259752 . ��59'��2
WHEREAS, The Bureau of Public Buildings has issued an order
directing tha.t a certain nv.isance be removed and abated on property
located within the City of Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, The owner ha.s filed an appeal from said order, re-
questing that the City Council hold a public hearing for the purpose
- � of rescinding or affirming this order; and
WHEREAS, Pursua.nt to Ordina.nce No. 15154, hearing was held
before the City Council on September 21, 1972, and the Council does
consider the findings of the Bureau of Public Buildings; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby confirm the findings of the Bureau of Public Buildings and
does hereby find that a nuisance exists at the real property at
30 East Ma.ryland Avenue, described as Lot 4, Emarna.el Church Sub.
"A" of St. Paul North Outlots; namely, piles of lumber, tree
branches, cans, tires, etc. , in yard area; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha,t the owner of the property is hereby
directed to remove the nuisance forthwith and to ha.ve completed
� '�uch re��1 within one week of the date of this resolution; and be
FURTHER RESOLVED� That if the nuisance is not removed and
abated by the owner, as provided above, the Bureau of Public Build-
ings, acting through the Department of Public Works, is hereby
authorized and directed to remove and abate the nuisance from the
above described property; and thereafter to assess the costs in-
curred th�rein against the real property in the ma.nner provided for
in Ordina.nce No. 15154.
�� � � ��
Asst. i
SEP 2 6 197�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas N yg .�R�4�;��;
Butler Konopatzlc� S EP
Carlso Levine prove 2 9—
L vi e Mereditfi �
Sprafka —ln Favor
M dith Tedesco J
pra a �IIIIe}P1e�1d�II�,����� Mayor
A gainst
Mr President, M arty
PI�BLISHED gEp 3 01972
� l= ���7.�°�
' � • �ept. 5, 1972
. 5_ .��
� �ity�Cl�k
�oom 386 City Hall. �
St. raul, Minn.
Dear S f r :-
In answer to your letter of August 30, 1972 and in line
with our talk i� your offiee, this is my written request for
a he�ring on the $ub,ject of the building eode violationa that
�re aeserted agafnst my property at 3(3 E� Maryland�
Hoping that we can get this taken c�rE o� With the leaet -
amount of trouble and the greatest amou.nt of good for everyone,
Z r�main,
`rours sinoerel,y,
Zloyd Ii, Flowers
3� �� ]l�Iaryl,and ave, ,
St� Tatal, Minn� 55117
� �
.� �,
�� �
G � �
��� �
� a �
�° �
z� �
ql �- z�
o���,�,n.�.R„� � 259'752
' . , _ CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO
�HB�E�S, Th� Burtau of Public Buildin�s hsa iasuad an ord�r
dire►ctiag that a c,�rtain �isaace b� r�o�d a� ���,ed an propsrtq
locatect within the Citp of Saint Paul; and
WEIB�AS, Tha o�wcier has fil�d an a frvm �a3.d order, ri-
qu�ati� that the Citq Councii hold a lic h�ari�g fo� tl� pu�post
of rsscincliug or af f is�min�g thi a order; and
i��AAS, Pursvaat to Ordinenc� Ncr. 15154 hea�ci �na l�a�d
'!�c►r� the City Cou�ci� on Saptember 21, 1972,,'and the�Cc�mcil do�a
c.onaidar th� f indinga of tha Bureau of Public 8uildis�gs� tun+,
. i�r�for�. bs it .,
RBiOLV�, T'�at the Ce�upa�cil of tht Citp of Saint Paul doe�
h�rebq confir� ths findings of the Butreau of Pubiic euilding� and
di�s l�sr�by find that a �ui.sance �xiste at the real propertq at
30 T�at Ma land Av�aa��e, dtacrib�d aa Lot 4, �1 C'h�isch �ub.
A" a►f St. aul �rth putlotr� amsly, pilas o! lv�r, trs� �
branc�as, cans, tira�, atc., in yard ar�a; and bm it
1rvYT8i�it RLS�LVBD, Z'bat tt�t o�rnsr ot' t�a �rty i� ��r
� disycted �ko r�ow tt� �,iaaaca fort�ri�h aud to �n coo�pltt.�d
�wch rrmvvai �►it�i.a a� �k o� t.kat datf oi� t,his r��olution� and bs
1RJRTHER RFSOLVBD, Tl�at if the �uiaance is not r+evov�ed aud
ab�at�ed by th�e o�ner, aa provided ubov�e, the Burenu o! Public Huild-
in�s� actin� thro�h th� Depsrtmt�tt of public Wortia, is lurebg
authoris�d and diaacted to r�roe e�nd abata t.hie nniaanc� fr�am th�e
abow das�riba�i Pnoparty aad tb�r�t�r to assast t�t co�ta in-
curra�d tharein a�tiast t�e rtal Prop�rty ia th� �er pzovid�d i�or -
in Ordi.n�ac� I1o. ISI3�: _- --.__
COUNCILB�IEN Adopted by the Connd� S E P 2 6 197�9_
Yesa Nays
Butler �_ .'^`*�� SEP 2? 1972
Caxlson Konopat� "i J Approv� 19_
Levine ,
�°�e Mereditli T� Favor
�e�},� Sprafka
Sprafka Tedesco � �►Y�
Mme.P�esid��� _ ro�;rAt
Mr. Preaident, �cCarty
September 26, 1972
Mr. Lloyd Flowers
30 E. Maryland Ave.
Dear Sir:
Attached is a resalution of the St. Paul City Council, C.F. 259752,
ordering you to remove the nuisance on your property within
one week of the date of thia resolution, and if not removed,
ord�ring the Dept. of Public Buildings through the Dept. oP
Public Works to re�ove and abate the nuisance and assess the
costs against the property.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
Septernber 7, 197�
r�. L�oyd H. Flowers
3b E. Maryland Ave.
St. �'�eil., t�'inn. 553-17
D�ar Sir:
The City Gpuncil wil2 hold s pubJLic hearin� on Thura. , S�spt.
21, at 1!?:00 A.P�i. in the Councll Ch�mbe�rs, City �a12 & Caurt
Houae, ta consider th� order 4f the Bureau c�f Public �uildings
to rez�ove e nui�ance on yonr �rop�rty at �d E. "�1�.�rylan.i. Ave.
AL tZll1't 't�.ME the City Couaacil wil�. hear �.11 interested part3e�
coucexnin�; this r�atter,
V�ry truly yours,
City Glerk
c�c. Building Dept.
Se�tem��� 21, 1�;x?
Mx, Keru�eth k'itzpatrick
City Attorney
Room 6�+7, C�.�y H�11
St. Pr�u1., Minne�ota �5102
5�.@f1.Y' ti 1?.^�
Th� City C�+uz�..c3.1 tocl.ay, �t the reqezest o� th� pxolaex�'�y ownez�,
h�ld r� pazblic ?�eaxin.g to cona3der the orct.er o.f tl�e �azild3.n�;
Ti�ps��;m�nt i�su.�d *� P�?r, Llo���. Flower� t�o xes�o�re c� nui�t�nc�
on prv�aerty a� 34 �. Marylarad Avenue. A�'ter conducting €
�ub1�.a hear�_ng anc? con�id�rin,g t}a� matter, the ^ounc3.1 a�,.�e�d
to give I�Zr. Fl.c�w�rs on� w�e�i to cl..�an u�a h�s pra�+erty and iP
n.�t �inp.rav�d by t,htet �3me, the proper C�.�y csff3ciaZ� �re
authorized to order the o�ccark done, to be ch�,r��d aga:in�t t1a�
property owner. T�' necessary� Pleas� prc���,re ��xe �rcrper
resolution ratif'ying the Council'� �ct3.ari,
Yaurs v+�x'Y' ta�I.3r�
City C1erk
ec: Bu31d3ng Aept.
Housiz�g Code Division
� ::.w.�., F.�..�...:w .�,. _.._. ,
.'_ ,.... ._.�� �,. .. _._.. • _ .. . . �
� Yo r Honor, ll��yor Cohen � ?��3dam �utler, Preeident� of the St. Pa►ul , �
�.,� :, .� cit aouneil, and all' membere present =- , � ' .
,., �
1� ; .
� ' I\' may be reaognized by some of you, as we h�ve "met on bther , � '
4 vovasionc�, but I feel that none of`� you know me� I�or that rea�aon,`' , -
� � - r •.: , '
I willdescribe myaelf . to eome extenL and then get right to my
(, • ,,;��, ,
� problem. ;I'l1 eome to you later s►nd you have it ooming.
� I s►m 55 yearer old, divoroed three timee, employed a►t 'the 3t�
. . . . �� ' . ,A .
' raul poatoffioe , a ,veteretn of World War Two, the holder of the � ,
� . � � . ,
i degree of bacholor o� �rt� frvm :�ankato State, a forn9er hi�h eohool
� teaoherifrnm 8pring Va►lley, Minn. , liet�d by the Veterane Adminis�
j . -.. '
' tre►tion as totally e►nd germ�►nen�].y di�abl�d , and by tht 1u[inne�ota :,.
I . S�n loyment Servioe 8►� unem lo able ]� moftt a e fn�uranae �
P F Y . y � � policy wae
; , . � ;;
1 aaneelled and tbe premiuma. returned beoa,uee they figured that my life �
� was too poor a riak. At , the pregent tirne I am trying to learn to plaq
� ' the ♦iolin, teaabing .mye�elf, a�nd beoome an a�uthor, � . � *
� .
, My problem i� �hert the supervi,sor of the housing aode �eotion of
; ,
, .
; the Department of Publio Buildinge haa served me wibh aen order in .
�I� regard to the oondition of the y�rd at 30 �. MarylQnd� luty reaaone�
� For the past two and a half yea.rs I have been living� at �he
�' _
�� Bethel Hilton, better known as the Union Gospel I+�i�sion,� r►hile sepeg
;� ated from my Affe �►nd apai�in� divoroe� buring �h�t time the young
'� fellow that hae been �ollying my wife,�rh�o is fn the bueineeg o� hau].ii.. � `
,i ,
'' ing �unk eara, hag been ].ea�ring the tirea in my yard beoau$� they
�' , are not aac�ptabl� at the �unk ya�rd� �He alao left many other parts. ,
Under the � terme of the seperation I was r�ot allowed to stop � � .
this but .I have built a � trailer out of aome of , the �orap and Z Qm �
trying to get thie alae�ned up. I �ust needed time �o� u�e #,n "the plao•
of money, whioh �I bave very littl� ebove my bills. I �m working alone
beca►use I �►ont get others' to do my rrork and then tiurn tbem a�ay wgen
� they need something, like �ome politioians that I know,� �
S � "
� � � /
� . , /��� , �
f1 ��� ' ; ,
��.�.�.�.�_____ _
,.� .� . _ _ .��...., :.�, ; �K �.�.�..-_.._.T.
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� , .4 . . � • . a•r, �°� a�', ,, . .
,� .. ' , � .. ' � 4,� . . ... � � � � . .. �. � � .
.I _y �y �� �.� . . / i � + � tf� ./�..t . . . .. .
1[ +_d�, � . . � . ,' . ' µ� . . .
� t � k �., � 1 . . � , � .. , � - ..
/� ' . . . .. . � . ' .1 � .A: .
. ' . .. 4`�. � � . � . � . . 4 ;± - , . .
. ' + . .. � . �� . ' .
' : Now, as I� promised, I come to you, ' .
I' � : You have been set up as �ud�es and the rpost important part of a
( , ..
I. �u ges a�araater is knowing right from wron� and doing only ri�ht�
j •.
� � .� The � dePinf tion of a wrong is ; anythia� thati hurt�, in,jure�a or '
� destro a a erson '
� • , Y� p , plaoe or thing and anything el�e ia rfght, �
r � .,.
�. � �+'}`� �en moet of you� voted to raise your salary, you were hurting the
' eiti�zens finaneially and when you voted to� reoind that action, you
were hurting youreel�es and households� One , e�ause for this aotion is
. �
; in$anity, not knowing right from wrong, ths other exouse was Felony, ' �
; , +�.
, dofng wrong with knowledge and forethou�ht� �Nhiah way do you plead?
;' .
� "L et him who i� without szn oast the first etone" says the ,Bible,
eo I will only show the stonee to other� who. can oa��t them' if thiy
� feel; that they have the right� ' ,. �
� �
You are now a le�i�l�tive body-�a,ar�d nat �eation heads of the � �
everyday v�orking departments crf the oity government, so I wi��h to give
� you,what I think, ar ri�ht ideas for �ction of thi� body, * •
The firet etep is to etop the �a1e of or d3eplay for aale of
any hand guns or hand�un ammunition or awitoh blade knives in, the
aity and the ,aeo,ond ie to outlaw the gosae�sion of them by anyone
but a law enforoement offfcser, if they are aapable of ope�ating. � . -
. . . � , � ,
�he tbird, and. most important, is that you all, i'ndividually � •.
and ae a �roup, � re�olvs to dediaate yourselve� to doing right.
Tbis meana tha►t you will ask youreelf, befors you m3ke a,deaision,
"will this ha►rm eome�hin� or wi11 it be helpPul to' a1,1", � �
. ,%
Outlawing gomething beoauee it ca� do harm, ie tear and wrong . �
but h�ndguns and ewitahblade knives are m�de �for no other purpose, .
, Most liaense restriationa are aaueed by fear or to extort th.e ,
� priae from a doer and Z feel that you c�,n raf�e you����,i�� et►ea� �lt��� � �
Now, fn the worde of the K.irrgs Fn�lish I ��y"God be �ritb thee'�
or the modern oontraation "Gaodby" � . ' � �
,f f
,._ _.�.,- .__._.. _,�...�..,..n.�-„_... _...,_....;.._..�._...�_T-- _• — –
� , . �
, , i
.. � � . � h � ' � Y ... . � � ' .�
�. ~4 ._ r , � ... ,, ��+ � � �. . �.' .. �
, . . . � � � y � � . . � �
�# . ,k . � � �,. r',y� 1 �' , , . . ., . . ' .'�'
� � � ' I ' , � .. � . ' . . . i ... ' ,t � . , . . � t.
� r I,
. ' . , / `:�, . . .
, . . . �f , .. . ' � /, �5 ' �.'� . . / � • ����.
, ✓ . . . . . . ' ' , � . � • I � .. . ��I � t.• ,}� . , � � + ,`�.
• � � . . . . . . . �i � � � � ,� ..�
` 1
' , .._�:� .o.�u;:.:.... .._ ____.. �
. .._:.._...�. _..: ....��._.. ,.W.,.. . , . . ----_ .._ .._. _,,__ __. .. ,..
� Yo r Hanor, Ma►yar �ohen ; ?�3dam ]�utler, President• of t'he St. �Paul :� "
�, .
� ,:�� '.` "� ci� ' aouncil, and �11' membere preeent =- .. �,�' ." ;; � � ,
{� ' \\: ; ' : " , ;:'
� s � I ' may be reaogniaed by some of you, as we h,�ve met on oth�r. `.
oacasiona, but I feel that none of'� you kno�� me. �or that reaoon, ° , � '
i i , � "
� � ' 'I wil.ldeearibe myeelf , ta some eatent and then get��right to my � � "� � �
a Y�'�� . .
-�prvblem, I'11 aome to you lat�r and you t�ave it aoming. . � .
� I am 55 year� old, divorosd three times, employed at 'the 3t,
� „
� Paul poatoffiee , � ,yetere�n of �Porld War Tvro,� the holder of the ' �
i , a�.
! degree of baeholor o�' �rt� from adankato State, a former high sahool
� teavher�lfrom Spring VQll.ey, Iu�inn. , lieted by the Veterans Adrninia-�
� . ... '
f � tration aa totally �nd germanently dieabled, and by `the ]V[inne�otQ .-:. ,
` . �mployment Servioa e►e unemprloyable, T�y moi�tgage fne�u�ran�e poliey was , ���•
� , �� � � �,:, ��t,�
I eanaelled snd tha premiuma. returned .beaause they figared �hat my life •
was too poor a ri�k. At: the present time I am trying �o le��►rn to plaq . , �
� ' ' the �iolin; teac�hing.myself� and beoome an autho�', � � -
; � •
My prablem i� tha�t the supervieor of the bouBing aade eeotion oP
� ,
the De rtment of Pub io B �
pa 1 uildin e hae served me �rf�h Qn vrder in .
regard to the oondition nf the yard at 30 L� �ary].and,. My reaaons,
, . • ' � . ` - . . � . . . . . . ,. � . ' � A
, . For� the ,ga�� two and a half yeara I have been livin�` at the
. Bethel �iilton bett�r known aQ t e Uni n G a e �I�'- `vr e e e � � �
la o 0 1 Mi��i hi s �
r 0 1
� p
ated from my wife a►nd QA�titfng dfvoroe� buring that time �the young k ��
� ' : : . .
� .4� Pellow that hae been �olly`ing my wife,who �f s fn the bUSiness oP hau].;.r� �
i • , ,
ing 3unk oar�, hae been leaving the tirea in my ye►rd beQause ,they� �
; are not aoc�ptabl� at th� ��ank ya�rd, �ie also Ieft many other part�. ,
Under tl�e • terma of the ee�eration I wa� �ot alZ.owed 'to stop ,
this bu� I have buflt a �trailer out of some of the aor�p and I am � �
� trying to get thie olee�ned up, I �ust needed ti�e �p� L1�� i� 1h+r p7:�lls , , ,, � ��
of money, whiah 'S have 4ery little above my bill�. I �m working alone :
� because I xont get other�' to do my xork and then turn them away vr�en
they need something, � like �ome politioiane :that I know,� , �'
. r��� � , ,-
u �� .. � - , �
�� ._._ _ - }, �, rt� � �
, _
.,_ ,
. �� � .,
`� k K "+ . . � . , • . ... � ,k' � �i .
� * �i� �j.. �'y� ' _
;z ;, !1 ' �'r F {i
. '� � ' 4 .r . . x� rr. , ` � . ! . ' ` �;
��� � °1t. ��i . , . � � , +, . . I /,, . r.` , . � A . . .
t � f �
1� . 3 � �. • • • . � � .� f J �d�`> 1 " i
1 � 5 � � . /' "� . � t Y
� �j . ' • , • ° � �1 1 "`a t: t� , �
t �,.
,; . , , , .
. .
_ � • ; _ 'Now, as 3 promised, Y Qoms to you. , ' .
. :4... ��...+'� .. . . � . . . . .. . i . � {.
; You have been set up aa ,judges and the moat important part 'of a ' , �
r �u gee a araater, is knowing ri�ht from wrong and doin onl ri ht � � '
� � ;�� .. . � Y � . .
� The 1�definition of � wron� is ; anythi�� tha� hurts in,�ure� or ' �
, � � t.� � , , . ,� �
.:,_� deetroy� a persvn, �p].aee or thing and anything elee ie rfght� � �
�ti' S�Then mo�t of .
� � ''�;,��;� . , you� voted to raiee your s�lary, you were hurtin� the '
citi�zens finanoially and when you voted to' reoind that aotion . ' ''
, you
, r ,.
. Rere hurting yoursel,yee a►nd households� One, exou�e for thia�action -fs
. insanity, not knowing right from wrong, the oth�r exausa was Felony, ,�. '. .
� �, .
doin wron with knawled e a,nd forethou ht �hiab r�a do '
� ; � � � • . Y You plead?
. "I,et Y�im who is without sin oaat the �irst" atane" eays the .Bible, . � ,�
. ,� ,„
so I will only show the stonee� �Go othere who oan a��t them' iP th�y ,` : �` ��#��#��
� � ' � � :' � � „
��feel; : that they have the right. , i ; ,. ,��
_ � � � � �±�
� You are now 'Q leg3 slative body��,arld not �egtinn heads of th�e�'''� ', '
,. }
, .
everyday working department� of the oity government, so I wish to give ' ,`
� ; you,what I think, ar .right ide�s �'or 3ation of thia body.' �' F 4
�Thel fire�t step is to stop tlae sale of or di�play Por �ale of � �
,;., : { ;
. any hand guns or hand�un ammunftion or ewitoh b1�►de knfve� in� the , � ,.'', . '�
ef ty and the $eo,ond i� to outlaw the po�ae��f on of them by anyone ,
� � > � _ �
, but a law enPoraement officer, if they are capablg of ope�'ating, �°•, ' '
' ' '� . • ' ,:i ,
�'he tY�ird,, a►nd moet important,' is that you a11, i'ndividually ' ' �>.�
, • , ,
, ' �� and a� a group, �resolve to dediaate yourselves to doin� ri�ht. ' �.
. . � , , . . �.
`,•�� �bi� m�ans that yvu wi].1 ask youraelf, before yau r►�ke a,dsaf e►ion,
� , , , . ,
' � "will thie harm eomething or �►ill it b� heXpful �o, all", � � ,
�� . � . �
{ � ,� Outla�ling eom�thing beaauee it„�,Qr� do harm, i� Pear ��nd wrong , ��� �, �
, �
- ; but handgune and �witohbl.ade knive� are made .for no � other purpose, �
� , . Moet lieense restriatione are aaused �by Pear or t�+� extort th.e , � �
� , prioe from a doer and i fee�, that you oan ra.f�v yaursr�,r�r n�+�r i��cr, � � �
f � ��
Now, �in. th'e worde of 'the Kin�s Fnglish I "eay"God be witb tbee"
. , .:.� ; ` , .,�
' or the modern aontraation "Goodby", , . , ,
'` ' : - . . � K ��
, � ,,�
' ' _ ,' �' �';,
. �, �+;
' '�'t
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� , � , ,
�. � �. Yo ,r Honor, 1U[�►yor Cohen ,• 1l4adam �utler, Preeident• of the St. Paul , � ���
I ` � , '
� . .:'� `�` cit counail , and �11' membe.r� p�esent =_ ,. �, , _ . '.
„ ,.,, , � : . -
, \� � . � ' ,
� . '' I may 'be reQOgnized by some of you, aa we h��ve met on othe�,, : .
f ' . , . ' , ' ' . : ,
oacaaions, but Z feel that none of', you know me, Fo� th�t reaeon, !
� , . ,
� :��I Rilldesoribe myeelf , to some extenL and then get��:right to my '��� ° �
� '';i�.�
� ' groblem. S`'ll eome� to yau later a►nd you hav+� it aoming. ; � �
f� ,
�` I am 55 years old, divoroed th.ree timea, employed at 'the St, �
I , � � .. ,
i T'aul poetoffioe , a► ,vetere►n of World War Two, the holder of the
I ' ' ' . ' � '
� degree of baaholpr o� arts from ��ankato State, a former high �ohool
� , . �., :
' teaoher��from �3pring Valley, Minn. , lieted by tlse Veterane Admfnia- � '
� ' , � .'" � ',.
tration e►s �ota►lly e►nd p�rrn�nently disabl,ed , and by the� Minrie�ota , .
� - , �
i � . $mployment Serviae a►a unemployable. My motrtgage in[aurance policy wae , ' ���
� . �, - �
i � ,.�, ;
� aaneelled and tha� premiums, returned beoause they figured that my life -
wae too poor a risk. At : the pre�ent time I am tryfng �o lesrn to play
. �
i , � ,
I � � the �f oltn, teaohing_my�e��,f, Qnd beoome an autho�, � � . ;
'�. M roblem ia tha�t the � e � e �e
Y P up rvi or of th bouging oode a ation of
� . ' the Department of Publio Buildfng�s ha� served me a►i�h an order in . ' ,
regard to the aondition of the yard �at 30 �. Maryland. My reason�. �
` � �For tY�e .paet t�xd a►nd a half yeara I have been ].iving' at the . �
Bethe7, �iilton, better known aa the Un'ion Go�pel Mia�ion; while s►e�e� ' k .
I'i ; . . , � : ";
� �ated �from my wiP�e and awaitf�g dfvoroe� buring that time the young . ,
� ' , � ,�
� ,_ , fellow that ha� been �ollying my �rife,who is fn tY�e buainesa oP hauli�k . �.`� :
� � �; ing �unk aa�e, ha� been l.eaving tMe tires i:n my�ye►rd beoause they �,
; .
, , ,
� are not aoc�ptabl� at the ��ank ya►rd, �i� also', lePt m3ny other parts. ; .
Under the •terms of the seperation I was r�ot al2owed.`to stop , ,
, • , . ,
thi� but .I have built a �trailer out of aome of . the �orap and I am �
� trying to get tbie oleaned up. I 3u�t needed, $�,�e �p� �►�� �p '�k1�► ��#�� ,.
� of money, which �I hatre very little above my bills. Z am �►orking alone
- i
- because I wont � get other�' to do my �rork and then turn them away �r�en , '
, � . �
they need something, � like some politioian� that I know,� ` � � ,„
' /��� , �
�� , ^ � � , .
;� .
i� 4 ` ' t _ ;, � � ' � �
� . ; ,;� ;�', � � �
� ' � , ' � + . � ` ��� ,.� ` �� `
� t ��' � t � y� ►r►Y �� ' � t µ �r
�� �'f+ ' 4 4 4, I �,� , � �r 1�
� ��: . (,'� " . . i'1. t,:�.. t �,C; ':d
r, �
� f �} i � � � � ,�' f r; t �'�'t .�
_� K� Y � �" . . .. � , f/y ..��� t,' � � �
� � � � . ♦� ' �� i�j �+ �� ���
. .'.) . ' . . . . . ' . . . . � '�'�' . '%a
, � � I .. I � . . . ��( . . .
,� . . � .. . . . -. . - � '
.^ � '
. ,Noav, a� I� promised, f aome to you� .
;, . � , ; �. '�. '. �
. You have. been �aet up as �udges and the most important part of a � �
�u gee oharaoter. is knowin ri ht from wron and doing only right, �
�;. � ..�,�i , , 6 g � � � � � �
, �� ,.
� � Z'ti�`�def�inition of a wron� is ; anythi�� tha� hurte,' , fn,�ures or ' , ,
, c; ,
,� deetroya a peraon, pl.aoe or thing and anythfng e1�e is rfght, � �
� � �� �,�,, ll�hen most o� you' voted to raise your salary� you were hurting the
: aiti'zena finaneially snd rvhen you voted to� reoind that aatfon, you � �, '
were hurtin� your�elve� ,�nd hou�eholde� One, eac�uee for this�aotion ie
insanity, not knowing right from wrong, the other exauge �r�s,Felony, �, � .
. w<.
� doing wrong with kno�►led�e and for�ethou.ght, Whiah way do you �plead? � '
• "Let him who i� without sin oagt the �ira�ti atone" �ays the ,Bible
, s6�1 only sbvx the �Qtonee to others who Qan o4�t,: them� if, th�y .`
�feel that they have the� right� ' . i, i • ,., � ,
� . ,: .�
You are now a 1egi�la►tive bod a.arld no� eeation` heada of thle`'
, .
everyday working departments of the oity government,. eo I wi��ah to give �
,. �,
a . you,what I think, ar ri�ht idea� for .a�ation o� thi� body. , •
�The . first �tep i.a to stop the sa1� of or die�play Por sa].e of � �, � �
any hand, gunB or hand � �' � �� _ �
gun ammunit�on or ewitoh blede knives in� the �
. �
� aity and the $eo.nnd ie to outlaw the possessfon vf t�em by anyone , . ��
.�� but a 1aw enforaement offiaer, if they are oapable of .ope�ating, ' � � ��
' � , ' � � � i ' , , .N
. . �;
, : �he third,, and moet important,' i� that you a1,1, i�ndividually :. . .. ��
� :
, , � . ,�:
� , �, and as a group, �resolve to dedfoa►te yourse�.ves to doing right. �'_
� � , , . �
�" ` ti'his meane that you wi],1 a,sk yourdelf, before you make a,deoi�ion, ��. � .,
'� . . � , .
"' ' "Rill thie harm eome�hing .or rvill it be helpPu7. to a].1", ` �
, �. . ' � . ,% ' �
, { � � Outl�aing eometbfng beoauee ft�r�, do harm, ie � tear snd wrong , � �
.. ;
but handguns and �wi;�ohbl.ade kriives �ire made •for no � other purpo�e,
' � Most liaense re�ttfotione are oaused by fear or tio extort th.e ~ `
� priae from a doer and i fee� that � �� '�
you aan raiee your��lTSS prsr tea�r� �
: �1
Now, in the words of 'the Kfnga Fnglish I eay"God be with thee"
. .� �.� . . � �. '. a.� , .. �p.
, ' or the modern oontrsation "Goodby". , � �
., • - , s; ;
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� . ,'! . � , . . . �. _ ' ! . � �� . � `' `� �r x;�� a ;" .
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