259758 OR7�i1NAL TO CITY CL6RK 14.•�lJ��� J .. CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO : � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNC RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE '� qTF RESOLVED, 7'hat pursuant to the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.71, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the - Mayor, the Head of the Department of Finance� and the City Clerk to issue a registered bond of the C ity of Saint Paul in the amount of $5,000 to Eunice M. Munck, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in exchange for Registered Bond No. 3403 in the amount of $5,000, issued in lieu of Registered Bond No. 3401, issued in lieu of City of Saint Paul General Improvement Bonds, Series No. 7 dated February 1, 1959, 3.20%, due February 1, 1986, Numbered 29827 to 29831, inclusive; said registered bond to be issued at the Office of the Department of Finance, and to be done under the direction and supervision of the Sinking Fund Committee; provided, however, that such registered bond so issued shall not incur any new liability on the City or extend the time of maturity of the coupon bonds which have been authorized or issued, and in place of which it is ordered issued, but shall only bind the City in the same manner and to the same extent as bound by said coupon bonds, or as provided in and by Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes; the manner of cancellation of such Registered Bonds and the form of Registered Bond to be as prescribed by the Sinking Fund Committee. 'Phe Department of Finance is authorized to pay current interest on such Registered Bond by check. FORM R^VED: Asst� � e� . SEP 2 6 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays � i=,�-. S E P 2? 1972 �� KONOPATZKI ( prove� 9— V Le�ine _jn Favor Meredith Sprafka U Maqor Tedeaco Against ������ Mme. President, B� ER � PUBLISHED SEP 3 � 19� o�.,�,TS,��,� 259'75� f CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� �� � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESEIiTED/Y COMMISSIONEN �A*� SESt1�.VED, That pursuaat to tha authority contaiasd. in Miioa�a�ota Statuts�, 8�ctiat 475,71, ths Council ot tha City o! Saint Paul doss hsr�by authorisa tha Msyor, tha Hsad o! ths Dapartmeat of linanca� and tha City Cl�rk to i�aus a r�gist�sad batd o! ths C ity o! Saint Paul in th: adouat of �5,000 ta Euaic� M. llunck, Kinwapolia, ldian�sota, ia �cchaogt for Ragi�tsr�d Band lto. 3403 in tha aouat of �5,000, iaansd in �isu of �istar�d Daad Uo. 3401, i�ausd ia lisu of City of Saint Paul Qwsral ipsovrant Do�ds, Sari:s Xo. 7 dat� �ebtvary 1, 1959, 3.20�, dw ?abrwry I, 19a6, lWsb�s�d 29827 to 29$31, inclwiw; �aid s�siatsrad boad to bs i��wd at tha O�fia� o! th• Departa�at oi linan�a, and to b� d� und�r ths dirsction and auparvirion ot tha Sinkiag lh�nd Comitt+�ai pro�vie�sd, harw�r, that auch registar�d bo�d so is�ueb shall aot incur my nax liability o� th� City or sxt�nd tba tir o! saturity of ths caipoa bonds �+hi�h havs bun wthozis�d or isaued, �nd in placa of Mhiah it i� ordsred ia�wd, but �hs�ll aniy bi�d th� City in the aara m�nn�r aad to th� aara �tsnt as bound b� •aid aoupon bards, os as provid�d in and bp Chapt�r 475, l+iians�ota St�tutas; t6s s�mmss ot� cancellation of such �ssi�tar�d Doods and tha !'orm ot �istersd Bond to ba as prsaaribsd by tha Sinking !'und Ca�itt��. Th� DepartMnt of Tinanca i� authort�sd to pay aurrsnt int�re�t oa such H�girtsstid Dond by check. COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Counci�EP $6 �97a 19.— Yeaa Nays � A�o� SEP 8? 1972 19` 1�KONOPATZRI �°�'e �n Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r t Tedesco Mone. President, BUTLSR ��