259785 �� ORI3tN9L TO CITY CLRRK ... . . . . . . �����C� �.
' CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nc�� NO "
Wt�EREA,S, Title VII of the H ir.g Act of i�61, as a�ended, provides
for the making oi grants by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develoument
to states an3 local public bodies to s.ssist t;�� in the �.cquisitio:� and
dev�elo�ment of pz�nanent ir,terests in land for vpen-space uses where such
assistance is neec3ed for c�xrying out a unified or officially coordinated
� p�ogra,m for the pro�Tision and de✓elapment of omen-space land as part of
t�s comprehensivel,y-planned develo�pment of the urban axea; and
W�REAS, the City of Sain� Paul (herein sometimes referred to as
"A�plicant") desires to �.cqt:ire certain ls.nd located in the Grig�s
Re@rea�ian Center Expansion , which la.nd is to be held and used
for permanent open�space lan3 for recreation purposes; and
WT�'RP'aAS, Title VI of the Civi.l Rights Act o�' 19b4, and the regula.tions
of the Bepart�ent oP Housing and Urban Deve?apment eff'ectuating that Ti�le,
provide that no person sha1Z be discriminated against because of race,
color, or national origin in the use of the land acquired and�or devela��il;
�HEI�E.AS, it is recognized that the con�ra.ct for federal grant w-i?:�.
�apose cert�in obligations and responsibilities upon the Applicant and will -
rcquire amo<zg other things: (1) assurances tha.t families and .individu�ls
d:;.�placed as a resul�c of the apen-space land project are offered decer.t,
��.fe, aad saai.tary hov.si�ng, (�) a�iiance yri.th f'ederal labor sta:��.ar�s, ar.d
(�) cs�pliance with federal requirements ��Z�ting to equal employ�eni
t�}:ortunity; �.nd . . --�.;..n,..�
� -�,. _ .
.. , y . . . � ' . • ✓ ,. �
W�EREAS, it is estimated that the cost of acquirir.g said interest wil.�
b� ���61�+ ; aad
. wt�;:,':�.,AS, it is estima.ted that the total ar�unt of relocation payments to
be nade ta eligible site occupants displaced from property to be acquired
�-�.1?: be _ �46,475 _,
� .� :
FORM APPROV ' '� � , ��
, - � (,,y.�
_ � -
Asst. torney
C CILMEN � Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
utl _ � .
Hunt �
son Konopatzki Approve� 19—
ev e Levine
Meredith --In Favor
Meredi S praf ka
Sprafka Tedesco � �� A
Mme. President,'�'LRter""��gt
r. President, McCa
�59'��� �
" - CITY OF ST. PAUL c�o�Nca NO �
w�ESEw�e,r , ; �
- i
-2- " I
1. That an application be mad.e to the Department of Housing and
Urban Develapment for a grant in an amount authorized by Title V.II of the
Housing Act of 1g61, �.s amended, which amount is presently estimated to
be $97�82 and tha.t the Applicant will pa;� the balance of the cost
frcm other ftiinds available to it.
2. Tha.t the Director of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings
is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to Pile such application
xith the Department of Housing and Urban Develapment, to provide additional
information and to flirnish such documents as ma.y be required by said
department and to act as the authorized correspondent of the Apt�licant, W
and ttxe pra�per City officials are authorized to execute such contracts as
are required by the department.
3. T'hat the px�cpoEed acquisition and development is in accordance
�rlth plans for the allocation of land for vpen-space uses, and that, should
said grant be ma.de, the Applicant will deveiop, and retain said land For
the use designated in said application and approved by the i�epary�m�nt of
Housing and Urban Development. �
$. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and
IIrban Dev�elopment be, and they hereby axe, assured of flxl.l compliance by
the Applicant with regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Develap-
ment effectua.ting Title VI of the Civil Rights Act oP 196�.
5. T'�a.t the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development be, and they hereby are, a.ssured of full compliance by
the Applicant with the federal labor standards imposed under Tit1e VII of
� the FAUSing Act of 1961, as an�ended.
� S EP 2 8 1972
COTJ�TCILMEN • Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Ye ` � Nays ,�
iit c�'
utler ;��f��� ,:; , SEP 2 9 1972
arlson _�vine •, tw'`:� rov 19—
evine ``��racli kt� ' ,,.� �
:�,fi���� � �n Favor
redith �^'
. n�f.C��, c�". . . . � :�. .
�,S'p fkd '�`r, t'r��C�� U yOr ,.
�' ' A gainst .
_T_ed co
Mr. residen , McCarty
Pu�ausH� OCT 71�72 ��
. , . -., . , _ �
k.. ..: ���.,w►n,n.M�� CIIT1( O� ST. PAUL couna� �����cr?
� � �. , , - . .. .
� ` o��cE o� mE crnr c�c � No
- .: .. : : ,: . . : :._: - --; c�ur�ctE-��so�: L;r� .. : � .._, . : .� ;..:. .: :..
�.� .� . ,. . . . _ _ . ,
COMM{t�IONER � � ,.... DA'{'E .
t��AS, Title VII of the Housing Act of Z961, as amended, provides
tor the a�aking of` grants by the Secretary of Hausiag aad Urban Dev�ela;�meat
to states and local public bodies to assist th+em in the acquisition aad �
d�ev�elapment of permaneat interests in land for open-space uses where such
asaistauce is needed for carrying out a unifitd or officially coordinated
��ograaifor the provision aad develc�eut of apen-spaGe land as part oP
t�e ca�prehensfvelq planned dev�elap�eut of the urban area; �nd .
' - �REA3, the City of Saint Pau3. (herein sa�etimes referred to as
° pplicant") ciesires to acquire certain land located in the �
��scr«►tion Cer� S�parisida , �hich land is to be held and used
!pr permanerrt apea-space land for recreation purposes; and '
�'�AS, Title VI af the Civil Righta.Act of 1964, and the regulations �
•�o= the Department of Housiag and. Urban-Dev�elvpment effectua,ting that Title,
�f2ovi�e that ao persan shall be diseriminated against because of ra.ce,
�color, or natioual origin ia the use of the land acquired and/or dev�eloped;
id�AS, it is recognized that the contract for Pederal graat xill
i�apose certain obligations and responsibilities upon t� Applicaat and t�ill •
iequire among other things: (1) assurances thst families and individuals .
displaeed as a result of the apen-space laad;project are offered decerrt,
safe, and sanitary housing, (2) co�plianc�e ki.th federal labor standards, and
(3} compliance with federal reqniremerrts relating to equal employm�ent
oppos�tunity; and . - _
.,. .
� �i3, it is estimated tbat the cost of acq,uiring said interest xill
be It 1�i1�1 ; aad .
. �A3, it is estimated that the total amourrt of relocation paymsents to
�be m�de to eligible site occupants d3splaced Prom property to be acquired
�rill be �•� •
COUNCIL111�N - .. Adopt�d by tbe `Crn�� . - 19—
r _ . _. _ < . _
Yesa Na�a
C on Hunt ' App,�� 18_
Konopatzki .
• Levine Tn Favor .
��" Meredith " � ; , . ,- -
Sprafika ` �Ilsyor
:. Sprafks ." Tedesco _. . , . : . . : - _ <
: uist
_�edesco Mme. President, ut er •
. President, McC - -
, _ a�►�
. , . . . . . _�
we�ra►ts To Met�sR ,. .
�.5 . . ��T�(�QF ST. PAUL �couNC�� � �,�..��,�R�
, � r " 'Of�I�E ��`�'HE .C�TY�CLERK Y �; ,
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/�-,. ,. ' '�' - _ : . ,., :; ..�, , .. ': , . :, v -
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aoti�, �o�, � rr �oLVEn s�r � co�rpcn� oF z� crr�r aF s�az� .
�, r�a�so�ra: .
1. That an application be msde to the Departm�e►rt of Aausing and
Urbsn Dev�elopment for a grant in an amo�unt aut�cized by Title VII of the
Baasing Act of 1961, as smended, �hich amaunt is presently estimated to
be �'f�T&� e,nd that the Applicant �rill pey the balance of the cost
i'rom other ftinds available to it. , � �
2. That the Director of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings
is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file snch applicatioa
xith the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to provide additional
information and to 2�xrnish such docum�ents as may be required by said :
department and to act as the authori.zed correspondent of the Applicant,
" snd the pro�er City ofPicials ase authorized to execute such contracts as
are required by the departmerrt. �
_ �
3. That the proposed acquisition aud dev�elapment is in eccord�ance
Yi�h, plac� £or the, allc�catioa of land for apea-space uses, and that, shauld
Raid grant be made, the Applicant xill develop, and retain said land for
the use d�esignated in said application and approved by the Department of
8duaing aad Urban Develo�oecrt.; . . .
4. Thst the United Stat�es of America and the Secretary of Aousing and
� Urban Develapment be, aad they hereby are, assured of ft�7.1 campliance by
the Applicant �rith regulatioas�of the Depart�at of Housing aad Urbea Dev�elap-
meat effectvating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. .
g. Thst the United 3tates of America and the Secretary o� Aonsing and
IIrbe.n Dev�elopment be, and they hereby are, assured of f1�11. compliance by
the Applica� �rith the federsl labor standards imposed under Title VII of
tbe B�o�using Ac� of 1961, as ameaded.
c�tnvci�x - . Aaopt,�a by the c,�nn�a ��P a 8 197219-
Yeas Nays , _ _ _
Bu�� . . s�P a9 �e��
Carlaun App�"°°�'� 1�—
Levine . . Favor ,
11�erec��h ,
� � ��
Sprafka. - �. � - ,
Mr. Preaident, McCarty : _ . �