02-513A �.���, �a _ 'T�.� �a, a-o oa, Council File # � � " 5 13 creen sheet # �dhyV.�t RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul spends up to $100,000 each yeaz for publication of public notices 2 and documents; and 3 4 WHEREAS, access to the Internet through home, office, school and library computers has increased 5 greatly in Saint Paul; and 6 7 WIIEREAS, Minnesota State Statute 331A.02 states that proceedings and notices be published in an 8 official newspaper. "To be qualified as a medium of official and legal publications, a newspaper shall: be 9 printed in the English language, in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed 10 space to at least 1,000 square inches." This provision excludes a Ciry Web site as an official newspaper; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, along with the City of Minneapolis would like a waiver from the 13 Minnesota Board of Government Innovation and Cooperation which would recognize the Internet as an 14 official publication tool; now, therefore, 15 16 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the City Clerk to apply to the Minnesota Board of 17 Government Innovation and Cooperation for a waiver from the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 18 331A.02; and 19 20 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk work with the City Webmasters to ensure the 21 posting of all official publications on the City Web site and 22 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests the Saint Paul Libraries to F visible instructions on how citizens can access nublic information on the comfluters in �nanav S1aTZe � o�r m — Z'o ema� - arris an rv � e� Adopted by Council: Date�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary , Requested by Deparhnent of: ca-S\3 tizen Service Donald J. Luna 6-8688 UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY @4TE7 UA(E INISIAT� GREEN SHEET oe.�nr�rcwmrne No 2��96� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAC,ES arvcaw. CrtYAiiOWEY ❑ tliVCLiPIt fWNCM1.lIXNLF100. ❑ NMNMLfERYl11LCi6 WYORlORA99S�AliT� ❑ (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Authorize the City Clerk to apply to the Minnesota Board of Goverxunent Innovation and Cooperation for a waiver from the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 331A.02. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfREE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this pe�sonlfirm everwwked unaer a corNactfw mis departmerA? VFS NO Has Mis persoNfirm e�er been a cily empbyee7 YES NO Dces thie PeisoMim G� a sltill rwt normallYP� bY any curreM citY emPbYee? YES NO Is Nis personKrm a targetetl ventloY) YES NO The City would like to have the Internet recognized as an official publica tool as defined in Minnesota State Statute 331A.02. The City will save money that would be spent on publishing in the legal newspaper. The Board of Gov't Innovation & Cooperation will not pass a waiver before s COST/REVENUE BUDliE7ED (CIRCLE ON67 YES NO SOURCE AC7NITY NUMBER INANCIALINFORMAl10N (EXPWN) The Citizen Service Of£ice spent approximate�y $77,000 to publish legal noti last year in a paper that £ew in the general pui�lic are a�aar2 of,