D00973Original- City Clerk No : Copies- Fin. & Mgmt Services Public Works Accounting Engineer Date: • Contractor CiN OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADM4NISTRATIVE ORDER for C�NTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT�IQ._ 1 o ���� � - E�Z `��O ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Street lighting on the BATES/MCLEAN CSSP known as Activity 2g225 . City Project No. 95-V-8086 , S�eciairy Electric. Inc. contractor is composed of the foliowing: Quantities actually installed: 1-112" NMC behind curb, 27,741,' Bid quantity was 24,027; change of 3,714' @ $1.07lft. 2' NMC behind curb, 65.' Bid quantity was 15'; change of 50' Q$1.851ft. 1-1l2" NMC trench and restore, 1,580.' Bid quantity was 3,641 ; change of 2,061' @ $1.00fft. 1/c #6 AWG, 76,446.' Bid quantity was 75,865 ; change of 581' @$0.34/ft. 11c #8 bare, 29,492.' Bid quantity was 28,997 ; change of 495' @$.0.21Jft. $3,973.98 92.50 (2,061.00) 197.54 103.95 Type L puflbox, 31. Quantity bid was 28; change af 3@$222.00/ea. 668.00 Remove light base foundations O. Bid quantity was 37; change of 37 Q$1.00lea. (37.00) • Salvage light standard O. Bid quantity was 37; change of 37 @$1.00/ea. 7. 0 TOTAL $2,898.72 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paui, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the spec'rfications in the sum of $ 2.898.72 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract, known as Activity 29225 , and which amount is to be financed from: Log SU 66246 C95-2T528-078429225 �19� Contractf-`�� G i A,, `�-� ��5��-. � '��� � l�+1�i� � ` - �'- °'s�i 9� g . . C.7 !X1 1 �� � >�� � ��L�t�`� Dire� epart � f Finance and Management Services �lG � y'i 19— Administrative Assistant to the Mayor DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET��3 6/19/96 ��yp�pA� ximauoa� _ a CQUNCILAGENDA 8Y (DA'fE) �F SWNATURE PAGES 'I (CL14 ALL LOCATIOlIS FOR SIGNAT/RE) ATTORNEV & MGT. SFAVICES e Contract Change Agreement No. 1, Gontract No. 95-V-8086, to reconcile contract to refiect quantities insta(led and work performed. HtWMMtNUNIKNVS: AqJfO�e (A) O[ Re)¢CS (R) pEpSONAL SERNCE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLON7NG QUESTIONS: PLANNWG f,OMMlSS10N CML SFRVICE COMMISSION t- Has fhis persoNfirtn ever wo�lced under a contrac[ for ihis depaNnenl? — — YES NO CIB COMMffTEE 2. Has ihis persoMirm ever been a city empioyse? — — YES NO A STAFF 3. Does this person/firm possess a sidll not normally possessed by any curtent city — employee? _DISTRICiCqUNCIL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTVE? ExPlain a11 yes answers on separete sheet antl attach m green sheet INITIATIPIG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUPoITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WNERE. WH`n: Completion of Contract No. 95-V-8086 Measuring of line items by Public Works Staff ??�vE9Y� JUN 2 g i996 ��,�'��'S �F�E�'� Payment will be made for work actually performed. #iECEfVED None. IF NOT APPPAVED. Cannot finalize contract. �uz i � �sss CltY CLERK m R'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMAT70N: (EXPWN) ZSJS.7Z COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ACRVT'NUMBER C95-2T528-0784-29225 NO �