259778 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 259 / ��
WI�REAS, The Mayor by Administrative Order No. D-145, dated September
6, 1972, directed that the proper City officials obtain appraisals of certain
lands proposed. to be acquired. for playground purposes for the expa.nsion of
the Prosperity Playground, an open space la.nd pro�ect, such lands being
described as follaws:
Paxcel No. 1 - The West forty-two (W.�2) feet of the East Eighty
(80) feet of the South One Hundred Fifty (150)
feet oY Lot six, Block four (4) Dawson Acre Lots, acc.
Parcel No. 2 - The West ten feet (W.10 ft.) of the South One Hundred
Fifty feet (S. 150 ft.) of Lot Seven (7), Block Four
(�+), Dawson's Acre Lots, acc.
Also, The East thirty-eight fee� (E. 3$ ft.) of the
South One Hundred Fifty feet (S. 150 ft.) of Lot six •
(6), Block four (4), Dawson's Acre Lots, acc.
Pareel No. 3 - The East Fifty feet (E 50 ft.) of the West Sixty feet
(W. 60 ft.) of the South One H�ndred Fifty feet
(S. 150 ft.) of Lot Seven (7), Block Four (�+), Dawson's
Acre Lots, acc.
� � WI�REAS, Two such independent appraisals of said lands have been received
�n � and the review appraiser has submitted his report thereon, a copy of which is
attached hereto, recommendin� the fair market value of the above described
� properties as foLlaws:
o � Paxcel No. 1 - $23,000.00
� Paxcel No. 2 - $24,750.00
Paxcel No. 3 - $17,200.00
NOW TI�REFORE BS IT RESOLVED, That the Council o�' the City o� Saint Paul
does hereby concur in the above recommended fair market values and directs that
ne�otiations be initiated for purchase of said land. 1972
� �� �; �5�:� � SEP 2 8
COUNCILMEN , ����� Adopted by the Councii 19—
-�.� c
Yeas xays S E P 2 9 197ta
utl r Hunf �.:�M�.,,t.`
Konopatzk� pprov 19�
1 on �evine
L v ne Nereditfi 7 Tn Favor
M edith��'rafka
Sp fkaTedesco J Mayor
lylme,�t?Ce_�id.e��Butle� Against
Te sco -
Mr. Preai t, McCarty
�i8-LISHED OCj � �9�. �
� � .
J. 1M�LLIAM DONOVAN 223-b317
A::'t vol�a�ion E�g�neer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 259�►�8
296 Cily Hell
Sainf Peul, Minn�tof� 56102
��$a S5
To the Honorable Mayor, Council President,
and Members of the City Council
Subject: Prosperity Playground Expansion
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I have reviewed and analyzed the appraisals made by Mr. E. Vincent Dolan
and Mr. Curtis Nelson, Realtors, of the properties to be acquired for the
subject project, sa.id properties be:i_ng �esignated a.s Parcels No. l, 2,
�,nd 3, being more particularly described in the reSolution submitted
herewith. Upon such review and analysis, it is �y opinion that the fair
market value of said parcels is as follows:
Parcel No. 1 - �23,000.00
Parcel No. 2 - �2�+,750.00
• Paxcel No. 3 - $17,2Q0.00
P arcel No. 1
The subject site commonly known as 1601 East Ivy Avenue is a normal sized
lot with �+2 foot frontage on East Ivy Avenue and a deroth of 150 feet. The
lot is served by all public utilities. East Ivy Avenue is i.mproved with an
oiled roadz�ray and sidewalk. Zoning is "A" Residence.
The property is improved with a one and one-half story, three bedroom, frame,
expa.nsion, bunga.l_ow-type, single falnily dwelling of 1,2�+2 sq. ft. liveab�e
floor area, a. two-cax fra,me detached gaxage, a.nd a one-car frame detached
garage. The b asement is 75°� fla.11. The exterior is aluminum siding,
composition roof, wood storm sash and screens, and concrete block foundation.
'i'he dwelling is in good condition having been well maintained inside and
outside. The yaxd is laaldscaped and also is well maintained.
I have not inspec�ed the interior of the dwelling as admittance thereto was
unobtainable. However, I have inspected the premises on the outside and
viewed the several properties considered by the appraisers in their maxket �
approach to value. Based on said inspection of the subject property, a
review and ana.lysis of the two appraisal reports, and an ana.l.ysis of
comparable sales, particularly those located at 18�+0 Ross Street and
1168 E. Fifth Street, which appea.r most representative of the subject, it
is rr�y conclusion and opinion that the appraised fair market value reported
by Mr. Curtis Nelson in the amount of $23,000.00 most �,ccuxately reflects
the current market value of subject parcel. Therefore, I hereby concur in
and recommend s�,id appraised value as cited above.
+ J �
' -2-
� � Parcel No. 2
The subject site commonly kno<<m �,s 1607 �ast Ivy Avenue is �, normal sized lot ti•rith
48 fo�t fronta,ge on East Ivy Avenue and a depth of 150 fee�. The lot is served by
all public utilities. East Ivy Avenue is improved with an oiled roadway and
sidec�ralk. `Loning is "A" Residence.
The �roperty is improved with a one-story, tw6-bedroom, fra�:me, expansion, bungalo�,r-
t;T�e, single fa.rnily d�relling of 909 sr1. ft. liveable floor �.rea., and a two-car
frazne detached g�rage. The baseMent is full, �. yoortion of z�rhich has been �artially
improved <�s <:� recreation room. The exterior is stucco, comr.osition roof, wood storm
sa.sh a.nd screens, �.nd concrete biock foundation. The dwelling is in good condition
huving been ��rell ma.intained inside and outside. The yard is landscaped and also
is ti�rell r�aintained.
I have not ins�ected the interior oi the dwelling �,s �dmi�ta.nce thereto was
unobtwinable. Hovrever, I have inspected the premises on the outside and viet,red
the several pronerties considered by the appraisers in their market approach to
value. Based on said inspection of the subject property, a revie�,r and azzalysis
oi the two a;�i�raisal reports, and an a.nalysis of comparable sales, �articularly
those located at �'030 Reaney Street and 2132 Case Avenue, which a�pear most
representative of the subject, it is �y conclusion and opinion that the a�rraised
fair market v�,lue re�orted by Mr. C�urtis Nelson in the atnount oF ��4,750.00 most
accurately reflects the current m�.rke� value of subject parcel. There�ore, I
hereby concur in and recoirunend said a_r,praised va.l.ue as cited above.
Pwrcel No. 3
The subject site co�nonly known as 1615 East Ivy Avenue is platted 1ot with
50 foot frontage on Ea:st Ivy Avenue �nd a depth of 150 feet. The lot is served
by a11 public utilities. Ea.st Ivy Avenue is improved with an oiled roadway and
sidetiral'x. Zoning is "q" Residence.
The property is improved with a one-story, three-bedroom, fr�:me, rambler-type,
single lamily d��relling of 703 sq. fi,. live�able floor area, plus a storage room
add.ition of �+5 sq, it. There is no ba:sement. The exterior is wood siding ti•rith
compo:,ition roof, aluminum-covered eaves, wood thermo-pane awning-type windota�s,
and concrete block foundation. The di�rel]_ing is in good eondition on the outside
but iair on the interior. The y�ard is landscabed and we11 maint«ined. There
is no gar�ge.
I have ins_pected the subject r,rernises and viewed the several ?�ro�erties considered
by the a�nruisers in their m�zrket a,�nro�.ch to value. B�,sed on such inspection of
the subject ��ro1�er�Ly, a review and an�.lysis of the t��ro wppr�.isal reports, and a.n
�nalysis o�' corm�arable sa.les, p��.rticularly those located at 21?_�I- Reaney 8treet and
85� HoT�rard Stree�, which apy�ea.r rnost representative of the subject, i� is m,y
conclusion �nd opinion that tne �:paraised fa.ir market value reported by Mr. E.
Vincent Dol:n in the amount of �17,�00.00 most a,ccuru.tely reflects the current
market v�:.lue of subj ect p�rcel. Thereiore, I hereby concur in a_nd recor►unend s�.id
anpr�.ised vaJ_ue as cited ��bove.
esrect - ly submi ed,
�N ` �—r--_.
J. William Donovan
Valuation �gineer
File No. 175�+�+
��,�AT�,��„� 259'7`7�
�AB, Th� ll�Ycar by Admiaistrativt O�cd�r I�o. D-14S� datrd Stptaib�r
6, 1972, dir�e�t�d t.l�t the prc�r City o!'ticiata obtaia apparaisals o= c�tairt
lsnds propossd to be acquirid tor psaygi*oLwd pw�pc�s�s !'o�c th� �ansion of
the Prosperf.ty P,Lay�ruund, an op�a space 1az'rd pa�c��eat, such ls�!!s b�ix�
deserib�d ar lollc�ss
�rc.i �o. i - �e r�.t ro�-t,►o (x.�) r..t ot t�. sut *,y
, (80j l�et o! th� South � �OdreQ Filty (l�
ihat o! Lot tia� Block tc�tr (�) Dauaon Amti Lots� scc.
I�at�a�l lto. 2 - The Nest ten lset (W.it� !t.) o!' thrr 8auth t�ns �r�d
�'ilty fi�t�t (S. 150 Ft.; ot Lot 8s�wa �7)� ffioc�t !'ovr
(4), Dsxroa*s Acre I,ots, a�c.
A,1so, The sast thsrty-�ts�t tsrt (s• 38 !"t.j o! t�
�outh 0� Hundx�d !'it'ty �set (�. 1g0 i't.) ot Lot siac
�6)� Bloak laur (4), Darson's Aere I.o�ts, acc.
�rcei �o. 3 - �e �a.t rir�y rset (a So rt.) or tn. x..t �sat�r i«t
N. 60 i't.) ot' thre South O�u B�adred !'ii'ty tst�
8. 150 !'t.) ot I,ot Se�v�en (7)� S1oWc lranir (4), Dip►ncu'a
Am�e Lots� sca.
i�RB118, �►o such iad�pendeat appan►isats o! raid ],a,a�ds hnv� b�n r�a�fwd
and tht� revis+r appa�aisa� bae subsittrd hts report th��on� a cvpy o!��rhich�is
attae:bed her�eto, ac�ca�ading t►ht fi�ir aark�rt valw o! trie abov�e dNCrib�d
pro�rti�s as to]3.ars=
Parcel Ao. 1 - �23,000.00
Parael �fo. 2 - �24,750.OQ
Par�all�o. 3 - �].7,200.00
liOi�T T� BE IT �SOLVaD, Tbst tbe Cv�mcail at' tb� City o! Sai.at i�►ul
doea h�ereby aoacur in tlu abave reaawend�d hir aie�rk�t v��].tu�1 and direesta tbat
n.�t�ts� � s�ts�t«i s� ��b... or ..ia x.na�. SEP g a 1972
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19�
Yeas Nays
.� r Hun� �"� � SEP 29 19��
1 n KonoP� ,``�"'�,� Approv�l 19.r
Levine , ;�.:
�. t.
L e Meredith � n Favor
�i� Sprafka
S Tedesco n �J�
�V1Lt�e. Ples�de�„�t� �� Against
Te esco
Mr. Presi t, MeCarty
, ��