259777 ORIOINAL TO CtTY CL6RK ���V��� • - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� _ " ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ti O ON GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WF�REAS, The Mayor by Administrative Order No. D-144, dated September 6, 1972, directed that the proper City officials obtain appraisals of certai.n lands proposed to be acquired for playground purposes for the e�ansion of the Fron-� Play�round, an open space land pro�ect, such lands being described as follows: Parcel No. 1 - The north one half (N�) of Lot numbered fifteen (15), block numbered one (1), Foundry Addition to the City of 3t. Paul acc. Also, The North one half (N2) of Lot numbered sixteen (16), block numbered one (1), Foundry 'n Addition to the City of St. Paul acc. O � � Parcel No. 2 - The south half of Lot number fifteen (15) block � number one (1), Foundry Addition to the City of - � St. Pa.ul, ace. . � � -� < Also, The south half of I,ot number sixteen (16) o block number one (1), Foundry Addition to the � City of St. Paul, acc. WI�REAS, Two such independent appraisals of said lands have been received. and the review appraiser has submitted his report thereon, a copy of �rhich is attached. hereto, recomonendin� the fais maxket value of the above described properties as follaws: Paxcel No. 1 - $17,5�•� Paxcel No. 2 - $17,5�•00 NOW TI�REFORE BT IT RESOLVED, That the Council o�' the City of 5aint Paul does hereby concux i.n the above recommended fair market values and directs that negotiations be initiated for purchase of said la.nd. � - ��..-� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncifiFP Z S 1'�� 19— Yeas Nays �er Hun� _ . �:�. " SEP �9 1972 C lson Konopa�k7 - ^� Approved 19� Levine -� � L vine Mereditl'i Tn Favor redith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco S afka Mme. Presidebt���tl4di Againat T esco Mr. Presi t, McCarty �BLISHED O�,j � �97Z ��� � • • � ,��.:..f� � T,�.M•� ! / crTY oF sA1NT PAUL ' OI'FIGE OF THE MAYO1? :�e■am aseew�ue ���_g�fa September 28, 1972 LAwaExcE D. CoxFr MAYOR City Clerk Harry Ma,rshall Honorable Members of City Council The enclosed package of resolutions authorize the City of St. Paul to ne�otiate xith property owners and make applications for funding to the federal Department of Housin� and Urban Development (HUD) for open space acquisitions. The City Council has previously authorized the �proper city officials to proceed as necessary, and the Mayor's Office concurs in the program. There are C.I.B. furbds for the local match required. Respectfully submitted, Philip Lee, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor . �� 22 J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-6317 ' Voluation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. � I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L � S'c�� �►::'r va��o+ion e�g��ee. B U R E 4 U O F V A L U A T I O N S �7 286 Cifr Hall S�int Paul, Minnaofi� SS102 '�'U September 27, 1972 Mr. Phil I,ee Office of the A�.yor City of Saint Paul BUILDING . Sub j ect: Open Spaee I,and Pro j ect s - F'ront Pla,yground. Prosperity Playground . Griggs Playground Mounds Bouleva.rd Deax S ix: Enclosed axe reports to the City Council and resolutions for its consider- ation in connection with the four subject pro�ects. I reg,uest your prompt review, approval, and submission to the City Council. This action by the Council is necessary under �he HUD requirements for making application for matching federal f'unds under the open space land. pro- gram. The City sha,re for these pro3ects has been f�Znded. in the 1972 CIB budget. Applications for these pro�ects must be submitted to HUD no la,ter than September 30, 1972, arid therefore your immediate attention to this iaatter is hereby requested. Very truly yours, G�' �' Q , Roy�. Bredahl, Jr. Assistant Valuation Engineer REB:REF:dm File Nos. 176�+3, 1764�+, 176�+5, & 176�+9 � Ene. cc: Wi17.iam Q. Pa,tton . - J.'MrILL1AM DONOVAN 223-631T ' Val.uation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A i N T PA U L A�:�r vaida�„� e�9��ee. BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ci4y Hall �J(�f�F+��.y S�inf Paul, Minn�wt� 55102 v � l ��U To the Honorable Mayor, Council President, and Members of the City Counci.l Subject; Front Playgrounds, Expansion Ladies and Gentlemen: I ha,ve reviewed. and analyzed the appraisals mad.e by Mr. E. Vincent Dolan and Mr. Curtis Nelson, Realtors, of theproperties to be acquired for the subject pro�ect,sa.id properties being designated as Parcels No. 1 and 2, being more paxticularly described. in the resolution submitted herewith. Upon such revie�ut and analysis, it is �y opinion tha.t the fair market value of said paxcels is as follows: , � Parcel No. 1 - $17,500.00 Parcel No. 2 - $17,500.00 Parcel No. 1 The sub�ect site commonly known as 9�+ Ma,ekubin Street is a tract of land with 66.55 foot f�onta,ge on Mackubin Street and a depth of 80 feet. The lot is served by all public utilities. Mackubin Street is improved with an oiled road,way a.nd sidewalk. There is no a11ey. Zoning is Li.ght Industry. The property is i.mproved with a two-story, eight room, frame, single dwelling of 1,712 sq. ft. of floor axea, and a one-cax f`rame detached. �arage. There is no access to said gaxa,ge and is used only for storage. The basement is 85�, f1il.1. The exterior is asbes�os shing].es, composition roof, wood. storm sash and screens, and stone foundation. The dwelling is in good condition having been well maintained inside and outside. The yard is fenced and landscaped and also is well maintained. T have inspected. the sub3ect premises and viewed the several properties con- � sidered by the appraisers in their maxket approach to value. Based. on such inspection of the sub�eet property, a reva.e�w and analysis of the two appraisal reports, and an analysis of com�parable sales, paxticulaxly those located at 917 Edmund Avenue and 839 Edmund Avenue which appeax most representative of the sub�ect, it is a�y conclusion and opinion that the appraised fair market value reported. by Mr. E. Vincent Dolan in the amount of $17,500.00 most accurately reflects the current market value of sub�ect Paxcel No. 1. There- fore, I hereby concur in and reco�nend said appraised. value as cited above. . ' . -2- Paxcel No. 2 The subject site com¢nonly knorym as �+99 Stinson Street is a corner property with 80 foot frontage on Stinson Street and a depth of 66.55 feet along Ma,ckubin Street. The lot is served by aLl public utilities. Both adjoining streets are improved with an oi].ed roadway and sidewalk. There is no alley. Zoning is Light Industry. The property is improved with a two-story, eight-room, frame, single dwelling of 1,508 sq. ft. of floor area, and a one-car frame detached garage. The basement is 80% fl�.1.1. The exterior is wood siding, composition roof, vrood storm sash and screens, and concrete block foundation. The dwelling is in good condition having been well maintained inside and outside. The yard is fenced and landscaped and also is well maintained. I have inspected the subject premisesand viewed the several properties con- sidered by the appraisers in theix market approach to value. Based on such inspection of the subject property, a review and analysis of the two appraisal reports, and an analysis of ccmrparable sales, particularly tha.t camparable located at 33�+ Stinson Street which appears most representative of the subject, it is �y conclusion and opinion that the appraised fair market value reported by Mr. Curtis Nelson in the amount of $17,500.00 accurately reflects the current maxket value of subject Paxcel No. 2. Therefore, I hereby concur in and recommend the said appraised value as cited above. Respectfully submit�ed, � � � . Roy E1� Bredahl, Jr. Assistant Valuation Engineer REB:dm File No. 17643 Enc. o,��,d�,�,�� 25�'7`7"7 - � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO. f � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRg�ITED!Y COMMISSIONER �AT� �iA�� The 11�Yoac' by A�isiniat►rativ'� OrdRr 1W. D-1�4� dat�d 8fpt�o'beY' 6� 1972i a1Y'�et�d that tb� p�ap�c City otficiale obt4ln dp�rsisals a! c�rtain lands pa�apos� to b� aaquira� !o� gL�ygrauad pvrposu fcz t2�e expansion o! tl�t �coat P'la�y�cound� an opsn spaat land Pro�ect� such lat�ds b�itig describ�d as lolla►s t . �ra�l lto. 1 - ?he north onie hatt �It�') o� Lot »u�b�r�d tii�n (15)� block nu�b�nd onit (1)f �cnndrY Ad�ditioa to th�e City o! St. Paul �►cc. Also, Th� Narth oae 2xlt (lt�r) o! 7�ot mmb�r�d rirtsta (lb�, bivck a��d otre (1), Famdxy Ad�dition to th� City o! 8t. �nl acc. rdre.s lto. 2 - T1ye aauth I�1s ct Lot ao�a�b.r rss'�s.n (15) bloak m�s�bs� on. (1), l�oui�dr�r Aa+di.tsoa to tlu csty cr St. Pau]., taa. Alao� T�t aouth Lalt'. ot IAt nw�r �ixtKn (16) block nu�ebt�r ons (1), !� Ad�dition to tl� City� o! St. Pa�il., acc. �AS� Trro w�ch iad�nt appacai.sals oi� �aid lsnda hav� b� raceiwd a,�l �he rrri�r app�aiar bss sub�i�trd hir re�port th�acao�, a aoppr o! �'b�Ch� is attaus3Md h�trrtio,� r��a�ndia6 t.he l�ir �rk�t va1u� ot t� abavr Q�ecribrd �i�s as i'cS].a►s: � Parcel No. 1 - �3.7��•� Par�at lto. 2 - �17s500•00 �iT T� H� IT A'iSOQ,VEp, Tbat the Cauncil o! tl�t City o! 8aiat Paul does h�eby coneur ia the abow r�cass�nd�d l��ir aark�t valu�s �ad dira�sta tl�t a�gotiatioaa� bt iaitist�d loor purchas� o! �aid 1and. SEP 8 S 19=2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Hunt �;:,�... $�p �,9 19Ta KonopatzT7 __:_��H� gpp�o� 19� C l�on -'=b� Levine '�-Y;� ' e Mereditli `�� �` Tn Favor redith Sprafka �� Tedesco S � M me. Preside��,�� • t Te sco Mr. Pregid nt, McCarty � ��