 46,671.00
, 280 Tuition Reimbursement 200.A0
360 Microfilm Supplies 435.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 2,566.00 49,872.00
' 02125 Grading and Sidewalk Design
112 Salaries - Clerical 9 ,763.00
' 116 " - Professional 20,932.00
117 " - Subprofessional 2,948.00 33,643.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 34,643,00
, 02130 Construction Inspection
112 Salaries - Clerical 4,555.00
116 " - Professional 7,333.00
117 " - Subprofessional 2,960.00 14,848.00
, 02135 Brid e esi n nd
g D g a Inspection
, 112 Salaries - Cle"rica� 7,443.00
116 " - Professional 35,278.00
117 " Subprofessional 1,661.00 44,382.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 250.00
, 341 Cl,othing (Wearing Apparel) 1,500.00
369 Misc. Mater:ials (N.O.C.) 150.00 1,650.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
' Appliances 1,620.00 47,902.00
02140 Electrical Design
116 Salaries - Professional 20,488.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 800.00 21,288°00
' Division of Operations
02200 Operations Administration
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 11,898.00
116 " - Professional 34,076.00 45,974.00
20J. Automobile Allowance 500.00
202 Telephone 500.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 300.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 300.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 16,100.00 17,700.00
, 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 100.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 100.00 300.00 . 63,974.00
, 02205 Traffic Operations
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 55,855.00
, 112 " - Clerical 10,179.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 145,057.00 .
116 " - Professional 7,852.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 10,404.00 229,347.00
' Code Appropriations 15
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Division of Operations (cont.)
02205 Traffic Operations (cont.)
202 Telephone 6,500.00
219 Misc. Cocn��unication and
' Transportation 1,500.00
220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 15,500.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 500.00
� 223 Office �quipment and Furniture Repair 200.00
224 Buildings and Structures - Repair 100.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 6,500.00
' 226 Machinery and Equipment - Repai.r 300.00
227 Laundry 75.00
236 Custodial Service 800.00
237 Tools 800.00
, 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 200.00
247 OffiGe Equipment - Rental 400.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 3,200.00
' 275 Duplicating Services 200.00 36,775.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00
303 Paint 28,000.00
, 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 8,000.00
307 Traffic Signs and Parts 45,000.00
322 Motor Fuel 2,500.00
324 Small Tools 100.00
' 327 Traffic Meter Parts 1,000.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 1,200.00
' 340 Office Supplies 500.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 200.00
357 Bottle Gas 125.00
' 369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C•) 750.00 87,475.00
803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 3,000.00 356,597.00
02210 Signal Maintenance
' 101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except 5pec.
Empl.) 251,048.00
112 " - Clerical 7,217.00 258,265.00
' 202 Telephone 12,500.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 54,000.00
225 Motor Vehicle - Repair 4,800.00
' 226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 600.00
249 Miscellaneous Rentals 100.00 72,000.00
304 Electrical Supplies 2,500.00
306 Traffic Signal Parts 30,000.00
� 316 Fire Alarm Repair Materials 500.00
322 Motor Fuel 3,000.00
324 Small Tools 1,200.00
' 340 Office Supplies 100.00 37,300.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 250.00
802 " " - Shop Equipment 2,700.00
803 " " - Automotive Equip. 4,500.00 , 7,450.00 375,015.00
' Code Appropriations 16
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
� Division of Operations (cont.)
02215 Street and Sidewalk Repair �"
272 Paving Plant Services 25,000.00
, 02220 Litter Baskets
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 24,430.00
� 225 Motor Vehicles = Repair 4,000.00 28,430.00
02225 Winter Street Maintenance
� 101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 524,568.00
111 " - Attendance and
Inspectio�al 3,601.00
� 112 " - Clerical 19 ,877.00
114 " - Manual and Main't. 55,985.00 604,031.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 5,000.00
� 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 83,000.00
245 Motor Vehicles - Rental 66,000.00
272 Paving Plant Services 43,000.00 197,000.0(3
' 369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 1,400.00
372 Sand and Salt 192,000.00 193,400.00
803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 25,000.00
804 " " - Construction Equip. . 28,000.00 53,Z000.00 1,047,431.00
' 02230 Winter Street Maintenance Contingency
410 Special Appropriation 600,000.00
' 02235 Weed Cutting
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
� Empl,) 11,232.00
111 " - Attendance and
Inspectional 8,475.00 19 ,707.00
201 Automobile Allowance 600.00
' 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 1,000.00
272 Paving Plant Services , 1,000.00 2,600.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 2,500.00
� 808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment 2 ,500.00 27,307.00
02240 Bridge, Fence and Stairway Maintenance
' 101 Salaries = Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 111,968.00
114 " Manual and Maint. 11,634.00 123,602.00
202 Telephone 200.00
, 220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 1,000.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 3,000.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 500.00
' 269 Misc. Contractual Services 1,000.00
272 Paving Plant Services 1,000.00 6,700.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00
308 Street Repair Niaterial 300.00
' 311 Bridge Repair Material 12,500.00
324 Small Tools 300.00 13,200.00
' Code Appropriations 17
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Division of Operations (cont.)
02240 Bridge, Fence and Stairway Maintenance (cont.)
802 Capital Outlay Shop Equipmerit 400.00
803 " " - Automotive Equip. 4,400.00
' 804 " " - Construction Equip. 4,500.00 9 ,300.00 152,802.00
p2245 Lighting Maintenance
t 101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 375,766.00
109 " - Ungraded - Spec. Empl. 3,406.00
112 " - Clerical 37,387.00 416,559 .00
� 201 Automobile Allowance 800.00
202 Telephone 1,650.00 �
203 Postage 70.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 �'" -
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 370,000.00
222 Sanitary Services 150.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 25.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 14,000.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 6,000.00
230 Street Lighting - Repafr 36,000.00
' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 500.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 125.00
275 Duplicating Services 400.00
' 280 Tuition Reimbursement 150.00 430,070.00
301 Janitor and Sariitation Supplies 50.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 25.00
' 303 Paint 100.00
312 Street Lighting Material 75,000.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2,500.00
322 Motor Fuel 1,000.00
' 324 Small Tools 200.00
340 Office Supplies 200.00
349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 150.00 79 ,225.00
, 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 300.00
802 " " - Shop Equipment 300.00
803 " " - Automotive Equip. 30,000.00 30,600.00 956,454.00
' 02250 Lighting Building Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 10,357.00
, 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 6,500.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 275.00
222 Sanitary Services 125.00
� 224 Buildings and Structures - Repair 500.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 1,850.00
232 Elevator Maintenance 200.00
' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 150.00
' 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,200.00 10,800.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 300.00
303 Paint 100.00
' 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 3,500.00
3�9 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 300.00 4,200.00
' Code Appropriations 18
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
Division of Operations (cont.)
02250 Lighting Building Maintenance (cont.)
' 6.04 Capital Outlay - Bldg, - Constr. -
Mechanical 500.00
821 " " - Fire Equip, and Hose 100.00 600.00 25,957.00
' 3,658.967.00
Public Works Administration 351,915.00
' Division of Design and Engineering 363,192,00
Division of Operations 3,658,967.00
' —
' 030p1 Community Services Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 70,452.00
116 " - Professional 23,475.00
' 126 " - Exempt - Professional 47,807.00 141,734.00
201 Automobile Allowance 900.00
202 Telephone 2,920.00
' 203 Postage 450.00
206 Printing and Binding 700.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 425.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 330.00
' 247 Office Equipment - Rental 2,400.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 8,OOO.fJO
275 Duplicating Services 300.00 16,425.00
' 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 50.00
340 Office Supplies 2,000.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 535.00 2,585.00
, 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 200.00 160,944.00
-+Division of Libraries
, 03050 Library Service
109 Salaries - Ungraded - Spec. Empl: 95,526.00
112 " - Clerical 290,201.00
' 116 " - Professional 475,578.00
117 " - Subprofessional 342,570.00
126 " - Exempt - Professional 27,914.00 1,231,789.00
' 203 Postage 12,000.00
205 Shipping and Moving 200.00
206 Printing and Binding 5,000.00
209 Bus Service 100.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 1,000.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 1,500.00
227 Laundry 400.00
' 242 Data Processing Equipment - Rental 12,000.00
247 Office Equipment - Rental 3,000.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00 35,700.00
' Code Appropriations 19
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, Division of Libraries (cont.)
03050 Library Service (cont.)
319 Misc. Maintenance and Supplies 50.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
' 349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 200,000.00
= 358 Library Supplies 22,000.00
360 Microfilm Supplies 4,000.00
' 370 Photo Supplies 250.00 226,400.00
482 Refunds - Deposits, Bail, Licenses 750.00
801 Capital 0utlay - Office Equipment 1,500.00 1,496,139.00
' 03051 Library Building Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 203,145.00
' 114 " - Manual and Maint. 16,849.00 219,994.00
201 Automobile Allowance 2,200.00
2Q2 Telephone 12,000.00
' 209 Bus Service 200.00
220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 57,000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 3,000.00
224 Buildings and Structures - Repair 2,500.00
' 225 Motor Vehicle - Repair 1,000.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 500.00
227 Laundry 150.00
' �29 Air Gonditioning - Repair 500.00
232 Elevator Maintenance 1,000.00
234 Snow Removal 400.00
' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 200.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 500.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 750.00 81,900.00
' 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 3,500.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 400.00
303 Paint 200.00
304 Electrical Supplies 1,800.00
� 313 Carpentry Supplies 500.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1,700.00
322 Motor Fuel 800.00
' 324 Small Tools 200.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 900.00
347 Agriculture and Harticulture Supp2ies 500.00
' 369 Misc. Maintenance Materials 100.00 10,600.00
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 500.00
808 " " - Mechanical Equip. 500.00 1,000.00 313,494.00
' 03060 St. Paul Council of Arts and Sciences
461 City Contribution 297,262.00
, Code Appropriations 20
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals �otals
Division of Parks and Recreation
, 03100 Parks and Recreation Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 27,262.00
116 " - Professianal 72.869.00 100,131.00
� 201 Au�omobile Allowance 2,550.00
202 Telephone 1,300.00
203 Postage 1,500.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 150.00 5,500.00
340 Office Supplies 2,500.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 130.00 2,630.00
801 Capital Outlay - pffice Equipment 500.00 108,761.00
' 03102 parks and Recreation Building Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
' Empl.) 124,726.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 17,696.00 142,422.00
224 Buildings and Structures - Repair 1,000.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 250.00
' 226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 500.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Rep�ir 500.00
246 Machinery and Equipment - Rental 200.00 2,450.00
� 302 Plumbing Supplies 3,500.00
303 Paint 1,600.00
304 Electrical Supplies 2,000.00
' 313 Carpentry Materials 4,000.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 6,300.00
322 Motor Fuel 200.00
324 Sma.11 Tools 550.00
' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 400.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 50.00
� 357 Bottle Gas 25.00 18,625.00
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 2 ,500.00 165,997.00
' 03104 Parks and Recreation Vehicle and Equ�.pment Maint.
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 39,381.00
112 " - Clerical 11,418.00
' 114 " - Manual and Maint. 52,109.00 102,908.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 11,000.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 2,500.00 13,500.00
' 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00
303 Paint 100.00
304 Electrical Supplies 250.00
' 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 300.00
313 Carpentry Materials 50.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 4,000.00
320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 5,500.00
, 322 Motor Fuel 9,000.00
323 Oil and Lubricants 200.00
324 Small Tools 250.00
' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 6,500.00
340 Office Supplies 200.00 26,450.00
, Code Apprapriations 21
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Tota15 Totals
Division of Parks and Recreation (cont.)
, 03104 Parks and Recreation Vehicle and Equip. �aint. (cont.)
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 2,250.00
803 " " - Automotive Equxp. 11,900.00
' 808 " " - Mechan�cal Equip. 2,400.00 16,550.00 159,408.00
03120 Conservatory
, 114 Salaries - Manual and Maint. 88,607.00
201 Automobile Allowance 300.00
202 Telephone 300.00
' 220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 3,600,00
224 Buildings and Structures - Repair 3,500.00
225 Motor Vehicles Repair 125.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 100.00 7,925.00
, 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 250,00
303 Paint 250.00
' 304 Electrical Supplies 150.00
313 Carpentry Supplies 100.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 300.00
322 Motoz Fuel 100.00
' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00
340 Office Supplies 50.00
' 341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 480.00
347 Agriculture and Horticulture Supplies 2,000.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 15.00 3,895.00
, 502 Improvements - Land 2 ,25�.00 102,677.00
03122 Zoo
114 Salaries - Manual and Maint. 112,191.00
' 116 " - Professional 20,148.00
160 Fees - Medical 1,600.00 133,939.00
201 Automobile Allowance 500.00
' 202 Telephone 700.00
203 Postage 50.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 7,500.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 50.00
224 Buildings and Structures - Repair 5,000.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 300.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 75.00
' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 150.00
269 Misc. Contractual Serv�ces 100.00 14,425.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 850.00
' 302 Plumbin� Supplies 200.00
303 Paint 400.00
304 Electrical Supplies 300.00
' 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 100.00
313 Carpentry Materials 400.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 800,00
320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 50.00
' 322 Motor Fuel 100.00
324 Small Tools 50.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00
' Code Appropriations 22
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Division of Parks and Recreation (cont.)
03122 Zoo (cont.)
340 Office Supplies 200.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 800.00
' 343 Household Supplies 100.00
344 Medical and Dental Supplies 100.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 100.00
' 346 Food (Human and Animal Consumption) 28,000.00
347 Agriculture and Horticulture Supplies 100.00
349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 100.00
361 Food Service Supplies 100.00
, 369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 250.00
370 Photo Supplies 25.00
372 Sand and Salt 50.00 33,275.00 181,639.00
� 03124 Zoo and Conservatory Heating �
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
' Empl.) 40,161.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 9 ,000.00
224 Buildings and Structures - Repair 100.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 200.00 9 ,300.00
' 302 Plumbing Supplies 100.00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 7,000.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 100.00 7 ,200.00 56,661.00
' 03126 Concerts
269 Misc. Contractual Services 6,000.00
' 03128 Lake Como Upkeep
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 3,000.00
' 03130 Parks Watchmen
111 Salaries - Attendance and
Inspectional 9 ,151.00
' 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 150.00 9 ,801.00
, 03132 Parks Ground Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 51,460.00
109 " - Ungraded' - Spec. Empl. 5,200.00
' 114 " - Manual and Maint. 241,573.00 298,233.Op
202 Telephone 1,700.00
206 Printing and Binding 300.00
' 220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 11,000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 24,000.00
224 Buildings and Structures - Repair 1,500.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 500.00
' 226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 100.00
� 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repaix 750.00
246 Machinery and Equipment - Rental 1,500.00
' 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 200.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 10j000.00 51,550.OQ
_ �
�;:�,<.. -
, CQde Ap�ropriations 23
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, D�.vision of Parks and Recreation (cont.)
03132 Parks Ground Maintenance (cont.)
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplie$ 1,300.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 750.00
, 303 Paint 500.00
304 Electrical Supplies 200.00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 2,300.00
, 308 Street Repair Material 500.00
313 Carpentry Materials 1,000.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3,000.00
322 Motor Fuel 150.00
- ' 324 Small Tools 100.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 50.00
' 340 Office Supplies 100,00
347 Agriculture and Horticulture Supplies 2,250.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 100.00
' 357 Bottle Gas 100.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 100.00
372 Sand and Salt 500.00 13,000,00
� 502 Improvements - I,and 2,500.00
829 Capital Outlay - Equipment (N.O.C.) 500.00 365,783.00
03170 Recreation Centers
' 109 Salaries - Ungraded - Spec. Empl. 285,507.00
116 " - Professional �15,598.00
117 " - Subprofessional 231,�544.00 7�2,649.OA
' 201 Automobile Allowance 2,700.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 62,000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 13,000.00
222 Sanitary Services 3,000.00
' 227 Laundry 50.00
. 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 400.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 1,750.00 82,900.OQ
� 304 Electrical Supplies 1,000,00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 5,000.00
322 Motor Fuel 100.00
� 340 Office Supplies 150.00
344 Medical and pental Supplies 1,000.00
350 Athletic and Recreation Supplies 23,000.00 30,250.00 845,799.Q0
� 03172 Recreation Centers Custodial and Ground M�int.
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 38,337.00
, 114 " - Manual and Maint. 273,519.00 311,856.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 200.00
246 Machinery and Equipment - Rental 300.00 �00.00
' 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 5,000.00
313 Carpentry Materials 400.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 500.00
324 Small Tools 1,000.00
' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
parts and Supplies 100.00
350 Athletic and Recreation Supplies 5,000.00
� 369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 500.00 12,5pQ.00
� Code Appropriations 24
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Division of Parks and Recreation (cont.)
03172 Recreation Centers Custodial and Ground Maint. (cont:)
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 2�5p0.OfJ 327,356.00
� 03174 Municipal Athletics
109 Salaries - Ungraded - Spec. Empl. 7,860.Q0
116 " - Professional 28,.684.00
� lll " - Subpxofessional 10�,829.00 47,373.OQ
201 Automobile Allowance� 2 ,400.00
206 Printing and Binding 200.00
, 241 Building and Office Space - Rentai 8,000.00 10,600.00
350 Athletic and Recreation Supplies 1,�000.00 58,973.00
03176 Special Recreati�on Activities
' 116 Salaries - Professional 12,468.00
117 " - Subp�sz£�ssional 16�887.00 29,35�.00
201 Automobile Allowance 45Q.OQ
� 350 Athletic and Recreation Suppli.es 1pQ.00 29 ,905.00
03178 Stadium
465 Contribution to Special Fund 15,000.00
' 2,436,760.00
' Division of Environmental Protection
03200 Environmental Protection Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 67,221.00
' 116 " - Professional 40,133.00
126 " - Exempt - Professional 31,398.00 138,7�2.00
201 Automobile Allowance 2,100.OQ
� 203 Postage 4,700.00
206 Printing and Binding 500.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 400.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 200.00
� 227 Laundry 100.00
247 Office Equipment - Rental 2,000.00
249 Miscellaneous Rentals 150.00
' 260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip.) 4,000.00
280 Tuition Reimbursement 200.00 �4,350.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Suppl�,es 100.00
� 340 Office Supplies 4,800.00
349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 600.OQ
370 Photo Supplies 200.00 5,70Q.00
� 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 420.00 159 ,222.00
' 03202 Health Building Maintenance
202 Telephone 13,000.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 11,000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,100.00
' 226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 100.00
227 Laundry 350.00
229 Air Conditioning - Repair 300,00
' Code Appropriations 25
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, Division of Environmental Protection (cont.)
032Q2 Health Building Maintenance (cont.)
232 Elevator Maintenance 100.00
236 Custodial Service 46,345.00
' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 300.00 72,595.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 400.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 250.00
' 303 Paint 50.00
304 Electrical Supplies 150.00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 1,200.00
' 324 Small Tools 50.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 400.00 2,600.00
' 808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 200.00 75,395.00
03204 Health Laboratory
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 7,198.00
116 " - Professional 29,414.00
117 " - Subprofessional 7,869.00 44,481.OQ
' 226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 300,00
227 Laundry 325.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 100.00 72�.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
' Parts and Supplies 100.00
340 Office Supplies 25.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 1,400.00 1,525.00
' 808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 2,200.00 48,931.00
03206 Vital Statistics
112 Salaries - Clerical 71,567.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 500.00
206 Printing and Binding 100.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 50.00
' 247 Office Equipment - Rental 900.00
255 Microfilming 250.00
260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equ�p,) 240.00 2,040.00
' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00
340 Office Supplies 350.00
359 Microfilm 600.00
' 360 Mfcrofilm Supplies 250.00 1,300.00 74,907.00
03208 Maternal and Child Health
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 19,613.00
116 " - Professional 163,501.00 183,11�.00
201 Automobile A1lowance 5,400.00
206 Printing and Binding 50.00
' 227 Laundry 300.00 5,750.Q0
340 Office Supplies 200.00
344 Medical and Dental Supplies 1,000.00
' 348 Instruction Supplies 100.00
349 Books , Perfodicals and Newspapers 50.00
378 Biological Supplies 2,Q00.00 3,350.00
' 806 Capital Outlay - Instructional ___�_340�00 192,554.00
' Code Appropriations 26
Activity and $xpenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, Division of Environmental Protection (cont.)
03210 Dental Health
116 Salaries - Professional 30,510.00
117 " - SubprQfessional 78,194.00 108,704.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 2,6Q0.00
202 Telephone 425.00
206 Printing and Binding 50.00
' 226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 200.00
227 Laundry 400.00 3,675.A0
340 Office Supplies 100.00
348 Instructian Supp�ies 100.00
' 349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 50.00
377 Dental Supplies „T1,500.00 1,750.00
808 Cap�tal Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 915.00 115,044.00
' 03212 Food Regulation
112 Salaries - Clerical 15,208.00
, 116 " - Professional 114,741.00 129,949.00
201 Automobile Allowance 3,300.00
206 Printing and Binding 100.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 500.00
' 280 Tuition Reimbursement 100.00 4,000.00
322 Motor Fuel 1,000.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
� 345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 200.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 50.00
370 Photo Supplies 150.00 1,5Q0.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
, Appl�ances 245.00 135,694.00
03214 Medical and Inspectional
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 34,751.00
116 " - Professional 144,670.00 179,421.00
201 Automobile Allowance 5,800.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 200.00
227 Laundry 50.00
280 Tuition Reimbursement 50.00 6,100.00
340 Office Supplies 500.00
' 344 M�dical and Dental Supplies 450.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 1,000.00
349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 25.00
' 370 Photo Supplies 100.00 2,075.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 140.00 187,736.00
, 03216 Tuberculosis
112 Salar.ies - Clerical 21,342.00
116 " - Professional 74,932.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 19,940.00 116,214.00
201 Automobile Allowance 2,585.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 100.00
� 227 Laundry 600.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 12,000.00 15,285.00
, Code Appropriatipns 27
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, Division of Environmental Protection (cont.)
03216 Tuberculosis (cont.)
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00
' 340 Office Supplies 100.00
344 Medical and Dental Supplies 2,OOQ.pO 2,200.00 133,699.00
' 03218 Canine Control
111 Salaries - Attendance and
Inspectional 65 919.00
202 Telephone 300.00 �
' 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 600.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 75.00
222 Sani�ary Services 100.00
' 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 1,500.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 100.00
227 Laundry 100.00
' 269 Misc. Contractual Services : . . 3,500.00 6,275.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00
322 Motor Fuel 1,400.00
' 340 Office Supplies 100.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 50.00
346 Food (Human and Animal Consumption) 300.00 1,950.00 74,144.00
, 03220 Occupational Health and Safety
116 Salaries - Professional 28,94S.OQ
201 Automobile Allowance 1,650.00
' 203 Postage 25.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 75.00 1,750.00
34-0 Office Supplies 50.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 50.00
' 349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 50.00 150.00
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 1,550.00 32,395.00
' 03222 Testing I,aboratory
116 Salaries - Professional 32,500.00
117 " - Subprofessional 39,989.00 72,489.00
201 Automobile Allowance � 50.00
' 202 Telephone 600.00
203 Postage 25.00
222 Sanitary Services 65.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 50.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 500.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 100.00
' 227 Laundry 25.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 75.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 75.00
, 275 Duplicating Services 150.00 1,715.Q0
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 50.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 50.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
' 345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 900.00
349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 300.00 1,40Q.00 75,60l+.00
' Code Appropriations 28
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount $ub Totals T Totals
, Division of Environmental Protection (cont.)
03224 Air Pollution Control
461 City Contribution 97,382.00
' 03226 Model Cities Health Program
461 City Contribution 31,�1a2.00
Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement
, 03300 Housing and Building Code Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 115,408.00
116 " - Professional 23?099.00 13$,507.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,500.00
' 202 Telephone 6,600.00
203 Postage 1,800.00
206 Printing and Binding 550.00
' 223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 200.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 1,180.00
247 Office Equipment - Rental 900.00
, 250 Blueprinting 50.00
252 Testing Services 600.00
275 Duplicating Services 100.00 13,4$0.00
340 Office Supplies 5,000.00
� 349 Books , Periodicals and Newspapers 335.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 500.00
370 Photo Supplies 150.00 5,9$5.00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 500.00
805 " " - Furniture and
Appliances 585.00 1;085.00 ].59,057.00
' 03305 Housing Inspection
116 Salaries - Professional 63,867.00
117 " - Subprofessional 53,385.00 117,252.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 9 ,000.00
203 Postage 3,000.00
206 Printfng and Binding 1,000.00
, 247 Office Equipment - Rental 3,000.00
260 Tab Services (Not Rental of Equip.) 12,000.00
275 Duplicating Services 200.00 28,200.OQ
319 Miscellaneous Maintenance Supplies 200.00
' 340 Office Supplies 1,500.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 500.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 100.00
' 370 Photo Supplies 500.00 2,800.Q0
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 39 750.00 18a,002.00
' 03310 Building Inspection
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 19,770.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 662,353.00 682,123.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 34,000.00
340 Office Supplies 400.00
370 Photo Supplies 100.00 500.00
' !
' Code Appropriations 29
Activity and Expenditure Ti�les Amount Sub Tptals Totals
' Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement (cont.)
03310 Building Inspection (cont.)
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances �3,600.00 720,223,00
, 03320 Plan Examination
116 Salaries - Professional 36,2�3.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 28,892.00 65,�85.00
201 Automobile Allowance 250.00 65,435.00
03325 Summary Abatement - Nuisance Cleanup
, 272 Paving Plant Services 40,OQ0.00
03326 Wrecking and Boarding of Buildings
' 256 Demolition 16,500.00
460 Reimburse P.I.R. for Capital Prajects , 191250.00 35,7�0.00
' Community Services Administration 16Q,944.Q0
Division of Libraries 2,106,$95.00
Division of Parks and Recreation 2,436,760.00
' Division of Environmental Protection 1,433,879,00
Division of Housing and $uilding Code Enforcement 1,208,467.00
' ,
, Code Appropriations 30
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totala Totals
, 04001 Police Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 55,876.00
115 " - Police 210,306.00
116 " - Professional 18,662,00
' 125 " - Exempt-Police 30,000.00 314,$44.00
202 Telephone 31,850.00
203 Postage 4,100.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 300.00
207 Advertising 100.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 825.00
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 1,200.00
, 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 500.00
249 Miscellaneous Rentals 200.OQ
273 Criminal Investigation 3,000.00 1+2,Q75.Qp
' 340 Office Supplies 250�00
343 Household Supplies 100.00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 1,900.00 2,250.00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 104.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 1,287.00 , 1,391.00, 360,560.00
' 04050 Police Building Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) . �49,2$4,00
' 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 20,000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 2,500.00
222 Sanitary Services 500.00
, 226 Ma.chinery and Equipment - Repair 600.00
227 Laundry 2,300.00
229 Air Conditioning - Repairs 150.00
' 232 Elevator Maintenance 500.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 150.00 26,700.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 1,300.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 200.00
' 303 Paint 1Q0.00
304 Electrical Supplies 400.00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 3,200.00
, 313 Carpentry Materials 100.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 500.00
324 Small Tools 100.00
, 329 Misc. Machinery-and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00 6,000.00
609 Capital Outlay Building-Building
Improvement 30,50Q.00
, 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 275.00 212,759.00
04100 Police Uniformed Division
' 112 Salaries - Clerical - 24,834.00
115 " - Police 4,853,937.00 4,878,771.00
201 Automobile ALlowance 825.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
' 341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 65,340.00
344 Medical and Dental Supplies 1,700.00
348 Instruction Supplies 600.00
� 352 Law Enforcement Supplies 7,000.00 74,74�0.00 4,954,336.00
, Code Appropriations 31
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
04120 Police Detective Division
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 21,354.00
115 " - Police 1,165,038.00 1,186,392.00
273 Criminal Investigation 2,000.00
, 340 Office Supplies 100.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 17,820.00 17,920.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 450.00 1,206,762.00
, 04140 Police Services Division
112 Salaries - Clerical 398,276.00
' 115 " - Police 918,216.00
116 " - Professional 43,494.00
117 " - Sub-Professional 55,199.00
144 Fees - Psychiatrist 2,400.00 1,417,585.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 700.00
220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 300.00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 900.00
' 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 195,000.00
227 Laundry 300.00
241 Building and Office Space - Rental 750.00
' 242 Data Processing Equipment - Rental 68,300.00
245 Motor Vehicle - Rental 19,600.00
247 Office Equipment - Rental 10,000.00 295,850.00
' 322 Motor Fuel 100,000.00
326 Radio Maintenance Supplies 4,550.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 300.00
' 340 Office Supplies 15,600.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 18,720.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 7,000.00
' 348 Instruction Supplies 250.00
352 Law Enforcement Supplies 12,000.00
369 Misc, Materials (N.O.C. ) 500.00
' 370 Photo Supplies 15,000.00 173,920.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 84.00
803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 50,000.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
� Appliances 6,220.00
807 Capital Outlay - Radio 14,114.00 70,418.00 1,957,773.00
' 04160 Police Reorganization Expense
410 Special Appropriations 128�500.00
' Police Administration 360,560.00
Police Building Maintenance 212,759.00
Police Uniformed Division 4,954,336,00
' Police Detective Division 1,206,762.00
Police Services Division 1,957,773.00
Police Reorganization Expense 128,500.00
, _
' Code Appropziations 32
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 05001 Fire Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 8,874.00
113 " - Fire 291,517.00
123 " - Exempt-Fire 71,160.00 371,551,00
' 203 Postage ' S00.00
206 Printing and Binding 500,00
223 Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 50.00 1,050.00
' 340 Office Supplies 400.00
349 Books and Periodicals and Newspapers 165.00 565.00 373,166.00
� 05050 Fire Station Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl. ) 92,08�.00
114 " - Ma.nual and Maintenance 10,649.00 102,734.00
� 202 Telephone 4,000.00
220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 48,000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental �+,000.00
� 222 Sanitary Services 1,000.00 57,000,00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 200.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 1,000.00
303 Paint 1,500.00
' 304 Electrical Supplies 2,000.00
313 Carpentry Materials 2,500.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplie& 2,500.00
� 340 Office Supplies 100.00
343 Household Supplies 1,000.00 10,800.00
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 500.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 400.00 900.00 171,434.OQ
05100 Fire Plans and Training School
� 113 Salaries - Fire 47,893.00
143 Fees - Educational 2,000.00
144 Fees - Psychiatrist 525.00 50,418.00
, 206 Printing and Binding 100.00
239 Misc, Maintenance and Repair 100.00 200.00
340 Office Supplies 800.00
348 Instruction Supplies 400.00
' 349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 400.00
370 Photo Supplies 1,000.00 2,600.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
' Appliances 140.00
806 Capital Outlay - Instructional 6,349.00 6,489�00 59,707.00
� 05110 Fire Prevention
112 Salaries - Clerical 14,028.00
113 " - Fire 184,811.00 198,839.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 10,500.00
206 Printing and Binding 500.00 11,000.00
340 Office Supplies 300,00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 500.00 800.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 819.00 211,458.00
, Code Appropriations 33
Activity and Expenditures Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 05120 Fire Fighting
113 Salaries - Fire 5,605,517.00
225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 160,000.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 2,000.00
' 304 Electrical Supplies 100.00
322 Motor Fuel 20,000.00
340 Office Supplies 300.00
' 341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 57,880.00
34� Household Supplies 3,500.00
344 Medical and Dental Supplies 500.00
356 Fire Fighting Supplies 4,000.00 88,280.00
' 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 75,000.00
821 Capital Outlay - Fire Equipment and Hose 17,000.00
829 Capital Outlay - Equipment (N.O.C, ) 25,000.00 117,000.00 5,970,797.00
' 05130 Fire Radio Division
226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 5,000,00
' 807 Capital Outlay - Radio 357.00 5,357.00
05140 Fire Communications
113 Salaries - Fire 151,938.00
' 226 Machinery and Equipment - Repair 100.00
340 Office Supplies 300,00
349 Books, Periodicals and Newspapers 100.00 400.00 152,438.00
' 05150 Fire Hydrants
221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,436.00
' 6 L945,793.00
Fire Administration 373,166.00
, Fire Station Maintenance 171,434,00
Fire Plans and Training School 59,707.00
Fire Prevention 211,458.00
Fire Fighting 5,970,797.00
' Fire Radio Division 5,357.00
Fire Communications 152,438.00
Fire Hydrants 1,436.00
' 6.945.793.00
' Code Appropriations 34
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Employee Benefits
09001 Employee Insurance
112 Salaries - Clerical 19 ,450.00
202 Telephone 336.00
' 203 Postage 175.00
206 Printing and Binding 100.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 5,000.00
' 275 Duplicating Services 225.00 5,836.00
340 Office Supplies 50.00
431 Health and Welfare Pzemiums 1,400,000.00 1,425,336.00
' 09002 Retiree Insurance
431 Health and Welfare Premiums 78,100.00
' 09003 Severance Pay
434 Severance Pay 133,707.00
' 09004 Unemployment Compensation
432 Unemployment Compensation 90,000.00
' 09010 Police Relief Association
435 Pension Contributions 2,044,996.00
09011 Firemen's Relief Association
, 435 Pension Contribution 2,005,603.00
09012 Health Relief Association
, 435 Pension Contribution 106,965,00
09013 P.E.R.A. and Social Security
435 Pension Contribution 1,775,000.00
' 09020 Workmen's Compensation
425 In Lieu of Salary 228,500.00
' 426 Doctors Fees 62,000.00
427 Hospitals and Nurses 115,000.00
428 Miscellaneous 52,000.00
' 429 Supplemental Benefits 7 ,500.00 465,OOOe00
' Public Improvement Contributions
09050 Public Improvement Aid
465 Contribution to Special Fund 900,000.00
, 09051 Exempt Property Assessments
253 Sprinkling Assessments 46,394.00
' 254 Forestry Assessments 7,576.00 53,970.00
465 Contribution to Special Fund 126,718.00 180,688.00
09052 Forfeited Property Assessments
' 253 Sprinkling Assessments 2,622.00
254 Forestry Assessments 342.00 2,964.00
465 Contribution to Special Fund 4,077.00 7,041.00
' Code Appropriations 35
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Public Improvement Contributions (cont.)
09053 Easements
203 Postage 100.00
208 Official Publications 700.00 800.00
' 422 Compensation for Easements 5,200.00 6,000.00
' Miscellaneous
09060 Contingent Reserve
410 Special Appropriation 185,749.00
' 09065 Judgment and �ompromise
421 Judgments 5 000.00
' 09070 Tort Liability
112 Salaries - Clerical 7,435.00
, 126 " - Exempt - Professional 23,463.00
141 Fees - Legal 4,000.00
160 " - Medical 500.00
171 " - Investigation 8�000.00 43,398.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 850.00
261 Tnsurance and Bonds 1,800.00 2,650.00
420 Settlements 50,000.00
' 421 Judgments and Claims 125,000.00 175,000.00 221,048.00
09075 Legal Aid to Misdemeanents
' 141 Fees - Legal 21,792.00
09080 Financial Forms
206 Printing and Binding 35,000.00
' 09085 Surety Bond Premiums
261 Insurance and Bonds 200.00
' Q9090 Urban Corps Program
269 Misc. Contractual Services 8,000.00
� 09095 Wilder Baths
221 Water and Sewer Rental 3,500.00
' 09100 Civic Organization Contributions
461 City Contribution 27,300.00
' Winter Carnival Association 5,000.00
Memorial Day Association 1,200.00
St. Paul Humane Society 3,600.00
, International Institute 11,000.00
St. Paul Council of Human Relations 5,000.00
St. Paul Beautiful 1,500.00
' Code Appropriations 36
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Miscellaneous (cont.)
09105 Existing Obligations
465 Contribution to Special Fund 485,486.00
' Solid Waste Collection 28,586.00
Civic Center Operating 126,900.00
' Forestry Revolving 330,000.00
09110 Model Cities
465 Contribution to Special Fund 114,000.00
' 09115 Criminal Justice Program
465 Contribution to Special Fund 243,067.00
' 09120 Code Enforcement - Census Tract 9 & 10
465 Contribution to Special Fund 164,761.00
' 09125 Municipal Memberships
251 Dues and Memberships 9 ,725.00
' National League of Cities 1,200.00
League of Minnesota Municipalities 5,083.00
Ramsey County League of Municipalities 900.00
, League of Minn. Municipalities - Metro Section 2,542.00
09130 Public Examiner
151 Fees - Public Examiner 54,880.00
' 202 Telephone 120.00 55,000.00
09135 Port Authority
' 461 City Contribution 40,112.00
09145 Charter Commission
' 269 Misc. Contractual Services 3,000.00
09150 City-County Services Administrazion
' 461 City Contribution 7,119.00
09155 Messenger Service
461 City Contribution 6 412.00
, �
09160 Microfilming
461 City Contribution 20,642.00
' 09165 Duplicating
461 City Contribution 35,027.00
' 09170 City Hall and Court House Building Maintenance
Salaries - County Civil Service 512,856.00
Contingent Salary Reserve 25,600.00
' Fees - Public Examiner 300.00
" - Other 12,000.00 550,756.00
' Code _ Appropriations 37
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, Miscellaneous (cont.)
09170 City Hall and Court House Building Maint. (cont.)
Telephone 4,200.00
' Printing and Binding 600.00
Gas , Electricity and Steam 100,000.00
Water and Sewer Rental 13,500.00
, Sanitary Services 1,800.00
Office Equipment and Furniture Repair 100.00
Buildings and Structures - Repair 15 ,000.00
' Machinery and Equipment - Repair 500.00
Laundry 4,500.00
Grounds - Upkeep 200.00
Air Conditioning - Repair 4,000.00
' Elevator Maintenance 26,320.00
Misc. Maintenance and Repair 500.00
Oiling and Flushing Assessments 421.00
' Insurance and Bonds 9 ,000.00
Misc. Contractual Services 3,000.00 183,641.00
Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 3,500.00
, Plumbing Supplies 800.00
Paint 2,200.00
Electrical Supplies 3,000.00
Carpentry Materials 300.00
, Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2,000.00
Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 600.00
, Office Supplies 200.00
Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 500.00
Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 500.00 13,600.00
' Health and Welfare Premiums 23,500.00
Severance Pay 3,000.00
Reimbursement to Purchasing 1,500.00 28,000.00
Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 950.00
' " " - Furniture and
Appliances 400.00 1,350.00
Total Appropriation 777,347.00
' Less County's 50% Share 388,673.50
465 Contribution to Special Fund 388,673,50
09175 City Hall and Court House Veterans Quarters
' Salaries - County Civil Service 17,322.00
Contingent Salary Reserve 865.00 18,187.00
Gas , Electricity and Steam 40.00
' Building and Office Space - Rental 9 ,000.00 9 ,040.00
Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 250.00
Total Appropriation 27,477.00
, Less County's 50% Share 13,738.50
465 Contribution to Special Fund 13,738.50
09180 Department Travel and Education
' 204 Travel - Schedule A 28,700.00
251 Dues and Memberships - Schedule B 6,973.00
264 Police Training School 2,400.00
' 271 Zocal Lectures and Workshops - Schedule C 2,530.00 40,603.00
' Code Appropriations 38
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, Miscellaneous (cont.)
09185 Code Appeals Board
174 Fees Board Members 4,200.00
203 Postage 250.00
' 275 Duplicating Services 400.00 650.00
340 Office Supplies 400.00 5,250.00
' 09190 Civic Promotion Rents (Civic Center)
241 Building and Office Space - Rental 65,000.00
' Employee Benefits 8,124,707.00
Public Improvement Contributions 1,093,729.00
Miscellaneous 2 ,205,205.00
' 11,423.641000
' --
' Code Appropriations 39
Activity and Expenditure Titles Amount 5ub Totals Totals
' 09950 General Debt Interest
401 Interest Expense 4,523,272.00
09960 General Debt Maturities
' 402 �edemption and Maturities 4,881,000.00
09962 Armory Maturities
'� 402 Redemption and Maturities 26,750v00
9 ,431,022a00
' Code Appropriations 40
Act�vity and Expenditure Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
09980 Ramsey County Welfare Department
, 461 City Contribution 6,026,092.00
(City's 27�/, Share)
' Total City-County
Appropriation Receipts Share
' Administration
Salaries 5,474,800.00 3,264,800.00 2,210,000.00
' Other Expense 2,082,352.00 1,241,500.00 840,852.00
Total Adcninistration 7,557�152.00 4,506,300.00 _3�0�0,852.00,
� �-- Programs
Old Age Assistance 1,184,345.00 854,040.00 330,305.00
Aid to Families with
Dependent Children 26,023,350.00 21,549,810.00 4,473,540.00
' Aid to the Blind 139,100.00 109,310.00 29,790.00
Ai.d to the Disabled 2,983,620.00 2,450,500.00 533,120.00
�.._., Aid to the Disabled - 1rID 2,090,880.00 2,090,880.00 - 0 -
General Reli,ef __._ ,__ _ 2,8?,�,810._00.; 98,620.00 2,727,190�Q0_
� - --_ _,. _
Ch�.ld Ael�sre ___. 1��1,6,540:00 514,760:00 $01,780:d0 .
Medical Assistance 30,533,360.00 24,609 ,050.00 5,924,31p.00
'l�edical General Relief 3,138,000.00 76,800.00 3,061,200.00
isabled Veterans 9,000.00 - 0 - 9,000.00
' Special Services and Costs 5,788,696.00 5,020,392e00 768,304.00
j Emergency Assistance 385,920.00 212 ,250.00 173,670.00
' � Total Programs 76,418,621.00 57,586,412.00 18,832,209.00
,.� Total Welfare 83,975,773.00 62 ,092,712.00 21,883,061.00
' Ramsey Nursing Home
Salaries 930,167.00 930,167.00 - 0 -
Other Expense 468,443.00 438,443.00 30,000.00
� Total Ramsey Nursing Home 1,398,610.00 1,368,610.00 30,000.00
85,374,383.00 63,461,322.00 21,91.3,061.00
' `
Less Gounty Share 72.5% 15,886,969.00
' City Contribution 27.5% 6,026,092.00
' A1
09180 Department Travel and Education
, 204 TRAVEL Schedule A
' Activity
Code Title Sub Totals Totals
' 00050 Municipal Court 3,000.00
Total Judicial 3,000.00
' 00105 City Administrator 1,500.00
00110 Budget Director 700.00
' 00115 Federal Programs Administration 1,500.00
00140 City Planning 500.00
00150 Dept. of Human Rights 600.00
00151 Affirmative Action Program 800.00
' 00155 Civil Service 1,450.00
Total 7,050.00
00200 City Attorney Administration 600.00
' Total 600.00
00250 City Clerk Records 300.00
Total 300000
' 01001 Finance and Mgmt. Services Administration 1,000.00
01150 Accounting and Auditing 650.00
01200 Finance Cashier 300.00
' 01250 Purchasing 500.00
01300 Assessments and Valuations 300.00
Total 2,750.00
' 02001 Public Works Administration 1,000.00
02100 Design and Engineering Administration 300.00
02105 Traffic Design 300.00
' Total 1,600.00
' A2
09180 Department Travel and Education
, 204 TRAVEL Schedule A (cor�t.)
' Activitv
Code Title Sub Totals Totals
03001 Community Services Administration 2,000.00
' 03050 Library Services 600.00
03100 Parks and Recreation Administration 400.00
03120 Conservatory 300.00
' 03132 Parks Ground Maintenance 300.00
03170 Recreation Centers 300.00
03200 Environmental Protection Administration 250,00
03220 Occupational Health and Safety 300.00
' 03310 Bu�lding Inspection 300.00
Total 4,750.00
' 04001 Police Administration 1,500.00
04140 Services Division 4,100.00
Total 5,600.00
OSOO1 Fire Admiriistration 1,500.00
05100 Fire plans and Training School 1,300.00
05110 Fire Prevention 250.00
' Total 3,050.00
Total Executive 25,700.00
' Grand Total 28,700.00
' B1
09180 Department �ravel and Education
' Code Title Or�anizatior. Sub Totals Totals
00002 City Council Research 40.00
, American Society for Public Administration 25.00
Municipal Finance Officers Association 15.00
, 00050 Municipal Court 270.00
North American Judges Association 240.00
' Minnesota Municipal Judges Association 30.00
00100 Mayor's Administration 1,500.00
U. S . Conference of Mayors 1,500.00
' 00140 City Planning 75.00
Urban Land Institute 75.00
' 00150 Dept. of Human Rights 125.00
International Association of Official Human Rights Agencies 100.00
' National Association of Huma.n Rights Workers 25.00
00155 Civil Service 465.00
Public Personnel Association 385.00
' National Civil Service League 50.00
American Society for Training and Development 30.00
' 00250 City Clerk Records 125.00
International Institute of Municipal Clerk Association 125.00
' 01150 Accounting and Auditing � 130.00
Municipal Finance Officers Association � 130.00
, B2
09180 Department Travel and Education
, 251 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS Schedule B cont.
' Activity
Code Title Or�anization Sub Totals Totals
p1200 Finance Cashier 85.00
, Minnesota Chapter - Municipal Finance Officers Assn. 10.00
Municipal Treasurer's Association 75.00
' 01250 Division of Purchasing 250.00
National Institute of Government Purchasing Agents 110.00
Twin City Purchasing Agents 140.00
� 01300 Division of Assessments and Valuations 70.00
St. Paul Area Board of Realtors 70.00
02001 Public Works Administration 445.00
American �ublic Works Association 375,00
' American Society for Testing 70.00 �
02140 Electrical Design 50.00
' Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 25.00
Illuminating Engineering Society 25.00
' 03050 Library Services 1,050v00
American LibXary Association 750.00
' Urban Library Trustee's Association 300.00
03100 Parks and Recreation Administration 70.00
National Park and Recreation Association 40.00
' Mid Continent park and Recreation Conference 10.00
St. Paul �eautiful 10.00
Minnesota Recreation and Park Association 10.00
, 03120 Conservatory 35.00�
American Association of Botanical Gardens 10.00
� Minnesota Commercial Flower Growers 10.00
American Horticulture Society 15.00
03122 Zoo 85.00
' National Park and Recreation Association 25.00
The Wildlife Society 20.00
American Society of Zoological Parks and Aquariums ' 40.00
' B3
09180 Department Travel and Education
, 251 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS Schedule B cont.
, �lctivitv
Code Tit1e Or�anization Sub Totals Totals
03170 Recreation Centers 25.00
' Minnesota Recreation and Park Association 25.00
03174 Municipal Athletics 25.00
, National Park and Recreation Association 25.00
03200 Environmental Protection Administration 95.00
Minnesota Environment Associ,ation 40.00
' American Public Health Association 20.00
Minnesota Public Health Association 10.00
American Association for Advancement of Science 15.00
, Adult Education Association of the U.S .A. 10.00
03212 Food Regulation 30.00
' American Public Health Association 20.00
Minnesota Sanitarians Association 10.00
03220 Occupational Health and Safety 520.00
, National Safety Council 485.00
American Society of Safety Engineers 35.00
03222 Testing Laboratory 120.00
' American Concrete Institute 25.00
American Chemical Society 25.00
American Society for Testing Materials 70.00
' 03300 Housing and $uilding Code Administrata.on 515.00
American Society for Testing Materials 70.00
, Building Officials and Code Admin. International 200.00
Portland Cement Association 60.00
American Concrete Association 25.00
' National Association of Elevator Safety Auth's. 50.00
National Fire Protection Association 30.00
American Society of Htg. , Refrig. , & Air Cond. Engineers 35.00
International Association of Electrical Inspectors 45.00
, 03305 Housing Inspection 25.00
National Association of Housi,ng and Redevelopment Officers 25.00
' 03310 Building Inspection 175.00
International Association of Electrical Inspectors 165.00
, Minnesota Chapter of International Confexence of
Building Officials 10.00
2 ,770.00
, B4
09180 Department Travel and Education
' 251 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS Schedule B cont.
, Code Title Organization Sub Totals Totals
' 04001 Police Administration 363.00
American Academy of Forensic Science 40.00
American Association of $lood Banks 10.00
American Institute of Physics 30.00
' American Polygraph Association 25.00
International Association for ldentification 60.00
International Association of Chiefs� of Police 125.00
' International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association 20.00
Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association 10.00
Minnesota Division of International Association of Indent. 12.00
' National Safety Council 16.00
Ramsey County Chiefs of Police Association 5.00
Tri-County Law Enforcement Aid Association lO.OQ
' 05001 Fire Administration 110.00
International Association of Arson Investigators 30.00
' International Association of Fire Chiefs 20.00
Metro Paid Fire Chiefs Association 5.00
National Fire Protection Association 55.00
' 05110 Fire Protection 100.00 .
International Association of Arson Investigators 30.00
Minnesota State Fire Chiefs 9ssociation 10.00
, National Fire Protection Association 60.00
Total Executive 6.663.00
' Grand Total 6,973.00
, Cl
, 09180 Department Travel and Education
' Code Title Totals
00002 City Couneil Research 100.00
' 00150 Dept. of Human Rights 200.00
' 00155 Civil Service 450.00
00200 City Attorney Administration 500.00
' 00250 City Clerk Records 25.00
03001 Community Services Qdministration 155.00
' 03102 Parks and Reereation Building Maintenance 50.00
' 03132 Parks Ground Maintenance 200.00
03200 Environmental Protection Administration 100v00
' 03300 Housing and Building Code Administration 250.00
03305 Housing Inspection 200.00
� 03310 Building Inspection 300.00
, Total Executive 2,430.00
Grand Total 2,530.00
' � ` -
' �
' D1
Schedule D
� Activity . Item
Code Title Cost Total
� 00001 City Council Administration 3,400.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 - Portable Calculator 350.00
' 2 - Tape Recorders 250.00
2 - Dictating - Transcription 500.00
� 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
28 - Filing Cabinets 2,300.00
00002 City Council Research 980.00
� 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
12 - Filing Cabinets 640.00
Shelving 340.00
� Total Legislative 4,380.00
' 00050 Municipal Court _ 2,300.00
606 Capital Outlay - Bldg. - Constr.
Air Conditioning
' Window Modification for Air Conditioning 700.00
805 �apital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
6 - Filing Cabinets 600.00
5 - Portable Air Conditioners 1,000.00
' 1,600.00
Total Judicial 2.300.00
' 00100 Mayor's Administration 500.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 - Calculator 500.00
' 00105 City Administrator 3,190.00
801 Capital Outlay - Of�ice Equipment
' 2 - Electric Typewriters 950.00
1 - Calculator 500.00
' D2
Schedule D (cont.)
' Activitv Ztem
Code Title Cost Total
, MA c t
YOR ( on .)
' 00105 City Administrator (cont.)
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
5 - Executive Desks 600.00
' S - Executive Chairs 250.00
2 - Typewriter Desks 320.00
2 - Typewriter Chairs 70.00
5 - 5-Drawer Files 500.00
' 1,740.00
00110 Budget Director 2,480.00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
2 - Calculators 1,000.00
1 - Typewriter 475.00
, 1,475.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
3 - Executive Desks 360.00
' 1 = Typewriter Desk 160.00 '
3 - Executive Chairs 150.00
1 Typewriter Chair 35.00
3 - 5-Drawer Files 300.00
' 1,005.00
00115 Federal Programs Administration 300.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
1 - Desk 150.00
L - Chair 50.00
1 - File Cabinet 100.00
' 00140 City Planning 4,000.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
' 2 - Calculators 1,000.00
6 - Adding Machine 1,200.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
, 8 - Desks 1,600.00
8 - Chairs 200.00
' 00150 Dept. of Human Rights 6,820>00
608 Capital Outlay - Office Remodeling 6,000<00
' 801 11 " - Office Equipment
1 - Tape Recorder 100.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
, 6 - Steel File Cabinets 720.00
00155 Civil Service 2,970,00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment (Civil Service)
' 1 - Electric Typewriter 470.00
1 - Electric Collator (16 sheet) 1,000.00
1 - Test Material Case 50.00
' D3
Schedule D (conto)
Activity Item
ode Title Cost Total
MAYOR (cont.)
' 00155 Civil Service (cont.)
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. (Civil Se;rvice) (cont.)
' 1 - Calculator 325.00
1 - Dictaphone 350.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances (Civil Service)
1 - Executive Chair 100.00
2 - Storage Cabinets 100.00
200.00 '
1 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. (Orientation Pxogram)
1 - Overhead Projector 150.00
1 - Flip Chart and Easel 50.00
, 1 - Public Address System 150.00
1 - Tape Recorder 150.00
1 - Speaker's Stand 25.00
, 1 - Portable Blackboard 50.00
Total 20,260.00
' 00200 City Attorney Administration 848.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
5 - Air Conditioners 500000
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
2 - Executive Desks 248.00
2 Chairs 100000
, 00210 Consumer Protection 1,278.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
' 1 - Electric Typewriter 485000
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
2 - Executive Desks 248.00
2 - Executive Chairs 100.00
1 1 - Steno Desk 110.00
1 - Steno Chair 35.00
3 - Filing Cabinets 300.00
� 793.00
Total 2,126.00
00250 City Clerk Records 1,608.00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 - Electric Typewriter 400e00
5 - Filing Cabinets 375.00
' D4
Schedule D (cont.)
Activity Item
, Code Title Cost Total
' CITY CLERK (cont.)
00250 City Clerk Records (cont.)
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment (cont.)
' - 2 - Steno Chairs 150.00
3 - Steno Desks 483.00
1 - Adding Machine 200v00
' Total 1,608.00
' 01020 Building Design 4,325°00
801 Capital O�.tlay - Office Equipment
' 2 - Electric Calculators 595.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
6 - Drafting Tables 3,000,00
' 6 - Drafting Stools 480>00
6 - Drafting Table Lamps 180.00
1 - Cabinet 70.00
' 01150 Accounting and Auditing 500.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
' 1 - Electric Adding Machine 500.00
01250 Division of Purchasing 1,470.00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
3 - Electric Calculators 975,00
1 Electric Typewriter 335.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
1 - Desk 110.00
1 - Chair 50.00
' 160.00
01300 Division of Assessments and Valuations 3,075.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
' 1 - Dictaphone Machine 400.00
2 - Printing Calculators - Monroe 1,300.00
1 - Electronic Calculator - Portable 400000
, 1 - Tape Recorder - Portable 250000
3 - Electric Erasing Machines lOSe00
4 - Business Chairs 160,00
' 1 - 10-Drawer Standard Map Case 400.00
1 - 2 Shelf Storage Cabinet 60>00
01350 Division of License and Permit Administration 800<00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
2 - Electric Typewriter 800°00
Total 10,170.00
' __ , '�. D5
Schedule D (cont.)
Activitv Item
' Code Title Cost Total
' 02001 Public Works Administration 665.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
, 2 - Executive Desks 300.00
2 - Executive Chairs 125.00
4 - Top and Bottom Book Cases 240.00
' 02105 Traffic Design 3,500.00
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment
2 - Traffic Counters 800.00
' 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment
1 - Automobile 2,700.00
' 02120 Sewer Design 2,566.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 - Microfilm Reader Printer 2,136.00
' 2 - Portable Readers 400.00
2 - Card Trays 30.00
02135 Bridge Design and Inspection 1,620.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
1 - Drafting Table 250.00
1 - Auxiliary Drawn Unit 70.00
' 1 - Draftsman's Chair 60.00
3 - 4 Unit File Cabinet 180.00
2 - Steel Desks 300.00
2 - Desk Chairs 120.00
' 16 - Steel Lockers 640.00
02205 Traffic Operations 3,000.00
' � 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment
1 - Sign Truck 33000.00
, � 02210 Signal Maintenance 7,450.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 - Manual Typewriter 250.00
' 802 Gapital Outlay - Shop Equipment
1 - Bench Model Drill Press 150.00
1 Floor Model Drill Press 250.00
1 - Large Grinder 150.00
' 1 - Vibro Tester 200.00
1 - Eagle Test Panel 300.00
4 - 630 Volt Ohmmeter 400.00
1 - 1/2 Ton Electric Hoist 300.00
' 1 - Electric Winch 350.00
1 - Hydraulic Winch 400.00
1 - Body Grinder 200.00
, 2 ,700.00
, DS
Schedule D (cont.)
Activitv � n `��� Item
' Code Title �••v,� Cost Total
� 02001 Public Works Administration 665.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
, 2 - Executive Desks 300.00
2 - Executive Chairs 125.00
4 - Top and Bottom Book Cases 240.00
' 02105 Traffic Design 3,500.00
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment
2 - Traffic Counters 800.00
' 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment
1 - Automobile 2 ,700.00
' 02120 Sewer Design 2,566.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 - Microfilm Reader Printer 2,136.00
' 2 - Portable Readers 400.00
2 - Card Trays 30.00
02135 Bridge Design and Inspection 1,620.00
' 805 Capital putlay - Furniture and Appliances
1 - Drafting Table 250.00
1 - Auxilia:ry Drawn Unit 70.00
' 1 - Draftsman's Chair 60.00
3 - 4 Unit File Cabinet 180.00
2 - Steel Desks 300.00
2 - Desk Chairs 120.00
' 16 - Steel Lockers 640.00
02205 Traffic Operations 3,000.00
� 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment
1 - S ign Truck 3„j,000.00
' 02210 Signal Maintenance 7,450.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 - Manual Typewriter 250.00
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment
' 1 - Bench Model Drill Press 150000
� - Floor Model Drill Press 250.00
. 1 - Large Grinder 150.00
' 1 - Vibro Tester 200.00
1 - Eagle Test Panel 300.00
4 - 630 Volt Ohmmeter 400.00
1 - 1/2 Ton Electric Hoist 300.00
' 1 - Electric Winch 350.00
1 - Hydraulic Winch 400.00
1 - Body Grinder 200.00
, 2,700.00
, D7
Schedule D (cont.)
Activity Item
Code Title Cost Total
' 03050 Library Services 1,500.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
� 1 - Typewriter 500.00
1 - 16MM Projector 600.00
4 - Tape Recorders 400.00
' 03051 Library Building Maintenance 1,000,00
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment
1 - Adjustable Scaffold 500.00
� 808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment
2 - Snowblowers 500°00
, 03100 Parks and Recreation Administration 500.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 Mimeograph Machine 500.00
' 03102 Parks and Recreation Building Maintenance 2 ,500000
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment
1 - Bansi S aw 500<00
' 1 - Drill Press 750.00
1 - 8" Jointer 750.00
1 - Sewer Cleaning Machine 300.00
' 1 - Sink Cleaning Machine 200.00
03104 Parks and Recreation Vehicle and Equipment Maint. 16,550.00
' 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment
1 - Mower Reel Grinder 600000
1 Mower Reel Lapping Machine 400.00
1 - Generator - Regulator Tester 1�250.00
' 2,250v00
803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment
2 - 3/4 Ton Pickup Trucks 5,400.00
' 1 - Tractor with Post Hole Digger b,500.00
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment
1 - Sprayer 1,400.00
' 12 - 18" Rotary Mowers 1,000.00
2 ,400.00
' 03120 Conservatory 2,250v00
502 Capital Outlay - Land Improvement
15 - Concrete Planters 2,250.00
' 03132 Parks Ground Maintenance 3,OOOs00
502 Capital Outlay - Land Improvement
Rehabilitation of Schiffman Fountain 2 ,500.00
' 829 Capital Outlay - Equipment (N.O.C.)
10 - Steel Fireplaces 500.00
' D8
Schedule D (cont.)
Activitv Item
' Code Title Cost Total
' 03172 Recreation Centers Custodial and Ground Maintenance 2,500.00
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment
� 25 - Lawn Mowers 2 ,500.00
03200 Environmental Protection Administration 420.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
1 - Double Pedestal Desk 150.00
1 Executive Chair 45.00
3 - 4 Drawer Files 225.00
� 03202 Health Building Maintenance 200,00
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment
' 1 - Vacuum Cleaner - Commercial Type 200.00
03204 Health Laboratory
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment 2,200,00
' 1 - Water Still and Water Storage Unit 700.00
1 - Incubator 1,500.00
' 03208 Maternal and Infant Care 340.00
806 Capital Outlay - Znstructional
1 - Resuscitation Trairiing Model 340.00
' 03210 Dental Health
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment 915.00
1 - Dental Compressor 415.00
� 1 - Vacudent 315.00
1 - Dental Stool 45.00
2 - Contra Angles 140.00
' 03212 Food Regulation 245.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
' 1 = Drafting Table 125.00
1 - Stool 20.00
1 Cabinet 100.00
' 03214 Medical and Inspectional 140.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
1 Cabinet 140.00
, 03220 Occupational Health and Safety 1,550.00
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment
1 - Nitrous Oxide Analyzer 1,550.00
' 03300 Housing and Building Code Enforcement 1,085.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
' 1 - Typewriter 500.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
1 - Typing Desk 225.00
, D9
Schedule D (cont.)
_ Activity Item
Code Title Cost Total
� 03300 Housing and Bu ilding Code Enforcement (cont.)
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances (cont.)
, 1 - Chair 70.00
5 - File Cabinets 290.00
� 03305 Housing Inspection 39,750.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 - Microfilm Records System 18,000.00
� 1 - Computerized Data Processing System 20,000.00
5 - Desks 750.00
5 - Chairs 250.00
' S - File Cabinets 750.00
03310 Building Inspection 3,600.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
' 21 - Single Pedestal Desks 3,600.00
Total 80,445.00
' 04001 Police Administration 1,391.00
80i Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
1 - Adding Machine 104.00
' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
3 - Filing Cabinets 175.00
2 - Typewriter Stands 64.00
' 4 - Desks 748.00
1 - Executive Chair 250.00
1 - Chair Mat 50.00
� 1,287.00
04050 Police Building Maintenance 30,775.00
609 Capital Outlay - Building Improvement
' Tuck Pointing Exterior of Building 25,000.00
Repairing and Repainting Windows 5,500.00
' 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment
Replacing Electric Tools 275.00
04120 Police Detective Division 450,00
' 805 �apital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
4 - All Purpose Fluorescent Lamps 150.00
5 - Garment Masters 300.00
' _
' D10
Schedule D (cont.)
_ Activit Item
' Code Title Cost Total
t04140 Police Services Division 70,418.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment
' 4 - Filing Trays 40.00
2 - Fingerprint Classification Glasses 44.00
' 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment
Various Motor Vehicles 5.0,000.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
1 - New Ammo Load 5,570.00
' 1 - Primer Tube Filler 650.00
807 Capital Outlay - Radio
' 2 - Base Stations 6,114.00
8 - Mobile Radios 8,000.00
' Total 103,034.00
05050 Fire Station Maintenance 900.00
' 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment
Replacing Electric Hand Tools 500.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
2 - Water Heaters 400.00
, 05100 Fire Plans and Training School 6,489.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
' 2 - Filing Cabinets 140.00
806 Capital Outlay - Instructional
� 3 - Overhead Projectors 750.00
' 2 - 16MM Film Projectors 850.00
2 - earousel Slide Projectors 250.00
1 - Closed Circuit TV System 3,900.00
1 - 3M Colored Transparency 199.00
' 1 - Photo Print Drier 400.00
' OS110 Fire Prevention 819.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances
5 - Office Desks 534.00
' 3 - Chairs 165.00
2 - Filing Cabinets . 120.00
05120 Fire Fighting 117,000.00
' 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment
1 - Pumper Engine 15,000.00
1 - Aerial Ladder 100' 60,000.00
, 75,000.00
' D11
Schedule D (cont.)
Activity Item
' Code Title Cost Total
' 05120 Fire Fighting (cont.)
821 Capital Outlay - Fire Equipment and Hose
' Hose and Hose Clamps 17,000.00
829 Capital Outlay - Equipment (N.O.C.)
Ambulance Equipment 25,000.00
� 05130 Fire Radio Division 357.00
807 Capital Outlay - Radio
3 - House Receivers 357.00
' Total 125,565.00
Total Executive 458,009.00
' Grand Total 464,689.00
� i
' I
' I have interpreted Charter Section 10.03.3 to mean those activities
which are supported by the revenue generated by those paying for the use
of the facility. City revenue is used only when these operations indicate
' a deficit will occur.
Charter Section 10.04.1 reads as follows: "The total proposed ex-
penditures shall not exceed the total of the estimated income or financ-
' ing provisions of each of the budgets. "
In accordance with this Charter provision I have included in the
' Operations and Maintenance Budget of the General Revenue Fund appropri-
ations to fund the estimated deficits in the fol.lowing funds:
, Solid Waste Collections Fund $28,586.00
Civic Center Operating Fund $126,900.00
The following Budget Summaries are included in this Section:
' Water Department Funds
' Civic Center Authority Fund
Sewer Maintenance Fund
� Solid Waste Collections Fund
Municipal Stadium Fund
' City Market Fund
' Park Refectories Fund
' II
1971 1972 1973
, Actual Estimated Adopted
Revenue from Sale of Water --
1 Meter Accounts 5,567,152.00 6,430,000.00 6,725,860.00
Flat Rates 1,138.00 1,300.00 1,200.00
Hydrant Permits 8,811.00 9,100.00 9,700.00
, Sewer Flushing 1,328.00 2,500.00 1,500.00
Street Flushing 4,177.00 5,700.00 4,600.00
Miscellaneous 14,657.00 7,300.00 16,100.00
, Total Revenue from Sale of Water 5,597,263.00 6,455,900.00 6,758,960.00
Other Operating Revenue --
Fire Protection 61,848.00 65,000.00 68,000.00
' Cut Offs 21,143<00 11,500.00 23,100.00
Rents 3,512.00 3,900.00 3,800,00
Plumber and We11 Permits 6,746,00 7,000.00 7,400.00
' Recoverable Charges 898,165.00 584,325.00 402,468.00
Total Other Operating Revenue 991,414.00 671,725.00 504,768.00
Total Operating Revenue 6,588,677.00 7,127,625.00 7,263,728.00
' Non-Operating Income-Miscellaneous -- 21,857.00 50,000.00 30,000.00
' .. Total Revenue 6 610 534 00 7 177 625.00 7 293 728.00
' Expense: _
Operation and Ma.intenance -
General Administration 851,964.00 846,675.00 903,496,00
Production Costs 1,519,028.00 1,524,075.00 1,685,978.00
' Distribution Casts 1,748,065.00 1,617,300.00 2,074,460.00
Total Operation and Maintenance 4,119,057.00 3,98$,050.00 4,663,934.00
, Recoverable Costs 394,885.D0 584,325,00 402,468,00
Fixed Charges - Debt Service 1,382,250.00 1,371,000.00 1,361,000.00
' Available for Capital Improvements 714,342.00 1,234,250.00 866,326.00
Total Expense 6,610.534.00 7.177.625.00 7,293,728.00
1971 1972 1973
, Actual Estimated Proposed
Building Rentals:
Multi-purpose -- -- 200,000.00
' Concourse Rooms -- -- 10,000.00
Auditorium Hall 163,460.00 150,000.00 160,000.00
Exhibition Hall 12,395.00 13,000.00 20,OOOe00
' Theatre 141,743.00 50,000.00 75,000.00
Office Rooms 5,928.00 5,700.00 6,000.00
Ramsey Hall 1,785.00 2,300.00 3,000.00
, eeterans Hall 6,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00
Stem Hall 15�900.00 20,OOOo00 20,000.00
Tota1 Building Rentals 347,211.00 250,000.00 503,000,00
Parking Ramp:
' Hourly Parking 16,578s00 20,OOOa00 20,000,00
Daily 59,473.00 55,OOOs00 60,000,00
Monthly 25,720,00 22,000.00 30,500.00
' Event 24,170.00 40,000.00 70,000.00
Commercial Contracts 15,425.00 33,000.00 40,000.00
Special Contracts 6,000.00 5,000.00 7,500.00
' Total Ramp Income 147�366.00 175,000.00 228,000.00
' Concessions:
Commissions 28,911,00 309000.00 95,000.00
' Total Concessions 28,911.00 30,000.00 95,000.00
Other Income:
' Extra Services 319915000 80,OOOa00 80,000,00
Pay Phones 840s00 800,00 1y200,00
Equipment Rental -- 2,500.00 S,OOOo00
' Corkage Revenue == SOOv00 1,000.00
Catering (Outside) 2,000.00 2,500.00
Hote1-Motel Tax Allocation 10,701.00 10,400.00 10,500.00
, Miscellaneous 3,330.00 6,000<00 5,000.00
Civic Promotions-Rents (Pd, by City) - 0 - - 0 - 65,000.00*
Total Other Income 46,786.00 102,200,00 170,200.00
Total Income 570,274,00 557.200.00 996,20Q.00
*Appropriated in City General Revenue Fund
' budget to be paid as authorized by City.
, IV
1971 1972 1973
' Actual Estimated Proposed
Building Expense:
' Salaries 315,119,00 353,000.00 525,000.00
Fringe Benefits 29,389.00 3,300.00 - 0 -
Total Payroll 344,508.00 356,300.00 525,000.00
' Utilities
Heat 27,228,00 32,000.00 157,000.00
, Light and Power 20,677.00 22,000.00 107,000.00
Gas 520.00 600.00 2,600,00
Water and Sewer 8,729,00 7,500.00 28,600.00
Total Utilities Expense 57,154.00 62,100.00 295,200.00
' Other Operational Expense
Advertising and Promotion � 3,877<00�1� -- --
' (55,740.00 S,OOOo00 23,000.00
Hotel-Motel Advertising & Promotion 7,399,00 10,400,00 10,000.00
Insurance 24,687.00 1,950.00 --
Telephone 7,225.00 7,500.00 11,000.00
' Memberships and Conferences 65.00 500.00 500.00
t Office Supplies 1,865.00 1,500,00 2,000.00
Printing 2,426.00 2,000.00 3,400,00
' Postage 1,303.00 1,500.00 1,800.00
Office Equipment Maintenance 308.00 350.OU 400.00
Dues and Subscriptions 281.00 325.00 300.00
' Rentals 2,377.00 300,00 200,00
Repair & Maintenance - Regular 10,959.00 12,000.00 20,000.00
" " " - Elevators -- 500.00 1,000.00
Rubbish Removal 2,437.00 3,000.00 7,500.00
' Janitor Supplies 3,410.00 2,500,00 8,000.00
Snow Removal - 0 - - 0 - 3,000,00
Depreciation - Equipment 1,484.00 1,800.00 2,400.00
' Miscellaneous 7,617.00 29600.00 2,000.00
Contingent - 0 - - 0 - 4,000.00
Total Other Operational Expense 133,460.00 53,725.00 100,500000
' Total Building Expense 535,122.00 472,125.00 920,700.00
, Parking Ramp:
Salaries 56,269.00 62,000.00 70,000.00
' Fringe Benefits = 5,464.00 650.00 - 0 -
Tota1 Payroll 61,733.00 62,650.00 70,000.00
' (1) Only "event" Advertising & Promotions
(Mainly Broadway Shows)
' V
' , 1971 1972 1973
Actual Estimated Proposed
' Parking Ramp: (cant.)
Heat 1,839.00 3,000,00 3,000.00
' Light and Power 30,642.00 38,000.00 38,000.00
Water and Sewer 62.00 200.00 1,500.00
Total Utilities 32,543.00 41,200,00 42,500.00
' Other Operational Expense
Advertising and Promotions 2,504.00 2,500.00 2,500,00
' Insurance 5,961.00 1,850.00 - 0 -
Telephone 264.00 300.00 300.00
Office Supplies 299.00 700.00 750.00
Printing 713.00 500.00 1,000.00
' Postage 8.00 20.00 300.00
Office Equipment Maintenance - 0 - 20.00 225.00
Dues and Subscriptions - 0 - 25.00 25.00
' Repairs _ Maintenance 1,741.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
" " - Elevators - 0 - 6,500.00 6,500.00
Rubbish Removal 294.00 75.00 100,00
' Janitor Supplies 136.00 200.00 200.00
Snow Removal 4,571.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
Depreciation Equipment 764.00 950.00 1,000.00
Miscellaneous 11,885.00�2� 300.00 500,00
' Total Other Operational Expense 29,140.00 20,440.00 19,900.00
Total Parking Ramp 123.416.00 124,290.00 132,400,00
, Other Ex ense:
Opening Promotion Expense - 0 - - 0 - 5,000.00
' Civic Promotions - Rent - 0 - - 0 - 65,000.00
Total Other Expense - 0 - - 0 - 70,000.00
Total All Expense 658,538.00 596,415.00 1,123,100.00
' Revenues 570,274.00 557,200.00 996,200.00
Expense 658,538.00 596,415e00 1,123,100.00
' Deficit 88,264.00 39.215.00 12b.900.00*
' (2) Includes:
Consultant Fees $8,000.00
Watchman Service 3,328.00
Miscellaneous 557.00
' $11,885,00
*Appropriated in City General Revenue Fund Budget
' as a part of "Existing Obligations. "
' VT
' 1971 1972 1973
Actual Estimated Proposed
' Revenues:
Sewer Service Fund 826,962.20 907,000.00 925,408.00
, Expenses: _
Sewer Repairs -
' Ungraded 129,439.00 144,000.00 137,996.00
Clerical 14,228.00 15,000.00 14,416.00
Manual and Maintenance 23,111.00 30,000.00 26,823.00
, Professional 4,017000 4,000.00 4,548.00
Total Salaries 170,795.00 193,000.00 183,783.00
Contractual Services
' Telephone 182.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Printing and Binding 50.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Sanitary Services 558a00 1,000,00 1,000.00
' Office Equip. & Furniture Repair 297000 1,000.00 1,000,00
Motor Vehicle Repair 4,951.00 5,000,00 6,000.00
Machinery Repair 143.00 - 0 - - 0 -
' Tools 201.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Misc. Maintenance and Repair 32,589.00 40,000.00 42,000.00
Motor Vehicle Rental 8,115,00 12,000.00 12,000.00
Tabulating Service 347.00 - 0 - - 0 -
' Insurance and Bonds 160.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Paving Plant Services 31,569e00 40,000,00 50,000.00
Total Contractual Services 79,162v00 99,000.00 112,000.00
' Commodities
Janitor Supplies 118.00 - 0 - - 0 -
, Paint 129000 - 0 - - 0 -
Street Repair Materials 265.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Sewer Repair Ma.terials 12,499.00 20,OOOa00 22,000.00
Carpentry Materials 254.00 - 0 - - 0 -
' Misc. Maintenance Supplies 19062.00 2,OOOo00 3,000,00
Motor Fuel 36.00 - 0 - 2,000,00
Small Tools 1,349e00 2,OOOa00 - 0 -
� Clothing 759e00 1,OOOv00 1,000.00
Machine and Equipment Parts 690.00 1,000.00 1,OOOo00
Office Supplies 137,00 - 0 - - 0 -
Miscellaneous Materials 529,00 1,000.00 1,000.00
' Total Commodities 17,827000 27,000.00 30,000.00
City Contribution - 0 - 100,000e00 100,000.00
' Capital Outlay 235e00 - 0 - - -0 -
' Total Sewer Repairs 268.019.00 4190000.00 425,783.00
House Drain Inspection --
Salaries - Professional 20,781,00 20,000,00 20,963.00
, Contractual Services
Motor Vehicle Repair 1,287,00 2,000.00 2,000.00
, Total House Drain Inspection� 22,068.00 22,000.00 22,963.00
' 1971 1972 1973
Actual Estimated Proposed
, Expenses: (cont. ) _
Interceptor Sewer Maintenance -
, Ungraded 35,632.00 37,000.00 37,939.00
Manual and Maintenance 16,315.00 17,000.00 14,999.00
Professional 4,017.00 5,000.00 4,548.00
Total Salaries 55,964.00 59,000.00 57,486.00
, Contractual Services
Telephone 682.00 1,000.00 1,200.00
' Printing and Binding 17.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Gas, Electric and Steam 2,553.00 3,000.00 3,500.00
Water and Sewer 220.00 -0 - - 0 -
Motor Vehicle Repair 4,545.00 5,000.00 6,000.00
' Machinery Repair 1,047.00 1,000.00 1,200.00
Custodial Service 1,213.00 1,000.00 1,500.00
Misc. Maintenance and Repair 4,847.00 5,000.00 8,000.00
' Vehicle and Equipment Rental 215,00 - 0 - - -0 -
Misc. Contractual Services 8,979.00 10,000.00 12,000.00
Paving Plant Services 15,473.00 16,000.00 25,000.00
' Total Contractual Services 39,791.00 42,000.00 58,400.00
Janitor and Carpentry Supplies 114.00 - 0 - - 0 -
' Electrical Supplies 615.00 1,000.00 1,200.00
Heating Fuels 154.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Street Repair Materials 1,987.00 2,000.00 2,400.00
' Sewer Repair Materials 106.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Misc. Maintenance Supplies 230.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Lubricants and Small Tools 183.00 - 0 - - 0 -
' Miscellaneous Parts and Supplies 1,540.00 2,000.00 2,500.00
Office Supplies 138.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Misc. Materials - N,O.C. 765.00 1,000.00 1,000,00
Total Commodities 5,832.00 6,000.00 7,100.00
' Reimbursement - Capital Project 22,380.00 23,000.00 - 0 -
� Capital Outlay 408,00 - 0 - - 0 -
Total Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 124,375.00 130,000.00 122,986,00
� Sewer Cleaning --
Ungraded 173,149.00 181,000.00 203,853.00
' Clerical 5,287.00 6,000.00 6,169a00
Manual and Maintenance 19,695.00 21,000.00 24,237.00
Total Salaries 198,131.00 208,000.00 234,259.00
' Contractual Services
Water and Sewer Rental 1,710.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
Motor Vehicle Repair 12,136,00 13,000.00 15,000,00
' Machinery Repair and Rental 751.00 - 0 - 1,000.00
Misc. Maintenance and Repair 4,253.00 4,000.00 5,000.00
' 1971 1972 1973
Actual Estimated Proposed
' Expenses: (cont�)
Sewer Cleaning - (cont. )
Contractual Services (cont.)
, Motor Vehicle Rental 2,640.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
Paving Plant Services 21,793.00 23,000.00 25,000.00
Total Contractual Services 43,283.00 45,000.00 51,000.00
� Commodities
Misc.. Material and Supplies 242.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Misc. Machinery Parts and Supplies 4,074.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
' Misc. Materials N.O.C. 20.00 1,000>00 1,000.00
Total Commodities 4,336.00 5,000,00 S,OOOv00
� Capital Outlay 8,650,00 - 0 - - 0 -
Total Sewer Cleaning 254,400,00 258,000.00 290,259.D0
� Sewer Pumpin Stations --
Salaries - Ungraded 21,903.00 26,000.00 26,267.00
' Contractual Services
Gas, Electric and Steam 17,912.00 22,000.00 26,000.00
' Misc. Maintenance and Repair 355.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Total Contractual Services 18,267,00 22,000.00 26,000.00
' Capital Outlay 679.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Total Sewer Pumping Stations 40,849.00 48a000.00 52,267.00
� Sewer Maintenance-Equipment --
Capital Outlay
Automotive Equipment 10,856,00 30,000°00 7,800.00
� Construction Equipment - 0 - - 0 - 3,350.00
Total Sewer Maintenance Equipment 104856.00 30.000,00 11m150e00
' Total Expenses 7209567.00 907.000,00 925,408.00
' Gain or Loss 106,395,20 - 0 - - 0 -
t IX
' 1971�1� 1972 1973
Actual Estimated Proposed
' Revenue:
Solid Waste Collection Fees 152.040.00 624,507.00 626,999.00�2�
' Expenses:
Ungraded 136,917.00 350,000,00 338,994.00
' Attendance and Inspectional 1,464.00 - 0 - - 0 -
Clerical 6,432.00 28,OOOe00 32,104.00
Manual and Maintenance 22,846.00 52,000.00 52,121.00
Total Salaries 167,659.00 430,OOOv00 423,219.00
' Contractual Services
Automobile Allowance 1,499.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
' Telephone and Radio 97.00 500v00 500<00
Postage 2,381.00 89000v00 9y000v00
Travel 120.00 - 0 - - 0 -
' Printing and Binding 1,527000 1,500.00 1,800000
Advertising 476,00 500.00 500,00
Gas, Electric and Steam 227.00 6,000.00 79000.00
Water and Sewer Rental 53,00 700.00 700,00
' Sanitary Services 20,00 - 0 - - 0 -
Motor Vehicle Repair 17,231000 50,000.00 - 0 -
Tabulating Services - 0 - 7,000,00 4,000.00
' Motor Vehicle Rental 260v00 - 0 - 54,080000
Land Fill Fees 9,398,00 47,000.00 57,600,00
Total Contractual Services 33,289000 125,200.00 139g180.00
, Commodities
Miscellaneous Supplies 119v00 100.00 100.00
Office Supplies 1,426,00 1,500.00 1,500.00
' Oil and Lubricants 191e00 - 0 - - 0 -
Chemicals 521,00 1,000,00 1,000,00
Total Commodities 2,257000 2,600.00 2,600,00
, Fringe Benefits 15,574.00 65,000,00 62,000.00
Capital Outlay
tAutomotive Equipment - 0 - - 0 - - 0 -
Total Expenses 218.779.00 622,800.00 626,999.00
Gain or Loss (66,739.00) 1,707000 - 0 -
' (1) Fund commenced operations August 99 1971
' (2) Includes city share of $28,586.00
. '
' X
' 1971 1972 1973
Actual Estimated Proposed
' Stadium Operations:
Operating Income --
' Rentals 42,269.62 28,000.00 289000.00
Commissions - Concessions 2,500.00 2,500,00 2,500.00
Total Income 44,769.62 30,500.00 30,500.00
' Operating Expense --
Fersonal Services 27,606.36 25,OOOv00 32,000.00
Maintenance and Supplies 7,465061 10,000.00 8,000.00
' Gas and Electricity 12,636.87 11,OOOo00 12,000,00
Telephone 362,44 400,00 500.00
Water 2,733.66 3,300.00 �,000.00
Total Expense 50,804<94 49,700.00 55,500.00
' Stadium Operations Loss -- (6,035,32) (19,200.00) (25,OOOa00)
Other Income
' Insurance Recovery 28079 _50.00 =_
Donation 500.00
Total Other Income 528.79 50.00 --
, Total Stadium Operations-Net Loss ,(5,506053) ^(19,150000) '(25,000,00)
Parking Operations:
Operating Income --
Fees - Parking 8,09$,26 5,400v00 5,500.00
' Total Income 8,098,26 5,400.00 5,500>00
Operating ExpQnse --
' Personal Services 3,196.00 1,200,00 1,200000
Insurance and Supplies 194.00 200.00 200.00
Total Expense 3,390,00 1,400.00 1,400e00
' Net Operating Profit 4,708,26 4,000.00 4,100000
Stadium - Net Operating Loss (798027) (15,150000) (20�900e00)
' d a a e - anuar 1 1 828 97 16 030 70 15 880.70
Fun B 1 nc J y , . � o ,
Add - City Contribution 15,OOOo00 159000000 15,000,00
' 16,828.97 31,030.70 30,880.70
Deduct - Net Operating Loss (798.27) (15,150.00) (20,900,00)
' Fund Balance - December 31 16,030.70 15.880.70 9.980.70
' XI
Statement of Operations
1971 1972 1973
' Actual Estimated Proposed
Market Operations:
' Operating Income
Weighing Fees 2,800.65 3,828.50 4,109.50
Sta11 Rentals 4,449.50 4,271.50 4,100.50
' Total Income 7,250.15 8,100,00 8,210.00
Operating Expenses
' Salaries 13,068.00 14,211.00 15,447.35
Telephone 102010 107.10 112.24
Fuel - Gas and Oil 67.42 104v04 106.02
Electricity 109.47 113.61 117.81
' Printing 67.00 124,65 125.00
Motor Vehicle Ma.intenance 157021 122a76 96,98
Scale Maintenance 292.84 582,07 575,00
' Insurance and Bonds 16,56 16056 16.56
Water and Sewer Rental 17.80 18,40 19001
Building Maintenance 56.96 61,20 63a02
' Miscellaneous Service and Supplies 47.28 21,61 25,00
Depreciation 2,264,68 2,264.68 2,264,68
Fringe Benefits -- 1,654>38 1,997.34
Total Expenses 16,267,32 19,402.06 20,966,01
' Net Operating Loss - Market (9,017.17) (11,302006) (12,756.01)
' Parking Operations:
' Operating Income
Parking Fees 53,840.00 51,480.00 49,242.00
Total Income 53,840.00 51,480.00 49,242.00
, Operating Expenses
Salaries 21,453.51 28,174.23 29,441.42
Telephone 102,10 107.10 112,24
, Fuel - Gas and Oil 269069 416.17 428. 72
Electricity 539a28 558,41 579,07
Printing 433.00 450.00 450.00
' Motor Vehicle Maintenance 108.99 286044 124< 76
Water and Sewer Rental 71.20 73060 76002
Building Maintenance 97.50 122,70 154.36
Miscellaneous Service and Supplies 899.07 854v02 861,03
' Fringe Benefits -- 3,210.63 3,806.78
Total Expenses 23,974,34 34,253.30 36,034.40
' Net Operating Gain-Parking 29.865,66 17.226e70 13,207.60
Total Net Gain 20,848,49 5.924.64 451,59
1971 1972 1973
' Actual Estimated Proposed
Sale of Merchandise 75,884000 80,000.00 85,000.00
Deduct Sales Tax 1,670.00 1,850.00 2,OOOo00
' Net Sales 74,214a00 78,150.00 83,000.00
Purchases 27,683>00 28,000,00 30,000.00
, Less Purchase Returns 389,00 400,00 500.00
Net Purchases 27,294.00 27,600,00 29,500,00
' Gross Profit on Merchandise Sold 46,920.00 50,550000 53,500s00
Fees and Receipts
Golf 335,702,00 400,000,00 450,000.00
' Bathhouse and Pools 189008.00 189000000 18,OOOa00
Canoeing and Sailing 1,341000 1,500000 2,OOOs00
Baseball and Softball 2,624,00 2,600e00 2,600,00
' Ski School 42,568000 43,000.00 45,OOOo00
Total Fees 400,243,00 4659100,00 517,600,00
Less Sales Tax 9,425v00 109000.00 12,000.00
' Net Fees 390,818a00 455,100000 505,600.00
Gross �ncome 437,738,00 505,650,00 559,100000
Administration Expense 20,314s00 219000000 23,000.00
Supplies - Refectory 5,927000 6,OOOv00 8,000.00
' Supplies - Golf 21,654.00 229000,00 26,000.00
Supplies - Pools, Etc. 10,201.00 11,000,00 12,OOOo00
Salaries 347,378,.00 360�OOOo00 375,000.00
Maintenance 52,082,00 55,000,00 65,OOOa00
' Utilities 49,500,00 50,OOOa00 55,OOOo00
Depreciation 37,410,00 40,000,00 40�000.00
Total Operating Expense 544,466.00 565,000,00 604,000.00
, Loss from Operation (106,728,00) (59a350,00) (44,900,00)
' Gross Receipts from Concessions 134,339000 140,000,00 150,000.00
Net Profit for Period 27a611.00* 80a650o00* 105,100.00*
' * Includes $12,000.00 from 0'Neil for Site Improvement
, _
__ _ _ . ��,d ;� --— - •
, D{JrLICATi TO�RIN'RR- �� . . .. . � .� � - � ��Y /�' /. -
� CITY O� ST. PAUL couNCa � " � �'
' RaSQLVED, That t.hs City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the
estimate of expenaes of the City of Saint Paul for the fiaeal year
ot 1973 and of the revenue aecessary to neet said expeaees� sub-
mitted to the Council by the Mqyor, to be published in the oi'ficial
paper of eaid City, oa October � 1972.
, RESOLVED FURT�ft, That the Council hol8 public lrsarings�
°n �= ��s--�.�°-72,
in the regular plsce ot meeting of ssid �ouncil (tbe Ceuncil
Chaa�er) in the Qourt F�ouse and City Hall at t.en o'clock in
�; the forenoon� at whieh time and place all reeidenta of ttae `
�` �r.,�. �� _ � �
� City o� Saint 1'aul desiring to be heard may be heard in reference
to any of said estim�tes or aqy item thereof.
.,. ��
� ,�� _�:.,. _..::_. ,tl..�. -
RESOLVED FtJRZ�R, Tbat the City Clerk prepere aad cau� tc� �
� - -
_ be published izi +.,he otficial paper oi the Cittiy �t t.be same time ` .
said estimates oP expendituree are publi�hed n notice 'of publie
hearittgs�_�hich published notice sh,all i�►ediately preeede s�d
published estimates Qf expeadituree in eaid official p�per� and
shall exp•reaaly call attention and refer thereto,
SEN 2� 3���
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
B�tle Hunt / �r
Car on Konopat�!<i `� AAProve� v � / • a 19�
L ine Levine
Meredith ��n Favor
eredith Sprafka
- � � Sprafka ��� Tedesco ,.l - ��r �
� Mme. President,-�u�—�S��gt �
�ede�co � A� .` �•..-
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. Presiden�, McCart�- � �, - �,.���
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Notice is hereby given that the City Counci.l will hold
public hearings on October 11 1972
in the regular place of ineeting of said Council the Council
Chaznber) in the Court House and City Hall Building at 10:00
, o'clock in the forenoon, in reference to the estimates for
;the expenses of the City for the fiscal year of 1973 and of the revenue
necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the Council by the
Mayor, and which immediately follow this notice.
" - ' . At said times and place, all residents of the City o-'
Sa.int Paul desiring to be heard may be heard in reference
to 'any of said estimates or any item thereof.
September 29 , 1972 .
City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
�Gctober , 1�i72)
' Description Page
Budget Calendar ii - iif
' Letter of Transmittal iv - x
, Budget Provisions (Charter and Ordinance) xi - xv
Appropriation Summary xvi - xvii
, Financing Summary
xviii - xx
Analysis of Tax Levy xxi
' Appropriations
' Operation and Maintenance 1 - 38
' Ramsey County Welfare Dept. 40
' Travel (Schedule A) A1 - A2
' Dues and Memberships (Schedule B) Bl - B4
Local Lectures and Workshops (Schedule C) �1
' Capital Outlay (Schedule D) Dl m D11
Self-Supporting Budgets I � XIT
' � 11
BUDG;T CALENDAR - 1973 Budget preparation
, Action taken Agency responsible 1972
Preparation and adoption of revenue City Council January 1
measures for 1973 thru
' August 15
Prepare budget instructions Comptroller April 1
thru 30
' Revise Uniform Classification of Accounts Comptroller May 1
Manual for next year thru 31
' Preparation and adoption of salary City Council June 1
ordinances for 1973, Adoption thru
of salary ordinance affecting August 15
' 1973 after adopting the budget
works a hardship on the depart-
ment's operation
' Distribute budget instruct�ons Comptroller June 1
' Disbribute 1g72 Personnel Allocation Comptroller June 1
Form B10
Prepare personnel worksheet; listed by Data Processing June 1
' Activity for pay period Apr. 29 . thru
May 12
' Prepare budget request worksheet; ex- Data Processing June 1
penditures listed by Activity for
2nd prior year, last year and current
budget as originally adopted
' Preparation of budget requests All departments June 1
' July 31
Preparation of comparative revenue data Budget staff August 1
' inc].uding 6 months of this year
Submit budget requests to Mr. Schleck, All departments August 1
' 109 City Hall on or before
Preparation ot 1973 estimated financing Budget staff August 15
' Preparation of Mayor's recommended Mayor August 1
budget thru
' Sept. 30
Submit Mayor's recommended budget Mayor October 1
to Council on or before
, Publish Mayor's recommended budget City Council Upon receipt
in official paper
' 111
BUD�ET CA�ENDAR - 1973 Budget preparation (cont.)
' A�tion taken A�ency responsible 1972
Review and revise Mayor's recom- City Council October 1
mendations ; hold at least 1 public thru
hearing which may be adjourned and October 25
, continued from time to time
Adopt budget; requires resolution City Council October 25
' adopted by 4 votes on or before
Adopt tax levy; requires resolution City Council November 15
' adopted by 4 votes " on or before
Type and print adopted budget Budget staff November 15
, November 30
Establish accounting controls based Accounting section December 1
' on adopted appropriations thru
December 31
' Budget becomes effective All departments January 1,
, Xl
.The following sections of the City Charter which are pertinent to the
budgetary and financial operations of the City of Saint Paul are in-
' • cluded for your ready reference:
Chapter 10 - Finance:
Section 10.01 - Fiscal Year
' " 10.02 - Submission of Budget
' " 10.03 - Budget Contents and Budget Message
" 10.04 - Budget Limitations
' " 10.04.1 - Expenditures shall not Exceed Revenues
" 10.04.2 - Ad-valorem Tax Levy Limitation - (See Section 11.03)
, " 10.05 - Capital Improvement Budget
, " 10.06 - Council Action on Budget
" 10.07 - Amendments after Adoption
, " 10,07,1 - Supplemental Appropriations
" 10.07.2 - Emergency Appropriations
' " 10.07.3 - Reduction of Appropriations
, " 10.07.4 - Transfer of Appropriations
" 10.08 - Lapse of Appropriations
, " 10.09 - Lapse of Appropriations - Capital Improvements
" 10.15.1 - Water Department Revenues
' " 10.15.2 - Library and Civic Center Revenues
' Chapter 11 - Taxation:
, Section 11.01 - Taxation
" 11.02 - Tax on Sales or Income
' " 11.03 - Property Tax Authority
" 11.04 - Certification of Tax Levy
, Ordinance 15093 - Bud et Calendar - See Charter Section 10.02
g � )
' 1 X11
� Sec. 10.01. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the city shall be the calendar year.
' Sec. 10.02. Submission of Budget. Annually, the mayor shall submit to the council
his recommended budgets in accordance with a budget calendar to be established by ordin-
ance. Included with the budgets shall be a recommended five-year capital improvement
program. The proposed budgets and improvement program shall then become a public record.
' In preparing the capital improvement program and budget, the mayor shall utilize the
committee presently provided for by ordinance adopted pursuant to special law unless
otherwise provided by administrative ordinance adopted after December 31, 1971.
, Sec. 10.03. Budget Content and Budget Messa�e, The budgets shall be a complete
financial plan and shall include but not be limited to (1) the annual operating budget
' (including the city's share of the cost of operating any other governmental entities),
(2) the budget for the next fiscal year of the five-year long-range capital improvement
program, and (3) the budget of the city-owned utilities, facilities, and self-supporting
departments. The budgets shall contain such information and be in the form prescribed
' by administrative ordinance and by law. Accompanying the budgets when submitted shall
be a budget message from the mayor outlining the important features of the budgets with
appropriate explanatory comments.
' Sec. 10.04. BudQet Limitations. The budgets shall be prepared within the limitations
contained in the following subsections.
' Sec, 10.04.1. The total of proposed expenditures shall not exceed the total of the
estimated income or financing provisions in each of the budgets.
' Sec. 10.04.2. The portion of the annual operating budget provided by an ad valorem
tax on real and personal property shall not exceed the amounts authorized in Section 11.03.
' Sec. 10.05. Capital Improvement Budget. In the capital improvement budget, the
council may authorize expenditures for capital improvements to be financed from the
following sources:
' 1. General obligation bonds as authorized in Section 10.11 and
10.12 of this charter.
� 2. Revenue bonds which are not secured by the full faith and
credit of the city.
' 3. Funds received from such other sources as the council may
deem appropriate, subject to pertinent provisions of this charter,
Sec. 10.06. Council Action on Budget. The council shall hold a public hearing,
' which may be adjourned from time to time, on the budgets provided for in Section 10.03
at a time and place announced in advance. The council may revise the budgets but may not
reduce the appropriations for debt service and for meeting any existing obligations of
' the city. Upon completion of the hearing or any adjournments thereof, and not later than
the date provided by the budget calendar, the council shall by resolution, and ordinance
if applicable, adopt the budgets on or before October 25th for the ensuing fiscal year.
' Adoption of the budget shall constitute appropriations of the amounts specified therein
as expenditures from the funds indicated. If the council fails to fix the amounts of
the budgets for the next fiscal year, then the amounts of the budgets for that year shall
be the same as the budgets for the year in which the failure occurs.
' Sec. 10,07. Amendments After Adoption. Supplemental appropriations, emergency
appropriations, and transfers of appropriations may be made with respect to the operating
, and utilities budgets described in Section 10.03 subject to the following limitations:
' • X111
CHAPTER 10. - FINANCE (cont.)
Sec. 10.07.1. Supplemental Appropriations. If during the fiscal year, the mayor
, certrifies that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those
estimated in the budget, the council by ordinance may make supplemental appropriations
for the year up to the amount of the excess.
' Sec. 10.07.2. Emer�ency Appropriations. The council may be resolution adopted by
the majority required for the adoption of emergency ordinances under Section 6.06 make
, appropriations to meet a public emergency as defined in Section 6.06. To the extent
that there are no available unappropriated revenues to meet the appropriations, the
council may be resolution authorize the issuance of emergency notes, which shall be paid
� within three years. Taxes may be levied ou'tside of statutory and charter limitations
for the payment of principal and intere5t on emergency notes.
' Sec. 10.07.3. Reduction of Appropriations. If at any time during the fiscal year
it appears probable to the mayor that the revenue available will be insufficient to meet
the amount appropriated, he shall report to the council without delay, indicating the
' estimated amount of the deficit, and his recommendations as to any steps to be taken.
The council shall take such action as it deems necessary to prevent or minimize any
deficit and for that purpose it may reduce by resolution one or more appropriations,
' Sec, 10,07.4. Transfer of Appropriations. At any time during the fiscal year, the
mayor may transfer part or all of any unencumbered appropriation balances within a depart-
' ment, office, or agency, except balances from appropriations for purposes exempt from
taxing limitations under this charter or statute. Upon recommendation of the mayor the
council may by resolution transfer part or all of any unencumbered appropriation balance
, from one department, office, or agency to another.
' Sec, 10.08. Lapse of Appropriations. Every appropria�ion, except an appropriation
for capital outlay or debt service or an appropriation specifically exempted from this
provision by this charter or state or federal law, shall lapse at the close of the fiscal
year to the extent that it has not been expended or encumbered. The funds from such
' lapsed appropriations shall be added to the general revenue fund balance, from which
appropriations may be made in succeeding years' budgets.
' Sec. 10.09. Lapse of Appropriations -- Capital Improvements. An appropriation
for a capital improvement shall continue in force until the purpose for which it was
made has been accomplished or abandoned as determined by resolution, When abandoned,
' the appropriation shall be c.redited to a separate contingent reserve account which may
be used to finance other capital improvements included in capital improvement budgets.
' Sec. 10.15,1. Water Department Revenues. All receipts and revenues of the water
department shall be kept separate from other funds and used only for the expense of
, operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks plant and property,
and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued for water works purposes.
' Sec. 10.15.2. Library and Civic Center Reveneus. Any revenues derived from the
civic center and the public library shall be placed in the appropriate special fund
and used only for civic center or library purpo'ses as the case may be.
' ` X1V
y � �
Sec, 11.01. Taxation. The council shall have full authority over the financial
, affairs of the city except as limited or prohibited by the state constitution, state
laws, or this charter. This authority shall include the power, by ordinance, to assess,
levy, and collect taxes on all subjects or objects of taxation except as limited or
prohibited by the state constitution, state laws, or this charter,
Sec. 11.02. Taxes on Sales or Income. The city shall not levy or collect any sales
' or excise tax on clothing, food, rent or fuel, nor any income tax or payroll tax,
The prohibitions aforesaid with respect to a sales tax on food or rent
shall not be construed to forbid such tax of no more than three percent (3%), in addition
' to the sales tax imposed by the State of Minnesota and any other taxes, upon food sales
by restaurants, hotels, tourist courts, motels, trailer c.amps or similar facilities, or
room charges by such facilities, as the council shall by ordinance impose.
' Sec, 11,03. Property Tax Authority. The city may levy annually on each dollar of
assessed valuation of taxable property in the city the following taxes:
' 1. A tax for general city purposes not to exceed 49.505 mills. The tax
thus authorized shall not be reduced by the amount of personal
' property replacement revenues available to the city under Minnesota
Statutes, Section 273.69, nor shall it be increased by any additional
tax authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.13, Subdivision
7a, relating to adjustment in homestead valuations, or Section 272.64
, relating to the household goods tax.
2. Taxes required for the payment of principal and interest on bonds,
' levy certificates, and other obligations of the city,
3. Taxes required for the support of pension and retirement funds for
' city personnel.
4, A tax for the city's share of the cost of the Metropolitan Airports
Commiss ione
t5. A tax for the city's share of the cost of conducting activities of
the Board of Public Welfare of the County of Ramsey.
' 6. Other taxes authorized by law in excess of or in lieu of charter
or statutory limitations,
' Sec. 11.04, Certification of Tax Levy. After the adoption of the budgets as
prescribed in Section 10.06 of this charter, the council shall adopt a tax levy resolution
, showing the amount which must be provided by an ad valorem tax on all taxable real and
personal property in the city. In addition to the amount required to be provided, the
council in the adoption of a tax levy resolution may include a reasonable amount for tax
, shrinkage. The tax levy resolution shall be certified to the county auditor in accord-
ance with law and not later than November 15 of each year.
' XV
� ,, ORDINANCE N0. 15093
, ,
, " COUNCIL FILE N0, 258378
' An Administrative Ordinance Adopted Pursuant to Section 10.02 of
the New City Charter Approved by the Voters November 3, 1970 and
Providing a Budget Calendar.
, Section 1. All departments, bureaus. and agencies of the City government shall
transmit to the Mayor, on or before August 1 of each year, such requests deemed necessary
' to be included in the budgets for the following fiscal year. All requests shall be
submitted on forms approved by the Mayor.
' Section 2r On or before October 1 of each year, the Mayor shall submit to the
Council his recommended budgets. Upon receipt thereof, the council shall fix a date or
dates for public hearing on the submitted budgets, and shall publish once in the official
' newspaper of the City the complete text of the Mayor's recommended budgets together with
notice of the proposed public hearing thereono
' Section 3. Upon completion of the hearing, or any adjournments thereof, and not later
than October 25 of each year, the Council shall by resolution or ordinance if applicable
adopt the budgets for the next following fiscal year. The Council shall publish the com-
' plete text of the adopted budgets once in the official newspaper of the City.
, Section 4. After adoption of the budgets, the Council shall adopt a tax-levy
resolution or resolutions showing the amount which must be provided by an ad valorem tax
on all taxable real and personal property in the City, and shall certify a copy thereof
to the Ramsey County Auditor not later than November 15 of each year.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Administrative
� Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section
number at the time of the compilation of the said Administrative Code.
' Section 6, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after
its passage, approval and publication,