259784 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK � � � �� 25����`��
- � . „ . CITY OF ST. PAUL F uNCii NO.
WHERF•AS, Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961, as amended, provides
for the m�ing of grants by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develapment
to states and l.ocal public bod�es to assist them in the acquisition and
develovment of perma.nent interests in land for apen-space uses where such
assistance is needed for caxrying out a unified or officially coordina.ted
� program for the provision and develcpment of apen-space lanc3 as part of
the comprehensively-planned development of the urban axea; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (herein sometimes referred to �.s
"Applicant") desires to acqui.re certain land located in the Front
Recreation Center Site Expansion , which land is to be held and used
°or permanent apen-space land for recreation purposes; and
WII�REAS, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act oP 3.964, and the regulations
of the Department of Housing and Urban Develvpment effectua.ting that Title,
provide that no person shall be discriminated a�ainst because of race,
color, or national origin in the use of the land acquired and�or develaped;
W�AS, it is recognized tha.t the contra.ct for Yederal grant wi1Z
impose certaa.n obligations and responsi8ilities upon the Applicant �.nd will -
require a.�iong other things: (1) assurances that families and individua.ls
di�placed as a result of the apen-space land project are of�'ered decent,
-.n� .,�a �o.�;�};a+�r ?�n�a�ir..�_ (�1 f�c.±��.i.A►1�p! with fQi�er�.�. l..abor stand.�,rds, and
(j`)rcampliance with federal requirements rela.ting to equa.l em�loy�ent
cpportunity; and _
W�AS, it is estimated that the cost of acquiring said interest wi12
be $�+0,�50 ; and . . �
i �
. Wi�REAS, it is estimatesi that the total amount of relocation payments to
be made to eligible site occupants displaced from property to be acquired
will be $22,125 ;
' ��
Asst. City t rn y � c � .
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays , �
utl .
Hunt ` f`� Approve�l 19—
C son Konopatzki
evi Levine Tn Favor
Meredi Meredith
Sprafka Mayor
Sprafka Tedesco �gainat
_ Tedesco Mme. President, ut er
r. President, McCart
' _ � � 259'7R4
OR161NAL TO CtTY CL6RK �� � � � � �.
- , � � . CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NC�� NO. ,
_2.. _
1. That an application be made to the Department of Housing and
Urban llevelopment for a grant in an amount authorized by Title VII of the
Housin� Act of 1961, as amended, which amount is presently estima.ted to
be �42,300 and that the Applicant will pay the balance of the cost
f�om other flinds available to it. �
2. That the Director of Pasks and Recreation and Public Buildings
is hereby authorized an@ directed to execute and to file such applicatian
with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to provide additional
informa.tion and to fuxnish such documeats as ma.y be required by said
de�partment and to act as the authori.zed corresp�ndent of the Applicant, ��
and the praper City officials axe authorized to execute such contracts as
are required by the department.
3. That the proposed acquisition and development is in accordance
*"t':'}1 'y►�.A.T1a ��T tY�P 8.�.�fX`Ai'lACI a� �.and for. anen-spa�e us�s, and that, should
said grant be made, the Applicant will devela�p, and retain said land for
the use desi�na.ted in said applicatioa and approved by the Department of
Hoatsing and Urban Development., . .
�. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Develo�pment be, and they�hereby are, assured of f1,i7.1 ccunpliance by
the Applicant with regulatious of the Department of Housing aad Urban Dev�elop-
ment effectua.ting Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 196�+.
5. That �he United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and
Urban�Develo�pment be, and they hereby axe, assured of flill compliance by
the Applicant with the federa.l labor standards imposed under Title VII of
the Iiousing Act of 1961, as amended.
, �- � SEP 2 8 1972�
COUNCILMEN � �� Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Naya � �
utl . , : S Z g 1�7:�
C son Hunt pprov 9—
evi Konopatzki �n Favor
Meredit Levine
Sprafka Meredith � yor
S praf ka A gainat
_TQdesco T�:desco
r. President, McCart �����e. President, Butler
Quaus�� p�T 71972 ��
. , . (J'�
� � -DYlLICATt TO�NIib'RR - . � � .. � � .• . .. �!•!����� � � �
- . . _ � t�(��QF S�t'. P�I�L ; �.��� -�,
•_ �, >OFF�CE. C�F TM� CITY�GtERK , .
. . r_ -- -. . � .
` ` �7Ut�#t��t"t�Sf'�:l�'TT��t�=�-��t..�R141 ' ..:.. ., „ ;���_ _ = � �;
. . .
,� �� ;� �� � �-
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�AS, Tftle VII of the Housing Act of 1961, as amended, provides
tor the making af grants by the Secretary' of Fiausing and Urban Develapment
to states and local public bodies to assist them in the acquisition aad
dev�Iapment of permanent irrterests in land for apen-space uses where such
sssistance is needed for carrying out a unit'ied or officially coardina.ted
program for the provision and development.of apen-space land as gart of ,
the Comprehensivelyplanned clevelvpment o� the urban area; and
i1�EAS, the City of Saint Paui {hereia so�etimes referrr�_tq as
� lic t") d�e ires to acquire certaia la.nd Iocated in the ��
� �'� � , Nh3.ch ].and is to be held and used
for permaaent vpea-space land �or recreation purposes; and
. �S, Title VI of the Civi1 Rights:Act of 1g64, and the regnl.ations
o! the Depsrtment of Housic�g and Urban Dev�elvpment ef'Pectvating that Title,
provid�e that no person shall be discria�i.nated against because of race,
color, or nstioaal ori.gfn ia the use of the land e,cquired and/or dev�eloped;
�A.S, it is recognized that•the contract for federal grant will
impase certain obligationa and responsibil3.ties upon the Applicant and will -
require sa�ong other things: (1) assurances`that families artd indiv3dua].s .
diaplactd as a result of the vpen-sgace land pro�ect are oFfered dececrt,
eafe, and sanitary housing, (2) ca�npiianc�e Nith federal labor s�tandards, and
�3) ��Pliance �ith federal requirem�euts relat3.ng to equal eaaployment
opportunity; and . _
� .;� . . .
- , it is estimated that the co�t of acquiring said interest xill
be �� ; aaid .
. N�AS, it is estimated that the total.amrnirrt of relocation payments to
be me►de to el�,i�ble site xcupacrts displaced Ysro� property to be acquired
ttill be ��+� •
� _
COUNCILM�N Adopted by �he �'otm� ` `19—
Yeas . - Nays .; . �
a�l � - � Hunt� f , : . :
C on. Konopatzki Approv�l 19�
_ • Levi�ie � �
- , �redi Jdleredith Tr �a�ror . : ;. : :
` Sprafka �r
- Spra�lca 7edesco . . _ _ �
._T.�desco ' Mme. Preside ti
. Preaident, Mc.. " , •.
__. . . : , • ���
��DU�LIdI?t.'TO.lRIN7tR � � � . . . � . � � • � ~ . ��w ���� � ��I
" ' ` � C1TY OF ST. 'FAUL coutia< <�
� � :. . .
� . Q��ICE (y� tHE CITY CLERK ""� �
� �...; ;, . .. . ,�_ :COUt�ICIG-�RE�41:t?TION�IERA�E°F4R1�+1':` �. �
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: ao�t, �o�, � rr x�soLVED s�t � cotr�zL oF T� crr3r oF s��r
1. Tha.t an applicetion be made to the Departme�rt o� Housing and
tTrbsa Dev�elapm�ent for a grarrt in an amaunt authorized by Title VII af the
Rausing Act of 1961, as s�enaea, which amo�unt is presently estimated to
be ��00 and that the Applicant xJ.11 pay the ba.lance of the cast •
t�om other ftands available to it. �
2. Thet the Director of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings
ia hereby authorized and directed to execute aad to Yile such application
vith the Department of Housing and Urban Dev�elapment, to provide additional
inf'ormation and to flirnish such docu�eats as may be required by said ,
� d,rpaxtment and to act as the suthorized correspondent of the Agplicant,
and the proper City officials are authorized to execute such contracts as .
are required by the department.
� 3. That the praposed acquisition and develcrp�oer�t is in e�ccordance
. trith pZsns for tt�e allocation of land for,vpen-space uaes, aad that, sbould�
said gra�rt be mad,e, the Applicant will develop, and retain said land for
the use designated in said application and,epproved by the Department of
8di�sing and Urban Developmerrt.,
4. Tt�at the United 3tates of America and the Secretary of Iiau�sing and
IIrbsa Dev�elepmeat be, aad they�hereby are, assured of �f1�].1 campliance by
t�ef Applicant xith regulations of the De�partment of Housing and Urban Dev�e].vp-
�ent effectua.ting Title VI of the Civil Rights Act oY 1964. � �
5. That the United States of America sad the 3ecretary of Housing and
IIrbsn Developmeat be, and they hereby are, assured of f1il.1 compliance by
� the Applieacrt with the federal labor standards imposed uncler Title VII of
� tbe 8ausing Act of 1961, as am�ead�ed.
� : sEP a a �s72
couxc�x - �a��tsa� b� th� ��� . ia—, ,
Yeas Naya . . _ .'
t�e� � � . ' . SEP $9 197:2
C n Hunt Armrmv� 1�—
Konopatzki � Tn Favor
_ � �
eredi Levine _
Sprafka Meredith . M�etyOr
Sprafka � pgainat, _, .
_ �edesco Tedesco;
. Preeident, M . Mme. President, Butler
. - ��
� � •