259783 ' 259`7R�
�"`ti1NAL TO CITY CL6RK � �
t ..�. �* ., CITY OF ST. PAUL �u"�� NO.
WHEREAS, TitJ.e VtI of tre �usin.g Act af 1961, as amended, provides
for the ma:�in.g o� grants bf the Secretary of Housing and Urban DeveZopmen�
to st�tes and loral pubZic bodies to assist them in the acquisitiQn �.nd
develapm.ent o� permanent �r.teres�s ia land far c�pen-space uses where such
s.ssistance is needed for caxryin� ou� a unified or officially coordinate3
� program for th� provision and 3ev-elc�pnent of ornen-space land as part of
�the comprehensively-planned develc�ment of the urban area; and
W'�EEAS, the Citv of Saint P�,ul (herein sometimes referred �o as
"�.pplicant") c3esires to acqsire c�rta.�.n lan3 located in the ProsveritY Heights
Recreation C�nter Site Eamansion , w�ich land is to be held and used
for pe�na.nent cr�en-space land for �ecreation purposes; and
'r�i�'REAB, Title � of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the regulations
of the Depart�ent oP Housin�3 and 'Jrban Develapmpnt effectua.ting t�:at Title,
provide that no person shall be discriminated again�t because of race,
color, or na.tiona.l origin in the use of the l.and acquired and/o� developed;
W.�REAS, it is recognized that the contra.ct for federal grant will
in:pose certain obligations and responsibilities upon the Applicant �.nd will •
require �ong other thin�s: (1) assurances tha.t families and indiv�.c�.�als
displaced as a result or the apen-sp�,ce land project are offered decent,
aPfP; �nd sanitar,Y housing, (2) coumliance with fed�ral labor stan�ards, �.nd
;'3� campliance with �ederal requirz�a-cs re�.€�.ting to equal employment
c,�pnrtunity; and
., .
- Tr'I�RE,AS, �t is estimat�d that the cos� of acquiring said interest wi.Zl
be $,72.��5 ; and
. WHE�EAS, it is esti.ma.ted that the total amount of relocation pay,uents to
be made to eligible site c�ctspants displ.aced �^om property to be acquired
will be �g,1�� ;
FORM AP V ' '"
� �
Asst. C.±;� or ey .
COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
utl _ � .
C on H u n t Approved 19—
Konopatzki �
evin Levine �n Favor
Meredi Meredith Mayor
Sprafk� Sprafka
Tedesco Against
_T,edesco Mme. President, Butler
r. President, McCart
- ��
� - � 259`7��. ;
. _ ,, � . CITY OF ST. PAUL ���,�� NO. �
rR�s�rEC or :.
• _2_
l. That an application be made to the Department of Housin�,r and
Urban Develo�pment for a grant in an amourit authorized by Title VII of the
FIousing Act of 1961, as amended, which amount is presently estimated to
be �55�302.50 and that the Applicant will pay the balance of the cost
from other flinds available to it.
2. That the Director of Paxks and Recreation and Public Buildings
is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file such applicat�.on
�ith the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to provide additional
int'ormation and to f�u�nish such documents as ma.y be required by said
department and to act as the authorized correspondent oP the Applicant,
and the praper City officials are authorized to execute such contracts as
are required by the department. �
3. That the proposed acquisition and develapment is in accordance
t�rlth plans for the allocation of land For arpen-space uses, and that, should
ss,id gra.nt be made, the Appiicant �.�i aev�ioP, a�a retain said land for
the use desi�nated in said applicatioa and approved by the Department oP
Housing and Urban Development.: � . .
k. That the United Stat�s of America and the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Develapment be, and they hereby are, assured of f�il.l coa�gliance by
the Applicant with regulations of the Department of Housin� and Urban Develap-
ment effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
5. That the United States of America and tre Secretary of Housing and
U�b»;n ?�ev�?lo��?nt bp, �.nd they her�by a.a�e, assured af full compliance by
the Applicant with the fed.er�.l labor standards imposed under Title VII of
the Housi.ng Act of 1961, as amended.
`� . ��P 28 19T2
. �'"� 4�
COUNCILMEN � Adopted .by the Councal 19_
Yeaa Nays �
tl - sEp a s ���:�
C on pprov 9—
vin Konopa�zki' � Tn Favor
Meredit Levine
Sprafka Meredith �. �y°r
-Tedeaco Sprafka Againat
r. President, McCart Mme. President, Butlef;
PtlB�ISt1E0 �.�� �-19�� �°�
_._.__ __ ____ _ _ ___
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CA#/w[(St1iiNER DAiE�_
W�'•AS, Title VII o�' the Hous3ag Act of 1961, as aamended, provides �
for tht malsing of grants by the Secretary of' Housiu� and Urban Develapment
" to states and local public bodies to assist them in the acquisition aad
development oY permanent itrterests in land for apen-space uses where such
saaistance is nesded for caxrying out a uni�ied or official2y coordirtated
program for the provision and development of a�pen-space land as part of
' the contprehensively-planned dev�tlopment oP the urban area; and
�A3, the City aY Sa.int Paul (herein sc�metimes re�erred to aa
"Appliaant") desirea to acquire certain laad located in the hM�sl�,11 �t�
�ati�n C�r �.t� Z�paaaioa , which land is to be held snd used
!or permanent vpen-space land for recreation purposes; and '
�REAS, Tit1e VI of the Civil Rights Act oP 19b4�, and the regulations
of-the De�artment of Housing and Urban Dev+elopm�ent effectuating that Title,
�rovid�e that no person shall be discri.mfnated against because of ra.ce,
color, or aational origin in the use of the land acquired andjor dev�eloped;
Wf�AS, it is recognized tha.t the contrect for federal graat xill .
f�ose certain obligations and responsibilities upon the Applicant and wiil •
require am�ong other things: (1) assurances that families and iadividuals
� displaced as a result of the open-space land pro3ect are offered decent,
asfe, and sanitary housing, (2) ca�plie.nce �rith federal. la'bor standaxds, aad
(3) ct�pliance with federal requir�merrts relating to equal employm�ent
opportunitq; and .
. . � . ._I . . _ . � .
: �A3, it is estimated that the cost of acquiriag said interest �ill
. be ,355 ; and .
. �AS, it is estimat¢d that the to�al amount of relocation pa.ym�ents to
� b+� msd�e to eligible site xcupaats displaced from praperty ta be acquired
will be =13.123 ;
, . _ .
COUNC�N - . . : Adopted by_the �"o�ciL . y 9_
Yeas : N�3� _,
4� . .
, . .
� n F'„�t Ap�mve�_ 19—
� Konopatzki �' . .�
Levine. Tr Favor ; . ,
:: .
Me�di�h �Meredith , .
Sprafka �r
�prs�ka _ . , .: _ . . , , : . .
-..Tedesca Tedesco -�1►8'ain�t
- Mme. President, Butler
. President, Mc�artl -
, �9
t � ' . .. . � �.' .- . : .. :._ . .. . . ,. . . .. ;.., � ��.. . .. . . � .. . �.�. " x�
' � DYlLICA7'S TO.�RfNTEIl� .. - . - � � �+ �t.� ^'
. CITl( 4F ST. PAUL �,�� �
.' �.:. - .`- , QFFt+CE O� T�-1� C1TY CLERK � .
. = ::. :��� . :;,. .. . , ..�Uf�1��RESOt#�i�4��3EN£�4�. F�RI�l� n ... �: . :
�nr � . .. _ .. , . .,. . , . :
. . . ... ,
, �� �.� . _. , . ;�.. , �,.,:
COIAIi�11;Sl�NER nA*e _ _.
I - . ' ,
. _2_
1. That an application be ma,de to the Department of Housing aad
tTrban Dev�elapment fbr a grarrt in an amcunt authorized by Title VII of the
Ho�asing Act of 1961, as amended, which emount is presently estimated to
be �SS,�O'2.�f0 and that the Applicant will pay the balance of the cos� •
l�an other flindas available to it. �
2. Thst the Director of Parks and Recreation and l�iblic Buildings
�a hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file such application
� nith the Department of Housing and Urban Dev�elo�pment, to provide additiona,l
� iaformation and to fvraish such docwn�ents as may be required by said
� dapartment and to act as the authorized correspondent of the Applicant,
and the prvper City ofPicials are authorized to execute such contracts a�
are required by the department.
� 3. That the� praposed acquisition and develvpmerit is in accordance �
vith p�ans for ttne allocation of land for open-space uses, and that, should�
esid gra.ut be made, the Applicant wi.11 develop, and retain said land for
the use designated in said application and approved by the Department of
�o�ising and Urban Dev�elo�pmerrt.x . "
� 4. Tl�at the United States of America and the Secretary of Housir�g and
Urbe,n Dev�elap�ent be, and they hereby are, assur�d of �ftit7.l caanpliance by
tl�e Applicant xith regulation� of the Department of Housing and Urban Dev�elap-
meat effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. -
5. That the United Stat�s of A�rice and the Secretary aP Hovsing and
� IIrban Dev�elapmerrt be, and they hereby axe, assured of ful.l compliance by
. the Applica� with the federal labor standards impoaed und,er Title VII of
� tltie Aausing Act of 1961, as ameaded. .
. . ^ ,
. Adopted by the Co>>tr� ��P �8 197 9�
Yeas Nays
- � _ SEP 39 19��
C n • Ap��-- . 19..._
PIn Hunt ' .
Konopatzki , . Favor � .
eredi Levine
, . . Meredith .. .��
sprafka t :
_�edesca Tedesco
. President, AScCart nnme. President,�Butler .
• ��
� , •