02-5141 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 Presented By Referred To COmmittee: Ddte An ordinance amending the interim ordinance adopted in Council File No. O1-648 [the Arcade Street study] by extending the terms of the interim ardinance established therein for an additional six months as authorized in Minn. Stat. § 462357, Subd. 4. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1 That C.F. No. O1-648, Section 2, be amended to read: Moratorium imnosed: lands affected: Pending completion of the said study and any other necessary studies or study recommendations, and the adoption of any amendments to the comprehensive plan and zoning code based upon the study or studies as provided under Minnesota Statute § 462355, Subd. (4), the issuance of plan approvals and lot splits or building and zoning permits for any zoned parcel of land or part of thereof on Arcade Street between Nevada Avenue East on the north and York Avenue on the south as depicted on the attached map, shall be prohibited for a period of time not to exceed twelve ei_ h>�teen (�18) months from the effective date of this ordinance. ��Y Y 1 ����� V� � � '} Requested by Department of: Plannina & Economic Development sy: Approved by Financial Services By: Adoption Ces BS'= Approved by By: by Mayor for Submission to Council 3y: ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � a, — 5/+-� Ordinance # Green Sheet# 2�0629 3g Form Approved by Attorney Sy: Adopted by Council: Date C a�, a c'» a-- � ��-SI�F DEPARTMEI3�fOFFICFJCp(JPICVL oAiENiR1A�ED crrYCOVrrc�, June4 2002 GREEN SHEET No 200629 CONTACT PERSON & PIiONE InNiauoau InMlalloffie CouncIl Ptesident Dan Bostrom 6-8660 , ��,,, �„� MUST BE ON COUNCILpGFNDA BY (DAT� /�s81GN NUYBERFOR alY1TTORIEY ❑GfYCAFR�c RO{ffING �� fHallWLaFRYIeEfOR. rt++41CIKaFnv�AttTC ❑wvoxl��� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7m Extension of the Arcade Slreet Montorium. RECOMMENDATIONApprove(A)or 2J2C[(R) , PERSONALSERVlCECON7RAGfSMUSTANSWERTXEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoMrm e+er vrorked uMer a crontrad fa fhis department? PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO q6 COMMITfEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city empbyee? CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION YES NO 3. Does thi� peisoMrtn pocsess a skill rwt normallypossessed by any current city empbyee? YES NO 4. Is this peraoMrm a tarpeted vendoY7 VES NO Fiylain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green shee[ INITUITING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITY (Who, What, When, WMfe, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED _ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOti S COSSIREVENUE 8UDG8TED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO PUNOING SOURCE ACTNRY NUMeER FINANCIAL INFOftMA710N (p�WN)