D00974CI1'Y OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF Tf� MAYOR ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDE12, NO: ���_ Da�: � ' �L"f � Whereas, computer services staff for the Department of Public Works is required to perfonn configuring and networking tests on various nenvorks while maintaining uninterruptible service to the'u customers. With a networking system that has little or no idle rime the most feasible alternative is off-site testing, and; Whereas, the department has a network bridge which connects mulaple devices providing field offices and local offices with high quality citywide integrated networking and interconnectability. Through this hridging, off-site testing was realized through the use of employee's personal computers. The communicadon lines connecting these home computers to our work site provides for distribution of informarion at a rate of 28,806 bits per second and causes that computer to become inaccessible for other funcrions until the configuration testing process is complete. There has become available through US West Communicarions a high speed communicarions access line which can distribute informarion at a rate of 128,000 bits per second. This service costs approacimaCely $80.00 per month per telephone line (plus a one-ame installaaon cost of $260.00), and; Whereas, the Deparhnent of Public Works believes it is in our best interest to provide this ISDN high speed access line to our Computer Services Manager whose personal computer facilitates telecommunicating and remote administraaon capabiliries and is being urilized as a host for configuradon testing and to pay the subsequent monthly access charges,and; • Whereas, future lines may become necessary and would be provided ro other system administrators employed by this department, and; Whereas, the ISDN access line may become available from several communicarions companies and the Department of Public Works will determine which of these vendors can provide this service to the department in the most cost effective manner, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Department of Public Works has authorization to purchase and install off-site a high speed access line for the purpose of configurarion and network tesring and to pay subsequent expenses incurred m maintain this communication line and to secure future lines as deemed necessary to maintain high quality interconnectability throughout our department. Cutrent expenses wi11 be absorbed within the computer services adopted budget and any future lines will be planned and requested through normal budget processing. APPROVED AS TO FORM ���1.���vUr-L- �f �/S � Assistant City Attomey , Date ��� l j. „ D artment Head O c�� e Administra6ve Assistant to Mayor �i � �/,(�(P �S - ��-1 UZ -(�227i � Ol� j r�bit� wo�s Dennis Grittner 266-b095 ������ SIGNATURE PAGES 6111/96 AS9GH NUY86t GREEN SHEET���� x�R n� iNrt �EPAFiAIENSDIflE�TOR � CRYCOUNCIL _ �ITYATfOflNEY � CRYCLFAK LDGEfD61ECTIX7 _ � FIN 8 MGL EEqVICES DIR. U/A —� (GL1P ALL LOCA710N5 iOR 31GW1NRk� ❑2 ASC�OCwTE �_ � DEPARTMEM Aathorizarion to purchase and install an off-site ISDN high speed access communications line and pay subsequent monthly access chazges. REGOMMEN00.TWNS'Appare jAj w Rajea (F� _ PLqNNINCa COMMISSION_ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ C16 COMMITTEE _ ^ _ STAFF _ _ _ DiSTfiICTCOUNCIL � _ SUPPORiS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTNE? INITIATING PFOBLEfA, ISSUE.OPPORTl1NRY (WNO. WHAT, WHEN, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever vrorked under a contract for ihis deparrtnent? �'ES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever 6een a dry employee? YES n70 3. Does Ihis persoNfirm possess a sitill not rarmally possessed by any current ciry emptoyee? YES NO Explain all yes aiswers on separate sheet and ariach to grean sheai Wi4Y): The departmenPs networldng system has littre or no idle time to facilita[e necessary network configuring and tesfing without intemrpflng customer service. Off-site tesfing resotves this issue however analog communicadon lines distribute informaGon at an extremely slow rate and 6es up the system administratox's computer unfil con�igurarion testing processes are complete. A new digital high sperA communication access line has become availabte and would uansmit data at an incredible rate. ADVANTAGES 6APPROVEO: ISDN high sQeed access line facilitates telecommunicating and remote adminis�a[ion capabiliaes. ' n tesfing ;es computer inaccessability for ow customers. R��� JUL 02 199fi ►.. � � �' � DISAOYAN7FGES IF APPROVED; Installation of this communicapon line wouid require payment of monthly access cfiazges. RECEIVEC; JUE. 121996 �ITY CLERK DISAOVANTAGES IF tdOT APPROVED: uration tesHng and network maintenance would adversely affect computer services customers. If maintenance is to be performed via equipment, cutomers would experience significant amounts of computer inaccessabiliry. Utilizing the current method of off-site would rie up the system adminishatots personaS computer until configura6on testing processes are completed and hinder AMOUMOFTRANSACTION$ 340.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE} YES NO �uGSOUHCE PW� inecri �Ftmd AC7IVITYNUMBER 2QS-12102-0222 =1NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� � �