259757 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ��Q��� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL N0. � r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL�R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT ,�S � . �. �. COMMISSIONE ,t,rF RESOLVED � � That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to �•��� place, construct and thereafter maintain a Underground electric cable along the alley north of Sherburne, East of Aldine from an existing pole 260' east of the center line of Aldine to180' east of the center line of Aldine in accordance with the sketch attached � heeeto. � � r�c �� "'`' , �FcM R� r����. -� ; (' , ^�s;. 1,�, - ` , , .y �{ , , J SEP 2 6 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays SEP a? ��2 B tler C ls n '��'� rnve 1 _ Konopatzki � � Lev e Levine Tn Favor Me ith MereditFi S ra a Sprafl�a � Mayor Tedesco A gainat edes N1me. President, ButleP Mr. Pr ident McCarty �� PUBLISHED �Ep 3 0197� t � �_. - .. �. .S . � �t��I s ' �� i�.P'a.J '�/� 93 _..S�E �!'� , h a'1 � . ! i [ ; /G 'jA.Z - iS�d �o�✓ C E.✓r2i c i � �7 i.2�G T .:r' �/.B�E'I� �.0 EG r�.c�iC �1 ! ��A_C,[ t - � ' Z E,G a G✓ G-��'rJ1�� 1 . `� �� � E y � - �'��E a F �7.c�E-Y � � . - --- �., ._�_� i- -Z�c� �-�'---_..,_ �Xi..� r�f✓.G � a • �o.�.�' . � . � .VErti/ A�r .a,d.�G. � �� . 1 . � . � . . V • � - . �// �" /C_..��U.0 /if � �G/ G . • ' �- _ ' � 1 DYr1.ICATt TO rRIN1�R . : CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO. 2c 9�r)"� , � OFFICE OF THE CITI( CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���r COMMISSION� DATE RBSOLVSD That the No�t6arn 3tat�e Poa�r Ccsp�ny be givan ptr�ission to place, coa�tru�t and theseafter saintain a IIoelarground �I�etric cable along tha ai�in oorth of Sh�rb�ucae. B,aat of Aldin� fra� an existing pole 260' es�t of tha cont�r lias of Aldi� to/80' ea�t of the ceater line of Aidine in accorda�rce with the sketch sttachad h�aeto. - sEPas �sr� COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co���1 19— Yeas Nay$ � SEP a 7 1972 C 1 n� Approv� 19_ KonopafzTd � e Levine r„ Favor � i{,�Mereditti Sprafka Mayor S Tedesco � Against edes �pe. P�ident, But{�F Mr. Pr ident, McCarty ���