259767 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK �^�--'����u+ � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLU ION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE DATF Tdorthwestern Bell Telephone Co. District Engineer 223 Plato Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 �stimate 6131 �� O,K� � R.esolved that permission be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to make necessary excavations for and to place and hereafter maintain an underground conduit � On west side of Fairview Avenue from alley south of Eleanor to Hampshire and on east side of Edgecumbe Road f.rom Hampshire to St. Paul Avenue. All work to be in accordance with the attached plans as approved. The Telephone Company to pay cost of publication incident hereto. � �vcc�1•� r�`s'rj��;�' '�i�� As � t Ati � ey COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� SEP 2 7 197?�_ Yeas Naya ut�e ;_.,;;,; 5EP 2? 1972 arl n Kon�r�{tz:;i Approve 19� v' e Levin2 �� Meredith �In Favor �i'� Sprafka Sp fka Tedesco `' yor T co �e' �'-�esidel��, �Ntler Againat Mr. Presi en , McCarty PUBLI3HED SEP 3 01972 �°� ' �59`7f'� DUPLICATt TO�ItIMiR t : ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL �uwca NO . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRB�lT�'/11 COMMISSIONEo ^ATG Nortl�stern Bt11 Talaphos� Co. - Diatrict Sngin�ax� � 223 Piato Bonlenras�d . St. Paul, I!�tnn��ot• 55107 Eetimats 6131 Resolv�ad that pss�nisai�oa ba ,aad is hsrsby grantad to eh� Northvastera Bell T�.].epheaaa C�pany t0 nayc� usa�ss�trp ezcanratfoas for and to plaao and Lar�uftsr maint*ia aa �dasgYOtmd aosduit 0� �+wt •id� af Pairvierr A�ra►n� irom allep so�th of Bluaor to Hd�npehirs aad on east �3d� o! Sd�aavaia� R�oad from Bempshire to S�. Panl A��w. A11 work to b� �u aceordaaaa with ths attacah+ad plaas as appro�ad. Th� Talephon►e Co�genp to pay eos� of pub2ieatio� iaeid�nt h�teto. , :� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»ncil SEP a'j ��_ Yeas Nays B � Ap�o s�P a� �s72 �e� C � I-i u nt � Konopatrki Le Levine � �Tn Favor Mer 'th Meredith / Sprafka Yayor Sp Tedesco a rodA711 G't T esc Mme. President, Butler Mr. Pre dent, McCarty - ��