259780 ORIQ(NAL TO CITY CL6RK , G + • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER oATF WI�REAS, The Mayor by Admi.nistrative Order No. D-124, dated August 25, 1972, directed that the proper City officials obtain appraisals of certain lands proposed to be acqui.red for park ar�d parkway purposes for the opening, widenin�, and extending Mounds Boulevard., an open space land project, suc2� lands being described as follows: Those parts of Lots 20 and 21, Block 16, and o�' I,ots 1, 2, �+, 5, 6, 7, 8, the East 20 ft. of Lot 9, Lots 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 2l, 22, 23, 24, 25, a21d 2Ei� Block 15, a11 in Subtu'ban Hills, and of Government Lot 2, Section 5b Township 28N., Range 2�W., and o� Bio�x 66, Lyman DaytonsAddition to the City of Saint Paul lying northeasterly of the follawing described line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 14, Block 16, Suburban Iiills; thence northwesterly to a point on the line bet�reen lots 7 and $, Block 15, distant 165 ft. � south �om the South line of HoP�man Avenue (now Mounds p Blvd.); thence to a point on the line between lots 20 � � and 21 in said Block 15, distant 145 ft. south fram the South line of Hoff4nan Avenue; thence to a point on the - -� West line of Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, 221 ft. '� South of the Northwest corner of said section; thence a � north along the west line of said section a distance of ti 21 feet to a point; thence northwesterly to a point on � the north line of Section 5, Tawnship 28, Rax�e 22 distant 255.0 f`t. West of the northeast corner of said - Section 5; thence northwesterly to a point on the north- westerly line o� a�.ock 66, Lyman Daytons Addition to the City of St. Paul, distant ].20 Pt. southeasterly Pram the most northerly corner of said block 66 and there terminatin,g. WF�REAS, Two such independent appraisals of said lands have been received and the review appraiser has submitted his report thereon, a copy of which is attached hereto, recommending the fair market value of the above described properties in the amount of $131,625.00; naw therefore be it COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19- Yea� Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine Tn FavOr Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� ORIGJNAI.TO CITY CLBRK 25y�80 � .,,, . � - CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENC�� NO. ' ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF -2- RESOLVED, Tha,t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in the above recommended fair market value and directs that negoti- ations be initiated for purclaase of said land. sEP 2 a 1972 . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � �ti � sEP a s ,sr� t r '-iunt �� ���' � C son �onopatzk� � :� prove 19— Levi ne �,:°.� L ine Mereditfi ' „_,��n Favor redithSprafka S afka Tedesco � Mayor e esco �1�.P�e�id�t��itle�t A gainst Mr. Pres!i nt, McCarty ' Q�Bt1SHE'D QCT 7 �9� � J. WILIIAM DONOVAN 223-6317 , Valuation'Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U l As:'t vol�o��o� E�g��ee► BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ci1y Hall ������ Sainf P�ul, Minnaole 65102 •�'a5 To the Hanorable Mayor, Council President, and M�mbers of the City Council Subject: Mounds Boulevard - Open, Widen, and Extend Ladies a.nd Gentlemen: I have reviewed. and analyzed. the appraisals made by Mr. Ray W. Faricy a.nd Mx. Chandler B. Davis, Realtors, of the lands to be acquired for the sub�ect project, said lands bein� more particularly described in the resolution submitted here�with. Upon such review and a.nalysis, it is �y opinion that the fair maxket value of said lands is in the total amount of $131,625.00. The subject lands are located on the southwesterly side of platted Mounds Boulevard between Indian Mounds Park on the east and Short Street on the west. The lands •camprise fonr sepaxate tracts of like awnership being separated. by presently City-owned. park and paxkwa,y lands and tw�o privately-awned iurproved properties. The lands contain a total area of approximately 195,000 squa.re feet oP which approximately 131,625 square feet thereof is level and usable in its present state. The lands extend from the said boulevard to the north- easterly line of the Burlington Northern Inc. operating right-of-way. Such ri�ht-of'-way line is approximately the top of bluff a1on� the usable land. The unusab].e land is a slope fram Mounds Boulevard dowmaard to sa,id ri�ht-of- way line. The sub�ect is in excess of 100 feet above the said railroad being a1on� the edge of a bluff or plateau with a view of the river vaLley and dc�wntawn axea. The Mounds Boulevaxd roa.dway is paved and subject is served. by a11 gublic utilities. This acquisition will consolidate present City-awned park lands adjoining the subject and paxk lands will be continuous along the top of the bluff from Inda.an Mounds Pa.rk to Intersta,te Highwa.y No. 94 with the exception of two privately- owned. improved properties as noted above. I have inspected the sub�ect lands and vicwed the several properties considered by the appraisers in their market approach to value. Ba.sed on such inspection of the subject property, a review and analysis oP the two appraisal reports, and an analysis of camparable s�1.es, it is �y conclusion and opinion that the appraised fair maxket value reported. by Mr. Ray W. Faxicy most accurately reflects the current market value of the subject lands. Therefore, I hereby concur in and recom�nend said appraised. value as cited above. Respect submit d, � G-�/ William Donovan Valuation Engineer J'4�D:REF:dm File No. 176�+g DYP�^.AT�TO lItIN7�it ��� ^ `--'� ` , -�y,. � _ CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBEMTED!Y COMMISSIONER �ATE �AB� The lf�yo� by Administrettiv! Os�d�r l�o. D-12�, d�►t►�d Avgust 25, 1972, directt�cl tba�t th� praper City oi`tiaials obfi�si,a apprsiql� o! certsia ]�►nds praposed to b� sc:quired !or park and parla� Purpoa�s lc�r '� aP�6� �a8, � luteading Mo�ur�d� Bvulevsrd� sn o�n spac� ]�arid pro��ats such l,u�ds bsing d,eacribed ds lall;a►ss . Thos� p4rt� o! Lots 20 and ?1� Bloak 16� aad of Lots l� 2� �F� 5� 6, ?, 8, the �tst 20 tt. ot Lot 9, 7.at� 12, 13, 14, 18� 19s 20, 21� 22� 23, 24� ^5, aad �6�, Bloek 13� a13. ia 8uburbsn 8ills, sad o! aawra�■riat Lot 2� Ssctioai S, Tc�nahip 28�.� Ran�ge PgN.� and at Bloak 66� Iiy�sa D�ytonMddition to the City o! Sniat P�aul �ying noartbrsster]y ot th� t'ollcrting describ�d li�ue s B�gianing st the Ao�thesst eoaca�pr of IAt 14� Blocic 16, Suburban Hills; th�ace n�rWaneste�c],y to a point aan th�e line b�t►wnen lots 7 aud 8, H1.oak 15, dirtaat lb5 !"t. saa�th l�roai the Boc�th line o! Bo!lf�an Avwsue (na► Ifoamds Blvd.); #.heace to a point oa tb�e lir�e b�#ars�a lots 20 and 21 in said 81ock 15, di+�ta�at l�y !'�. aouth lYa� tht South line o� �tYf�a Av�nur; thutc� to a poiat on t�t N�st iin� o! s�etion 4, Tataship �, R�nge 22, 22t tt. South o! t�he 8orth+►est co�nna� o! aaid s�ction; �eeaas noort� along tau x�st line o! se�id s�etioa s diat�aee at 2t lse�t to a point; theace nort�bnroster3y to a point on t�t aorth iine o! f3�ction g, Ta►a�thi.p 28, liaag� 22 diste�at 255.0 !t. �T�st o! the north�sst cx�ne� o! ss3�d Ssction 5; thtnce no�thireatazly to s poiat oa th� aorth- wst�r�y lin� ot Blc�cic 66, l�yman D4q't�aans A�dition to tl� City ot 8t. FM►v1., di#taat 120 !'t. sout�ster3y !'rae► t.h! a�ost noartbera„q cosn�s o! said Dlock 66 and t�re t�iaatiag. W�REAB, T�ro such indap�dtat spprsisW.� o! said ].and� hsve ba�n r�ivfd aud t2� revier► spy�aittr l�a aubmitted his rspos�t thereonf a co�y o! rhioh is attaah�d h�eto� rec the iti�c ��rket vslwe o! th� sbaw des�i'b�d prapa�ctie� in tLe amount o! 131,625.00; nw► th�ret'oro be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeaa Naya . Butler Carlson Approvcjd 19_ Levin.e Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka �� A ars�inat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� 0�4,�,n,�.�,�. 259�7Rn � ° � . - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa " OFFICE OF THE CIIY CLERK �� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTIC�N--GENERAL FORM PRESqrTED tY COMMI�SIONEQ �ATE -2� RSBaLjISD, Thst th� Cc�timai], o!' ths City o! Saint ptul d�ot�t hrreyy �cauc in tdu abaw r�ec■�tnd,�d !li►3r a�s�ut ve,lwe end dir�ct�t t�2�►t n�goti- atioas b� iait3at�d tor p�ur<:bsa� o= sa3�d land. ti � COUNCIL�dEN Adopted by the Council S E P 2 8 197?�9_ Yeaa Naya B tl Hunt �� on Konopafzk7 ",,z APProv�--��P ai9 �97219_ Levine '�'�� Meredit�i �� Tn Favor edith Sprafka S afka Tedesco �� T esco Mme���ld�r� ' t Mr. Presi nt, McCarty ��